chapter 10

Baby, it's you.


It was raining that afternoon and I decided to go out for coffee with Aia-sshi while we were waiting for the rest of the girls to start our movie date. It was just us for 2wks while super junior is out on tour, promoting their album and photo shoots.

Its been also a week since wookie and I made our announcement that we’re officially dating and exclusively seeing each other and its actually one of the best decision I’ve ever made in my life, it was doing something for myself and not thinking about my parents meddling, not that I didn’t value their opinion but I also have my own life to live and I want to be away from their influential shadows…its killing me little by little and being in Seoul and being with my friends and wookie it made me realize what I’ve been missing all along.

‘malhago shippeo…I want to stay, I want to be with him’ I whispered as I leaned back on the couch as I put my mug of cappuccino on the table as I stared outside the now wet streets of seoul. I could see people passing by with colorful umbrellas and with coats huddled closer to their bodies…it was going to be a cold evening but I welcomed it.

‘then stay…tell your parents you found a life in Seoul…’ aia said as she reached for my hand across the table ‘he needs you too’

I shook my head ‘if only its that easy aia-sshi…I’d give up everything, everything that I have and everything I own just to stay here with him, but I also have responsibilities in New York.’

‘what do you plan to do then? You know that whatever you decide we’ll be here to support you’ she told me with a smile ‘sumimasen, I’ll use the bathroom…don’t go anywhere’

With that said I was left alone to my thoughts and I’ve never felt more alone in my life, I’ve always longed for someone to talk to, someone to whom I can share my secrets with and not be judged by it. How many times have I wished to have a sibling but my parents thought I didn’t need one and mama couldn’t give birth anymore, so there I was alone…growing up in big, dusty, polluted, noisy but still lovely city of New York. I was used to not having a playmate,eating alone during lunch breaks and that didn’t really bothered me…but how can I go back to the life that I left when I have made friends here and found love?

I sighed and leaned back on the couch, I could hear the café playing a sweet ballad from Jang Geun Seuk…it was a beautiful song, without words…yes I can totally relate to that, love came to me suddenly and it knocked me quite good and I’m loving the feeling, I just wish that I didn’t have to leave him. I could feel the tears starting to fall and it tore my heart. I was about to get a tissue from the table when my phone’s message alert tone startled me, it was wookie’s cute voice saying hello and I miss you, I couldn’t help but smile as I picked it up…it was indeed from him.

Jagiya! I miss you so much…and I cant wait to see you when I get back, I know its hard for you that I’m always away, but this is also for our future.

Saranghae jagiya

‘how could I not love this man?’ I whispered as I looked at his txt message…I know it was a bit late in China but still he took the time to send me something and that meant a lot to me. I pondered if I should send him a message back knowing full well that we’ll end up txting each other and him being all the more sleep deprived, but then again how can I not take the chance in talking to him even for such a short while? I hurriedly typed a reply and prayed with all my might that he would send me a message back.

Wookie-ah!! I miss you too! Saranghae…are you taking care of yourself oppa?

Jagiya, I’m glad you sent me a reply, I’ve been missing you, the coordinoonas are taking care of us Alyssa-ah, don’t worry your pretty head about my health, are you eating well?

Ne oppa, I am. I’m out with the girls right now, we have a movie date, we’re just waiting for the rest. I’m with aia-sshi.

Arraso…I have to go, we have dance rehearsals and interviews this evening. Saranghae Alyssa-ah, I’ll call you soon.

Oppa…kongang heyo, I miss you.

I was looking at my phone the whole time that I didn’t notice Aia was already sitting in front of me with a knowing smile on her face.

‘its wookie-sshi? Hmm they’re all on a break right now I also got a message from that moron yesung…’ she said with a fond smile when she mentioned yesung oppa’s name.

‘how did you guys ended up always fighting with each other? From what I’ve heard and seen from the magazines and stuff you guys were so sweet…what happened aia-sshi?’ I asked her

She smiled and shook her head ‘lets just say that something happened between us…nothing’s perfect in this world, but we wanted to make things work, though I honestly don’t think I can compete.’

‘you can tell me everything Aia-sshi and I wont judge your for it…’

‘how do I start Alyssa-san…but he made me meet his parents, they own this textile company and I met them at their villa, they were very nice people…but I could tell that they didn’t like me for their son.’ She told me as she took a sip from her coffee ‘I don’t understand…’

I tried to give her a smile for lack of better things to say…now there’s an added worry to my already worried mind…what if his parents wont like me too? Even if I’m Korean I still spent most of my life in New York making me somewhat a stranger to my very own home…how can things be so damn complicated when all I wanted to do was fall in love and be loved in return? Aish!!


a small introduction for yesung and aia's story :) thank you soo much for the wonderful guys are amazing!! kamsahamnida!!

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minhosnoona #1
Chapter 22: love love love!!!!!
"damn right I want his babies."<br />
hey guys...this is my next story about yesung :) <br />
please take the time to read it :)
meggie016 #4
nice ending!! :))<br />
<br />
i'll be waiting for your upcoming stories :D
Wah..! Its d0ne... Haha so s0mething happene..really.! Haha omo alyssa and yesung my gahd im so excited.! ^^,
M3IQ1heartSUJU #6
Wow, nice ending :D hopw yesung and aia will work out fine ): looking forward :D
#7 ended already...but yesung and aia..i hope they get back together..thank you for writing a wonderful story
Oohh unnie it's ending soon? Aww
M3IQ1heartSUJU #9
Waaa, i am so jealous of that girl :D by seeing wookie smile can just melt me already :D i cant wait for yesungs stry :D fighting! (:
Finale is c0ming... W0okie and alyssa are official c0uple n0w.! Oh yeah! Excited f0r the next chaptes., hehe update again., whahaha im so excited wth Yesung fic. Haha the l0ng wait is over C: