Chapter 6

Baby, it's you.


It was the weekend of all weekends or so I had an idea what I should be expecting this weekend, though I really wanted a chance to get to know wookie before I leave and I really didn’t want to entertain the thought of me leaving Seoul to go back to the life I was used to, then again I don’t want to entertain those kind of thoughts right now for I just wanted to have fun and relax with my new found friends.

I walked inside the dorm surprised to find an arguing yesung-oppa and aia-sshi, they were having quite a heated argument about aia’s clothes and I had to laugh at the way their conversation was going…it seemed very childish and wookie was listening to them while sighing all the while and he had ddangkoma on the table with him.

‘ohh!! Alyssa-ah! Save me!!!’ wookie shouted in delight as he saw me enter the room.

I waved at aia who gave me a smile while slapping yesung oppa’s hands away from her ‘annyeong haseyo…is there something wrong?’

‘grrr!! This man here…you know him, with his great love for turtles doesn’t think its appropriate to wear a bikini while we’re at jeju’ aia said in disbelief ‘what am I supposed to wear?! A gown??’

Yesung sighed and raised his arms in frustration ‘I’m not sharing!! Alyssa-sshi is wearing jeans…’ he said as he looked at me and sighed again for I was wearing shorts ‘but you’re not wearing a bikini!! Aniyo..jagiya’

‘you! You are soo old fashioned!!’ Aia screamed as she sat beside me and started talking to ddangkoma ‘why cant you be as docile as your turtle?’

Wookie and I were looking at each other and both burst out laughing, and once again I was mesmerized by his adorable and innocent smile…he looked so much like a child with his hair and his cute chinky eyes, if this is love then hell I’ll look at his face every single day of my life and not get tired, damn right I want his babies.

So much for nice, wholesome thoughts this morning…will I be able to survive the whole weekend without trying to ‘’ this innocent boy beside me? I can see the headlines now ‘crazy girl kim ryeowook of super junior…beheaded in a week’ now that woke me up from my silly and ‘green’ fantasies.

Heechul oppa opened the front door followed by his beautiful wife Sammie-sshi who was at that moment munching on chocopies and with a bottle of soda on the other hand…which reminded me of a super junior show I saw on youtube 2 days ago.

‘that’s not really healthy yobo…you and your chocopies’ heechul said as he hugged his wife on the waist ‘eat healthy…’

Sammie grinned at me but shook her head ‘iie itoshii…chocopie is healthy, konichiwa Alyssa-san, a-chan…chocopies anyone?’

‘annyeong haseyo…where is everyone?’ I asked them as she handed me a piece of chocopie but I decided to gave to a smiling wookie who looked like he was about to pass out from listening to aia and yesung argue earlier.

Heechul smiled at me making him look ahh lets just say approachable for the moment, I mean…its not that I don’t like him but he can be scary at times but then again he’s always soft and romantic whenever he’s near his wife…love does change a person.

‘we’re glad you’re here Alyssa-sshi…wookie was worried you wouldn’t come’ he said with a grin at his dongsaeng who was at that moment eating a piece of chocopie contently, pretending not to hear anything around him. ‘we’ll leave as soon as the bus is ready…teukie hyung said they’re on their way here…did you eat breakfast?’

‘ne oppa…kamsahamnida, sammie-ah you should sit down’ I told his wife who was grinning at me while munching her chocopies

‘chocopies Alyssa-san?’ she said then added in a whisper ‘did yesung oppa and a-chan fight again? About what this time?’

I smiled and pointed at a still grumbling aia and her bikini top, though she was wearing a cover up, her namjachingu still didn’t like seeing her wear it ‘the bikini bothers yesung…are they always like this sammie-ah? Like bickering kids?’

‘iie…not really, they always talk too much though and we were like that before. Cinderella and I were like cat and dog…we would argue everytime we’re near each other…’ she answered with a dreamy sigh as she looked at her hubby who was playing ddangkoma with wookie.

‘then it developed to love?’ I asked as I took a bite from the chocopie I had in my hand while observing that guy with his innocent smile and his oh so y eyes ‘this is bad…really bad’ I whispered

Sammie looked at me with a knowing smile ‘its obvious…and its not bad, you like wookie…I mean who doesn’t like him? He’s a very sweet guy…’

I shook my head and sighed ‘I cant like him…I’m not supposed to sammie-ah, I mean I’m leaving soon, I don’t want to leave with a broken heart…’

‘and so? Long distance is ok…just go with the flow Alyssa-san…don’t let your fear get in the way’ she said with a smile.

I was left there thinking about what she said…can I really be in a long distance relationship with someone? I mean we’d live in different continents and have different time zones…how will that work? Though the internet would be useful but still it would be very different in having the one that you like or love near you and within arms reach, but if ever wookie and I would go to that point…he’ll be very busy with his career and I would also be preoccupied with my work and my plan to take my masters, how will we ever manage to make things work?

I shook my head again…I was thinking far into the future and I don’t even know if the guy I’m crushin’ on and having lustful thoughts with likes me. Well, yes he did sort of ‘ask’ me out for the weekend but does that actually mean anything? I don’t know much about Korean men…hell I don’t know a lot of things about men period. I’ve never had a boyfriend in New York…come to think of it why didn’t I have one? As I look at wookie and he turned around to give me a smile I felt my heart melt and it that instant I knew he was the reason why I waited…

‘uhh ohh…I’m in deep ’ I whispered making Aia and Sammie laugh as they nodded their agreement.

-Jeju Island-

‘omo!! Its so pretty here!!’ I whispered in delight as I stepped out of the suju bus along with a skipping aia and she looked a bit cross about the sundress she was wearing, since she decided to let yesung have his way in her not wearing a bikini top despite the cover up she was wearing. She decided to wear a white sundress making yesung smile in relief.

‘yes it is very pretty…now to look for the perfect burial ground for yesung…’ she mumbled loud enough for me and the girls to hear.

Lin had to shake her head in amusement and disbelief ‘you can bury him later a-chan, just relax arraso?’

‘iie…I want to bury him now’ aia said with an evil grin then looked at me ‘would you like to help Alyssa-san?’

I laughed at her then looked at the boys behind us, they were carrying our bags inside the resort we were staying and I learned that teukie oppa and yna-sshi owned this beautiful spot here in the island…it was heaven.

‘ahh maybe later when they’re not too busy ok a-chan?’ I told her with a smile just to appease her while looking at Lin all the while ‘I didn’t know that they can be quite conservative’

Sammie giggled as she held a squirming baby boy in her arms ‘well they’re quite possessive too…loving these boys is like a roller coaster ride, crazy, scary yet fun’

Ria nodded her agreement and patted my arm ‘don’t be scared…it’s a ride worth riding Alyssa-san’

‘I wish it was easier for me, I don’t want to think about me leaving Seoul and knowing that kid there has my heart…’ I honestly told them as we walked inside the resort.

‘so you like or love him?’ yna asked the obvious with a silly grin

‘I like him yes…love is too strong a word, I want to get to know him better’ I answered them to which khae squealed in delight surprising us all, including the boys who were now watching us with curious stares.

‘hush!!’ I told her

She smiled and nodded ‘its nothing oppas!’ she shouted to the boys and added ‘finally wookie’s going to have a lovelife…I wonder who’s next?’

And we all turned around to look at aia who was shaking her head with so much conviction and just mouthed the word no and stuck her tongue out at yesung who was still grinning happily because he got what he wanted. Wookie was right next to kyuhyun and they were in a deep discussion about something, all the time we were travelling they had their heads together talking about who knows what, and except for at least 10min away from each other when the evil maknae would sit beside his daughter and wife, wookie would also sit beside me grinning like a chimpanzee.

‘what is wrong with these guys?!’ I whispered.


i'll be doing this chapter in 2 parts :) 

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minhosnoona #1
Chapter 22: love love love!!!!!
"damn right I want his babies."<br />
hey guys...this is my next story about yesung :) <br />
please take the time to read it :)
meggie016 #4
nice ending!! :))<br />
<br />
i'll be waiting for your upcoming stories :D
Wah..! Its d0ne... Haha so s0mething happene..really.! Haha omo alyssa and yesung my gahd im so excited.! ^^,
M3IQ1heartSUJU #6
Wow, nice ending :D hopw yesung and aia will work out fine ): looking forward :D
#7 ended already...but yesung and aia..i hope they get back together..thank you for writing a wonderful story
Oohh unnie it's ending soon? Aww
M3IQ1heartSUJU #9
Waaa, i am so jealous of that girl :D by seeing wookie smile can just melt me already :D i cant wait for yesungs stry :D fighting! (:
Finale is c0ming... W0okie and alyssa are official c0uple n0w.! Oh yeah! Excited f0r the next chaptes., hehe update again., whahaha im so excited wth Yesung fic. Haha the l0ng wait is over C: