chapter 4

Baby, it's you.


‘you live here??’

I turned around and saw wookie-sshi gawking at the rows of rose bushes that lined the front lawn of my aunt’s house as he parked the car in one of the parking spaces. The empty parking space next to mine indicated that my aunt hasn’t come home yet so I’ll be left alone with this adorable man for a couple of hours…not that I want him to stay for so long, though I was raised in the states I still don’t see it as proper decorum for a lady to be out so late with a man much less than inviting him inside the house at that time of night…ohh well decorum be damned.

‘Temporarily yes…its my aunt’s house, come on in wookie-sshi’ I invited him in as I opened the door for him since he was carrying the food bags I had with me and a bottle of wine.

‘the roses are impressive…and the house is pretty too’ he said

‘ahjumma would be very pleased to hear that, her house is her masterpiece, she’s an architect by profession but decided to manage the agency my late grandfather founded…thus the reason why I became your cleaning lady…’ I told him with a smile as I was preparing the food so we can both eat.

He nodded and walked around the kitchen peering at cupboards and drawers ‘I cant have wine so I’ll just get water…’

‘no wine?’ I asked then when he nodded I remembered an article about him getting so drunk with wine so I pointed to the drawer at the left side ‘we have some canned juices there, pick one’

‘kamsahamnida…have you ever been to Gwangjang Market?’

I shook my head as I handed him a bowl of tteokbokki and laid the other choices of food on the table with another plate of kimchi ‘what’s in Gwangjang Market?’

‘you love street food…and they have the best street food there’ he boasted with a smile ‘maybe when the suju wives return they can take you with them…’

‘suju wives?? Ohh those pretty girls in your pictures…but I wont be staying long I’m afraid. I’m just here for a month or two then I’m off to New York again’ I told him with a sad smile ‘but I wont mind meeting them.’

‘why do you have to leave?’ he asked me in between bites of his food ‘why cant you stay?’

I had to smile because of his cuteness and the way his face would frown over the seriousness of his questions…and I cant believe that such a guy does exist. The innocence in his face and the way his eyes would light up out of curiosity was enough to make my heart beat like crazy and a part of me just wanted to hold him so bad because of that.

I had to shake my head with the way my thoughts are going amok inside my head, if he could read my mind he’ll probably think I’m lusting after him while thinking of him as a possible boyfriend material or a younger brother…geez talk about .

‘well…first my parents would look for me, 2nd I have a job waiting for me there, 3rd my things are in my condo and 4th though I really don’t want to go back to New York I only have a student visa so it would be impossible for me to stay here’ I answered him.

‘hmm…maybe we can get married and you can stay here in Seoul for good!’ he said excitedly ‘I can tell my hyungs and well kyuhyunnie, they would like that idea’

‘whoah…hold your horses buddy! Hold it right there…we cant get married’ I answered him ‘don’t be ridiculous…’

‘wae? I mean it’s a wonderful idea…you can stay here, have friends and well be with me’ he said another grin ‘its perfect…’

What is this guy thinking?! Get married just because I don’t want to go to New York? How funny and weird can that be?

As I looked at him grinning from ear to ear I couldn’t help but smile at him…if only I can stay in Seoul I would be so delighted to spend some time in getting to know him. He was a breath of fresh air in a dull life I was living. Wookie was a delight to be with, sweet and caring…funny and even if he cant beat lee sungmin in the aegyo category, his aegyo is just perfect for me, if only I can have that chance…

‘so do you agree with me?’ he asked me again

‘no…hahaha, not in a million years. I want to marry for love kim ryeowook’

He grinned at me as he did a silly dance and made a peace sign ‘I also believe in love…we can be in love with each other…what do you think Alyssa-sshi?’

‘I think you’ve gone mad…’ I said as I shook my head and laughed at him ‘you’re a weirdo’


**wookie’s pov**

It was so cute hearing her laugh and giggle, it made her look prettier and for the first time I noticed the color of her eyes they were a brilliant shade of green…like the color of the grass and the leaves when it’s spring time, though I think she wouldn’t like that comparison all that much.

‘why are your eyes green?’ I asked her

She smiled and handed me a glass of orange juice ‘I’m part American and well French among others too so I’m a gypsy…a mutt is what they call me in the states’

‘a mutt??!’ I shouted ‘you don’t look like a dog!! You’re cuter than a dog!! Who calls you a mutt?!’

‘easy oppa…I mean wookie-sshi, but yeah oppa sounds cute you’re older than me by a year anyways…I don’t mind being called a mutt, it doesn’t get to me’ she answered.

‘but its not right…its disrespectful yobo…’

‘what does yobo mean?’

I smiled and helped her clearing the table and putting the dirty dishes in the sink ‘it means honey…let me help you with the dishes, you fed me…kamsahamnida...’

‘aniyo…I’ll do that when I get back, I’ll just soak them in warm water with soap. We have to get you home’

‘I’ll take a taxi’

She shook my head and grabbed the car keys from the table and handed me my jacket ‘taxis don’t pass thru here…and its late, I’ll take you home’

‘but…how will you get home? You shouldn’t be driving this late, its not safe’

She looked at me as if I had horns and it wouldn’t stop growing, and without warning she gave me a kiss on the cheek then pushed me out the door. I couldn’t help but blush yet smile at what she did…omo, does she like me now? I thought happily.

‘I’m not throwing you out but its late…and you have a busy schedule in the morning’

‘but I can come back right?’

‘I’ll think about it…now lets go…’

And right then there I knew I found the girl for me…and she was standing right beside me humming some song that I don’t really know about…


a bit short lol i was reading their ufo replies...kyuhyunnie is soo damn witty!! :) hope you like the way the story goes..

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minhosnoona #1
Chapter 22: love love love!!!!!
"damn right I want his babies."<br />
hey guys...this is my next story about yesung :) <br />
please take the time to read it :)
meggie016 #4
nice ending!! :))<br />
<br />
i'll be waiting for your upcoming stories :D
Wah..! Its d0ne... Haha so s0mething happene..really.! Haha omo alyssa and yesung my gahd im so excited.! ^^,
M3IQ1heartSUJU #6
Wow, nice ending :D hopw yesung and aia will work out fine ): looking forward :D
#7 ended already...but yesung and aia..i hope they get back together..thank you for writing a wonderful story
Oohh unnie it's ending soon? Aww
M3IQ1heartSUJU #9
Waaa, i am so jealous of that girl :D by seeing wookie smile can just melt me already :D i cant wait for yesungs stry :D fighting! (:
Finale is c0ming... W0okie and alyssa are official c0uple n0w.! Oh yeah! Excited f0r the next chaptes., hehe update again., whahaha im so excited wth Yesung fic. Haha the l0ng wait is over C: