#24 He almost found out

Forgotten love

Nichkhun helped me take a rest of the day off at work and I thanked him for that. The next day, I went to class and Nichkhun came to pick me up from Chansung's place. Yes, I went back to Chansung's place and locked myself in my room the entire time. I left his place earlier then usual so I could go to the hospital for a check up on myself.

I reached school with Nichkhun just before the school bell rang for lessons. I placed my hand on my tummy and talked to my child in my mind, "Baby... I am only 19, and when you are born, I'll be 20. Even though I will be a young mum, I promise to be a good one." Nichkhun kept turning around in class to see if I was alright.

It was 10am and it was breakfast break. Nichkhun went to the canteen to get me some milk and bread for me. I rest my head on the table and closed my eyes, when suddenly a familiar fragrance entered the room. I sat up and saw the classroom empty but Chansung stepped in.


"What do you want?"

"You haven't had your breakfast right?"

"Yeah so? I am not that hungry anyway..."

"You should take care of yourself... since you just came out of the hospital yesterday..."

"So are you saying that I didn't take care of myself, thats why I landed in the hospital?"

"Baby... I didn't mean it like that... Please don't get me wrong..."

I looked at him and pushed him away, wanting him to leave. "I will leave, please, just have this... I cooked this for you."

He placed the lunch box on my table and he opened it up. A nauseating smell hit me. I covered my nose and mouth, then i looked at the lunchbox, patting my chest. Chansung was a little shocked at my reaction. He looked at me and said, "Fei, Dear, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm-" and I couldn't fight the urge to puke anymore. I stood up and ran to the toilet. Chansung ran after me, worried that something was wrong with me. On my way to the toilet, I knocked into Nichkhun. I stopped in my tracks and the urge came again. I ran off and entered the washroom. I entered the cubicle, knocking into the door then shutting the door. I puked but nothing seemed to come out.

Chansung and Nichkhun both waited for me outside. Nichkhun kept looking into the washroom, trying to know if I am out or not. Chansung looked at Nichkhun with curiousity, wondering why he was behaving like this.

"Hyung, why are you behaving like this?"

"Chansung-ah, do you even pay attention to my baby girl? You are her husband and you cant even pay attention to her? Or just believe her? Is Hyuna really that good in your eyes? Hyung is disappointed in you!"

"Hyung... Can you tell me what is going on?"

"Hyuna is a bully to Fei, have you realised that? Everything that happened, whatever you see, may not be the truth. Please, I know you love Fei, but please Hyuna is not what she seems. She calls Fei a and she blames Fei for seducing you away from her. You need to know what is going on you know..."

"Are you sure of what you are saying? Hyung, please tell me more, so I can confront Hyuna. Please Hyung..."

Nichkhun told Chansung everything, in short, only the important points that happened. Chansung clutched his hand and balled it into a fist. He said, "I didn't know... I am so sorry that Fei had to go through all these... I really...", softly.

Nichkhun placed a hand on Chansung's shoulder, the lad was already looking down, and said, "Hyung needs to let you know something, Fei is preg-" and heard the toilet flushing. The both of them looked intently at the entrance to the female washroom and saw me walk out.

Nichkhun ran up towards me and held onto me. I looked at him and patted his hand, telling him I was alright. Then I looked at Chansung and I just walked away. Nichkhun just patted his shoulder and left after me.

I walked back to class and sat down, then I rested my head on the table. Nichkhun turned his chair around and looked at me. I looked up and saw the lunchbox on Nichkhun's table. The smell of fish got to me and I gagged a little. Nichkhun looked at me worriedly and I pointed at the lunchbox on his table. He quickly closed it properly and placed it in his bag. He then took out sour plums for me.

"Baby girl, I heard pregnant ladies are sensitive to the smell of seafood. So I brought sour plums with me, just in case you needed it."

I popped one in my mouth and on it. I felt a little better and smiled at him, saying, "Thanks Oppa."

"Are you feeling any better?"

"I guess so." I placed a hand on my tummy and sighed. "This baby is not here at the right time, don't you think so, Oppa?"

Nichkhun stood up and came to my side. He told me to lean back on the chair as he placed his hand on my tummy. I was shocked and asked, "Oppa! What are you doing? What if someone sees this?" and darted my eyes around our surroundings.

"Shhh! Let me talk to my nephew. Baby, please, don't make things difficult for your mummy, ok? I will make nice things for your Omma to eat, so dont bully your mummy alright!"

I looked at his antics and laughed.





I walked past Fei's class and saw the scene that irked me even though I know Nichkhun was Fei's childhood friend. I looked into the class by accident and saw:

Nichkhun stood up and came to Fei's side. I heard him tell Fei to lean back on the chair and he suddenly placed a hand on her tummy. I was taken aback on their skinship. I then heard Fei asking, "Oppa! What are you doing? What if someone sees this?"and she looked around. I was afraid I was seen and hid behind the door.

I didn't exactly hear what Nichkhun said to Fei and then I heard her laugh. I looked inside again and saw his hand on her tummy, and I heard the words "Baby" "Nephew" and it got me wondering, is Fei pregnant? I then thought of what Hyunng said earlier, why did he pause after saying, "preg-". 

I was linking all these keywords together, when it struck me. "OMG, Fei is pregnant?! Whose child is it? Nichkhun or mine?" I accidentally whispered out my thoughts and heard a sound coming from the other side of me, I spun around and saw Hyuna sneaking away.

I ran forward and caught her arm.



I was walking back to the class with two of my friends when I spot Chansung standing outside Fei's class. I told the girls to leave me alone for a while and I looked at what Chansung was doing. He suddenly hid behind the door to that class and I sneaked up behind him when I found that he was only paying attention to whatever is happening in the class.

I stood behind him and heard him say, "OMG, Fei is pregnant?! Whose child is it? Nichkhun or mine?" I gasped and and thought, "That is pregnant? Whose child?", I was afraid that Chansung would realised that I knew this secret too so I crept away. I accidentally his the window and gasped. I looked up and saw Chansung turning around.

I sneaked away quickly and i heard running and Chansung grabbed my arm.



Chansung then dragged Hyuna upstairs and they fought about what happened between Hyuna and Fei. In a fit of anger, Hyuna blurted everything out, the car accident and the words she used when scolding Fei. Chansung got a shock at what she said, then Hyuna covered in shock.

Chansung was leaving when Hyuna had the urge to stop him from leaving because she really loved him. She grabbed his arm and pulled him back. Chansung turned around and Hyuna kissed him on his lips. At this moment, the door to the rooftop opened slowly.

Nichkhun insisted that Fei should go to the rooftop to have fresh air as it is good for her and the baby, instead of staying in the classroom all the time. Fei finally relented and Nichkhun followed her upstairs. He held onto her as Fei climbed up the stairs. "Baby girl be careful ok?" "Oppa, I am pregnant, not injured! Why are you being like this?"

Then Fei suddenly slipped and it was lucky that Nichkhun was holding onto Fei. "See what I mean?" "Ok, ok, Oppa, I understand..." Nichkhun opened the door and they stepped into fresh air. "AHHH, fresh air!" "See! The air is so fresh here!" They stepped closer to the railing of the rooftop and they looked out and saw the view.

Fei turned around and wanted to thank Nichkhun but she saw Chansung and Hyuna kissing at the secluded corner of the rooftop. Her face fell and Nichkhun turned around, and he saw the scene she saw. Nichkhun became angry and stomped towards Chansung. He pulled Chansung away from the kiss and gave him a punch in the face.

Fei screamed and ran towards Chansung, she then looked up at Nichkhun, using her eyes to ask him, "Oppa, I know you are mad, but why hit him?" Hyuna saw Fei touching Chansung's lip, wiping away the blood on his lips and she got jealous. "Julyn! Get off my man!" Hyuna shouted and pushed Fei aside. Fei fell down with a thud and there was a look of pain on her face. Both Nichkhun and Chansung was worried that something happened.

"Baby girl! Are you ok? Do you feel pain anywhere?" Nichkhun started to ask Fei questions worriedly. Chansung looked at Fei and asked, "Are you ok? Is the baby alright?" Fei looked at Chansung, horrified, she thought, "How did he know?" Fei pulled Nichkhun closer to her and asked, "Oppa, did you tell him?" Nichkhun shook his head and whispered to her, "I didn't, urm, well I almost did..."

"OPPA!" The two guys stared at her when she shouted, they thought something happened. Fei then looked at Chansung and said, "Baby? What baby?" "Don't lie to me. I already know." In order to appease him, Fei just told him she was alright. Nichkhun helped her up and they went off, because Fei wasn't feeling too well.

Chansung then turned around and looked at Hyuna, "Don't you ever. Ever. Push Fei like that.", he warned her. He turned and wanted to leave, but before he did, he turned around again and asked her, "Why did you call Fei Julyn earlier?" Hyuna didn't want to reveal Fei's identity yet so she just came up with an excuse, saying, "It was just a slip of my tongue..."

Chansung glared at her again and left, while Hyuna stood there and smirked.

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1301 streak #1
I like this story. I'm a bit confused about the father at the wedding scene, is it Fei's (dead) father or Hyuna's father?
Hyuna is like one of the annoying rivals from a Chinese novel, she never gives up even when she knows she lost. Chansung was even more annoying with trusting Hyuna, their relationship is like the kind where you trust the person you know the longest rather than the person you just gotten to know.
Despite all that I like that you make Chansung and Fei end up with each other. Towards the last few chapters, I almost thought that they were going to really break up.
liviya #2
Chapter 45: I like it so much.
meemow123 #3
Chapter 45: Don't get me wrong tho ...
I LOVE THIS FANFIC AND I ALWAYS WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
truly satisfied reader
meemow123 #4
Chapter 45: You know what?
This fanfic is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hyuna is so mean, but she is good in the end yayayayayay! I hate characters who are mean. Julyun/Fei is always getting slapped. By Hyuna and Channie. Never by Khunnie though ... Yay. I actually started to read this coz my friends told me that Khun was a character in this fic. I'm a Khun shipper ... Hehe.
Also, doesn't Fei's dad die after his mum goes off with another guy? Of a heart attack? But somehow he was resurrected and came to Fei and Chan's wedding as a ghost ... Lol. And seriously, BOYS, they are always misunderstanding (except Khunnie) and yelling rude words and punching each other's faces and getting into fist fights and slapping (in Channie's case) poor Fei and almost killing his own baby *gasp!!* lol.

Chan is like ...
1. Oh hi fei i like hyuna
2. Soz hyuna i like fei as my fake wife
3. Soz fei i am going back to hyuna ...
4. Oops did you do this, fei?
5. Naughty fei i like hyuna!
6. Naughty hyuna did u hit fei?
7. I love you, fei!
8. I love you, hyuna! (not really)
9. Naughty hyuna!
10. Naughty fei!
11. Naughty nichkhun!
12. Naughty hyuna
13. Fei why did you lie to me ...
BSun05 #5
Chapter 45: So sweet ♡♡♡♡! REALLY LOVE THIS ♥
Thank you for write this history ♡
Chapter 46: Nice story authornim ♥♡♥
I ship these two so hard after this. hahaha! Great job!
great storyy