chapter 17

Baby, it's you.


-part 2-

‘why the hell did you have to announce it like that?!’ I shouted at him the moment we were alone.

Our mothers took it better than I did, they were happy…happy like silly monkeys if you would ask me, and we have to announce things over dinner again so that our fathers will hear the ‘good news’ straight from us. I still don’t see why is it so good when I’ve made up my mind to move on and forget him.

We were walking towards the cottage found near the manor, it was our mothers’ idea as a romantic get-away for the both of us while they watch us…as if I want to stay in one room with wookie. They better make sure that I don’t find anything sharp inside the cottage or I cant guarantee that I wont use it on him. I was already thinking of torture the moment he took my hand as he led me towards the cottage door, I was thinking of a dozen ways to murder him in his sleep or something like that for compensation for him hurting me…and now he just barges into my life and act as if nothing happened?!

‘of all the sleazy, dumb tricks a guy could ever think of…this is the worst!’ I told him as I crossed my arms and waited for him to open the door.

‘I just want you back…’ he answered as he opened the door with flourish ‘ta-da…welcome to our new home.’

I rolled my eyes and pushed him out of the way is I dropped my bags on the floor, I don’t care if he thought I was acting like a primadonna he deserves it after treating me like .

‘want me back?! Want me back my a…I meant my foot! You hurt me…’

‘that’s why I want to make things up jagiya…can you at least hear me out?’ he asked me.

‘never!! Now bring my bags upstairs…and kindly please hurry?’ I told him as I rushed up the stairs leaving him staring at me with his mouth wide open. ‘you want to make things right? Start…’

**wookie’s pov**

I could only stare at her retreating bag as she bounded up the stairs, leaving me with her bags. I know I did things the wrong way, I pursued her boldly and I guess she didn’t like that but it was the only way I could think of, without my hyungs here I simply have no clue what do about girls. I even wonder how they do it with their wives, and how they made the girls love them.

I know that we’re not easy to live with, provided with our busy schedules and having to share our time and attention with our work and our fans, the girls didn’t have it easy…and I know Alyssa wont have it easy if she decides to be with me and take me as I am, but I want her to be with me…I just need to convince her our relationship is worth saving.

‘what did you pack here jagiya?? Rocks?!’ I asked her as I carried one of her bags…why do girls need a whole lot of things for a couple of days away from the city anyway?

I wonder how the other hyungs were doing with their own relationship problems right now?

**yesung’s pov**

‘a-chan…why aren’t you coming??’

I was outside her room knocking on her bedroom door for she wouldn’t come out to face me, good thing I was inside their apartment or it would’ve been very embarrassing if I did the pounding on their front door. I still didn’t have any reasons why she would refuse to come with me to visit my parents for the weekend, she would love our farm I’m sure of that and she would also see my parents again and she can spend time with my family, I still wonder why she’s being so stubborn about it.

‘if you don’t come out I’ll break down the door…1…2…’

‘urusai!!!’ she screamed as she opened the door, almost hitting me flat on my face and marched towards the living room, she was wearing her pj’s and her hair was tied up in its usual ponytail…a clear indication that she had no intentions of leaving the apartment.

‘why aren’t you dressed jagiya?’ I asked her as I followed her into the living room, she was already sitting on the couch and massaging her temples ‘are you sick? Do you want to call the doctor?’

She looked at me as if I was an apparition of some kind that she really didn’t want to see ‘I have a migraine that’s why I’m not coming…you can go now oppa’

‘I don’t like to go alone…and besides my parents would like to see you again’ I told her and saw her wince when I mentioned my parents ‘is there something wrong?’

‘iie…everything is peachy! Stop lying right at my face…your parents doesn’t like me. In fact your mother hates me with a vengeance! I don’t even know what I did to make them not like me!!’ she said as she closed her eyes.

That was the first time she told me what was bothering her after we got back from meeting my parents a couple of months ago…things started to change between us, why would she keep things from me? I thought we were supposed to go thru things together.

I sat there looking at her half wanting to leave her alone to her thoughts while half wanting to stay and just hold her and tell her that everything is going to be alright…but I also learned to never make promises that I don’t know if I can keep. How do I deal with her and my parents if they’re not on speaking terms?

‘aish! What do I need to do a-chan?’ I asked her

She looked at me and shook her head ‘I honestly don’t know…why don’t we just end this?’

Did she just say end things? Uhh ohh….

**eunhyuk’s pov**

The rest of the guys are probably on their way to start the whole week without work and stuff but here I am instead of relaxing somewhere with Siwon-sshi or Yesung-sshi…or maybe sleeping in my bed and to only wake up to eat and take a bath I was asked by my sister to supervise the dancers in the dance studio she owns and manages, it was her baby and I was doing her a favor…so there I was entering the wide dance studio filled with cute kids wearing tutus and ballet outfits, I’m pretty sure Sungmin-sshi would love the color here for everything was in pink, even the kids outfits were pink.

‘annyeong haseyo…’ I greeted them and they all smiled at me and gave me excited waves as they were doing their stretches.

I looked around for their instructor so I could oversee the dances for a while, though I don’t think I’m needed there for the rest of the day and I don’t even know what noona does here so I’ll be completely lost if I stay. I looked around at the cheery dance studio and the pictures around the wall, I saw pictures of noona dancing the ballet and modern dances but another picture caught my eye, it was of a slender ballerina in a perfect grand jete…she was amazing. I wonder what it would be like watching her perform for real.

‘unnie!! We have a visitor…’ I heard one of the children shout, so I turned around only to be taken away by surprise, for the girl I was admiring was standing in front of me.

She was wearing black leotards and pink training pants that showed off her slim figure, her jet black hair was in a ponytail and her eyes were a deep hazel in color. I couldn’t stop staring at her and she stared back at me…with eyes filled with recognition, so she knows who I am, things will be easier then.

‘annyeong haseyo…I’m Lee Hyukjae, Lee Sora’s brother’ I started as she walked towards me

She nodded and smiled ‘we all know you as Eunhyuk and unnie has told me about you coming here…I’m Michelle Liang, I’m one of the ballet teachers here…’

‘yeppuda…’ I whispered and smiled at her…looks like I’ll be visiting more often whether noona likes it or not.

**Siwon’s pov**

‘Siwon-san, I know you’re busy and I do understand your schedule…but this is the nth time you had to cancel our date.’

I looked at Ayumi-ah and I could see how frustrated she was. I was visiting her at her clinic for she was also my cardiologist, if a patient dates his doctor and if the patient has a huge crush on this lovely doctor I would think I’m going mad for cancelling one of our dates again and I didn’t think she would understand. We’ve been dating for almost a year now and we haven’t really confirmed anything to each other but we enjoyed each other’s company to be bothered by formalities or titles.

‘mianhe ayumi-ah, we’re off for the whole week but I just had this prior engagement that I really need to go…we can have a date right after that or the next day’ I told her as I held out the flowers in my arms.

She sighed and nodded ‘hai…just give me a call or something. Lets do our routine check up daijobu?’

I smiled and nodded as I took off my shirt so she could do her check up, I must admit that I found her blush cute whenever I would take off my shirt for her…it had that sensual feeling that I really couldn’t describe and seeing her blush like that makes me want to give her a soft kiss but being the gentleman that I was I wouldn’t go that far.

‘I see you’ve done your exercises…you look healthy siwon-san, still I’d like to make sure.’ She said with a grin ‘you brought your gym clothes?’

‘ne ayumi-ah…do you want to go to the gym with me?’ I asked her

She nodded and I couldn’t help but grin, I admired a woman who thinks about herself and keeping herself healthy with exercise…but as I look at this beautiful woman beside me there’s more to her that I don’t really know and as I get to know her I would find out more about her…and maybe just maybe she’s the one I’m looking for.

**wookie’s pov**

I could hear the music coming from her room, she was singing a song by Rihanna’s it was California king bed and she had the sweetest voice I ever heard, though I couldn’t understand most of the lyrics but hearing her sing it was as if angels came down from heaven and they were serenading me. She had a voice of an angel…but angel or not she needs to come down to the main house with me so we can eat dinner with our parents. She might not like the way I was showing her how much I love her but it’s the only way I could think of that moment.

‘jagiya…’ I knocked on her bedroom door before opening it and found her on the floor while polishing her nails she didn’t even bother to look up when I closed the door behind me ‘our parents told us that dinner is ready.’

She looked up and nodded ‘appa’s here…so what do you have planned mr. oh-so-bold?’ she asked as she stood up and got her dress for dinner ‘I dont know why I’m feeling like I’m going to be fed to the lions tonight’

I laughed and sat on her bed as I put her pink box filled with nail polish and the other things that a girl needs whenever they do their nails. ‘trust me…I got your back’

She rolled her eyes and went inside the bathroom that we share to change. One thing I love about old houses is they usually have connecting bedrooms and shared bathrooms…I was about to leave the room when she shouted for my name.

‘wookie-sshi! Can you pretty please hand me over my towel?’

‘cant do anything without me jagiya?’ I chuckled as I handed her the fluffy white towel she left on her bed.

‘shut up…’

Her room was filled with my laughter as she roughly grabbed the towel from my hand and slammed the bathroom door. My days with Alyssa wont ever be boring…and that’s what made me love her all the more, she had a mind of her own.


thank you guys for patiently waiting :) i want to give you the best in every chapter...but this is actually the 2nd part of the previous chapter and a sneak peak of the single suju members i'll make a story about. hope you guys like it...and i really love your support and guys are amazing!! 

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minhosnoona #1
Chapter 22: love love love!!!!!
"damn right I want his babies."<br />
hey guys...this is my next story about yesung :) <br />
please take the time to read it :)
meggie016 #4
nice ending!! :))<br />
<br />
i'll be waiting for your upcoming stories :D
Wah..! Its d0ne... Haha so s0mething happene..really.! Haha omo alyssa and yesung my gahd im so excited.! ^^,
M3IQ1heartSUJU #6
Wow, nice ending :D hopw yesung and aia will work out fine ): looking forward :D
#7 ended already...but yesung and aia..i hope they get back together..thank you for writing a wonderful story
Oohh unnie it's ending soon? Aww
M3IQ1heartSUJU #9
Waaa, i am so jealous of that girl :D by seeing wookie smile can just melt me already :D i cant wait for yesungs stry :D fighting! (:
Finale is c0ming... W0okie and alyssa are official c0uple n0w.! Oh yeah! Excited f0r the next chaptes., hehe update again., whahaha im so excited wth Yesung fic. Haha the l0ng wait is over C: