Let Me Forget

Why Me?

Chanyeol's P.O.V. (OMG HE'S ALIVE O.O)

I felt around for a the button to turn on the T.V. When I couldn't find it, though, I heard the T.V. turn on by itself.

"You could just call me for this stuff." Christie said, handing me the remote.

"Thanks." I replied to her in my not-so-fluent English. I have been Christie's roommate since three years ago, she saw me on the streets bumping into people and falling down, so she helped me up and let me stay at her house. Whenever I would ask her why she lets me stay, she would reply saying,

"You remind me of my best friend..."

"Ooh! Look, it's Q-PID!" Christie said, excited. Confused, I turned my head to the sound of the T.V. as I felt Christie take a seat next to me on the couch.

"Who's Q-PID?"

"Only the bestest group ever!" she laughed. "I know a girl from there."

"Like, in real life?" 

"Yes in real life."

"Is she hot?"

"You don't need to know that!" Christie said, punching me in the arm. I laughed.

"I'm just kidding."

"She is really pretty though... she's beautiful. Even if she told herself that she was ugly many times before..."

The song on the T.V. ended, and the group was now being interviewed. Christie stopped talking and I listened closely.

"Hello we are" someone said, and then everyone said at the same time,


"Hello, I am the cute maknae Jieun!"

"I am ice princess Mei,"

"Twin stars, Xing Xing!" two voices said in unison,

"I am the leader, Yejin." I heard a familiar voice say. Yejin...? It must be her, it's been three years already.

"Lucy." Then, everyone laughed.

"Yah! Don't just say, 'Lucy', say something else, too!" Yejin said while laughing. Lucy reminds me of Kris somehow...

Then, a man's voice asked some questions.

"Your new song's name is 'Let Me Forget', can someone explain to the fans what the song means to you?"

"Ahh... actually, Yejin unnie wrote the song herself." Jieun's voice said.

"Wow, really?" the interviewer asked.

"Yeah. I was just writing to express my feelings but Manager found out about it, and next thing I knew, it was already a song."

"Oh... so, the song 'Let Me Forget' is based on your feelings? Who is it to?"

"I can't say, it's a secret!" Yejin said, giggling.

"At the end of the song the lyrics are 'Don't let me forget', while the song's name is the opposite. Can you explain?"

"It's because I know I need to forget, but at the same time... I don't want to forget the memories we shared together." I felt tears around my eyes, and I wiped it off.

"Then... can you pretend that person is watching and say a few words to him?"

After a short silence, I heard Yejin's voice talk again.

"This song is a combination of all the letters that I couldn't send to you these past few years..."

With that, I felt tears stream down my face, and no matter how much I wiped my face with my sleeve, it was still wet with tears.

"Hey... Chanyeol, you okay?" Christie asked next to me, patting my back. I shook my head. I miss her so much... she probably thinks I'm a jerk right now, hiding in America after rejecting her. How is she doing? Did her face change these past few years?

"Christie... what does Yejin look like?" I asked in a soft voice.

"She's... gorgeous." I nodded.

"Yeah, she probably is..."

Yejin's P.O.V.

I finally got in the van with the others and was heading home. I felt tears silently fall off of my face and onto my lap.

"Unnie... you keep crying when you talk about him... do you love him that much?" I nodded my head,

"Yes.. I love him so much." I replied, sobbing into my hands. Mei was in the backseat, patting my head. "I think it's time I tell you who it is..."

Everyone looked at me with a sad expression, but they couldn't hold in their curiosity.

"Park.. Chanyeol."

"What?" I heard voices ask.

"He's not in America like all the rumors say he is... he's actually gone." Then, I saw some eyes widen when I said that.

"Gone... as in, dead?" Lucy asked. I nodded my head while wiping more tears off.

"We didn't know..." Hyejin said with a 'sorry' expression.

"Come here!" Mei yelled, and she got up from her seat and hugged me.

"Mei! We're in a car, that's dangerous."

"I don't care!" she said, patting my back while we were hugging. I smiled, thankful for having these people, and they all smiled back.


My laptop made a ringing noise, and I opened it to see Christie's face on Skype. We have been in touch ever since I actually got a laptop, which was like three weeks after I came to Korea. Phone calls were just too expensive, not for me, but for her, too.

"Yejin!" Christie said, looking happy.

"Hey, Christie!" I replied in English.

"You're coming to America for the next concert, right?"

"Yep! I'm so excited... but at the same time, I'm scared."

"Don't worry, there are a lot of non-korean fans here in America. Even Lucas is a fan."

I laughed a little at that. "So, anything new?"

"Oh yeah, you know that guy roommate that I have?"

"Yeah, you told me about him."

"So like, he was so touched by your song that he started CRYING." Christie said, emphasizing the word 'crying'.

"Really? Wow, I'm glad I could reach into people's hearts with my song." I said, smiling. Wow.. he cried? I'm really happy...

"So, you know how you'll be visiting my house with the our old classmates next week before the concert? I'm gonna keep it a secret from him until you come, okay? This way he'll be so surprised!"

"Yeah, alright. That sounds good." I turned around and looked at the time. "I have to go practice. Seeya!" I said, and Christie waved her hands at me as I closed my laptop. Before I closed the laptop, though, I heard Christie yell,

"Chanyeol! What do you want for lunch?"

Chanyeol? It's such a coincidence... but it can't really be him, right? He's dead... look at me, getting my hopes up again.

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Chapter 20: Yah how dare you make me cry ughh hahaha . Aigoo that is so sad . I really think that chanyeol died . Fuhh . Whatever it is you make a goodjob . I love this story . Thumbs up
amha_227 #2
Chapter 20: Thank you for the extra chapter.♥
Chapter 20: YEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! *cries happy ugly tears* Ohmygosh this is like the most dramatic bestest story ever with only like 20 chapters! Do you know how much I love you right now? I literally read ALL OF THIS in a DAY and the feels!!!!!! You don't even understand just how happy I am that Chanyeol is still alive (even without his sight) and Suho has a girl too AND Yejin debuted....I'm sorry but I'm seriously spazzing right now! Everything worked out so well I'm like crying right now...
Chapter 6: Minhyuk is their manager?! By the way, what's up with Chanyeol? And why can't Kai notice that Yejin is literally RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM?!

Wait. What happened to Kai?????????!!! O.O
Chapter 19: I really thought he's dead.. I'm glad that he's alive.. gud job author-nim.. :)
yanur96 #6
Chapter 19: im crying non stop... hwuaaaaa
Chapter 19: He's alive....
baekxxx #8
Chapter 19: It's a really good fanfic!
amha_227 #9
Chapter 19: Wahhh!!! I really like it♥♥