chapter 15

Baby, it's you.



The city of love…the city of romance…they say French guys make a romantic boyfriend but smooching in public wasn’t my idea of ‘love’.

I had to smile as I was sitting at an outdoor café munching on my sandwich and a mug of heavenly cappuccino as I observed the people going by, all of them with certain destinations for sure but there I was sitting there like the world was ending. Though somehow my world ended when wookie and I stopped talking…for how can you just let go of someone you love just like that, no explanations, no nothing…and that’s what hurt the most.

If he didn’t want anything to do with me anymore, he could’ve just ended it properly and not leave me here hanging without any explanations…I deserve that didn’t I? I sat there as I squinted my eyes to the still bright sunlight and it was already 5 in the afternoon, I couldn’t help but still think of him whenever I see couples pass by me, though we weren’t as affectionate in public as we were in private but I miss the feel of his hands holding mine, of how masculine he smelled and I miss his smile.

‘so much for going to Paris to forget him…’ I mumbled as I stood up to leave.

I adjusted my sunglasses and began to walk around the cobblestoned side walk lined with shops and restaurants, I must admit I would’ve love being here with wookie in Paris…walking down the street and holding hands and we wouldn’t have to worry about anyone recognizing him here. I really should get a grip of myself…I’m here in Paris to relax and not think about him, that’s the main reason of coming here not pondering about the what ifs of our relationship…a relationship he took for granted and a relationship that meant nothing to him.

As I walked around I didn’t noticed that I was already a bit far from the hotel I was staying and I was supposed to meet my parents back there for dinner…stupid, stupid Alyssa, since when did I become so absent minded?

‘since the day you left Seoul and had your heart broken.’ I answered and looked around for a cab and as if luck would have it, it started to rain and when I say rain…it was practically pouring down ‘ohh ’

I quickly looked around for a temporary shelter and I found a bake shop nearby…I was tempted to go inside and check their delicious pastries…I could get out of the rain and bring food to my parents, omma was probably starving because of appa’s business meetings today, I haven’t even seen them since I got in France. I walked inside the bake shop and found myself in heaven…the smell of freshly baked bread was mouthwatering and the aroma of ground coffee was as sinful as another slice of chocolate cake.

The shop was homely and small but it was a delight, it wasn’t crowded but I could see a few people enjoying a cup of coffee while watching the rain outside the window. I found myself smiling at the waitress as she assisted to a quiet table near the window…oh please let her speak English, I wasn’t up for learning French today.

‘bonjour mademoiselle…’

There goes my hope for not learning French ‘bonjour…ahh I’d like to have black coffee and hmm can I please see the menu?’

‘menu? Ohh…American, I’d leave the menu here and just give me a call when you’re done alright?’ she politely smiled at me much to my relief.

‘thank you…’

I was about to check the menu when a coughing in front of me caught my attention and a familiar hand took hold of the menu I’m holding. I looked up only to find my breath taken away by a simple smile…a smile that I missed.

‘annyeong Alyssa-ah’


**wookie’s pov**


I didn’t know whether to smile or just cut the chase and hug her, seeing her after almost 4mos of not talking to her was like a balm to my wounded heart…the feeling was overwhelming and yet I couldn’t let it take over my thoughts.

If it was by fate or chance that I saw her on the streets of Paris, walking around without any destination at all…I don’t know who to thank for that, if it’s the gods smiling down at me giving me a chance to see her, for us to talk about what we have then I’ll thank them for the rest of my life…but thanking them will have to wait for later, right now I know I have a lot of explaining to do and now that im given the chance I wouldn’t waste it.

‘can I sit down?’ I asked her

She nodded absentmindedly and called for the waitress, I looked at her and found no changes at all…my fear that she’ll change when she’ll go back to New York didn’t happen. She’s still the same Alyssa, the same girl I know, the same girl I love. She was wearing shorts and a cute shirt that showed off her figure, a baseball cap and her aviator shades…she was lovely as ever but as she looked at me I can see the pain I’ve caused her, no words can ever make up for the tears I’ve let her cry.

She looked at me while holding something in her hand and that was when I noticed that she was also looking at my fingers…I wasn’t wearing our couple ring and when I saw her finger, she still had it. How could I hurt her this much…

‘jagiya…about the ring-‘

‘no…don’t start, please don’t in tell me lies anymore kim ryeowook, I don’t need those now…or ever.’ She said as she looked outside.

‘can you please give me a chance to explain? Please jagiya?’ I asked her again, I so wanted to touch her but I know I cant, I lost that right when I stopped talking to her…was I seeking for absolution? For forgiveness? For another chance? I honestly don’t know…

‘explain what? Explain the madness you caused? I don’t think words would be enough Mr.Kim…and I don’t think I can believe you…’

Her words were cold…and I knew I deserve that, but I know I couldn’t talk to her when she’s this mad and I wasn’t so sure where to start telling her or what to tell her. I gave her one last glance as I touched her hand on the table and stood up…

‘it was fate that brought us here…I believe that. Mianhe jagiya…mianher’ I told her as I left without looking back, I’ll get my chance…I know I will.

**alyssa’s pov**

‘that jerk!’ I whispered angrily as I watched him walk away, as much as I wanted to call him back and as much as I wanted so much to be held by him it didn’t feel right.

It was a shock for me seeing him in France but what shocked me even more is when I saw that he wasn’t wearing his couple ring anymore and I was still foolishly wearing mine…I didn’t think he could be that cruel.

‘I wouldn’t let you hurt me again kim ryeowook’ I whispered as I wiped the tears on my cheeks, I didn’t realize that I was crying but I know I’ll get over it…I always do, and I have no other choice but to forget and move on.


what will happen next?? lol i'll be updating soon!! arigato minna san!

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minhosnoona #1
Chapter 22: love love love!!!!!
"damn right I want his babies."<br />
hey guys...this is my next story about yesung :) <br />
please take the time to read it :)
meggie016 #4
nice ending!! :))<br />
<br />
i'll be waiting for your upcoming stories :D
Wah..! Its d0ne... Haha so s0mething happene..really.! Haha omo alyssa and yesung my gahd im so excited.! ^^,
M3IQ1heartSUJU #6
Wow, nice ending :D hopw yesung and aia will work out fine ): looking forward :D
#7 ended already...but yesung and aia..i hope they get back together..thank you for writing a wonderful story
Oohh unnie it's ending soon? Aww
M3IQ1heartSUJU #9
Waaa, i am so jealous of that girl :D by seeing wookie smile can just melt me already :D i cant wait for yesungs stry :D fighting! (:
Finale is c0ming... W0okie and alyssa are official c0uple n0w.! Oh yeah! Excited f0r the next chaptes., hehe update again., whahaha im so excited wth Yesung fic. Haha the l0ng wait is over C: