Chapter 8

Never Again
OMG!! i've been slacking lately because of school's being a btich...
and so are the assignments and test that i can't update...
anywho... here's a new update for you guys!! enjoy!!
- immaLocket029

It’s already been more than a month since Jinki and I restarted our relationship, more than a month since he found out that we weren’t even supposed to be together and more than a month since we swore to ourselves that nothing could ever tear us apart. Everything had been great for us; we went out on dates whenever Jinki had free time which was often because he kept trying to skip work because of me, watched countless movies and ate lots of food that could feed the whole continent of Africa. Our times spent together were memorable, too bad though that one more week and it’s time for me to continue my studies at the university, leaving us small time for each other – him at work while I’m at school.
Now that he knew everything about me, our relationship had gotten so much better than before because I don’t have to worry about him finding out about who I really am and when he did find out, even it was hard for him, he gladly accepted me. He also told me everything about himself that he haven’t told me before and we both promised not to tell anyone about our secrets, not even to Taemin and Minho. Although I feel bad for keeping those important things from then but Jinki and I cannot take risks especially when it comes to our relationship.
We are lying on his bed, him still sleeping peacefully while I’m wide awake watching him. I’ve been staying at his house since yesterday and will be here until Monday because he begged me to, saying that he feels lonely being on a house all by himself even though he’s been living here for more than fours years. Sometimes I think that we switched ages because he acts more like a kid compared to his age and I act more mature compared to my age. Whenever I stay over at his house, he would ask me to move in with him for the reason that he wanted me to be by his side all the time and that he wanted us to be together always. I like the idea of it but I’m not sure yet, maybe I’ll think about it more.
I’m lying on my stomach, my chin resting on the palm of my hand while he slept lying on his side, facing me. His left arm was wrapped around my torso, ever since we went to bed last night he never let go of me. Twenty minutes passed by with just me staring him, memorizing his features; his silky brown hair sticking out in different direction, his mouth slightly agape, when he stirred, opened his eyes slowly then closing them from the sunlight that managed to pass through the cracks of the curtain, and saw. His eyes fluttered a little bit before opening them completely. When he saw me looking at him, he smiled and hugged me tighter, pressing his body closer to mine and looked down at me kissing my forehead. After kissing my forehead, he tucked my head under his chin and I was completely wrapped around by him.
“Good morning…” I whispered cheekily, giving him my sweetest smile.
“Why are you up already?” he asked groggily, his voice husky and thick from sleep.
“I just woke up because your arm was so heavy and it was crushing me,” I joke and he started tickling me. I rolled on my side laughing and he tackled me, rolling his body on top of mine completely cornering me.
“Is not!” he exclaimed and for more than half an hour we just played around the bed, trying to tackle and tickle each other until we both ran out of breathe.
When we stopped, he scooped me up and I ended up lying on top of him, my cheek resting on his well-built chest listening and waiting for heart beat to slow down back to its regular pace.
“Do you want to eat breakfast?” he asked, his arm moving up and down my back.
Instead of answering, both of our stomachs grumbled simultaneously and we laughed, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. He helped me get up and walked out of the room hand in hand. When we reached the kitchen, I sat on one of the tall stools and watched him cook us some food. At first it was hard to believe that someone like him could cook different types of dishes without burning the house down and when I first tasted his cooking, I was actually impressed.
The weather looked really nice outside – the warm sun, the fresh breeze and the day was even better because Jinki hyung doesn’t have work for today. Jinki started taking out the ingredients for today’s breakfast: eggs, flour, milk, and… cinnamon? Is he going to make pancakes? Probably he is because he then took out the pancake maker from one of the cabinets underneath the sink. The sound of whisk meeting the metal bowl then filled the kitchen, leaving some of the flour on Jinki hyung face and he was unaware of it, making me laugh a little bit. He looked at me in confusion, I shook my head and he resumed back to mixing the pancake batter.
When everything was set, he poured the batter into a measuring cup and poured it into the pancake maker, creating a flat circle on the surface. The batter then started bubbling and a couple of minutes later it turned to a beautiful golden brown. Jinki hyung flipped the pancake and waited for another minute before putting the cooked pancake onto a plate. While he was cooking, I stood from my stool and went to make ourselves some coffee. After at least half an hour, our breakfast is ready: layered pancakes topped with blueberries and raspberries sprinkled with sugar powder and a steaming cup of coffee.
We sat side by side, happily eating the breakfast Jinki hyung made for the both of us while talking about what we should do for the day.
“Do you want to go to the mall?” I asked. It’s been so long since I shopped and I kind of wanted to buy some new clothes.
He thought about it for a minute before nodding his head in agreement. We took our time finishing our breakfast when suddenly his phone rang. He stood up from his chair and went to the living to answer the call while I waited for him to come back. I continued eating my breakfast and I was almost done when he came back with a scowl on his face.
“What’s wrong?” I asked him. He just sat on his chair sulking and not even touching his unfinished breakfast.
“I have to go to work. Joon said it was another ‘emergency’ and he needs me to settle it,” he bitterly said, emphasizing the word ‘emergency’. Seriously, I’m not really close with Joon hyung but sometimes I just want to strangle him for interrupting or ruining Jinki hyung and I’s precious time together. I’ve only seen him a few times and most of those times, we're interrupted because of another emergency at work.
“If it’s an emergency, then I think you should go,” I said simply. 
“You want me to go? But today is my freaking day off! I’ve been working my off most of the week and I only have one day off and it's today! Can’t they just leave me along for today at least before I finally snap?”
“Hyung, I think you just snapped,” I muttered quietly, playing with the small bit of scrambled egg on my plate before leaving it alone. 
“Well it’s because I want to spend my day off with you and now I have to go to work and it’s just pissing me off so much!” he exclaimed, standing up from the chair and paced around the kitchen. I sighed.
“It’s okay, hyung. When you get home later, I’ll be here. Then you can spend the rest of the day with me.” I assured, trying to make him feel better or at least calm him down.
“*sigh, Fine. But I’m not leaving you all alone in this house. I’m going to call Tae and Minho to come over and hang out with you.”
“Okay, I kind of miss those two anyway. I haven’t seen them for a while now,” I said. He stopped pacing around and went back to sit on the tall stool and hugged me before standing backup again and called Taemin. When the conversation was over, Jinki hyung called over “They’ll be here by noon!” as he went to bathroom take a shower and I started cleaning up the kitchen.
I took both of our plates and washed them in the kitchen sink slightly humming to myself to make a distraction. Honestly, I’m king of disappointed to that Jinki hyung have to go to work even though it’s his day off. I wanted spend a day with him not feeling guilty that I always steal him from his work and now that I won’t have to, his work is stealing from me.
After washing the dishes, I went to the living room and turned the TV on, flipping through different channels looking for something interesting to watch. Another addition to my disappointment, nothing was interesting to watch so I just settled myself in a random music show. It’s early in the morning but I feel so bored that I started falling asleep again on the couch. The only that awakened me was when I felt someone touching my face, once in a while poking my cheek with a finger.
“Hey, wake up, stop sleeping.” He said as his poking on my cheek increased. I cracked an eye open and I saw him only clad in a white towel, small beads of water still running down his chest and a few drops of them dripping from his brown locks. By this time, I opened both of my eyes and kept looking at him, and he doesn’t seem bothered that I was just there lying on the couch staring at his half glory.
“Hey, why do you keep staring at me?” he chuckled. I only shook my head and he stood up and went to the bedroom to dress himself. I could only sigh at the moment; I mean what can I say? It’s so early in the morning and he showed himself like that to me? I’m not the type to be attracted to guys like that but apparently he definitely caught my attention and it even made me speechless. It’s probably been about twenty minutes when Jinki hyung came out of the bedroom, all dressed and still sulking that he had to go to work on his day off.
“I’m going now so I can go home earlier and be with you longer. Taemin just called me, he said that they are on their way here so I think you should go and take a shower.” He said while making his way for the front door. Honestly, he sounded like an overprotective mother or a husband.
“I know, I know, hyung. I got it. You don’t have to worry so much about me; I’m not a kid anymore, okay?” I assured as I kept pushing him to the front door but it seems like his making himself heavy so that I can’t move him at all. He looked like a little kid not wanting to get out of the house on his first day of school.
He turned around to face me, holding both of my arms and stared at me straight in the eyes as he said, “But you’re my baby, I can’t help but worry that I’m leaving you here all alone. Who knows what will happen? You might be showering and then all of a sudden someone breaks into our house and hurt you? Do you have any idea how will I feel if that happens to you?”  
I sighed. There’s no point in arguing with Jinki hyung since he’s just going to keep insisting his reasons until I give up. For minutes we just stood there, him still gripping my arm while I’m keep repeating to him that I’ll be fine at home and that Taemin and Minho are coming to keep me company while he’ gone. He was still unsure when he finally left and when he did, I went straight for the bathroom and took a shower.
I was almost done when suddenly the sound of the door bell ringing reached my ears. If it wasn’t for Jinki hyung repeating that someone might break into the house, my body automatically reacted and almost reached for a weapon that I could use if it really was in intruder.
“Kibum hyung we’re here! We brought some snacks, where are you?” Taemin called and body relaxed instantly. I swear I’m going to strangle Jinki hyung for putting those kinds of things into my brain.
“I’m in the shower just let me finish!” I called back and Taemin answered me with a loud “Okay!!! Minho hyung, go get us some drinks while I find us some movie to watch!!”
The groan I heard next was unmistakeably Minho’s. When it comes to Taemin, Minho couldn’t say ‘no’ to him when he asks him to get or do something for him. It’s like Taemin was Minho’s weakness and the same goes for me and Jinki hyung.
After I finished taking a shower and dressing myself up, I went to the living room and saw the couple sitting on the couch I was sitting on earlier as it was their very own loveseat. They were cuddling; Minho’s arm around Taemin shoulders while Taemin was playing with Minho’s other hand, both looking at the TV. I cleared my throat and they both turned to me, smiles on their faces.
Taemin quickly stood up from the couch and hugged as tight as he can, almost the choking me but I knew he missed me too much that he was practically jumping up and down the reason why he’s like this. Minho also stood up and pried his over jumpy boyfriend from me and hugged me too, patting me slightly on the back. When he pulled away, I noticed that there was a knowing glint on his eyes. He looked away too fast for to prove it and sat back again on the couch, maybe I was just imagining things. My thoughts were then interrupted when Taemin grabbed my arm and pulled me onto the couch with him, squishing Minho on the other end.
“Kibum hyung, just stay there okay? I’ll set up the movie I chose for us to watch today!” Why is Taemin so excited today? Just how many bottles of banana milk did Minho gave to Taemin this morning?
While Taemin was busy setting up the movie, I leaned closer to Minho and whispered to him, “What’s going on with him? Why is he so hyper when it’s only ten in the morning?”
Instead of answering me, Minho only chuckled and before I could even ask him what’s going on, Taemin went back to the couch, creating a barrier between the tall alien on the other end.
“Taemin?” I called softly.
“Hm?” he hummed in response.
“Why are you so hyper this morning?” I looked at him worriedly, my caring-mother side kicking in.  
“Nothing!” he squealed way too happily than his normal self. He kept smiling at me broadly, making me even more suspicious of him and Minho. Are they hiding something from me?
Instead bothering more about the topic, I focused my attention on the movie that was playing on the movie. As much as I try to make myself ignore the anxious feeling on my gut, Taemin and Minho’s constant whispering to each other and sneaky glances towards my direction is not helping at all.
Even after two hours, the movie was still going and it looks like it wasn’t even half way through the story. What the heck are we watching that it won’t even end? Bored out of my mind, I excused myself from the living room and went to the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of orange juice. I was leaning on the kitchen sink when I heard someone walk behind me, almost startling me.
“Hey,” Minho said.
“Hey,” I said back.
“Can we talk for a sec?” he asked seriousness evident on his voice. Afraid of what he’s going to ask, I only nodded my head letting him continue. “I know who you really are, Kibum. I know your real identity.”
My eyes widen in shock, I turned around to face him and saw how serious he looked; his face stern and his looking at me straight as if he can read what’s on my mind. He doesn’t look like the same Minho moments ago back in the living room. How did he find out?
“H-how?” my voice shook, fear and nervousness and every emotion flooding me all at the same time.
 “I think you forgot that I can get into and hack any computer system without people finding out.”
Maybe, just maybe, it’s time for me tell him and Taemin the truth.

how is it?? nothing much happened eh?
except for the last part...
please comment and/or subscribe!!!
i love reading your comments in the morning when i wake up because i always update at night so yeah...
love you guys!! <3
- immaLocket029
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writing the next chap because there's nothing to do at home...


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Chapter 46: Waaaaah please update this author-nim. TT i need my babies together. ><
Chapter 27: Poor Kibummie TT
Chapter 25: I need a friend like Minho, a Brother like Jonghyun and a dongsaeng like Taemin. I really love their characters. <3
Chapter 22: Damn. From the start i already hate Kibum’s dad but what I’m really disappointed about is Taejin. He acts all nice and all but he can’t see how much his son loves Kibum. He let their rivalry with the other family prevail and get manipulated by Mr. Kim. Well now he feel the hatred of Jinki to him. And i think that is the worse feeling for a dad. Karma !!!!!
Chapter 11: Kibummie is like an in-love 15 year old boy. HAHAHHAHAA that makes Jinki a pedo. ><
Chapter 8: Gaaaaah~! This couple is the sweetest, the cutest and the cheesiest couple I’ve known! >~< oh and that pudding kiss~~~

I laugh out loud when Kibum is already sitted comfortably on Jinki’s and he forgot to tell him where he lives. So I’m thinking where is Jinki driving at? HAHAHAHAHA
Chapter 6: They’re monologues and the confession is too cute for a 20-something XD gaaaaaah! I can’t. It’s so fluffy!!<3
Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Oh no. I really feel sorry for the Kim brothers :( Kibum wants attention and love from his family and Jjong wants to give it but don’t know how. :(
Chapter 1: Damn first chapter and I’m liking it already. Too bad it’s incomplete TT
Chapter 46: Wish u'd update this again..