
Why Me?

"Yejin..?" The manager asked. My face brightened up.

"Minhyuk!" I yelled as I ran up to him. All of the members were weirded out that we knew each other.

"Dang, how many jobs do you have? You're like, eighteen years old." I asked him.

"It's because my little sister is a crazy exo fan, and if she finds out that I'm their manager, she'll literally plant a tracking device on me to stalk them. That's why I tell her I drive a taxi to earn money, but I actually just go around giving people free rides, because I'm a kind person, you know?"

I suddenly felt less special finding out that Minhyuk gives free rides to everyone, and it wasn't just for me.

"Uhh... Anyway," D.O said.

"Right, Yejin has nowhere to stay, so can she stay here?" Suho asked. Minhyuk hesitated a little, but agreed when Sehun showed his aegyo.

"Okay, she can stay in my room!" Minhyuk said, happily.

"NO." Suho said. "She's staying in Kai's room." Everyone looked at Suho like he was a crazy person, but I knew he made the right choice. It's better to share a room with my brother than to share it with another guy, right? Kai looked at me and sighed.

"Yeah, sure, whatever."

Chanyeol's P.O.V

"Yeah, sure, whatever." Kai said. Man, Kai used to be so energetic and happy all the time, but he's lifeless nowadays because of his sister. And, not to mention his parents' death anniversary that's coming up. Come to think of it... this girl's name is Yejin, right? She has the same name as Kai's little sister...


After the people in each room got rearranged because of Yejin, everyone got confused on who's in who's room. So, Yejin decided to write each person's name on pieces of paper, and she taped it on to each door.

Soon came lunch time, and it was my turn to help Yejin cook. I took care of making the rice and she did everything else. I also agreed to do the dishes.

"Can you plug this in?" Yejin asked, holding up the cord for the rice cooker. I nodded, taking it from her hand and reaching past her to plug it in the wall. I didn't realize how close we were, until I turned around to see Yejin's red face right in front of mine. She's so cute... I thought. Quickly, I turned around, my face also red.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I said, walking to the bathroom. When I got in, I locked the door, and bent over the sink, cringing. Pain... so much pain... it hurt so much. Everytime I took a breath, my heart started pounding harder. I grabbed my chest, but that didn't make it feel any better. Desperately, I opened the mirror cabinets and found my pills. I took some, and almost instantly the pain subsided. My uneven breath also started to slowly even out.

I should stay away from her. She'll cause my heart to beat too fast.

When I got out of the bathroom, everyone was already eating. I saw manager feeding Yejin, and I felt a bit jealous, but I had to control my feelings and also my heartbeat.


"Ughhhh let's go to sleep so that we won't be tired for tomorrow's dance practice," Baekhyun said, sounding annoyed.

"Yeah, I can't believe Sunday ended this quickly." I mumbled.

"I call the shower first!" Baekhyun sang, running to our room. He's such a child... I thought, following him into our room. But, something stopped me from walking in through the door. The handwriting. I know I saw it somewhere. No, maybe I'm just delusional from what happened before lunch. But, just to check, I took out the box that contained all of Yejin's letters. I ran back to the paper that was taped on the door and compared it to one of Yejin's letters. They are exactly the same... 

"Whatchu doing, kiddo?" Suho said into my ear. It scared the crap out of me. After I calmed down, I decided to ask Suho hyung about Yejin.

"Hyung... Yejin is Kai's sister, right?"

Suho sighed. "I'm disappointed that you found out quicker than her own brother," he replied. I gulped at what he said.

"Hyung, please don't tell Yejin that I wrote those letters. You know how upset she'll be if she finds out that Kai's letters were all fake?" I whined.

"Chanyeol, I--" 

"Thanks soo much." I said, running into my room and closing the door shut.

Suho's P.O.V

"Hyung, please don't tell Yejin that I wrote those letters. You know how upset she'll be if she finds out that Kai's letters were all fake?" Chanyeol whined.

What is this kid saying? He wrote letters to Yejin? Holy crap, I forgot to tell him that Yejin already knows that these letters don't reach Kai. I gave Chanyeol the letters to keep it safe, not so that he could write letters to Yejin!

"Chanyeol, I--"

"Thanks soo much." Chanyeol said, shutting the door at my face.

He's been writing to Yejin all these years? What was Yejin thinking every time she got letters? She probably knows that somebody had to write letters instead of Kai... but who does she think it is?

Yejin's P.O.V

It was so awkward being in the same room as oppa. Sometimes I would totally forget that he doesn't remember me, and start random conversations, and it would just creep him out. Other times, I would call him Jong-in oppa by accident which creeps him out even more.

Oppa's bed is at the other side of the room, so we're pretty far apart. When I was laying in bed, I couldn't help but feel upset. How does oppa not remember me, still? Maybe he doesn't care about me. Maybe he forgot about me. But, I realized that wasn't it because Jong-in oppa looked at me to say something.

"Uhh.. I'm going to make a call but you can stay or leave if it's going to bother you," 

I nodded and left the room. Soon, though, when I was standing outside of our room, my phone vibrated. I took a look at it, and it said "Jong-In Oppa" with two hearts after it. I remembered that's what oppa put it as four years ago. I argued with him about the hearts, talking about how girly it was, but he wouldn't let me change it. If I did, he would attack me with tickling.

After the phone kept vibrating, it went to voicemail. I could hear Jong-In oppa's voice from the room and from the phone at the same time.

"Yejin-ah... You know, the craziest thing happened today! This girl who I think is Suho's girlfriend is living in our dorm! Crazy, right? The way she acts reminds me of you... Even her name is the same. Such a coincidence. Although I never got to see her face that well."

What does he mean by not seeing my face well? He stared straight at me this morning when we greeted each other. My heart tangled up into a knot when I heard Jong-In oppa sniffle a little.

"Yejin... I love you so much. Why do you ignore oppa? Do you hate me? I... I'm going to leave exo soon. I'm going to see Mom and Dad."

Leave exo? Is he coming to America to see Mom and Dad...? And, I don't hate you oppa... I just wish you would notice me.

"I just wanted to see your face again, or at least hear your voice. But I'll stop calling if I'm a nuisance to you. So bye, for real this time."

By now, Chanyeol was in front of me. My phone was on speaker, so he must have heard everything. Chanyeol caught me by surprise when he sat down next to me and pulled me to him to hug me. I felt his warmth and he whispered something into my ear.

"It's okay to cry, Yejin. I know you hate to cry because it means you're weak, but sometimes, it's okay to cry."

With that, the tears just came out of my eyes. I was sobbing.

"What's with me lately? I.. I'm so emotional. I've already cried once this week, and now I'm crying again." I said, in between my crying. Chanyeol just patted my back silently and we stayed in that position until my crying died down.

"By the way... how do you know about that crying thing?" I asked Chanyeol. He sounds just like that guy that sends me letters every week.

"Crap.." Chanyeol muttered under his breath. He must have thought I didn't hear him, but I did. "It's because I'm just like you. I hate to cry. What kind of man likes crying?" he answered.

"Men don't cry, but boys do." I said, smirking.

"Hey! I'm a man!" Chanyeol complained, showing me his arm muscles. I stared into his eyes.

" for today." I said really quietly. Chanyeol smiled widely.

"What did you say? I didn't quite hear you,"

"Shut up and go to sleep." I muttered, walking into my room. 

When I looked around to find Jong-in oppa, my heart literally broke into pieces before I screamed. I didn't understand what he meant in the phone call, but now I definitely did.

A/N: ohmagawdd WHAT HAPPENED? And don't forget about Chanyeol and his abnormal heart! And why can't Kai notice that Yejin is his sister? 

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Chapter 20: Yah how dare you make me cry ughh hahaha . Aigoo that is so sad . I really think that chanyeol died . Fuhh . Whatever it is you make a goodjob . I love this story . Thumbs up
amha_227 #2
Chapter 20: Thank you for the extra chapter.♥
Chapter 20: YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! *cries happy ugly tears* Ohmygosh this is like the most dramatic bestest story ever with only like 20 chapters! Do you know how much I love you right now? I literally read ALL OF THIS in a DAY and the feels!!!!!! You don't even understand just how happy I am that Chanyeol is still alive (even without his sight) and Suho has a girl too AND Yejin debuted....I'm sorry but I'm seriously spazzing right now! Everything worked out so well I'm like crying right now...
Chapter 6: Minhyuk is their manager?! By the way, what's up with Chanyeol? And why can't Kai notice that Yejin is literally RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM?!

Wait. What happened to Kai?????????!!! O.O
Chapter 19: I really thought he's dead.. I'm glad that he's alive.. gud job author-nim.. :)
yanur96 #6
Chapter 19: im crying non stop... hwuaaaaa
Chapter 19: He's alive....
baekxxx #8
Chapter 19: It's a really good fanfic!
amha_227 #9
Chapter 19: Wahhh!!! I really like it♥♥