Another Will Break

Why Me?

Chanyeol's P.O.V.

"Hyung, you like Yejin, right?" I asked Suho. I expected him to challenge me, like 'yeah I do watchu gonna do bout it?' because that's what it's like in the movies. Instead he let out a sigh.

"I already know you like her, Chanyeol. Don't worry I won't get in between you both."

Suho started to walk back into his room, and I grabbed his arm to stop him.

"That's not what I was going to say." I said to Suho as I stared into his eyes intensely. "Look... you know about my illness, right?" Suho just nodded, his facial expression becoming serious also.

"When my heart finally stops, another will break." I said, remembering the quote from a book somewhere. Suho looked at me with a pained look. Still, I continued. "You have to take care of her. No matter how much I love her... I can't be with her, you know that!" I said a little louder than what I meant for it to be. Tears started to blur my vision, but they didn't fall down my cheeks. "I have to stop it now before... before it's too late. I don't want her to like me more than she does now. It has to come to an end." Finally, a tear spilled from my eye.

"Chanyeol..." Suho said quietly. My heart tightened, and pain started to overwhelm me. But, it wasn't pain from my illness. It was pain from sadness. I crouched down on the floor and let the tears fall down silently. If I'm gonna cry, I have to cry like a man, right? 

Suho bent down next to me and patted my back until I calmed down.

"When the time comes... make her the happiest person in the world. Show her that she doesn't need me to live a good life." Now, my voice was coming out as a whisper. "But if she asks, tell her that I've always loved her..."

I got up and walked to my room silently, and Suho watched me close the door to my room before he went back into his. I put my hand on my chest and started to cry again.


Yejin's P.O.V.

"HELP!" I heard two voices shout at the same time. I looked down to see that I was on a boat, and also in the middle of a storm.

"If the lightning strikes the water, we're both dead!" Kai shouted. I looked to my left and saw Chanyeol looking at me with pain in his eyes. But, I knew Kai was pretty bad at swimming. If I jumped into the water and took Kai first, I think I could save both of them in time. So, that's what I did. When I dove in to the water, I started shivering. It was cold. I remembered, Chanyeol hates the cold.

I looked at both Kai and Chanyeol, and started swimming to Kai first. Chanyeol could bear with the coldness, what's worse is that Kai at swimming. That's a bigger problem. Kai grabbed on to my shoulder and we swam back to the boat. When we got on, I was ready to dive in to the sea to get Chanyeol, but I couldn't move. There was a glass wall that blocked me from the sea.

"I've always loved you..." Chanyeol said before the life drained out of his body and he sank in to the deep ocean.

"No! Chanyeol oppa! NO!" I screamed, tears rushing down my face. Banging on the glass was no use, and I just sat there, crying like a child.


"No!" I yelled. The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was the poster of Xiumin that was on the ceiling. Thank god it was just a dream. I thought.

"What's wrong?" Kai asked as he got up from the bed and walked to mine. I wiped the tears off of my face and gave him the best fake smile.

"It's nothing."

Kai nodded and walked into the bathroom to turn the shower on. I decided to get up and go to Chanyeol's room to tell him what happened. When I opened the door to walk in, Chanyeol and Baekhyun were not on the same bed anymore. I slowly tiptoed to Chanyeol's bed, and looked closely at his face. He's so cute when he's sleeping. Was the first thought that came to my head. Then, I looked at his lips. I shook my head. I'm such a ert.

"Yejin.. I love you," Chanyeol muttered as he flipped over on his bed. Wow he even sleep talks about me? I chuckled. I decided not to wake him up to tell him the story, so I walked out to the kitchen. D.O was now cooking breakfast and Minhyuk was sitting on the sofa, a coffee mug in his hand. He looked horrible.

"What's wrong?" I asked Minhyuk.

"Kicked out of school." He mumbled. My eyes widened.

"Oh, right! You had school! Why didn't you go?" 

"I didn't go this whole week because of exo, don't you remember?"

"Oh... I'm so sorry... Maybe you can take senior year again later on," I suggested.

"Man, I was gonna ask you to prom," he whined. I laughed.

"And you think I'd say yes?"

"Yeah... I mean, you can't stand my adorable face." Minhyuk smiled, showing his eyesmile. I ruffled his hair.

"I just don't want to be a manager my whole life..." Minhyuk sighed. I sat next to him on the sofa.

"Why don't you try to be an idol?" I asked. It was probably impossible.

"Do you think I should? I mean, I can ask my sister to train me." I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Your sister is an idol?"

"No, she's a trainee. You met her yesterday, Nam Jieun."

I looked up at the ceiling trying to remember. "Ahhh... I remember, She's so pretty, nothing like you."

"I know... it would be a problem if I were pretty." We both laughed.

"KAHHH!" D.O. yelled from the kitchen. Oh my god, he's always doing that......

Suddenly, I got a message. I unlocked my phone to see what it was, and it was from SM.

"Sorry, but all trainees must move in to the dorm by Saturday, which is tomorrow, instead of Sunday. There are a lot more things to discuss and prepare for than planned."

I sighed. I'm gonna have to confess properly to Chanyeol today. I decided that I would confess properly on Sunday, which is the last day I would be in the dorm, but I guess it's been changed to today. I wonder how he would take it...?


A/N: Woah guys, I don't even know what I wrote in this chapter. Seriously, it's getting so hard to keep up with the plot that I had to write everything down on paper and stuff. I have a slight feeling that the story will end before chapter 20. I know it's so short, but it's because I am planning another story that's a lot more exciting, but a lot sadder than this one at the same time.

Also, don't forget about the dream that Yejin had. Is it symbolism..? I don't know~! (Actually, I do but.. you know what I mean)

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Chapter 20: Yah how dare you make me cry ughh hahaha . Aigoo that is so sad . I really think that chanyeol died . Fuhh . Whatever it is you make a goodjob . I love this story . Thumbs up
amha_227 #2
Chapter 20: Thank you for the extra chapter.♥
Chapter 20: YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! *cries happy ugly tears* Ohmygosh this is like the most dramatic bestest story ever with only like 20 chapters! Do you know how much I love you right now? I literally read ALL OF THIS in a DAY and the feels!!!!!! You don't even understand just how happy I am that Chanyeol is still alive (even without his sight) and Suho has a girl too AND Yejin debuted....I'm sorry but I'm seriously spazzing right now! Everything worked out so well I'm like crying right now...
Chapter 6: Minhyuk is their manager?! By the way, what's up with Chanyeol? And why can't Kai notice that Yejin is literally RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM?!

Wait. What happened to Kai?????????!!! O.O
Chapter 19: I really thought he's dead.. I'm glad that he's alive.. gud job author-nim.. :)
yanur96 #6
Chapter 19: im crying non stop... hwuaaaaa
Chapter 19: He's alive....
baekxxx #8
Chapter 19: It's a really good fanfic!
amha_227 #9
Chapter 19: Wahhh!!! I really like it♥♥