
Why Me?

Suho's P.O.V

"Sorry... you did great, but there was something lacking in your voice." I said in the nicest way possible. I didn't want to make the poor girl cry. Instead, she laughed and asked me if I could shake her hand.

"uhh.. okay?" I replied. I shook number 6's hand and she blushed, while the two judges next to me couldn't stop laughing at my awkward expression. When the girl finally left, I took a look at the next person, number 7. 

Kim Yejin? Coincidence? I thought. Yeah, it must be a coincidence. I heard Yejin sing on the phone once, and she at it. But then again, she was crying at that time, plus she was a lot younger. Maybe her voice matured by now?

Number 7--I mean, Yejin, walked in to the auditioning room with wide open. It's the same reaction for every other girl... I thought, kind of upset. She walked to the center of the room and when I took a good look at her face, I couldn't help but notice how pretty she was. Man, if I saw her on the streets I would think she was a celebrity already!

"Can you give us a short introduction of yourself?" the woman next to me asked Yejin.

"Hello, my name is Kim Yejin. I am sixteen years old." she replied.

"Where are you from?" I asked, needing to know if this really was the Kim Yejin that I knew.



"One older brother and my parents passed away" 

I gulped. It... it really was the Kim Yejin that I knew. The one that I talked to on the phone every week for four years. The one that I  actually found myself comfortable with. The one that I found myself falling for more and more every time we talked. Whenever I was stressed out in my trainee days, I would call Yejin and we would talk for hours. But, I couldn't let people know that we knew each other, since then they will say that Yejin had a big advantage at her audition. So I had to keep silent.

"What song will you sing?" the judge next to me asked.

"Miracles in December," Yejin replied, staring straight at me as if she was talking only to me.

"ahh.. our song." I commented. Yejin nodded.

"We will give you one minute to sing. Whenever you're ready."

I watched closely as Yejin cued for the music to turn on. What if she embarrasses herself? I would feel so guilty if I have to fail her... But, all of my worries disappeared as I hear her angelic voice echo through the room.

I’m struggling to find you who I cannot see
I’m struggling to find you who I cannot hear
I see things that I couldn’t see before
I hear things that I couldn’t hear before
After you left me, I have grown a power that I didn’t have before

The selfish me who has only thought about myself
The me who didn’t know your feelings and ignored it
I couldn’t believe myself that I have changed this much
Your love can still move me like this

If I just think of you, I can fill this world with you
Because each snowdrop is one tear drop that belongs to you
But theres just one thing that I can’t do and it’s to make you come to me
I hope I don’t have this miserable power

The selfish me who has only thought about myself
The me who didn’t know your feelings and ignored it
I couldn’t believe myself that I have changed this much
Your love can still move me like this

I found myself speechless. Seeing the pained expression on her face, I could clearly tell that she was singing this song to Kai.

"Uhh... I think one minute is up" Yejin said in a cute voice, waking the judges up.

"Ahh... yes.." the woman said. The two judges looked at each other and nodded, then they all suddenly turned to me.

"What?" I asked

"Didn't you hear her? She was amazing. And she's pretty, too. Not one flaw" one judge whispered, trying not to let Yejin hear. I just nodded at the judges, and they went back to sitting with their backs straight at their seats.

"We will contact you later. For now, you may go home and rest." the woman next to me said to Yejin. I watched as the cute girl almost tripped while walking out of the auditioning room.

Yejin's P.O.V

Number 7 said she got rejected, but they didn't reject me which means... I still have a chance! I thought, while walking out of the auditioning room. I almost tripped, which was really embarrassing.

If I didn't get in, I wouldn't have a place to stay. Which means I would have to fly back to America. Which means back to my old life. I didn't want that.

Anyway, I couldn't stop thinking about Suho. He could have killed me with his stare! I wonder if he noticed? I mean, I gave him so many hints.

Looking down at my sweaty hands, I thought I should go wash them.

"Excuse me, where is the bathroom?" I asked a random girl. She pointed somewhere to the right, and I followed where her finger led.

After washing my hands and walking out of the bathroom door, I bumped into someone and we both fell, hard. I got up first and offered a hand to the person that I hit. He took the hand and got up, then stared at me intensely. I gulped when I realized who the person was.

"Oh, hey Yejin." the person, Lucas, said. Hey Yejin? Did I just hear hey Yejin?

"Don't you mean YeChing Chang? And why are you here in Korea? I thought you hate Asians." I said, not giving Lucas time to talk. I remembered hearing from someone in school that Lucas was a great singer, but I never expected him to audition for SM, partly because he's not Asian, but also because he hates us. "You were sooo desperate to be a singer that you decided to audition in the country that you hate so much? Hmm, I wonder what would happen if I told everyone in the waiting room the things you said about us." I said, my voice cracking a little. I was just so mad, I couldn't stop.

"Shut up, chink" Lucas said, getting angrier. But this was not America. This was Korea. My country, not his.

"If you haven't noticed, all of us are chinks, so go back to your own country." I spat at him. His hands became fists, and he grabbed my shirt and slammed me against the wall, hurting my back. He threatened to kill me if I told anyone about him, because it would ruin his chance of getting accepted by SM. All I did was laugh at his threat, and so he pulled me away from the wall just to slam me back into it. This time, I hit my head, hard.

"What are you doing?" An angry voice yelled. I turned my head to see a familiar face as it ran to us to pull Lucas off. All I heard was Lucas grunting in pain as I slowly out.



A/N: oohhhh~ Suho likes Yejin~ :3 And I'm sorry if this chapter felt rushed because actually, I wrote it for like an hour, but then it didn't upload when I closed the tab so I had to rewrite ALL of it.

And sorry to everyone that is reading this because of Chanyeol. He's not going to appear... yet. >:) hahhahah

Also, I don't mean to offend anyone by what Lucas is saying... please don't ever feel offended by it.

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Chapter 20: Yah how dare you make me cry ughh hahaha . Aigoo that is so sad . I really think that chanyeol died . Fuhh . Whatever it is you make a goodjob . I love this story . Thumbs up
amha_227 #2
Chapter 20: Thank you for the extra chapter.♥
Chapter 20: YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! *cries happy ugly tears* Ohmygosh this is like the most dramatic bestest story ever with only like 20 chapters! Do you know how much I love you right now? I literally read ALL OF THIS in a DAY and the feels!!!!!! You don't even understand just how happy I am that Chanyeol is still alive (even without his sight) and Suho has a girl too AND Yejin debuted....I'm sorry but I'm seriously spazzing right now! Everything worked out so well I'm like crying right now...
Chapter 6: Minhyuk is their manager?! By the way, what's up with Chanyeol? And why can't Kai notice that Yejin is literally RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM?!

Wait. What happened to Kai?????????!!! O.O
Chapter 19: I really thought he's dead.. I'm glad that he's alive.. gud job author-nim.. :)
yanur96 #6
Chapter 19: im crying non stop... hwuaaaaa
Chapter 19: He's alive....
baekxxx #8
Chapter 19: It's a really good fanfic!
amha_227 #9
Chapter 19: Wahhh!!! I really like it♥♥