chapter 22

Baby, it's you.


I so wanted to relieve my already full bladder that night but as I moved my leg it felt like something was on it stopping me from getting off the bed…now that’s weird why would my leg feel like that when I’m alone in my room.

I slowly opened my eyes and found a still sleeping wookie sleeping soundly beside me, his arms were wrapped in my waist and his hairy leg was all over mine…wtf happened last night?! I moved his arms slowly so that I wouldn’t wake him and glanced around the darkened room, well at least we’re in my bedroom, I could see clothes…rather our clothes scattered on the floor, though his suit was folded neatly on my couch but other than that my room and my bed was a mess.

Sighing I looked at the man sleeping beside me, he looks so peaceful and angelic when he sleeps and somehow whatever happened between us the night before doesn’t really matter anymore, all that matters is I have him beside me and its heaven right here on earth. My bladder temporarily forgotten I covered him with the blanket for he was sleeping without his shirt on and as I checked underneath the covers I was still wearing my boy shorts…did something really happen between us? I cant ask him for it would be too embarrassing. I just looked at him sleeping soundly beside me as if like a baby without a care for the world, I wish I can sleep like him.

Touching his face and having him that close to me made me feel like I’m the luckiest girl alive and I could hear rihana’s song only girl in the world playing at the back of my mind. He looked so perfect, for others who would often say that there’s nothing perfect in the world we live in…they haven’t stared at kim ryeowook’s sleeping face, and how lucky I am to be able to experience that.

‘I love you…’ I whispered as I kissed the tip of his nose and snuggled closer to him. I would’ve been contented to stay that way when my phone rang ‘damn…’ I murmured as I reached for my phone.

‘yoboseyo?’ I asked without bothering to look at the screen. I quietly stepped out of bed careful not to disturb a sleeping angel beside me and walked towards the window.

‘dongsaeng…its khae’

It was khae unnie but there was something wrong about her voice, it wasn’t the usual cheery voice that would greet me whenever I would talk to her, it was as if she was in distress or something. I checked my wall clock and it was only past 9pm, I must’ve slept early and knowing unnie she’s probably doing her rounds at the hospital despite the fact that she was advised to be off her feet because of her pregnancy.

‘unnie? Are you alright?’ I asked her ‘where’s donghae oppa?’

‘shh I didn’t call him yet but the other girls will be here…I’m in pain…’ she whispered

‘in pain? Uhh ohh…you mean labor pain?? Where are you unnie?’ I asked her again as I managed to slip on my shorts and looked around for my shirt ‘we’re coming, I mean…hell.’

I could hear her giggle on the other line when she heard me curse ‘its alright…I’m at the hospital, I’ll be expecting you and wookie-sshi.’

With that said she ended the call and I was left staring at the wall dumbfounded…how can I be such a loudmouth?! I shook my head and got my shirt and a jacket which was on the couch along with wookie’s clothes. I still don’t remember anything that happened earlier that night but it was probably good for wookie was sleeping with a smile on his face. I walked up to my side of the bed to tuck the blanket closer to his side when I saw bright red spots on the bed…was I so drunk that I momentarily forgot something special between us?!

‘ohh my god…we didn’t just do that…’ I whispered fervently as I checked the room, I found 2 bottles of wine and they were empty…I ran to the bathroom and immediately felt the tenderness between my legs…so I belong to him now, in the truest sense of the word, funny that I didn’t feel even the tiniest feeling of regret.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror as I slowly removed my clothes and stood there fully , in the bathroom light I could see kiss marks on my shoulder and around my chest, good thing he didn’t give me one on my neck for that would be hard to explain. As I checked my reflection again, gone was the shy girl I knew…I feel happy and content, so this is love after all.

As I took a quick shower I remembered khae unnie and her labor pains…so much for being emo tonight, I need to be there for her. I quickly dried myself and got a fresh pair of undies and put on my shorts and my shirt, I didn’t bother doing something for my hair, I just pulled it back with a ponytail and walked out of the bathroom barefooted.

‘wookie…oppa, wake up’ I whispered as I shook his shoulders and got him to peer at me from his still sleepy eyes, I leaned down to give him a soft kiss ‘wake up oppa…we’re needed at the hospital’

He gave me a sleepy smile and pulled me closer to him ‘come back to bed jagiya…you cant be pregnant yet.’

I had to laugh at what he just said and hit him softly on his chest and pushed him away ‘stop tempting me you dork, come on get dressed…khae unnie needs us.’

‘noona? Why?’ he pouted as he pulled the sheets closer to him and looked at the bed and saw the blood stained sheet ‘you bled?! Omo…did I hurt you so much jagiya?’ he asked me as he stepped closer, the blanket forgotten.

‘oopps…ahh oppa go to the bathroom’ I answered as I closed my eyes hearing him chuckle ‘I’ll wait outside…’

With that said I left him to get dressed but not before him grabbing me to give me a soft kiss that had me wanting for more.


We were inside his car and I was rummaging his collection of cd’s and when I didn’t find a song that I liked, I remembered my ipod nano inside my bag, and quickly found the song I was looking for…and soon his car was filled with the voice of Karen Carpenter singing there’s a kind of hush and I was singing to along with it…

‘so listen very carefully, get closer now and you will see what I mean…’ I sang and found him smiling at me ‘its my favorite song…the carpenters.’

‘it sounds very beautiful too…like you jagiya’ he answered as he took my hand.

I didn’t know it was still possible to blush after what happened earlier, but then again there I was blushing like a school girl with the simple touch of his hand. He was the one driving and I was content in sitting beside him, singing some songs and keeping him company during our drive, its true that you need not do anything special or be out on an expensive date with the one that you love…even the simple things such as holding his hand is enough to give you shivers and make you feel giddy inside, it was just so perfect having him like that and to have him look at me as if he sees nothing else.


‘hmm? Ne oppa…’

He grinned at me and touched my cheek ‘saranghae…’

‘I love you too oppa…saranghae’

I don’t know if that was the aftermath of what happened earlier but I welcomed it for I know I wouldn’t want to do it with any other man but him…only him. I wouldn’t dream of kissing anyone else but him, it surprised me how much I’ve come to love him and how he’s becoming everything to me. It wasn’t scary as I thought it would be, it was just so perfect.

When we got to the hospital I walked ahead of him for he wanted to talk to his hyungs and dongsaeng, yesung oppa, eunhyuk oppa and kyuhyun-ah greeted us. Kyuhyunnie was kind enough to point out that the rest of the girls were inside khae’s suite and I left wookie in their hands as I rushed inside. I was welcomed by khae humming while walking around the room and holding her tummy.

‘unnie? Why aren’t you in bed?’ I asked her as I went inside and gave her a kiss but not before I saw aia-chan sitting on the hospital bed looking cute and murderous at the same time ‘is there anything wrong a-chan?’

Aia nodded and moved to sit down on the couch between a pregnant Lin and a still sleepy Ria who was leaning next to sammie, yna-unnie was still on the way with her hubby teukie oppa with donghae oppa. I could feel the tension in the air as aia was sighing every now and then, sammie was trying to comfort her and I looked at khae who shrugged her shoulders.

‘can you tell us whats bothering you a-chan?’ khae asked as I helped her on one of the vacant seats and sat beside her.

‘yesung is getting married…’ she whispered

‘he’s getting married? Isn’t that good news? Are you guys engaged already?’ Lin asked as she handed aia a glass of water.

The latter shook her head and sighed again ‘we’re not getting married…he is.’

Sammie looked at her in disbelief and said ‘I’m afraid I’m not sure about what you just said a-chan…can you please be more specific?’

‘he’s marrying another girl, a girl that his parents want him to marry…’ she whispered as she closed her eyes.

We all looked at each other in silence, even khae wanted to cry but we can only do so much, we don’t fully know whats going on between aia and yesung and we can only hope that they fix things before it gets worse. I was about to say something when the door opened and donghae oppa came rushing in to check on his wife.

‘jagiya…why didn’t you tell me sooner…’ he began as he held khae in his arms.

We all quietly left the about to be parents to have some quiet time on their own, stepping out into the now empty corridor, except for the suju members, the girls and I, I was greeted by a kiss from wookie much to happiness of everyone else. We really didn’t have to say anything to them that we finally fixed things between us for they could see it in our eyes and I know that they were all happy for us.

‘is she alright?’ wookie asked me

I nodded and looked around for aia and found her talking to yesung oppa, quite a distance away from us, I wanted to help but what can I do?

‘oppa…will aia and yesung fix things?’ I asked as I leaned closer to him, its going to be one hell of a night waiting for khae to give birth and to hope that everything would go well.

‘I’m hoping for the best jagiya…but I’m sure they’ll fix things. I love you.’ He whispered as he kissed my forehead.

‘saranghae oppa…’

I wouldn’t get tired even if he would tell me those 3 words everyday and in every language he can think of, as long as I get to hear him say that then my life would be perfect…I wouldn’t ask or need for anything else, just this awesome man beside me and our love.

I closed my eyes and leaned closer to his chest and felt his beating heart…it was pure heaven knowing that his heart beats because of me, it was flattering and overwhelming at the same time but I couldn’t ask for anything more. I love him…I love him with all of me.


i'm a bit sad that wookie and alyssa's story has ended but you'll get to see more of them in my upcoming stories, i hope all of you will still support me :)

the next story is about yesung and aia, you've seen part of their i hope you'll still read it :) again...kamsahamnida! domo arigato gozaimasu minna san!! :)

'every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end...' :)


as promised...please check it out guys and leave comments and suggestions :) 

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minhosnoona #1
Chapter 22: love love love!!!!!
"damn right I want his babies."<br />
hey guys...this is my next story about yesung :) <br />
please take the time to read it :)
meggie016 #4
nice ending!! :))<br />
<br />
i'll be waiting for your upcoming stories :D
Wah..! Its d0ne... Haha so s0mething happene..really.! Haha omo alyssa and yesung my gahd im so excited.! ^^,
M3IQ1heartSUJU #6
Wow, nice ending :D hopw yesung and aia will work out fine ): looking forward :D
#7 ended already...but yesung and aia..i hope they get back together..thank you for writing a wonderful story
Oohh unnie it's ending soon? Aww
M3IQ1heartSUJU #9
Waaa, i am so jealous of that girl :D by seeing wookie smile can just melt me already :D i cant wait for yesungs stry :D fighting! (:
Finale is c0ming... W0okie and alyssa are official c0uple n0w.! Oh yeah! Excited f0r the next chaptes., hehe update again., whahaha im so excited wth Yesung fic. Haha the l0ng wait is over C: