Chapter 2

Baby, it's you.


‘this is the life!’ I shouted as I got out of my car oblivious to the curious stares I got when I shouted but I did murmur some apologies to the passer by who heard my obvious shout of delight.

I was out in the streets of Myeongdong doing some shopping spree with my spare time and it was pure bliss. I couldn’t shop like this in New York without the feeling of being closely guarded by my bodyguard, my parents insisted that I have one because of my father being in the law business and him being in politics, so when my aunt said I could stay with her in Seoul I quickly packed my bags and left for the first flight I could get leaving for Korea.

I didn’t want to be protected too much for I was young, and because of that I never really made any friends…but I didn’t want to think about that anymore, I’m in Seoul and I just want to enjoy my vacation for whatever its worth.

Walking around the not so busy streets of Myeongdong I inhaled the cold air and sighed as I looked at the shops that lined the streets, I made a quick mental note to myself to check out Lotte Department Store, Shinsegae Department Stores and other shops as well. I wont be meeting with my aunt til later tonight anyway and that gave me ample time to walk around and explore. It was like a breath of fresh air being able to walk around without being too closely guarded, it was difficult not being able to be who I really am without having to face the ridicule of other people…and here in Seoul I didn’t have to worry about anything for no one knows who I really am.

I stopped walking when I saw a bookstore and my love for books overwhelmed me so I quietly stepped inside but not before colliding with someone at the revolving doors…to think that I’m supposed to  be used to sliding doors already since we had lots of those in 5th Avenue.

‘mianhe…’ I whispered my apologies as I touched my forehead…damn that hurt. I rubbed my forehead in an effort to make the pain go away as I looked at the person responsible for my injury and I let out a startled gasp upon seeing kim ryeowook in front of me. I looked behind him and saw the evil yet adorable maknae cho kyuhyun, though I didn’t recognize them at first for they were wearing ridiculous hoodies and bull caps with matching huge shades but since wookie’s hoodie didn’t quite hide his awesomeness. I hoped against all hope that they didn’t recognize me…or else I’m dead and I’m never coming back to the suju dorm.

‘mianhe’ I whispered as I excused myself and hurriedly went inside the bookstore hoping that they wouldn’t follow me, though I know that was rude but what other choice do I have?

**wookie’s pov**

‘she looks so familiar…doesn’t she kyuhyunnie?’ I asked kyuhyun as I turned back to look at the girl who I collided with earlier.

Kyuhyun looked at me and just pushed me out of the door and shook his head ‘did you get too hard? Hyung…you’ve been so weird this past week, is there something wrong?’ he asked

‘bwoh…nothing’s wrong, did you see her face?’ I asked again referring to the girl inside the bookstore. I craned my neck to see if I could get another look at her but much to my dismay she wasn’t near the entrance and I didn’t know whether I should be frustrated or not.

‘she’s probably one of the new trainees in SM hyung, she was wearing aviator glasses so I really didn’t get a good look at her face’ kyuhyun said with a grin as he slid into the driver’s seat.

We were out for the day doing a couple of chores and shopping along the way. We also agreed on wearing a disguise for us not to be noticed, it was fun shopping with kyuhyunnie for he didn’t complain much on where we go, we just stopped for a while at the bookstore so I can get the books I reserved and now we were off to meet with the rest of super junior at a restaurant to have lunch.

‘aniyo…I’ve seen her recently, she looked a bit like…’ I stopped in midsentence as I tried to think about who was I reminded of by the girl earlier.

‘don’t tell me again that you’ve been thinking about Alyssa Park and her so called secrets? Hyung she doesn’t have one…trust me’ kyuhyunnie said with a smirk ‘I know people’

‘now I remember!! She’s Alyssa-sshi!!’ I shouted ‘we have to go back kyuhyunnie!!’

‘hyung she cant be Alyssa…I mean she doesn’t wear y clothes and that girl earlier does’ kyuhyun stated out the obvious ‘so chill, we have to go and meet with the others, I’m starving’

I sat there and pondered what my dongsaeng just said but I knew what I was feeling, that girl earlier is Alyssa…the question is why would she go thru great lengths in hiding what she looks like? Is she also hiding some other secrets as well?


I was woken up by the heavenly smell of toasted bread with lots of butter the moment I went out of my room that Monday morning. I didn’t know what I was excited about that I had to wake up 2hrs earlier than usual, but there I was awake and walking towards the direction of the kitchen. I found Alyssa washing the dishes and wearing her usual yellow apron and her boring glasses…but there was something strangely familiar to her and that girl I ‘met’ yesterday.

‘annyeong haseyo’ I greeted her with a smile

She gave a shout and swore at least a few times as she was holding her chest and she gave me a murderous look ‘don’t you dare creep up on me like that!!’

It was the first time she ever shouted and she ever said something as long as that, though I couldn’t understand a bit of what she had said for she was swearing in English and my knowledge of that language is a bit limited so to speak.

‘mianhe ryeowook-sshi’ she whispered as she finally recovered from her fright ‘I didn’t mean to…’

I smiled and nodded ‘annyeong…I didn’t mean to scare you like that, mianhe’ I said as I got myself a mug so I could make coffee ‘you always come here so early…do you ever sleep?’

I saw her smile a little as she continued washing the dishes as she gave me an answer ‘I do sleep ryeowook-sshi, I just want to finish things here early’ she handed me a mug and pointed the thermos on the table ‘it has hot chocolate…you should eat breakfast’

‘can I ask you something Alyssa-sshi?’


‘were you shopping yesterday?’ I asked as I looked at her face…determined to find out the truth about her.

**alyssa’s pov**

Omg….tell me he didn’t just ask me that question?!

How the hell did he recognized me?!

So much for wearing those aviator shades!!

As I was trying to think of a proper answer to ryeowook’s question I was saved by a sudden shout from the kitchen counter…it was none other than yesung-sshi…

‘omo!! Wookie-sshi’s professing his attraction for Alyssa-sshi!!’ he shouted earning him a glare and a sight from his dongsaeng.

‘annyeong haseyo yesung-sshi’ I greeted him politely, he was still wearing his pajamas and his hair was in a wild disarray making him look adorable, no wonder his girlfriend loves him…he’s an epitome of sweetness even if he can be a loud mouth sometimes.

‘annyeong Alyssa-sshi…sooo is wookie confessing that he has a huge crush on you?!’ yesung asked

‘hyuung!!’ wookie wailed

I couldn’t help but laugh at the way they were acting that morning, it was as if they were kids and that they didn’t have any schedules for the day.

As I look at them playfully bickering with each other they didn’t look like idols to me, they looked like ordinary guys who are having the time of their lives with each other and their careers. From what I’ve read about them and other juicy tidbits I got from my aunt, they all have different personalities yet managed to live together somewhat harmoniously and they love and take care of each other like brothers and family.

‘you should confess to her now dongsaeng’ yesung said as he was biting into his waffles ‘these waffles are heaven!!’

Wookie gave me an apologetic smile before responding to his hyung ‘confess what hyung? I was just asking her something…right Alyssa-sshi?’

‘alyssa-sshi? You’re suppose to call her jagiya or y obo wookie hyung…’ kyuhyun said as he gave me a smile as I handed him a mug. ‘he’s not calling you any endearments noona?’

I couldn’t help but giggle at his cuteness as I shook my head as an answer to his ridiculous question, good thing I was saved from answering wookie’s question earlier, though my back was turned I could still feel his questioning gaze at me. I do wish I can give him an honest answer but I really didn’t want to get close to him and my time in korea is running short.

‘mianhe wookie-sshi’


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minhosnoona #1
Chapter 22: love love love!!!!!
"damn right I want his babies."<br />
hey guys...this is my next story about yesung :) <br />
please take the time to read it :)
meggie016 #4
nice ending!! :))<br />
<br />
i'll be waiting for your upcoming stories :D
Wah..! Its d0ne... Haha so s0mething happene..really.! Haha omo alyssa and yesung my gahd im so excited.! ^^,
M3IQ1heartSUJU #6
Wow, nice ending :D hopw yesung and aia will work out fine ): looking forward :D
#7 ended already...but yesung and aia..i hope they get back together..thank you for writing a wonderful story
Oohh unnie it's ending soon? Aww
M3IQ1heartSUJU #9
Waaa, i am so jealous of that girl :D by seeing wookie smile can just melt me already :D i cant wait for yesungs stry :D fighting! (:
Finale is c0ming... W0okie and alyssa are official c0uple n0w.! Oh yeah! Excited f0r the next chaptes., hehe update again., whahaha im so excited wth Yesung fic. Haha the l0ng wait is over C: