Chapter 20

Baby, it's you.


‘wookie-sshi, do you want a cheese sandwich?’

I turned around from looking at the blue ocean to find a smiling a-chan handing me a cheese sandwich, I looked around for yesung hyung but he isn’t anywhere to be found.

‘komawo a-chan, where’s hyung?’ I asked her as I accepted the sandwich bag she offered.

‘playing star craft with kyuhyun-kun, why are you here alone?’ she asked me as she adjusted her glasses and stretched her arms ‘I really need a break’

We were insude the suju bus on our way to Jinan-gun for some photo shoots and other promotional stuff that we need to do for our current song and the girls decided to tag along, it was cherry blossom season there and they wanted to see the famous trees rather than going back to Japan.

My life was back to normal when I got to Seoul after my 1 week vacation in France and I told them about what Alyssa and I decided, to go our separate ways til we can a solution for our relationship. I haven’t seen her for 8 months now and it was hard not being able to hold her, talking to her on skype or hearing her voice on the phone wasn’t enough but I made a promise, we both made a promise to be tough though all I wanted to do was jump on a plane and visit her in New York every chance I get but she was firm about her decision…to wait.

How long can love wait? How long can I sit here in Seoul and do nothing but talk to her on the phone or using the internet? It was killing me to not be able to do anything but wait…yet as whenever I would talk to her or see her pretty face on webcam she would always give me the strength that I need and I would stop complaining.

‘a break from what a-chan? Are you and hyung ok?’ I asked her

She gave me a small smile and shook her head ‘I’m okay with him but his family isn’t okay with me.’

I was about to ask her another question when she patted my shoulder and went to one of the vacant couches at the back and closed her eyes as she put on her earphones. I wanted to comfort her for she was another sister to me but I also knew the need for her to be alone and figure things out. I’m hoping for the best between them and yesung hyung.

I was left alone on my seat while munching the sandwich she gave me and I stared out at the window, we had a long drive ahead of us but I looked forward to seeing the countryside again…with my thoughts filled with wanting to be with the girl I love, the country air would do good for my system. I knew it was nighttime in New York and she’s probably in bed now or working on some files and I wanted to call her then again she also needs some time alone like aia.

‘jagiya…please hurry, I miss you so much’ I whispered as I wiped the tear from my eye, such was my life everyday, waiting and waiting for her and believing in what we have.

**alyssa’s pov**

How long has it been? 8 months…8 long months of talking with wookie yet when people ask us what our status is we all tell them that we’re friends and damn it giving that answer really big time. Then again we both made that decision and we were trying hard to stand by it. I know it was hard for him but he needs to hold on for just a little bit more til I can finally stay with him in Seoul for good.

I was sitting on the floor with my clothes scattered all over my bedroom, I was packing early for a business trip tomorrow and my return flight to Korea this coming weekend. The reason why I made him wait was for me to be able to settle things with my parents and to finish the job I have for my father and our law firm. I’ve been working day and night for me to finish everything while being a daughter to my parents. I know they were a bit hesitant about my move to Korea but I convinced them that it was for my career growth and for me to be happy as well…how can I not be happy when I’ll finally be with the love of my life?

‘alyssa-ah? Its mama…’

I looked up from folding my clothes to see omma’s smiling face and her assistant was bringing a couple of shopping bags and putting them down on the floor. My mother has been shopping again or rather ‘raiding’ the shops at Saks and Bloomingdale again, even if I didn’t need any clothes she would still insist on a whole new wardrobe for me…appa would let her have her way in the end for he would always tell me that mother’s know best, and I couldn’t agree more but shopping for a whole new wardrobe is ridiculous.

‘omma…don’t tell me that’s a whole new set of wardrobe again?’ I asked her as I gave her a kiss.

She smiled and showed me one of the bags ‘it’s a new bag for you…you need it for work and some other clothes as well.’

‘but omma…’ I wailed ‘its too expensive, I don’t even know if that will fit my luggage.’

‘honey…you’re from New York, you’re used to expensive things and besides I got those from sales and I work for Bloomingdale’s so most of them are bonuses…relax’ she said with another smile as she got one of my luggages and started packing ‘and besides you’re working for a business magazine in Korea, dress to impress darling.’

And as much as I hate to admit it my mother had a point, I cant very well start working for one of the famous business magazines in Korea and meet with would be advertisers if I dress like a teenager, then again I hated wearing business suits, they itch.

‘omma…am I making the right decision?’ I asked her in a whisper as I was putting my lingerie and pajamas in one of the empty suitcases in front of me ‘I mean working there would be great…but-‘

She touched my hair and hugged me ‘you and wookie-ah will be fine, you both love each other, its time for you guys to be together.’

‘but what about you and appa?’ I sniffed ‘I don’t want to leave you guys alone, am I such a bad daughter for wanting to be independent?’

‘hush…don’t ever say that, we raised you well and if you want to be independent then we’ll support you and sweetie New York is just a flight away, come and visit us anytime you can.’ She said as she kissed my cheeks ‘my lovely daughter…whatever happens and wherever you may be in the world it wouldn’t change anything…you’re our daughter. Don’t worry too much…arasso?’

Hearing omma say that made me feel a whole better about my decision, and knowing that my parents will support me I couldn’t have been any luckier than this weekend my whole life would change and I would be seeing the man I love again after 8 long months of waiting, it was worth the wait.

**Seoul, Korea**

‘I’ve been trying to call that moron for like the nth time now…he’s not picking up!’ I shouted in frustration as I sat on the couch at my aunt’s living room.

I got back in Seoul last night and I’ve already planned to meet up with the girls later today to get them to help me with my plans in surprising wookie, but the latter is nowhere to be found. Don’t tell me he’s gone hibernating again?

I know they just got back from a photoshoot in Jinan a couple of days ago but he still would’ve been able to pick up my calls or answer my messages. I sighed as I closed my eyes and forced myself to breathe, it wouldn’t do of us any good if I’ll get mad over such small matters…but wouldn’t you get mad if your boyfriend would suddenly go missing in action for a couple of days and the last message you got from him was…

‘saranghae…I’ll be busy for a while, talk to you soon jagiya.’

It was enough to make a grown woman mad, even if you trust him he cant be possibly busy for a couple of days and not have even a minute of his precious time to leave you a in’ message when you most need it?

‘where the hell are you oppa?!’ I shouted to the empty house as I stood up from the couch, grabbed my purse and my car keys to meet up with the girls at Caffe Bene, to catch up with each other. I have better things to worry about that sit inside the house and worry about my boyfriend who decided to be mia these past few days, and maybe the girls can shed some light on this ‘mystery’.

**Caffe Bene**

‘what?! Can you please repeat that?’ I shrieked as I put down my cup of coffee on the table as I listened to what Yna-unnie said ‘mianhe for shouting unnie…’

She smiled and held my hand ‘its alright…they’re just friends Alyssa-ah, wookie is training her. Voice lessons, its from the management.’

‘but that doesn’t explain why he’s not returning my calls…’ I wailed as I buried my face on my palms, I couldn’t help but think that my flight and the lifestyle change that I’m going thru for this man isn’t worth it after all.

Lin smiled and patted me on the back, she was very much pregnant but isn’t due to give birth this month unlike a very hyper khae who was making faces at me trying to make me smile.

‘sit still unnie…or have you forgotten you’re due to give birth this month’ I reminded her

Khae shook her head and grinned ‘smile dongsaeng…everything will be fine’

I nodded for I couldn’t do anything but trust their words…but it was difficult knowing that oppa is spending a lot of time with one of the trainees of SM made me feel worse, what if he got seduced or if he fell out of love for me? I cant just go back to New York because I was heartbroken…I’ll be forced to stay in Seoul because of my job. I wish it was easy for me to sit still and not worry when my gut instinct tells me differently.

‘is it true that you’re staying here for good Alyssa-san?’ ria asked me pulling me back from my reverie, I know they were trying to take my mind off thinking that wookie might be ‘cheating’ on me…but it was hard doing that.

I smiled and showed them my id and the office I will be working in ‘its near SM so maybe yna and sammie unnie and I can go out for lunch together.’

Sammie grinned and took the copy of the magazine I held out for them to see ‘you’ll be the head editor? Sugoii…you’re very talented Alyssa-san I’m sure you’d do well.’

‘who’s going to work in Seoul for good?’ aia asked, she was out of breath as if she was running a marathon ‘gomen for being late…the kids were a bit rowdier than usual and PTA meeting.’

‘its alright a-chan, you should get something to eat…’ I told her ‘I’ll be working in Seoul starting on Monday, my parents agreed in my decision about accepting this job offer…’

She grinned at me and gave ma high five ‘I’m soo happy for you-ahh wait is that wookie-oppa?’ she whispered as she pointed at the car parked outside.

We all turned around to look at where she was pointing at the car park and true to what she said I saw his car and he was assisting a girl inside the coffee shop. It took all of my effort not to make a scene as I saw the girl holding his hand smiling like a hyena.

‘please stop me from wanting to kill someone…’ I whispered to anyone of the girls who can hear me and I felt sammie’s hand holding mine, it was just the support I needed.

‘murder is a crime dongsaeng’ khae whispered

‘so that’s why he couldn’t answer my messages or my calls, that has his phone…’ I said as I saw wookie’s phone in the girl’s hand, I know that phone anywhere for we have the same cellphone charm, we bought it in a dime store in France.

Yna sighed in frustration as she sipped on her coffee ‘wookie didn’t tell me about going out for coffee with Yuri…they should be rehearsing. Gomen Alyssa-san.’

I shook my head and gave them a sad smile ‘its not your fault unnie…there has to be an explanation for this, and that jerk better give me a good one…or else.’

Seeing him with another girl broke my heart…but I still didn’t want to believe what I saw. Someone has a whole lot of explaining to do…


another update :) thanks so much for the comments!! and keep them coming!! <3 

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minhosnoona #1
Chapter 22: love love love!!!!!
"damn right I want his babies."<br />
hey guys...this is my next story about yesung :) <br />
please take the time to read it :)
meggie016 #4
nice ending!! :))<br />
<br />
i'll be waiting for your upcoming stories :D
Wah..! Its d0ne... Haha so s0mething happene..really.! Haha omo alyssa and yesung my gahd im so excited.! ^^,
M3IQ1heartSUJU #6
Wow, nice ending :D hopw yesung and aia will work out fine ): looking forward :D
#7 ended already...but yesung and aia..i hope they get back together..thank you for writing a wonderful story
Oohh unnie it's ending soon? Aww
M3IQ1heartSUJU #9
Waaa, i am so jealous of that girl :D by seeing wookie smile can just melt me already :D i cant wait for yesungs stry :D fighting! (:
Finale is c0ming... W0okie and alyssa are official c0uple n0w.! Oh yeah! Excited f0r the next chaptes., hehe update again., whahaha im so excited wth Yesung fic. Haha the l0ng wait is over C: