#18 I Remember

Forgotten love

Images flashed through my mind. I saw myself in a room, being at Chansung's birthday party, holding a present. I opened the door and I saw Hyuna kissing Chansung. I dropped the gift and and ran. "JULYN!" He yelled and chased after me. I ran onto a road and was involved in a car accident that seemed to be planned.

Then I was brought back. "FEI! Fei, please get up... Don't scare me..." I heard the same voice saying. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Chansung looking at me. I realised that I was being wheeled somewhere. I ooked at Chansung for a momet and I heard him say, "Fei, please..." I moved my hand ever so slightly, and touched his hand. He looked down on my hand and asked worriedly if I was alright and kept talking to me. I forced a smile and everything out.

The next time I woke up, I was in a hospital ward. I tried moving but I felt weak. I glanced around and I saw Chansung fast asleep next to me. I stirred a little on the bed and it woke Chansung. "Hey...", I said weakly as I placed my hand on his head. "Fei, you are awake-", he said as he tried to call for the doctor, while holding my hand. I was examined and the doctor said I was fine and I only had minor injuries. Chansung asked the doctor if it would be alright for me to rest at home, the doctor nodded and Chansung immediately helped me to apply for discharge.

It was 10.30 in the morning when I was discharged. He helped me into the house and I suddenly realised, when he held me, that all the familiar feelings were actually feelings that I had for Chansung before my accident. He carried me up the stairs and and set me on the bed. I laughed at him as he fussed over me. "Channie, I only have small bruises and cuts. Plus I only twisted my ankle a bit. Dont need to overact!"

Even though I was hit by the vehicle, it was lucky that I didnt suffer any broken bones and the likes. He glared at me and asked, "What are you laughing at? And you got injured because of me! How can I not overact?" I then leaned forward and hugged him. He hugged me back and asked if was alright. "Yea, I'm alright. It is just that I haven't had this feeling for a long time."

He pushed me away at arms length and he looked at my with questions in hs eyes. "Baby, it has only been a week. Why are you making it as though we haven't seen each other for two years!" I flinched at that sentence and just awkwardy laughed it off and kissed his lips.



Finally she came around, I was worried sick! I fell asleep by her bedside and was about to start dreaming when I felt something on my head. "Hey...", she said weakly as she placed her hand on his head. "Fei, you are awake-", I asked as I tried to call for the doctor, while holding her hand. The doctor arrived and he examined her. I asked if she was able to be discharged and be sent back home. Two reasons, I can take care of her myself and the paparazzi wouldn't be abe to make stories.

I carried her out the car and into the house, onto the bed, because I didnt want her to move about herself. She twisted her ankle during the accident. Thank God nothing bad happened to her, I wouldnt be able to take another one of my loved ones leaving my side.

Why did she say that she hadnt have this feeling for a long time? There is one thing though, her kiss this time reminds me of Julyn. A lot.



I broke the kiss and I saw a familiar look in his face, that look he gives when he is confused. I asked him jokingly, "Hey, am I too pretty for you?" and he just said, "Yes! And I-" and paused. I looked at him and playfully punched his shoulder. "You what?" and smiled at him. He whispered, "Urm, you remind me of Julyn. But please don't get the wrong idea..." I was taken aback. Did he realise that I regained my memories as Julyn? "What... made you think so?" I stammered.

"Baby, I am just saying... Please dont misunderstand. I was reminded by the kiss you gave me." I heaved a sigh of relief inside me. I thought I was found out. I didnt want to tell him i regained my memories because I wanted to wait for the best timing to do so. "Hey, you still cant forget her kiss?" I jokingly said and turned my back.

He back hugged me and he was so worried I would take it wrongly. I turned and tapped his nose, "Silly boy! I was just kidding!" and laughed. He jokingly turned angry, "So daring of you! To kid me? You are so dead!" and he pushed me down on the bed. Well, things happened and we did it. As i laid on his muscular chest, I cant help but think of Hyuna and what she did.

Somehow I figured that the car accident I had before i had amnesia, was planned by her, and me seeing them kiss, was also planned. I needed to go and clear things up with her. I saw him fast asleep and I got up slowly. It was 4pm and I called Hyuna out for a meeting.






What is going to happen next? Check out the next chapter!

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1301 streak #1
I like this story. I'm a bit confused about the father at the wedding scene, is it Fei's (dead) father or Hyuna's father?
Hyuna is like one of the annoying rivals from a Chinese novel, she never gives up even when she knows she lost. Chansung was even more annoying with trusting Hyuna, their relationship is like the kind where you trust the person you know the longest rather than the person you just gotten to know.
Despite all that I like that you make Chansung and Fei end up with each other. Towards the last few chapters, I almost thought that they were going to really break up.
liviya #2
Chapter 45: I like it so much.
meemow123 #3
Chapter 45: Don't get me wrong tho ...
I LOVE THIS FANFIC AND I ALWAYS WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
truly satisfied reader
meemow123 #4
Chapter 45: You know what?
This fanfic is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hyuna is so mean, but she is good in the end yayayayayay! I hate characters who are mean. Julyun/Fei is always getting slapped. By Hyuna and Channie. Never by Khunnie though ... Yay. I actually started to read this coz my friends told me that Khun was a character in this fic. I'm a Khun shipper ... Hehe.
Also, doesn't Fei's dad die after his mum goes off with another guy? Of a heart attack? But somehow he was resurrected and came to Fei and Chan's wedding as a ghost ... Lol. And seriously, BOYS, they are always misunderstanding (except Khunnie) and yelling rude words and punching each other's faces and getting into fist fights and slapping (in Channie's case) poor Fei and almost killing his own baby *gasp!!* lol.

Chan is like ...
1. Oh hi fei i like hyuna
2. Soz hyuna i like fei as my fake wife
3. Soz fei i am going back to hyuna ...
4. Oops did you do this, fei?
5. Naughty fei i like hyuna!
6. Naughty hyuna did u hit fei?
7. I love you, fei!
8. I love you, hyuna! (not really)
9. Naughty hyuna!
10. Naughty fei!
11. Naughty nichkhun!
12. Naughty hyuna
13. Fei why did you lie to me ...
BSun05 #5
Chapter 45: So sweet ♡♡♡♡! REALLY LOVE THIS ♥
Thank you for write this history ♡
Chapter 46: Nice story authornim ♥♡♥
I ship these two so hard after this. hahaha! Great job!
great storyy