Chapter 1

Baby, it's you.



I turned around as from slicing some vegetables in the kitchen when I heard hyukkie hyung call my name. it was a surprise that he was awake early on a Sunday morning wherein we should all be sleeping in after a hectic week filled with guestings and stuff that we have to do for our upcoming album and concert tour.

‘ne hyung…why are you awake? You should sleep some more’ I told him with a smile

He shook his head and got himself a glass of water from the fridge and looked around the kitchen as if looking for something or rather someone.

‘where’s Alyssa-sshi? She’s suppose to be here right?’ he asked

‘aniyo, its her day off today…its Sunday hyung so we’re left alone to do the chores, but I don’t think we need to do them, she already finished the laundry and cleaned the house before she left last night’

Our new ‘cleaning lady’ was still quite a mystery to all of us, she wouldn’t talk much and when she would she would always remember to use honorifics and wouldn’t even consider us as friends or anything. In the past 3 days that she was working for them I have never seen her smile or look at us with warmth or anything, its like she was just there to work and not be their friend.

Well, she must be tired from cleaning, cooking and doing the laundry for 9 males who are either too busy or too lazy to do simple chores but still there was something weird about her and I cant seem to let that off my mind. Yes she was pretty, I noticed that but there was really something not right about the set up, she’s young…and she looked too soft to do cleaning jobs.

‘hyung…isn’t she a bit weird?’ I asked hyukkie

Hyukkie raised an eyebrow and laughed ‘wookie-sshi she’s not weird…she just doesn’t talk much, maybe its in her nature…or maybe she’s not allowed to talk’

‘not allowed to talk?? Bwoh! Why not?’ I asked in disbelief…why would they not allow other people to talk? If that isn’t the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard ‘hyung you must be nuts’ I murmured and shook my head making him chuckle as he sat beside me while eating an apple.

‘why the interest wookie-sshi?’

That was one question I really couldn’t answer…why am I so interested in finding things about Alyssa Park? When she isn’t even interested in getting to know anyone of us, yes she’s polite, but she’s too damn polite to everyone…it was so weird and yes I must admit it makes me feel uneasy whenever she’s around and she would just go unnoticed. She’s not ugly, she doesn’t smell…in fact it was as if she was hiding her beauty in the glasses that she wears and her dull clothes. If that’s a crime, then I’m sure she would’ve been in jail right now…but there was something weird about her.

‘wookie-sshi? Why the sudden interest?’ hyukkie hyung asked me again

I found myself giving him a grin as I shrugged my shoulders ‘I just want to be friends with her hyung…that’s it’

He gave me a suspicious stare but he said nothing and continued to munch on his apple as if he was assessing the truthfulness behind my words, so I said nothing and gave him an innocent smile that would’ve worked better if sungmin hyung tried that.

‘that’s so not you wookie-sshi’

*alyssa’s pov*

I cant believe I agreed to my aunt’s crazy request in filling in for one of her employees for at least 2 whole weeks being a cleaning lady to a famous boy group in korea…and for what I’m seeing they’re also quite famous in Asia as well. Talk about getting a vacation while I’m here in Seoul and away from my busy life in the States.

‘boy…am I glad its Sunday, I wont be able to see those boys for a while and I wouldn’t have to wear my disguise…today I can be me’ I whispered with a smile as I got out of the bed that beautiful Sunday morning.

Its not that I don’t like super junior but I don’t want to take the chances in being close to anyone of them knowing that I’m not who they think I really am, and the fact that I’m not permanently staying in Seoul, I just didn’t want to take chances in making friends, knowing that I’d only miss them when I go back to the States.

Not that I really liked living there but I had no choice…my family is based there already. I was born in Busan, South Korea to a half Korean and half American father, and my mother is a mix between French and American…so I’m what they would call in the States a mutt or according to my cousins I’m a gypsy. We moved to New York when I was 10yrs old thus making me a stranger in my very own hometown yet a not so native New Yorker.

Being in Seoul for a month and a half was a dream come true for me, from graduating college and wanting to be independent from my slightly over protective parents…this is the life.

‘so what do I do today?’ I asked myself as I turned my ipod and the speakers on and I danced to ke$ha’s song ‘I wake up in the morning feelin’ like P Diddy’ though I honestly didn’t feel that way, it was a good song to dance to.

As I finished taking my shower and as I was drying my hair, my eyes wandered to my laptop on my coffee table. I was staying with my Aunt Mandy and her house was marvelous, compared to my condo unit in New York this was the house I’ve always wanted for myself…if only I could live here permanently. I sighed as I walked to my laptop and turned it on and finally decided to google about my ‘masters’ for a couple of weeks…super junior, and lets see what delights will I find.

‘omg…is this for real??’ I squealed in surprise as I found at least a hundred or more websites about Super Junior ‘are they like greek gods or something?’

I decided to find out some more things about the members though I already know them by name and I know some of them are married but I don’t really know who they are…know thy enemy as my father would always say.

As I found the list of members I began taking down notes about them so my work would be easier, they seem to like my cooking anyway but still I want them to be happy and I would get my bonus as well…lol much. I looked at the lists of members and knew right away who was married and who wasn’t…teukie, heechul, sungmin, donghae and the evil youngest kyuhyun is married. The others who looked single and well available, not that I’m interested was siwon, eunhyuk, and well yesung is kinda taken that’s what I heard them talk about anyway and ryeowook is also single. Among all the members of super junior I found ryeowook-sshi the cutest…he’s not the aegyo king like sungmin sshi but he can be cute in his own way.

I remember the first time I entered their dorm and he found me humming one of their songs, he has the cutest smile and the cutest eyes I’ve ever seen…it was like be still my heart knowing that if I let this ‘harmless crush’ go too far and out of hand I would never be able to leave Seoul without breaking my heart in the process. Still I couldn’t help not seeing his cute face whenever I’m not there in the dorm so I decided to download a picture of him out of the thousands that I saw on the internet and made him my phone’s wallpaper…

‘how can I not find cute guys in New York??’ I whispered in frustration as I looked at ryeowook’s picture in my phone…’why cant you be there?’


here's the first chapter...there will be more to come, i'm hoping all of you will like it. :)

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minhosnoona #1
Chapter 22: love love love!!!!!
"damn right I want his babies."<br />
hey guys...this is my next story about yesung :) <br />
please take the time to read it :)
meggie016 #4
nice ending!! :))<br />
<br />
i'll be waiting for your upcoming stories :D
Wah..! Its d0ne... Haha so s0mething happene..really.! Haha omo alyssa and yesung my gahd im so excited.! ^^,
M3IQ1heartSUJU #6
Wow, nice ending :D hopw yesung and aia will work out fine ): looking forward :D
#7 ended already...but yesung and aia..i hope they get back together..thank you for writing a wonderful story
Oohh unnie it's ending soon? Aww
M3IQ1heartSUJU #9
Waaa, i am so jealous of that girl :D by seeing wookie smile can just melt me already :D i cant wait for yesungs stry :D fighting! (:
Finale is c0ming... W0okie and alyssa are official c0uple n0w.! Oh yeah! Excited f0r the next chaptes., hehe update again., whahaha im so excited wth Yesung fic. Haha the l0ng wait is over C: