chapter 21

Baby, it's you.


‘why wouldn’t she see me noona?’

I was inside yna-sshi’s office early that Monday afternoon, the rest of the guys already went out for lunch while I was bothering teukie hyung’s wife about my questions and one teeny weeny problem about Alyssa, for the latter wouldn’t talk to me. I know I’ve missed most of her calls but I was busy with practice and training one of the trainees for they will be an opening act for our series of shows here in Seoul and for our major concert.

I was sitting on the couch inside her office while munching on some spring rolls Lin sent us earlier, I was starving but I wouldn’t eat anything until I know why jagiya wouldn’t talk to me. I tried calling her last night after I took Yuri out for coffee and went back to our studio, but her voicemail would just answer me, she wouldn’t even answer my txt and I so wanted to go to her aunt’s house so I could ask her what’s wrong.

Its been 8mos since I last held her, since I last saw her in the flesh and I wouldn’t let anything or anyone come between our love…but right now that I don’t have answers to whats going on I felt like I was sitting on a time bomb while waiting for it to explode.

‘noona?’ I asked her again

She looked at me from her ipad and sighed ‘where were you last night wookie?’ she asked

‘bwoh? Last night? I was rehearsing with suju and before that I was in the music room with Yuri-sshi, she was having trouble with the high notes.’

‘honto? So when we saw you at Caffe Benne, the guy with Yuri-san isn’t you?’ she asked me again as she glared at me ‘we saw you…we were having coffee with Alyssa-san, and of course she saw you too.’

‘she what noona?!’ I shouted but as she glared at me again I sighed and murmured my apologies ‘mianheyo for raising my voice noona…yes I was there with her but it meant nothing, we both wanted coffee…’

‘why was she holding your phone?’

 I shook my head and sighed in frustration ‘she was trying to call yesung and donghae hyung to ask something…why didn’t jagiya trust me? I love her…’

‘you showed it the wrong way by not answering her calls and messages, you should’ve answered even one of them. She flew all the way from New York just to be with you, do you know that wookie-kun?’

‘she’s staying for good noona?’ I asked half wanting to believe what I heard but until I could hear it from alyssa’s mouth I wouldn’t let my heart believe.

She nodded and finally gave me a smile ‘talk to her…she’s miserable, you kids should know that by now. Eat lunch wookie-kun and tell your hyung to eat his veggies, that husband of mine can be a picky eater.’

I grinned at her as I kissed her cheeks ‘ne noona, I’ll tell teukie hyung that and I’ll talk to Alyssa later tonight, komawo noona…’

I was whistling all the way back to the music room where the rest of the guys are eating the usual take out lunch and the bentos brought by kyuhyunnie earlier. I couldn’t help but smile upon hearing that she made a choice…and she chose to be with me, can it be more special than that. Finally to be able to announce to everyone that the eternal maknae of super junior is finally in love with the girl of his dreams.

**alyssa’s pov**

I rummaged my bag for the keys to my car as I got out from the office at my first day at work, the thrill and the fun that I had on my first day was worth it for on that momentous occasion I was wearing black pumps and my white summer dress and office blazer…and my feet was killing me. The price we women have to pay to look good and to wow our bosses, all I wanted to do at that moment was to go home and put my feet up, eat a pint of chocolate cookie dough ice cream and watch a sappy movie before I start to work on the files given to me.

I was about to open the passenger door when a familiar figure sitting on one of the benches at the parking lot caught my eye, it was drizzling that Monday afternoon and he was sitting there without an umbrella looking at me…it was none other than the guy responsible for my swollen eyes that day.

‘kim ryeowook’ I whispered

He stood up and walked towards me looking very much like the Korean idol that he is, I began to look around and hoped that no one saw him for he was wearing street clothes and he was only wearing a bull cap that didn’t quite hide his handsome face, then again the parking lot was deserted at that time except for the cars of my officemates parked nearby.

‘stop right there…’I told him, he was like a meter away from me and we were both staring at each other like the male and female leads of a soap opera. ‘why are you here and how did you find me?’

He smiled and said ‘I called your mother, she was pretty devastated that her only daughter was mad at his son-in-law’

‘wth are you talking about?! You called my mother??’ I shouted at him ‘how could you!’

‘how could I not? When you didn’t want to talk to me…when you just wrongly assumed that I was cheating on you? I’m better than that jagiya…’ he said as he walked closer to me and I stepped backward colliding with my car while doing that.

‘I told you to stay right there…’ I whispered for we were already face to face with each other and even in my heels I had to look up at him…it didn’t boost my confidence. ‘you didn’t answer my calls you punk’

He grinned at me and took my hand as he slipped another couple ring, this time it had our names engraved on it and it had our birth stones. I couldn’t help but admire this man’s taster when it comes to wooing the woman he loves…how did I get so damn lucky.

‘as long as you have this ring…you have my heart, don’t doubt. I wouldn’t give you any reasons to jagiya…trust me more, for I trust you so much.’ He said as he kissed my ring finger ‘I’m not proposing yet…but I just want things to be official this time…yojachingu?’

‘I don’t know what to say…’ I answered him but I could feel myself crying as I buried my face on his chest ‘you are such an sometimes oppa…’

He pulled me closer to him that I could feel his heartbeat and I felt warm despite of the cold wind and the rain ‘Yuri means nothing to me…she’s a trainee, I’m doing my job jagiya. Its you I love…’

I looked up to him and found myself smiling ‘mianheyo for doubting…and its you I love as well.’

And what’s the perfect ending for our sweet moment? Yup…you guys guessed it right, we kissed…we kissed under the rain and I was safe in his arms. Could it get any better than this?


as much as i love writing alyssa and wookie's story the final chapter is coming soon so i can start writing yesung's story. i cant thank you guys enough for the support :) you guys are soo amazing! 

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minhosnoona #1
Chapter 22: love love love!!!!!
"damn right I want his babies."<br />
hey guys...this is my next story about yesung :) <br />
please take the time to read it :)
meggie016 #4
nice ending!! :))<br />
<br />
i'll be waiting for your upcoming stories :D
Wah..! Its d0ne... Haha so s0mething happene..really.! Haha omo alyssa and yesung my gahd im so excited.! ^^,
M3IQ1heartSUJU #6
Wow, nice ending :D hopw yesung and aia will work out fine ): looking forward :D
#7 ended already...but yesung and aia..i hope they get back together..thank you for writing a wonderful story
Oohh unnie it's ending soon? Aww
M3IQ1heartSUJU #9
Waaa, i am so jealous of that girl :D by seeing wookie smile can just melt me already :D i cant wait for yesungs stry :D fighting! (:
Finale is c0ming... W0okie and alyssa are official c0uple n0w.! Oh yeah! Excited f0r the next chaptes., hehe update again., whahaha im so excited wth Yesung fic. Haha the l0ng wait is over C: