Chapter 9

Never Again
OMG... i haven't updated in so long...
you guys are probably wondering what happened to me right??
well, its just school is keeping me busy but i always continue writing and udapte when i think it's finished...
so here's a new one for you guys!!
i hope you enjoy it!!
- immaLocket029


Kibum  stared at me with wide eyes and his mouth slightly agape, closing and opening but no words are coming out. I already have the evidence to prove it but I want him to say it himself.

“So, is it true?” I asked loud enough for the both of us to hear, my arms crossed on my chest as I waited for his reply. He didn’t say anything but rather he nodded his head, his eyes flickered down and stared at the floor avoiding mine. Talking about his family was probably a hard thing for him to do because he just stood there like a kid guilty of stealing a piece of candy before dinner.

I walked closer to him and hugged him as gentle as I could. I felt his body tensed against mine, but slowly he relaxed. For a minute, we just stood there, waiting for the tense atmosphere to subside. When I broke the hug, he was still looking at the floor. I finally decided to break the silence between us, “Why didn’t you say anything?” I whispered.

He seemed to think about for a moment before answering me in a small voice. “Because I though that it wasn’t that important for you and Taemin to know.”

“Kibum,” I said sternly and he looked up. “Do you know how frustrating it was not to know anything about your friend for more than seven years aside from his name, his birth date, and the things he’s good at? About how annoyingly and incredibly good he is as a friend?”  I said jokingly.

He smiled at me, a single dimple showing on his right cheek. To me, Kibum is like an older brother, a replacement of Seunghyun hyung since I rarely see him because of his work. Even before when I don't know a single thing about Kibum, I've always treated him as my own brother. When I met him in freshman year of high school, I really thought he was a nice guy.

He was very quiet compared to our classmates and when no one seemed to be talking to him, I went up to him and introduced myself and from then on I liked keeping him company no matter how much he told me to stay away from him and leave him alone. Even now after years, he was still saying the same thing to me even though I know he was just joking.

When I first started hacking computers just for the fun of it, I had thoughts about finding out things about Kibum's real identity. I waited for a few years until I became a master in computer hacking before I finally managed to get into every single computer systems in hospitals all over the country without anyone finding out.

That task wasn't an easy one: looking for a person with a very common name of Kim Kibum born on the 23 of September, the results are hundreds of thousands. When I finally got the result I've been looking for, I couldn't believe it myself – Kibum as President Kim Youngwoon's second son? That one is big news. Everyone in the country only knows that President Kim only has one son, and the fact that they hid Kibum from the society for twenty-one years as his youngest son, it feels like I'm part of some hardcore drama where the characters or the protagonist cry on every episode. 

I smiled back at him and quietly asked, "Does Jinki hyung know about it?"

"Yeah," he replied, his smile never leaving his face.

He does? I wonder what really happened for the past few days. "For how long?"

"More than a month I think?" he chuckled lightly.

"Well... I'm guessing he took it pretty well."
He nodded and said, "Yeah, although when I first told him on our first date he got pretty at mad that's why we didn't talk to each other for two weeks," he walked around me and his eyes were suddenly sparkling as if he was a  daydreaming teenager thinking of her high school crush, gushing about him to her best friend, "and then I was just in my room crying because I thought I would never see him again. And you know what happened?" he asked, I shook my head, "I felt someone caressing my hair. I thought it was just ahjumma, then he talked," he laughed again, this time he was really blushing that he looked like a lovestruck fool, "I turned around and then I saw him!" he jumped up and down, covering his mouth with both hands like how those women in movies do when they are too happy.

"Oh yeah? So what happened next?" Seeing Kibum looking so happy and in love is actually, in my opinion, much better than those sappy dramas. "After that, we both agreed to start all over again. 'No more secrets between us' were his exact words that day and ever since then our relationship had gotten better."

"I'm happy for you two. Got everything, Tae?" I asked to my lover who was hiding on the kitchen doorframe, holding a video camera.

"Got it!" he jumped into view, a big smile plastered on his face.
“What’s going on?” Kibum asked a huge invisible question mark on top of his head.
“I filmed everything you said to Minho hyung!” Taemin squealed as he jumped and down.

"I can't believe you got me into this, Tae." I said, shaking my head covering my eyes with my hand.

"Oh, come on, Minho hyung! It was your idea so don't you blame me. Anyhow, so that's the reason why Jinki hyung's been down for two weeks, because you two had a lover's quarrel." Taemin smiled devilishly to Kibum, teasing him for how he acted just seconds ago. Kibum looked down to the floor again, his cheeks turning to a deep shade of red.

"Tae, stop teasing him. See, he's blushing already." I laughed. Taemin then started bugging Kibum to tell him more things that's happened between him and Jinki hyung after their fight.

For the rest of the day, we did nothing except watching countless movies available at Jinki hyung's house and after what seemed like more than a dozen movies watched, both Taemin and Kibum fell asleep on the couch. Even though both of then have small frames, I can tell that sleeping on a couch with another person isn't very comfortable. So as gently as I could, I lifted my sleeping boyfriend up from the couch and brought him to a spare room that Jinki hyung have and laid him there.

Not wanting to become insensitive, I also carried Kibum hyung up from the couch and brought him to Jinki hyung's room and tucked him gently. Once I finished, I went back to the living room and cleaned up the almost empty bowls of popcorn and empty glasses and when I was done cleaning up our mess, I went to the living room again and watched some more TV.

For two hours, I was watching a series of reruns of my favourite show even though I knew everything that happened by heart on each episode. My eyes were starting to feel heavy and drooping when Jinki hyung came in.

"I'm home!" he announced excitedly. When he appeared on the living room, his smile turned into a frown. "Where's my baby?" he asked, his eyes scanning the room. He took of his shoes and loosened his tie, setting his bags down on the floor.

"He’s sleeping already because it’s past your baby’s bed time," I joked, emphasizing the word ‘baby’ and he frowned even more. "How about Taemin?"

"Sleeping too."

"Oh, okay then. Why aren't you asleep yet?"

"I was about to when you came in." I replied, standing up from the couch and made my way to the spare room where Taemin is currently sleeping with Jinki hyung following me up to the hallway.

I saw him walk to his bedroom and smile, probably seeing Kibum hyung sleeping peacefully on his bed. He closed the door lightly and the day ended calmly.


When I entered my bedroom, I saw my lover sleeping on our future bed, tucked in my comforter. I closed the door behind and went to my drawer to get some clothes to change. Once I finished changing, I climbed up the bed and joined Kibum in his sleep. I gently wrapped my arm around his waist and lightly kissed his exposed pale shoulder. He stirred around and at that moment I thought that I woke him up but when he just turned around facing me, he continued his sleep and I heaved a sigh a of relief. Before falling asleep myself, I planted a kiss on his nose and bade him good night.
When I woke up the next morning, Kibum wasn't beside me. I called him hoping that he would answer from inside the bathroom but when I smelled the delicious scent of bacon, pancakes and fried eggs then I realized he was probably cooking breakfast.

I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face and after I was done, I went out of the room and to the kitchen. Once I set foot inside the kitchen, I saw Minho and Taemin sitting on the tall stools watching Kibum cook. 

Minhowas about to greet me but I silenced him by putting my forefinger on my mouth telling to be quiet. Taemin saw me too but he only smiled. I walked and passed by them, surprising my lovely boyfriend when I hugged him from behind. 

"Good morning," he greeted when he turned his head to look at me smiling cheekily with his dimples showing. I greeted him with a kiss and for a second I thought that he forgot he was cooking when he fully turned his body as his hands made their way on my neck. 

"Oh my gosh! You two are so gross! Can you, like, not make out while we’re eating? It's so early in the morning. Geez… People these days have no manners at all whatsoever," Taemin whined. 

Kibum chuckled and stuck his tongue out at Taemin who did the same and gave me one last peck before resuming his chore. I walked to the fridge and took out a bottle of orange juice just as Kibum set up two finished plates of eggs and bacon on the kitchen counter. 

"Why are you two still here?" I asked, smiling trying to sound sarcastic to my brother and his boyfriend as I sipped my beverage. Both of them were eating the food Kibum cooked and Kibum just watched them eat like they haven’t eaten for days.

"Why not? This is my house, too, you know? And besides, Kibum hyung offered to cook us breakfast before leaving,” Taemin answered back, his mouth full of bacon.

"Yeah, Jinki hyung, are we not allowed to stay over night? You know you should really be nice to us since we're your guest and the fact we stayed here all day long to accompany your lonely boyfriend while you were at work." Freaking bastard, how dare he make me feel guilty for leaving Kibum yesterday. It wasn't my fault I had to be at the office. Does he think I want to leave Kibum alone when I wanted to was to stay with him all day - no wait change that - always and forever?

"Yah, Choi Freaking Alien Minho. It wasn't my hubby's fault that he had to leave yesterday, you know? So don't you talk to him like that and finish your goddamn breakfast." Kibum scolded, glaring at Minho. His glare was supposed to look intimidating but to me it looked rather cute – the way his brows furrowed and his bottom lip curled outwards.
Once he finished talking, Taemin, Minho and I stared at Kibum with our eyes wide open and our mouths slightly agape.
“Baby, did you just curse? Twice?” I asked, shocked. Kibum only tilted his head to the side, his eyes round and glassy and looked at me in confusion. Was he being cute on purpose?
“Did you just call Jinki hyung ‘hubby’?” Taemin then asked and Kibum turned his head to look at him the same way he did to me.
“Did you just call me a freaking alien?” asked Minho sounding a bit flabbergasted.
Kibum didn’t answer any of our questions but instead he ran to me and hugged me, sobbing when he said “Jinki hyung! Help me! I’m turning into one of those guys from the movie Minho showed me yesterday!”
I looked at Minho who only shrugged his shoulders and Taemin started laughing, slapping his knees in the process. “Yah, Minho, what kind of movie did you show to Kibum yesterday?” I asked, rubbing my hand up and down my Kibum’s back comforting him.
“We just watched some foreign action movies, hyung, that’s it. No big deal.” Minho defended.
“Liar, those movies were very inappropriate,” Kibum retorted, his tears drying up and his eyes looked a little bit pinkish and swollen.
“You didn’t say anything though! And besides, Taemin’s the one who found those movies inside Jinki hyung’s DVD collections so I’m clearly not at fault here.”
“Hey! I thought those movies were great though, and those were the only good ones I can find; unless you would want me to show Kibum hyung Jinki hyung’s secret stash of os.” Taemin piped in, and when he said the last part I almost walked closer to him and slit his throat for saying those in front of Kibum.
I held myself back because I saw Kibum was flushed red from what Taemin said. “You didn’t tell them you didn’t like those kinds of movies?” I asked him and he shook his head as his answer. “Why not?” I asked again.
He bit his lower lip as his fingers fiddled on the hem of his oversized shirt before answering, “Because I thought the main actor was cute,” he said in a very low voice that I had to lean in closer to hear.
“What? I didn’t hear what you just said.”
He bit his lip again and this time, he answered with confidence, “Because I thought that the main actor was cute.” I looked at him in shock; Taemin looking at us back and forth while Minho was just there smiling mischievously.
He smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek before scurrying up to the stairs and into my bedroom, closing the door with a slam. When Kibum was gone, Minho and Taemin started laughing again to the point there were tears running down their faces. For a minute I was still speechless from what Kibum said and when I completely out of it, I raced to my bedroom ready to attack my boyfriend and punish him for saying such things.
I opened the bedroom door quietly and I noticed a rather large bump on my bed. Nice hiding place baby, I thought. I walked closer to the bed without making any sound and jumped on the bump, making Kibum squeal from the sudden attack. I was on all fours cornering him completely, not letting him have any room for escape. He took off the comforter from his face and he smiled up at me.
“You dare say some guy is cute in front of me?” I said, making my voice as low as I could and a shiver ran through his lithe body. I smirked at him and he cowered from me. I raised my hand up to his face and ran my fingers to his jaw line and he squeaked.
“I’m sorry,” he said, using the very same expression earlier but this time his eyes were even more round and glassy.
I leaned down to his ear and whispered, “Too late for that, my love," and he whimpered.
And so the punishment begins.

sigh... bad Kibum... saying another guy is cute in front of his hubby...
oh and just to let you guys know, i'm going to attempt to write an onkey next chapter...
that is if i can do it without feeling awkward... hahah!! so what did you guys think??
please comment so i would know your feedbacks and to those who haven't subscribe yet, please do so!! i'm begging... :((
anywho... please wait for the next chapter although i don't when i will be able to post it... maybe soon...
that's it my loves!!
- immaLocket029
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writing the next chap because there's nothing to do at home...


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Chapter 46: Waaaaah please update this author-nim. TT i need my babies together. ><
Chapter 27: Poor Kibummie TT
Chapter 25: I need a friend like Minho, a Brother like Jonghyun and a dongsaeng like Taemin. I really love their characters. <3
Chapter 22: Damn. From the start i already hate Kibum’s dad but what I’m really disappointed about is Taejin. He acts all nice and all but he can’t see how much his son loves Kibum. He let their rivalry with the other family prevail and get manipulated by Mr. Kim. Well now he feel the hatred of Jinki to him. And i think that is the worse feeling for a dad. Karma !!!!!
Chapter 11: Kibummie is like an in-love 15 year old boy. HAHAHHAHAA that makes Jinki a pedo. ><
Chapter 8: Gaaaaah~! This couple is the sweetest, the cutest and the cheesiest couple I’ve known! >~< oh and that pudding kiss~~~

I laugh out loud when Kibum is already sitted comfortably on Jinki’s and he forgot to tell him where he lives. So I’m thinking where is Jinki driving at? HAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 6: They’re monologues and the confession is too cute for a 20-something XD gaaaaaah! I can’t. It’s so fluffy!!<3
Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Oh no. I really feel sorry for the Kim brothers :( Kibum wants attention and love from his family and Jjong wants to give it but don’t know how. :(
Chapter 1: Damn first chapter and I’m liking it already. Too bad it’s incomplete TT
Chapter 46: Wish u'd update this again..