#5 Concern

Forgotten love

The teachers went through the lessons but only the girls were paying attention, the guys were either turning around to look at me, still unable to believe I'm in their class, or trying to pass me notes. After what seemed like a long lesson, the bell rang. The guys flocked towards me and kept talking to me, I just smiled and nodded my head, it seemed that the guys were really attracted to me, saying that I'm more y than cute.

The guys were happily asking for my signature and pictures with them. A guy came forward and asked for a picture. I obliged and he slung his arm on my shoulder. "Hey, keep your hands to yourself Mister." A voice rang out and the guys turned around, only to face Chansung. The boys scampered away and the girls started to get Chansung's attention.


Chansung came forward, towards me and the room became quiet. I remained seated and Chansung leaned towards me while standing. The girls held their breaths as they saw what unfolds before them. Chansung cupped my face with his hands and asked, "Dear, do you want to go for lunch together?" I was shocked, did he just call me Dear?

I placed my index finger at the centre of his forehead, in between the eyebrows and pushed his face away slowly. "What are you doing?" I asked in suspicion. "Just play along..." he said. So I tried to stand up, but when I did, I had a dizzy spell and swayed. Chansung placed his arm behind me and helped me sit down. "Are you alright?" He asked in concern. But he decided to tease me so he said, "Was that too much for you to handle?", and he smirked.

"Oh please." I mouthed and smiled. Then he pulled out a blue lunchbox from behind his back and set it in front of me. "What is that?" "Lunch.", and he opened up the lid of the lunchbox. I was lost for words for a moment there as I thought of the reason why he packed lunch for me. "But..." "Just eat it."

This guy is ordering people again, huh.

"Wow! Fish in black pepper sauce! My favourite! How did you know i liked that?" "Well I didn't..." "Then?" I finally had a chance to taunt him. "I... I made extra." 

Liar. It was specially made for me, don't deny.

I smiled at my thoughts. "What are you smiling at? I... I'm leaving! Finish everything yeah!" And he left.

Awww. He became shy...

I smiled. I quickly finished the food and it was just in time for the next lesson. However, before the teacher came in, the conversation between two of the two female classmates sitting in front of me caught my attention.

"Chansung was here earlier right?"

"Yea, he came to pass Fei lunch."

"Do you think she knows about his girlfriend who passed away?"

Chansung had a girlfriend? And she passed away?

"Her name was Julyn, wasn't it?"

"Didn't she like fish in black pepper sauce too?"

"That reminds me, in the lunchbox Chansung passed Fei, had fish in black pepper sauce in it!"

"So... does that show that he has not forgotten his late girlfriend?"

"How to? When Fei looks so alike to her?"

My heart sank when i heard that. I felt upset all of a sudden and thought:

Why? Just when I'm thinking of being nice to you, and accepting you in my life, someone has to say you have not forgotten your girlfriend? Why does this happen? And I look alike to this Julyn?

I couldn't help but wonder: Is it just me or you seemed to know a little of my past?

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1301 streak #1
I like this story. I'm a bit confused about the father at the wedding scene, is it Fei's (dead) father or Hyuna's father?
Hyuna is like one of the annoying rivals from a Chinese novel, she never gives up even when she knows she lost. Chansung was even more annoying with trusting Hyuna, their relationship is like the kind where you trust the person you know the longest rather than the person you just gotten to know.
Despite all that I like that you make Chansung and Fei end up with each other. Towards the last few chapters, I almost thought that they were going to really break up.
liviya #2
Chapter 45: I like it so much.
meemow123 #3
Chapter 45: Don't get me wrong tho ...
I LOVE THIS FANFIC AND I ALWAYS WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
truly satisfied reader
meemow123 #4
Chapter 45: You know what?
This fanfic is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hyuna is so mean, but she is good in the end yayayayayay! I hate characters who are mean. Julyun/Fei is always getting slapped. By Hyuna and Channie. Never by Khunnie though ... Yay. I actually started to read this coz my friends told me that Khun was a character in this fic. I'm a Khun shipper ... Hehe.
Also, doesn't Fei's dad die after his mum goes off with another guy? Of a heart attack? But somehow he was resurrected and came to Fei and Chan's wedding as a ghost ... Lol. And seriously, BOYS, they are always misunderstanding (except Khunnie) and yelling rude words and punching each other's faces and getting into fist fights and slapping (in Channie's case) poor Fei and almost killing his own baby *gasp!!* lol.

Chan is like ...
1. Oh hi fei i like hyuna
2. Soz hyuna i like fei as my fake wife
3. Soz fei i am going back to hyuna ...
4. Oops did you do this, fei?
5. Naughty fei i like hyuna!
6. Naughty hyuna did u hit fei?
7. I love you, fei!
8. I love you, hyuna! (not really)
9. Naughty hyuna!
10. Naughty fei!
11. Naughty nichkhun!
12. Naughty hyuna
13. Fei why did you lie to me ...
BSun05 #5
Chapter 45: So sweet ♡♡♡♡! REALLY LOVE THIS ♥
Thank you for write this history ♡
Chapter 46: Nice story authornim ♥♡♥
I ship these two so hard after this. hahaha! Great job!
great storyy