
Moving Forward


(YJ) - Young Jae speaking
(DH) - Daehyun speaking
(SY) - Sooyoung speaking
(HC) - Himchan speaking
(BY) - Yongguk speaking
(TY) - Taeyeon speaking
(JU) - Jongup speaking
(Z) - Zelo speaking

(MY) - Mommy Yoo speaking
(DY) - Daddy Yoo speaking

Daehyun speaking


No matter where he looked, there just didn’t seem to be anything but constant darkness. No matter how long they fell, gravity all around him seemed to be nonexistent. No matter what happened, Young Jae never wanted to let Daehyun slip from his grasp. Real or not, Daehyun was still Daehyun. He was just too important of a person to let go. With all of the things that he’s been through, at least Daehyun has tried hard to help him make it through everything, so why shouldn’t he do the same thing for him? Why did he have to leave Daehyun behind when they’ve been through so much already?

Even with these thoughts roaming around in his head, Daehyun didn’t seem to have anything to say. No thank you or anything like that. Was Daehyun unconscious or was he simply lost in thought like he was? Clearing his throat, Young Jae reached up with his free hand before touching Daehyun’s arm. He could feel him tense up, then relax a bit, signaling that he really was still awake. “Are you.. alright..?” (YJ)

“Yeah...” (DH)

“Why are you so quiet then?” (YJ)

“... Why did you save me? Saving me could have negative consequences and now it’s... it’s too late to turn back..” (DH) Young Jae let out a small sigh as he shook his head. What was Daehyun even thinking?! Was that really the thing still on Daehyun’s mind? Was that really why Daehyun was so uncertain about jumping into the unknown with him? Daehyun should have been grateful about being saved!

“I don’t care about the consequences! You’ve aided me so much through all of this and the one time I help you, suddenly I’m the villain in this situation?! No. I’m bringing you along and we’re through this no matter what! Do you hear me?!” (YJ) Young Jae waited for Daehyun to say something, but there only seemed to be an awkward silence. He faked clearing his throat, making it as loud as possible just to get Daehyun’s attention.

“R-Right... Yeah.. Okay. We’ll see as much as we can together.” (DH) Young Jae could feel Daehyun’s hand finally wrap around his wrist, allowing Young Jae the chance to loosen up his grip. Although he didn’t want to admit it, Young Jae was rather glad that Daehyun had finally decided to see it his way. His hand was starting to feel relatively tired from holding onto Daehyun for so long, so it was quite a relief to loosen his grip for even the slightest moment.

“So.. How long are we supposed to fall for?” (YJ)

“I don’t know... I just know that this is the right way.” (DH) Well, Daehyun had better hope that this is the right way. Young Jae just wanted to wake up already. He has been here for far too long and it was becoming rather tiresome. Still, whatever it took to wake up, then he had to endure as much of it as possible. At least Daehyun was here to aide him, otherwise it would have been difficult.

As they continued to fall, boredom finally began kicking in. There wasn’t much else that he needed to sort his thoughts out on, so all he could do was continually try and figure out how long the fall was. While thinking of that, another thought kicked in; what were to happen when they landed? The second they landed, wouldn’t that end up killing them? Actually, they should have passed out already from the fall alone, though this mind of his didn’t make any sense anyway, so physics most likely wouldn't come into play. Though.. yet another question popped up in his head as he looked up. “You said something about my mind not wanting me to wake up.. What did you mean by that?” (YJ)

“With you not around.. Your mind is confused. It doesn’t realize that its owner is currently stuck inside of itself, I guess.. So, because you are a foreign body, it doesn’t recognize who you are so it tried to get rid of you.” (DH) So.. his mind couldn’t recognize him after spending twenty something years with him? That made little to no sense, but it was the only answer he would get from this whole ordeal. If this Daehyun hadn’t known the answer to that question, then he doubted anyone else would. “It seems... that we have to go our separate ways now..” (DH)

“Wait. What do you mean by that?” (YJ) Instead of receiving an answer, Young Jae suddenly felt fingers prying at his. Once Young Jae furrowed his eyebrow, Young Jae reached up and tried to pull Daehyun’s hands away, but Daehyun wouldn’t let him. His hand slipped, but he was able to grab hold of Daehyun’s fingers. He shook his head despite Daehyun not being able to see it, tears welling up within him as he furrowed his eyebrows. “Stop! Why are you trying to get me to let go?! I told you that I wouldn’t leave you behind! You even agreed to seeing this through together!” (YJ)

“You won’t progress any further while I’m with you.. Just let me go, Young Jae!” (DH)

NO! We made an agreement! I WON’T let go!” (YJ) Young Jae finally grabbed hold of Daehyun’s hand with his free hand, trying desperately to pull Daehyun closer to him. Sadly, the second he had done so, Young Jae suddenly felt Daehyun’s free hand pull his higher hand away. “DAEHYUN! Cease your actions this instant!” (YJ)

“Sorry, Young Jae.. This is for your own good.” (DH)

NO!” (YJ) Young Jae soon felt Daehyun’s fingers pry his own fingers away until finally, Daehyun was no longer in his grasp. He swung wildly, trying hard to grab back onto Daehyun, but there didn’t seem to be any sort of luck. Young Jae even turned in an attempt to use his legs to find Daehyun, but that didn’t seem to have worked either. Tears were falling free now as he tried to figure out what was happening. He wasn’t certain if Daehyun was heavier than him, but he was certain that Daehyun wasn’t that light to the point that he would instantly fall at a slower rate. By turning around, he had disorientated himself, unable to figure out which way was up or down, left from right, everything seemed the same no matter which way he turned. Young Jae grit his teeth and shut his eyes as tightly as possible before calling out Daehyun’s name. Call after call, Daehyun didn’t seem to answer him in any sort of way. He brought his knees up to his chest, balling himself up as he wrapped his arms around his legs. Burrowing his face into his knees, Young Jae tried his best to calm himself down, but how could he? It felt like he had just lost Daehyun, as if he wouldn’t ever see him again. “Hey! Young Jae!” (DH)

The second he heard Daehyun’s voice, a jolt of relief shot through his body as he instantly lifted his head. However, instead of seeing the Daehyun he had been searching for, it was a vision of the real Daehyun. He could see those pearly whites of his just beaming towards him, showing just how happy he currently was. “Hey. Guess what? Our babies are here! I would have brought them here, but.. I.. I don’t want to carry either one of them until you’re here. I haven’t come up with a name for either one of them though. I don’t know what to name them without your approval. How about Daeho and Jaehwa? Great, huh? I’ve been thinking of these names for a while.. Buuuut~ I need your approval!” (DH)

Daeho.. and Jaehwa..?  Young Jae quietly laughed to himself as he shook his head. As nice as it was to name the children after them, it was also kind of awkward. Young Jae didn’t really like the idea of naming the children after themselves, but.. he would have to think about it. Reaching up, Young Jae wiped his face a bit before sniffling. Was this Daehyun's way of trying to tell him something. Maybe.. he was trying to tell him that he needed to stand up on his own feet rather than relying so much on others. Though.. hadn’t he been doing that this entire time? Besides constantly pestering Daehyun with questions, he hadn’t been relying on anyone else. “Mom?” (JU)

He could still see Daehyun sitting on his bed, lost in thought, but he didn’t see Jongup. Confusion was kicking in, but the second he heard Jongup’s voice again, Young Jae quickly turned around before his eyes landed on another vision with Jongup this time. Jongup let out a small nervous laugh before looking up a bit. “Um.. I hope you wake up soon. I wanted to see you before I had to go! Um.. uh.. dad told me that my second brother will be born soon and that it will be biologically yours. He says that your baby will be really cute because it’ll look like you.. but he also said that he hasn’t come up with a name for them yet. Does that mean you know what to name them? Oh! I remembered something.” (JU)

Young Jae watched as he saw Jongup digging through his backpack. It took him a moment, but once Jongup found the paper that he was looking for, he quickly smoothed it out a bit before holding it up for Young Jae to see. “See? There’s supposed to be an art contest in a few weeks and.. um.. I.. I really hope that you wake up before then. I finally entered my first contest and, um.. I want you to come to it! I.. I hope you can come..” (JU)

Jongup quickly hid his face behind the piece of paper, but judging by how Jongup seemed to be reaching up for his face, it was evident that the teen was currently crying. Once Jongup had managed to compose himself, Jongup quickly stuffed the piece of paper back into his backpack before grinning as much as possible. “I have to go to school now! Dad said that he’ll buy food today!” (JU)

“Hey, ‘ya punk.” (HC) Young Jae turned around again to now see Himchan and Yongguk standing on either side of his bed. Himchan chuckled a bit as he folded his arms. Something about that expression of his made Young Jae suspicious of his lab partner, but he continued to listen to what he had to say. “You’ve been asleep for too long! I’ve had to pick up the slack with you gone. You’re lucky you haven’t been replaced yet! Sheesh.. With all of the stuff that I’ve had to do to make sure that you keep your job, you better thank me later with a statue worthy of my glory!” (HC)

Himchan let out a maniacal laugh, causing Yongguk to chuckle a bit before pushing Himchan’s face away. As Himchan whined and complained, Yongguk moved a bit closer to Young Jae as he held his smirk. “See what I’ve married? I’m surprised you can keep up with him the majority of the day.” (BY)

“What, so you want a divorce?! Is that it?! Fine! I’ll just have a three-way relationship with Young Jae and Daehyun, THEN you’ll regret everything!” (HC) As Himchan stormed out of the room, Yongguk merely shook his head as he held his smirk. The second Himchan was out of the room, Yongguk sat down on the bed as the smirk on his face slowly faded. He rubbed the back of his neck, uncertainty clear on his face as Yongguk tried to gather up what to say.

“Uh.. I’m no good at this, but.. I know that we haven’t spoken much to each other, but I’m trying my best to look after your family. I know they’re important to you and you’re probably fighting to make it back to them, so put up a good fight, eh?” (BY) Yongguk began to mouth something to which Young Jae recognized as numbers. The second he said one, the door opened back up before Himchan pulled half of his body inside.

“You’re not even going to chase after me?! What, does our relationship mean nothing to you?! You’re supposed to follow after me and beg for forgiveness, ya’ damn punk!” (HC) Himchan stomped his way over to Yongguk before tugging at the older male’s ear. Yongguk seemed to hold his grin in an attempt to hold back his snickering despite being dragged along by his ear, but before they left, Himchan quickly turned to look at Young Jae and grinned as he held a hand up. “We’ll see you later, Young Jae!” (HC)

“Young Jae?” (TY)

“Mister Yoo! Me and Jongup passed our tests! Proud of us, right?” (Z)

“HEY! YOUNG JAE! I got good chicken today! Wake up so that you can have some too!” (SY)

“Young Jae!” (DH) Everywhere he turned, there were now countless visions of people he knew, all speaking at once. Their voices were low enough not to cause a massive headache, but high enough to where he could possibly try and figure out what they were saying. His eyes widened by how many visions there were. Although they were all of the same people that he’s spoken to for the past year, Young Jae could see that they had visited him constantly.

“Young Jae..?” (MY) All other voices seemed to cease as his body stiffened. Not once had it crossed his mind that his parents would have known about his current state. Taking in a deep breath, Young Jae finally turned around before finally seeing the vision of his parents standing by the door. This must have been one of the older memories, seeing as Daehyun seemed to be far more tired than the latest memory. His mom had her hands up to her face, covering her face from the nose down. Tears were running down her face as she seemed almost close to falling over had it not been for his dad keeping her up. “Oh... my baby boy..” (MY)

It took a moment, but with the help of her husband, both Mr. and Mrs. Yoo were able to make their way to Young Jae’s bedside. Mrs. Yoo weakly sat down on the bed before she broke down, placing her head down on Young Jae’s chest as she grabbed his arms. “My poor baby... Please tell me you’re just pretending..!” (MY)

“What happened to him?” (DY) Young Jae could see the anger practically flow through his dad, but it seemed like he was trying to hold himself back. Mr. Yoo had also clearly directed that question towards Daehyun, whom seemed to be unaffected by his anger.

“I don’t know.. he.. he just.. collapsed..” (DH)

“How could you not know what’s happening?! You should have been taking care of him!” (DY)

“I’m.. I’m sorry..” (DH) Mr. Yoo let out an irritated groan as he placed a hand on his hip.

“Sorry?! Do you think being sorry will wa-” (DY)

“Stop it!” (MY) Mrs. Yoo had gotten up to her feet as she looked sternly at her husband. Mr. Yoo made eye contact with his wife before looking away, a small sigh escaping his lips as he closed his eyes tightly. “It’s not Daehyun’s fault. How could he have prevented Young Jae from falling into a coma?! They even said that he had just collapsed! I’m certain that Daehyun had tried his best to protect him, so.. don’t be mad at him. Being mad at him won’t get anything solved..” (MY)

Mrs. Yoo turned away as she sat back down again. Wiping her face with her sleeve, Mrs. Yoo took in a few deep breaths before she took hold of her son’s hand. Shaking her head a bit, Mrs. Yoo reached up with her free hand as Young Jae assumed that his mom was now touching his cheek. “My little boy.. I don’t know what happened, but.. I will leave you in Daehyun’s hands... You will.. take care of our little boy.. won’t you, Daehyun?” (MY)

Mrs. Yoo turned to look at Daehyun, whom looked at her with surprise. Taking in a deep breath, Daehyun quickly nodded his head as he adjusted his posture. “Yes ma’am.. I’ll try my best to take care of him.” (DH)

Turning back to Young Jae, Mrs. Yoo smiled as tears began to roll down her cheeks once more. Soon enough, Young Jae could hear his mom humming the lullaby that she had used to hum when he was younger. As the visions all around him began to waver, Young Jae finally noticed the light that was beginning to shine below him. Looking down, Young Jae had to look away yet again to shield his eyes from the bright light.

The light slowly wrapped around him, allowing a sense of warmth run through him. He didn’t know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing, but at least it was a change from the constant darkness. Even the feeling of falling was no longer present. In fact, it felt more like he was just floating there now, giving him a sort of... secure feeling.

Once he felt his feet come into contact with the ground, Young Jae dared a small glimpse of his surroundings. Once his eyes were finally opened all the way, he could see that he was in a hallway of sorts. The entire area was completely white, but there was a design of some sort on the walls, the floor, and the ceiling. Where was he now? This was clearly not the hospital, so.. this had to still be somewhere in his mind.

Taking a step forward, Young Jae’s knees nearly gave out from underneath him if he hadn’t of caught himself. Looking down, he could see that his knees were still injured, but he needed to continue regardless. Though.. should he treat his wounds? He didn’t have anything that was necessary to clean up his wounds, so he’d just have to ignore it for now. Taking in a deep breath, Young Jae tried once more to walk towards the door that was currently in front of him. It took him a moment, but once he was able to figure out how best to ignore his weak knees, Young Jae somehow managed to find a way to walk without any problems.

Reaching the large door, Young Jae took a moment to examine it before scratching the back of his head. How was he supposed to open the door? From what he could see, there was no door handle, no keypad or anything of the sort that would allow the door to open. He was certain that it was a door, but maybe he had been incorrect on his assumption, which he doubted. Just as he was about to turn the other way, a voice echoed throughout the hallway.

Wait there..

“Daehyun..? Daehyun! Are you there?! Why the hell did you make me let go!?” (YJ)

I.. I couldn’t follow you where you went. I’m part of your mind after all.. I have to guide you on the right path. That’s my job.

Part of his mind? Guide him on the right path..? Well, he understood that Daehyun was part of his mind, but was he really supposed to be guiding him? Was he supposed to be considered the part of his mind that made his judgments? Shaking his head, Young Jae let out a small sigh as he waited just as Daehyun said. As long as Daehyun was leading him the right way, then it was alright to just do as he said.

Seconds ticked by before finally, the door began to open. Taking a step back, Young Jae watched as the large doors slowly slid open, the top half going up into the ceiling as the bottom half went into the ground. Once the doors opened, it revealed another, more narrower hallway that seemed to lead to yet another door. As he began walking forward, Young Jae looked around for a moment. “Daehyun.. Are you certain that this is the correct way?” (YJ)

Yes.. I am. Just enter that door and.. you’ll be awake from your coma.

Well, he did say that he trusted Daehyun, so why question him now? Letting out a small sigh, Young Jae continued forward. Wasn’t he supposed to avoid going into the white light to keep himself from dying, or was that just a false rumor? Well, either way, at least he was close to getting out of this place.

Just as he was confident in Daehyun’s words, the room around him suddenly began shaking. Looking here and there, he tried his best to maintain his balance before suddenly, he heard a crumbling sound. Looking behind him, Young Jae’s eyes widened before he saw the floor behind him crumbling as it made its way towards him. Without any other moment of hesitation, Young Jae look forward once more as he began running as fast as his legs would allow him. Why was all of this happening?! This was supposed to be the finish line! Then again, when has anything ever been easy for him!?

Closer and closer he got, he could see the door and its design clearly now. He was so close to reaching it and as soon as he held his hand out to the door, the floor underneath him suddenly collapsed. He let out a surprised yell, his hand reaching up above him in an attempt to grab the floor. Instead of the floor, however, he suddenly felt a hand grab hold of his wrist. Looking up, he could see Daehyun crouching by the edge, a smile on his face as he held onto him. “Daehyun! Wha-.. What are you doing here?” (YJ)

“Well.. you saved me, so.. it’s my turn to save you.” (DH) Didn’t Daehyun say, not too long ago, that he couldn’t go where he was going?! So then why was he here?! Actually, that didn’t even matter anymore. Just the fact that Daehyun had just saved him was reason enough for Young Jae. As carefully and as quickly as possible, Daehyun pulled Young Jae back up to the floor before they were safely laying on the ground. Young Jae panted a bit, trying to catch his breath as he slowly looked over at Daehyun, whom was smiling. “You know.. I’m.. I’m actually glad that you saved me. I didn’t know what would have happened if I came with you, but.. I guess this was how you were supposed to save me.” (DH)

Furrowing his eyebrows, Young Jae pushed himself up to a sitting position before he began hitting Daehyun’s arm. “You.. You are the last Daehyun that I had to save, after all. Plus, you’re too important to just leave in a place like that! How the hell did you expect me to leave you behind?!” (YJ)

“Hey, now.. How was I supposed to know what would happen if I came in? Anyway.. It’s time for you to go. The longer you stay here, the more danger you might get into.” (DH) Young Jae let out a small sigh as Daehyun got to his feet. Holding out his hand, Daehyun helped Young Jae back up onto his feet before he gave a small smile, giving a light squeeze to Young Jae’s shoulder.

“You’ll be fine on your own..?” (YJ) Daehyun chuckled a bit as he grinned.

“Of course! I’ve been here for as long as you have, so it’s not that big of a deal. Just don’t go losing or fragmenting your memories again, alright? Would you want to go through all of this trouble again?” (DH) Young Jae smirked a bit as he folded his arms. He definitely didn’t want to end up going through all of this again, so he would just have to make certain that none of this ever happened again.

“Hey.. What I do with my mind is my business, but.. I’ll see what I can do.” (YJ) Walking up to the door, Young Jae took in a deep breath before taking hold of the door handle. He hesitated for a moment as he turned back to look at Daehyun, whom smiled a bit. Turning back to face the door, he took in yet another deep breath before he turned the doorknob. Pushing the door open, Young Jae slowly stepped inside.

Live well..


Slowly, his senses started to come back to him. His limbs all felt numb and yet, he could still feel them. For whatever reason, his eyelids felt heavy, almost as if they were glued shut to keep from opening. His throat felt very rough as well, almost as if he had not had a drink in weeks. A hoarse groan escaped his lips as he barely opened his eyes, moving his head as much as he possibly could to see whom was currently yelling out his name. It took him quite a while, but once his vision began to clear up a bit, he can just barely see what he assumed was Daehyun staring at him. “D-...Dae... hyun..?” (YJ)

“Young Jae! You’re.. You’re awake?! Are you really awake?!” (DH) Young Jae would have responded, but his throat was hurting and for some reason, it was difficult to talk all too much. He simply nodded to the best of his capabilities before he felt arms tightly wrap around him. Still, despite feeling like complete crap, Young Jae managed a small smile as he felt and listened to Daehyun’s crying.

Although he didn’t feel all that great, he was glad.. to finally be back.


[[ My Own Thoughts:

I.. would have typed more for their reunion, but~
After doing some research,
Young Jae technically would have difficulty speaking and moving.
So there wasn’t much I could do for the time being >.<..
I hope it wasn’t too bad ;;..

Comments are loved x3
I like to see what everyone thinks of the fanfic so far >3<..
Plus, it’s nice talking to everyone from time to time. x3 ]]

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Uh.. I apologize for the tardiness! I'm having writer's block, so please be patient a little while longer >.< Sorry for the wait ;; !!!


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RealFangirl #1
Chapter 35: i jst finished ur story:''))) omfg i really love ur story<3 i love the way u write each personality kkkkkk thanks for ur story<3
DevilNextToYou #2
Chapter 31: I am pissed at ZELO and jongup I mean it seems unreasonable but they can have the mood to have s x when jongup mom is in coma like whut ._.
DevilNextToYou #3
Chapter 25: Oh both is Daehyun but this means he will forever be living in his own imaginations and the real DAEHYUN will be suffering but since it is imagination does it mean perceive DAEHYUN to be possessive
DevilNextToYou #4
Chapter 16: Omg youngjae would have smacked them and didn't daehyu. Warm jongup not to do things that will upset youngjae bad kid bad kid
MadelonG #5
Chapter 35: I love this story so much! I waited with Reading cause I was reading another fanfic, but I shouldn't have waited... It's too good!!! I love the way you write, you put details in the story, but not too many, and because of that it's easy to read even when there are difficult words. Also, are you able to write everything in such a way that the reader can interpret fairly well whose thoughts it are. For example Youngjaes, where you use difficult words and show stubborness very well, and with Daehyun you get an easygoing mindset. It's totally awesome!! Love it!!!
Chapter 35: It already ended but Youngjae is still the type to deny things that would make Daehyun flattered ><

Anyway, I love your fic so muchhh that I didn't want this to end hahaha but what can I do? Thank you so much for writing Rewound Time and Moving Forward. Merry Christmas too!
Chapter 35: i honestly enjoyed this story =] it's got a nice ending =] I love it...

I'm sad it's over now but you've got other stories and i can't wait to read them =]
Retr0spect #8
Chapter 35: Such a great ending to a great story.
Daehyun and Youngjaes happy family