chapter 18

Baby, it's you.


‘why did I ever agreed on a date with that goof ball??’ I wondered out loud as I fidgeted with my summer dress and adjusting my belt, and I certainly didn’t know why I agreed with our mothers to dress up for the so called occasion, I felt like attending prom again and it was definitely weird.

I sighed as I put on single strand of white gold necklace and my watch, I decided to leave behind the couple ring that I had for I know he’s not wearing it anyway so why should I even wear mine? I checked my reflection in the mirror as I decided whether to put my hair up in a French braid or just leave it down…hell why am I even bothered with my hair? He can just look at my face and that would be enough. I didn’t bother to put on too much make-up, I just put on some eyeliner, mascara, pressed powder, a touch of blush on and the lightest shade of coral lipstick but somehow I still felt like a little over dressed for a simple date when I don’t even know where he’ll take me.

‘alyssa…darling? Are you ready?’

It was wookie’s omma calling me from outside the bedroom and I really didn’t know why our mothers are more excited than we were…its not like its our first date or something.

‘ne Mrs. Kim I’ll be out in a minute’ I replied as I got my purse and checked if I had my phone, cash and a credit card just in case I might need it and I also grabbed my shawl from the bed before opening the door and stepping outside to find a grinning Mrs. Kim as she held out her hand.

The dear lady was so different from her son, wookie was quiet and well a bit reserved just like his father but his mother genuinely radiated kindness and spontaneity, she was such a delight to be with and even if I didn’t really feel like facing wookie again after what he did at dinner last night I cant hurt her feelings and I know my mother would be really disappointed, I even overheard them talking about their future grandchildren…aish! I’m not even ready yet.

‘annyeong haseyo Mrs. Kim’

‘Alyssa-ah you look very pretty tonight, I’m sure you and my wookie would have fun on your date.’ She said as we walked down the stairs. I could hear my mother talking to the object of my annoyance at the parlor.

‘kamsahamnida…I’m sure I would enjoy this date as well Mrs. Kim’ I said thru my teeth hoping that she wouldn’t notice it. ‘I don’t know where we’re going though.’ I asked her with a smile.

She gave me a kiss on the cheek as we reached the final steps of the stairs and gave me a hug much to my surprise and whispered ‘I heard you’re a book lover…you’d love where you’re going’

I nodded and mouthed my thanks as I looked at my mother and wookie who stood up the moment his mother and I got downstairs. He looked totally handsome in his dress shirt that showed off his complexion and his y body…yes I find him y as hell and having him walk the streets of Paris seemed like a crime to me.

‘my daughter’s all grown up now…’ omma said

I rolled my eyes and gave her a kiss on both her cheeks ‘I love you…I’ve grown up years ago omma.’

‘I’ll take care of her Mrs. Park, she’s in good hands with me’ wookie said

I stuck out my tongue at him earning laughter from both our mothers as they watched us both with dreamy expressions. I know that look, they were thinking of wedding bells, white picket fences and kids born 9mos after the wedding…its not going to happen, not anytime soon, not unless I know what his intentions are.

‘we’ll be back before 10pm…’ wookie said as we both bid our mothers goodbye and got out of the house and into his rental car…and he rented a Porsche this time.

‘you rented a Porsche?? What were you thinking?!’ I said as he opened the passenger’s door for me ‘you could’ve at least been more discreet or something.’

He smiled and just touched my cheek before turning to the driver’s seat and said ‘I only want whats best for you jagiya…it’s a nice car too…quite fast.’

I waved at our mothers as he assisted me with the seatbelt ‘I didn’t ask for a Porsche you dork…any car would’ve been nice.’

‘like I said I want what’s best for you…so be quiet so we can enjoy the rest of the day without arguing…arasso?’ he told me as he started the car.

I nodded and mouthed ‘whatever’ as I leaned on my seat and looked out the passing sceneries that Loire Valley has to offer. We were on our way to Paris because I was bit familiar with the road he was taking, though I really had no idea where he was taking me particularly but his omma said something about a books…is he taking me to a bookstore? Hmm that did sound romantic.

I looked at him from the corner of my eye and he was concentrating on driving, his eyes never left the road while his hands was gripping the steering wheel already,it was as if he was stressed over a lot of things. I know I was part of that for I wasn’t an easy roommate to live with, I made every minute with him a living hell, I really didn’t want to do that but when he told our fathers he had plans of marrying me I completely lost it…how dare he make promises to our parents knowing that it was even hard for him when I left him in Seoul. How many months did I felt like I was dying just because he hasn’t talked to me…and now he just told our parents of his wishes to marry me?! How confusing can that be.

‘what is it that you really want from me?’ I whispered loud enough for him to hear but I didn’t turn my head to look at him in any way, I just waited for him to answer me.

‘I want to say mianhe for not talking to you for months, mianhe for not being there when you needed me, mianhe for being a coward thinking that you don’t love me anymore and mianhe for thinking that you’ll change’ he said and sighed as he looked at me and looked at the road again.


‘ne…that’s the truth. I know you feel that I’ve lied to you…mianheyo, I want to make up for it.’

I nodded my answer, half wanting to believe him yet too afraid to get hurt again, I just couldn’t risk my heart just like that…but I was hoping he would wait for me and that his feelings were indeed strong enough as he said.


‘omo!! This is so cool!!’

I whispered in awe as I stepped out of the car the moment he opened it, I couldn’t believe I was seeing the Louvre Pyramid and it was indeed very marvelous. I wished I brought my camera with me so I can take pictures of it. It didn’t have lights yet but still it was enough to make me feel giddy and excited as I looked at it. I half expected that we would be joining a tour group or something but instead he led me away from there and we walked towards the streets of paris and looked at the shops there.

‘aren’t we going to the Louvre?’ I asked him as he guided me away from it and into another street.

‘not yet…we can go there tonight. I was told its even more pretty at night, have you ever shopped in Paris?’ he asked me

I shook my head still wanting to visit the Louvre ‘nope, not yet anyway…don’t tell me you’ll take me shopping?’ I asked in disappointment.

He laughed and pinched my cheek and pointed at the an establishment nearby…it read Shakespeare and Co. and true to what his mother told me earlier it was indeed about books, he probably knew I have a soft spot for books…can a guy be anymore sweeter than this man beside me?

‘wookie-sshi?’ I asked him my eyes filled with questions and gratitude ‘komawo…’ I whispered as I gave him a hug and held his hand as we walked hand in hand inside the lovely shop.

‘and for dinner…we have reservations at Le Jules Vernes Restaurant or however they say that in French, its in the Eiffel Tower…and tomorrow we have a tour at the Louvre’ he told me as he handed me a book.

I looked at him in disbelief ‘Le Jules Vernes?? The Eiffel Tower? You have to be kidding me…why are you spending too much for a date? You don’t need to do all these.’

He smiled and held out his hand ‘if its for you, I’d gladly do anything…so relax and enjoy alright jagiya?’

I could only nod for he was walking away from me and checking out the bookshelves, I could see girls and women look at him with admiration but he didn’t seem to mind the stares he gets from women, he was just comfortable with himself and it made me feel at ease with him, he certainly doesn’t have a superstar ego or something, he was just a cool and down to earth guy…and that’s what makes him more attractive.

After our short trip to the bookstore we walked around hand in hand while looking at the shops, I was thinking of a few gifts for the girls so he can give it to them when he gets back to Seoul for he was leaving a day before I will. He was carrying our purchases as he patiently waited for me to finish shopping for my friends and our parents as well.

‘hmm your mommy would like this fan and this scarf…what do you think oppa?’ I asked him as I showed him the scarf I was holding as a present for his mother.

He smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek ‘you called me oppa again…does that mean we’re in good terms now?’ he asked

I had to force myself not to kiss him when he was being cute, but how can I resist anymore when he has done so much for me during our short stay in Paris. He was patient and kind…and everything that I’m not just because I was still thinking of the months that he has hurt me. It was hard letting go of the anger but I cant be mad at him no more, not when we already told our parents about our relationship…I just hope he’ll be strong enough for the two of us when he gets back to Seoul.

‘maybe…now oppa answer me, she’d like the scarf and the fan right?’ I asked him again ‘I like the purple one with white flowers.’

He nodded and smiled at me ‘she’d love those…where are we going next jagiya?’

I looked around and found a panini stand and felt my stomach grumble because of hunger. I smiled at him and pointed at the Panini stand near by, it wasn’t crowded and it even had tables and chairs so we can eat in comfort and not stand. He looked at me in disbelief as I paid for the things I’ve bought and dragged him towards the stand.

‘we can eat at a restaurant jagiya…’

‘shut up and sit at those chairs, I’ll get us something to eat’ I told him with a smile as I dropped our shopping bags into his waiting arms and pushed him towards the table ‘my treat...’

In a couple of minutes I went  to our table with at least 3 different choices of paninis and 2 cans of sodas, I really don’t know if he’d like soda but it’s the only drinks that the lady could offer me. We both ate in silence as we looked at the people passing by , both lost in our own thoughts. Here we are in the city of romance and love, yes we both love each other but is our love enough to make things work despite the distance? Is my love enough for him to accept him after everything that has happened between us?

I’ve learned that nothing in our lives are constant…and I know feelings change as time passes but funny that despite those months of not talking to him my love for him is still there, it only grew stronger…it felt like nothing I’ve ever felt before. When I look at him my heart would beat a thousand times faster, forgive me for exaggerating but it really feels like that.

‘saranghae jagiya…’ he whispered with a smile as he leaned forward to kiss me, if only we could kiss forever…



Here’s the dress Alyssa was wearing for that day can click on it and see for yourself J

This is wookie’s outfit

thank you for your support!! :) yesung's story is up next :)

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minhosnoona #1
Chapter 22: love love love!!!!!
"damn right I want his babies."<br />
hey guys...this is my next story about yesung :) <br />
please take the time to read it :)
meggie016 #4
nice ending!! :))<br />
<br />
i'll be waiting for your upcoming stories :D
Wah..! Its d0ne... Haha so s0mething happene..really.! Haha omo alyssa and yesung my gahd im so excited.! ^^,
M3IQ1heartSUJU #6
Wow, nice ending :D hopw yesung and aia will work out fine ): looking forward :D
#7 ended already...but yesung and aia..i hope they get back together..thank you for writing a wonderful story
Oohh unnie it's ending soon? Aww
M3IQ1heartSUJU #9
Waaa, i am so jealous of that girl :D by seeing wookie smile can just melt me already :D i cant wait for yesungs stry :D fighting! (:
Finale is c0ming... W0okie and alyssa are official c0uple n0w.! Oh yeah! Excited f0r the next chaptes., hehe update again., whahaha im so excited wth Yesung fic. Haha the l0ng wait is over C: