
Why Me?

"OPPA!" I cried out. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. No, I knew what I was seeing was real, I just didn't want to believe it.

"What's wrong?" Chanyeol asked, walking up next to me. His eyes left mine to look at Kai that was on the bed with pills spilled all over the floor. Kai's face was pale, still wet with tears.

"Holy , SUHO!" Chanyeol yelled. Suho then came to our room. By now, everyone else was there, too.

"Manager, call the ambulance, quickly!" Suho yelled. Minhyuk nodded and did as Suho told him.

"Oppa..." I cried, tears dropping on to Kai's face. Why did this have to happen? Why was my family so out of order? God, please tell me... why?


I sat next to the six boys, including the manager. We were all waiting for the doctor to come out so that he could explain to us if... if Kai would survive. I've never cried so much in four years. I think I could literally start a flood with all of my tears.

"I'm going to see Mom and Dad." Another warm tear rolled down my face as I recalled what Kai was saying. "So bye, for real this time."

Chanyeol's eyes were filled with pity and sympathy, just like Suho's.

"I'm going to see Mom and Dad." I said with a shaky voice that kept cracking. Everyone was confused by what I said.

"So bye, for real this time." After I said that, I was crying hysterically. Weird sounds came out of my mouth, I didn't even sound like a human.

"That's what... That's what oppa said in the voicemail. He said he's going to heaven to meet Mom and Dad."

An arm wrapped around my shoulder as I wept. Suho lifted my face and wiped away my tears. At that moment, I was glad that I had other caring people around me. Chanyeol and Suho were both with me, and I couldn't feel any more grateful.

In what felt like hours, the doctor came out. Everyone stood up abruptly, waiting for the doctor to speak.

"Don't worry, he's safe." The six boys let out a sigh of relief. I, on the other hand, kept crying. Tears of joy, not tears of sorrow. I've never felt so happy since four years ago, when my family was still complete. Those four words that came out of the doctor's mouth made me so much happier than I could have imagined.

The doctor explained more things to Suho as I made my way in to Kai's room. Chanyeol and the rest of the boys stayed out because they thought they should give me private time.

I sat at the chair placed next to Kai's hospital bed. His face was so pale and he looked so delicate, which made me feel really guilty. By now, the tears on my face were dried and I carefully grabbed on to Kai's hands.

"I'll never let go..." I whispered.


I felt something twitch in my hand, which woke me up from my sleep. The position that I fell asleep in was really uncomfortable, which made my back ache. I looked up at Kai through my sleepy eyes, to see that he was looking down at me with his eyes drooping.

"Oppa?" I asked, sitting up straight. He looked at me and smiled.

"I don't know why you call me oppa, but I kind of like it. It reminds me of my little sister."

With that, my eyes blurred from tears. I knew I should tell him everything, and so I did.

"Oppa, it's me. Yejin." I said, desperately. I didn't want Kai to feel depressed any more. Kai just kept smiling.

"I know." he said. He knows? "Where are the other guys?"

Oh. He knew it was the Yejin that lived with him, not the Yejin that's his little sister.

"Oppa! It's me, your little sister! Why can't you remember my face?" I almost screamed. More tears. Kai's eyes widened.

"Is it really you, Yejinah?" he asked. I nodded, my breath uneven from crying. Kai shakily took out his phone and called someone. Right then, was when my phone started vibrating. With shaky hands, I took out the phone that was in my pocket and answered it.

"Hello?" I croaked.

"Yejin..." Kai's eyes were now getting wet, and one drop... two drops of tears fell down. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know... I was being so stupid. Please forgive me." I said sincerely, still crying. Kai abruptly sat up from the bed to bring me in for a hug. My eyes widened.

"Oppa! You have to rest, you can't get up yet!"

I felt tears wet my shoulder, and a trembling hand my hair.

"Yejin, thank you."

"No, oppa thank you. For staying with all of us and not leaving this world."

I heard a few knocks on the door and exo came in, with Minhyuk. Sehun, D.O, Baekhyun, and Minhyuk's eyes were big and they saw us hugging.

"Woah, what is this? You guys were an item?" Sehun interrupted. Chanyeol elbowed him in the stomach, and I broke the hug.

"They're siblings, stupid."

And I didn't know how it was possible, but the four boys' eyes got wider. Especially D.O's, like dang... they were huge.

"Anyway... good morning. The nurses said that Kai can go home once he's awake." Suho said, breaking the awkward silence.


Everything felt better in the house once the guilt was lifted off of my shoulders. Kai forgave me, and that's all that mattered. Wait, how did this get switched? I was supposed to forgive Kai for leaving me. Eh, whatever.

"Meet up at the practice room by 9 AM!" The leader yelled through the apartment. I looked up at Kai who was changing his pants right in front of me.

"Oppa, go to the bathroom." I said, my face getting red.

"Why? I'm your brother. It doesn't matter." he said, smirking. I just turned around to look at the wall.

"Can I go see the practice?" I asked Kai, still facing the wall.

"Yeah, but it'll be mad boring."

I shook my head. "No, if everyone's there, it will be fun."

And just like that, our brother and sister relationship went right back to normal...

A/N: Sorry if this was a boring chapter... A lot, and I mean A LOT of things are going to be less dramatic now... so, yeah. And don't forget to comment what you think of the story so far! For all of you who came for romance... sorry about that, too. I don't want things to go too fast just yet.

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Chapter 20: Yah how dare you make me cry ughh hahaha . Aigoo that is so sad . I really think that chanyeol died . Fuhh . Whatever it is you make a goodjob . I love this story . Thumbs up
amha_227 #2
Chapter 20: Thank you for the extra chapter.♥
Chapter 20: YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! *cries happy ugly tears* Ohmygosh this is like the most dramatic bestest story ever with only like 20 chapters! Do you know how much I love you right now? I literally read ALL OF THIS in a DAY and the feels!!!!!! You don't even understand just how happy I am that Chanyeol is still alive (even without his sight) and Suho has a girl too AND Yejin debuted....I'm sorry but I'm seriously spazzing right now! Everything worked out so well I'm like crying right now...
Chapter 6: Minhyuk is their manager?! By the way, what's up with Chanyeol? And why can't Kai notice that Yejin is literally RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM?!

Wait. What happened to Kai?????????!!! O.O
Chapter 19: I really thought he's dead.. I'm glad that he's alive.. gud job author-nim.. :)
yanur96 #6
Chapter 19: im crying non stop... hwuaaaaa
Chapter 19: He's alive....
baekxxx #8
Chapter 19: It's a really good fanfic!
amha_227 #9
Chapter 19: Wahhh!!! I really like it♥♥