Chapter 13

Baby, it's you.


I couldn’t force myself to go home yet despite the fact that my mind and body was already drained from work. I don’t want to face my parents knowing that they would know the sadness and the tears I hide behind my smiles everyday…I just needed to be alone for a while, I needed the space to cry and to give in to my loneliness even for just a few hours and not have anyone ask me why.

Its been 3mos since I last heard something from that my so called boyfriend…not even a call, not even a single message from him. It was as if he just vanished from thin air, I even went to the extent of asking the girls if he’s alive or not or if something bad happened to him and when they asked me why I was asking those questions I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t expect him to be this cruel to me when he said he would always love me no matter what…so much for your so called love kim ryeowook, where did your so called love put me now??

I stepped out of my hotel room in Brooklyn which I rented for the night for I didn’t want to be in my condo or go home to my parents because I didn’t want them knowing the pain I was going thru that night, or how difficult it was for me to face them right now. I walked out into the rainy streets of New York wearing my coat, I didn’t bother for an umbrella or a hat, my coat was enough…I have too much on my mind and heart than worrying about the rain getting me wet. I found a quiet diner a few blocks away from the hotel when I smelled the familiar scent of Korean food, to hell with my boyfriend he doesn’t own Korea, so instead of eating good ole’ American cuisine I decided to satisfy my craving for Korean food for the Korean girl in me.

‘I’m depressed…might as well eat the night away’ I murmured as I smiled at a waitress and asked for a quiet table away from people.

The moment I stepped foot inside a sense of nostalgia haunted me…it was as if I was back in Seoul and I was out with wookie-sshi and he was wearing this hideous disguise just so he could eat dinner with me without his fans knowing it was him…it was sweet yet hilarious, and it made me miss him all the more.


‘jagiya…its cold and I’m hungry…’ he told me as he was driving and we were stuck in the middle of traffic at downtown Seoul.

I looked at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, he looked like a little boy wanting a balloon after hearing mass every Sunday.

We were on our way to Busan for he agreed to accompany me in visiting my hometown and check our house there. Although he didn’t have to come for I only planned on staying for the night and go back to Seoul again in the morning but still he insisted on coming and accompanying me…how can a girl say no to such an offer?

‘oppa…we cant stop to eat at a restaurant, people will recognize you’ I told him ‘I’ll get us something to eat ok? Take out.’

He pouted and shook his head ‘aniyo…I want to eat in a restaurant with you, just this once jagiya.’

‘people would know its you…what do you plan to do oppa?’

He smiled and parked the car at a nearby street and told me to close my eyes and or look out the window as he climbed at the backseat, leaving me alone at the passenger seat. I only have time to look back at him as he was stripping his sweatshirt and I squealed as I looked away.

‘oppa…why are you changing in the car??!’ I asked him as I looked outside, though I really didn’t have anything to worry about for the car was tinted and I doubt people can see what he’s doing anyway…but it was just plain stupid to do that.

‘you’ll see…do you have any make up in your bag?’ he asked me

I raised my eyebrow at his question but handed him my make- up kit and just the radio and started singing. I admit I’m so curious about what he’s doing behind me and I so badly wanted to look but I was also a bit scared of what I’ll find out. We could’ve gotten a take-out instead of him going to extreme measures just because he wanted to eat…sometimes I really don’t understand men.

‘ok jagiya…lets go eat’ he told me

‘like I said-‘ I said and had to pause when I turned around to look at him or rather her…hell I really didn’t know what to say ‘wth…who are you? And what did you do to my…ohh ! Oppa??’

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing infront of me is the same guy I agreed to love a week ago, for he was certainly prettier than I am! He was wearing the same jeans earlier but he had on a pink top that I must admit looked better on him than it was on me, he also replaced his black jacket earlier to a white jacket that matched his top, he was still wearing sneakers but what surprised me most is the ridiculous curly wig he was wearing and the make-up on his cute face…

‘you look like a girl!! What are you planning oppa?’ I asked him as I touched his face ‘are you sure your disguise would work?’

He smiled at me and gave me a soft kiss and nodded ‘trust me…let’s eat’ he said as he got out of the car and opened the passenger door for me.

I couldn’t help but grin yet feel nervous about his plan then again I sure hoped it would work. Stepping out from the car and holding his hand made me feel special, I looked at him and he gave me one of his smiles, no amount of cosmetics can ever hide that beautiful smile of his. Guys would even look at him twice and he would just chuckle and hold my hand even tighter…so what if they would think were lesbians, oppa and I knows the truth and for him to wear a disguise just so we could eat together touched my heart.

We both found a quiet restaurant and got a table away from the watchful eyes of the people around us, while waiting for our orders I couldn’t help but smile at him and decided to take pictures of him much to his delight.

‘do I look cute Alyssa-sshi?’ he asked as he kept posing for the camera.

I laughed and nodded ‘ne…so cute! You’d make a beautiful girl oppa’ I added in a whisper making him laugh.

If only this night could go on forever…

**end of flashback**

I sighed as I leaned back on my chair and looked out the rainy window, my thoughts were going crazy and the memories I have are killing me inside yet I couldn’t do anything. I haven’t heard anything from oppa and I don’t know if I should still hold on to what we have or just move on…

‘oppa…why aren’t you talking to me?’


this chapter will be in 2 parts :) thanks so much for subscribing and supporting my stories :) keep the comments coming!! 

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minhosnoona #1
Chapter 22: love love love!!!!!
"damn right I want his babies."<br />
hey guys...this is my next story about yesung :) <br />
please take the time to read it :)
meggie016 #4
nice ending!! :))<br />
<br />
i'll be waiting for your upcoming stories :D
Wah..! Its d0ne... Haha so s0mething happene..really.! Haha omo alyssa and yesung my gahd im so excited.! ^^,
M3IQ1heartSUJU #6
Wow, nice ending :D hopw yesung and aia will work out fine ): looking forward :D
#7 ended already...but yesung and aia..i hope they get back together..thank you for writing a wonderful story
Oohh unnie it's ending soon? Aww
M3IQ1heartSUJU #9
Waaa, i am so jealous of that girl :D by seeing wookie smile can just melt me already :D i cant wait for yesungs stry :D fighting! (:
Finale is c0ming... W0okie and alyssa are official c0uple n0w.! Oh yeah! Excited f0r the next chaptes., hehe update again., whahaha im so excited wth Yesung fic. Haha the l0ng wait is over C: