#30 Apologies

Forgotten love


Flashback #1

Remember the time Fei showed Chansung the baby clothes Nichkhun bought for her? They went out to talk and to spend time with each other. Nichkhun was very concerned about Fei as to her child and her health. So they sat at a cafe and chatted over a cup of coffee. 

"When are you going to tell Chansung the truth about your identity? What if he gets angry when I finds out?"

"I asked him the other day if he would get mad if someone were to hide something from him, but then decided to tell him the truth. He said he wouldn't mind if the person decided to come clean but..."


"He said that if it was someone he loved, he would get mad."

"What are you waiting for? Tell him the truth!"

"The timing isn't right... Plus," Fei said as she placed a hand on her tummy, "he wouldn't do anything to me, since I am carrying his child..." Fei trailed off.

"I love him, Nichkhun. I really do. As Fei, or as Julyn, I love him and it doesn't change."

"I just hope he loves you as much as you do him. But Hyuna? He believes her lies right? What happens if she decides to twist the facts?"

Fei sighs and nodded in agreement that Nichkhun was right. "Even if he believes her, I will still love him. If he believes Hyuna in the end, I have nothing more to say.". She then waves off the conversation and sips on her tea. Let's not talk about this!"

"Alright, alright! Let's go get some clothes for my nephew afterwards!"

-End of Flashback-


After Nichkhun told Chansung what Fei had said, Chansung realised what was really going on. Nichkhun then proceeds to tell him about the conversation between him and Hyuna the other day.


Flashback #2

Nichkhun had called Hyuna out to meet him two days before the meeting with Fei. Nichkhun and Hyuna had an argument about Fei.

"Why are you doing this?"

"If it isn't Fei's bodyguard... What do you mean?"

"Why are you trying to break Fei and Chansung up all the time? Chansung doesn't like you as much as Fei!"

"No! Chansung loves me! Fei is just a replacement!"

"Then how do you explain the child in Fei? They made the child out of love!"

"Enough! The child is a bastard! Tell me, who do you think Chansung will trust if I said that the child belongs to you? I was the one who hurled abuse on Fei. I was the one that planned that car accident two years ago that caused Julyn to have amnesia. I was the one that pushed her and she hit her head. I was the one to sour their relationship. All those slaps and words I used on her in front of Chansung was just a percentage of what I really do to her. I twisted the facts and Chansung believed them. That does not deserve Chansung, I do!"

Nichkhun gave her a slap and Hyuna held her cheek, staring back at him. 

"Just let Fei go! Don't break them up anymore! You will regret what you do in the future!" Nichkhun spoke in anger and left Hyuna.

"You will be regretting this. Fei, you are so dead." Hyuna caressed her cheek and smirked as she looked at the leaving male.

-End of Flashback-


Chansung was shocked when he heard that. He ran off and called Hyuna on the way. He called her out and decided to cut off their relationship because he couldn't believe that Hyuna had lied to him and she had brought harm to Fei. When he reached their meeting place, he saw Hyuna there and he walked forward seething with rage.

"Hey babe. Why did you call me out today?"

"Don't call me that. I knew everything you had done to Fei. I can't believe you did that. I am so disappointed at you. Why did you lie to me? You know I hate people lying to me, and yet you did it."

Hyuna shivered when she heard Chansung said he found out everything Hyuna had done to Fei. She started to stammer and stutter.

"What... d..do you me..mean?" Hyuna spat out, without looking at Chansung.

"Stop lying. I know everything. Nichkhun hyungie told me everything. How could you? How could you treat the woman I love like this?"

Hyuna grabbed Chansung's arm and said, "Dear, please... I didn't mean to. I was afraid that she would steal you away from me. So I..."

"So you planned the car accident two years ago, in effort to get rid of Fei in my life? Why?!"

"I can't lose you... I really can't..."

"After what you did to Fei, you already did. I came here today to tell you, I want you out of my life. I don't want to see you ever again." Chansung said. He then swiped her hand away, and Hyuna fell to the floor. He started to leave when Hyuna stood up behind him.

"If you leave now, I will make sure you regret this."

"I would take my chances." Chansung muttered and left.

Chansung then drove back to the hospital, and entered Fei's ward and Nichkhun followed suit. Fei had woken up and stared at Chansung. Nichkhun walked ahead and sat next to Fei and sat down. Fei saw Chansung walking up towards her and she screamed, "Why are you here? Are you going to hit me again?"

Chansung walked forward, unwavered by the pillow Fei threw at him. Nichkhun knew he had to leave the room for these two lovers to make up. So he did.



"What do you want?"


"Babe, listen to me... I am so sorry for treating you like this. I didn't know what Hyuna had done to you before. But now I know and I am so sorry. I am. I really am."


"Do you expect me to believe you now?"




"Why aren't you talking?"


"I am really sorry. I can't believe I hit you. I was way over my senses. I didn't mean too!"


Chansung was starting to tear up and Fei couldn't bear to see him sad. She placed her hand on his cheek and thumbed away his tear when it fell out of his eye. Chansung then held her hand and apologised again. Fei was a person that forgives people very easily, so she forgave Chansung.


When she did, she felt a pain in her 4 mths pregnant tummy. A baby bump had already appeared and she placed her hand on her tummy. Chansung then placed his hand on hers and used his thumb to caress her hand. 


Chansung saw that Fei's pain was subsiding and he kissed her on her forehead as she laid back down on the bed. The press conference is happening tomorrow and he didn't want Fei to go, since she is still weak. He then went back home after seeing Fei asleep and asking Nichkhun to take care of her.


"Please take care of Fei."


"I will, even if you don't want me to."


Chansung then went home to prepare for tomorrow's press conference.




The following day,


Chansung arrived at the press conference room and pushed opened the door. He was dressed in a black suit and looked dashing. He took his seat in front as the reporters took pictures of him. There was an empty seat next to him, for Fei. Then the questions started.


"Where is Fei?"


"Why are you here alone?"


"Did something happen between the two of you?"


"When is your wedding?"


"Will there be any at all? Given that your relationship is a love-triangle."


"Hyuna and Fei, who is going to be your wife?"


Chansung was calm as the questions bombarded him. He waited till everyone quieten down and he spoke. "Hello, everyone. Thank you for coming today. I will answer your questions orderly."


"Fei is resting at home. I am here alone because she isn't feeling well to attend this conference. I told her to stay at home. Nothing happened between the two of us. Hyuna and I are just friends, she likes me and it is just one-sided love. I love Fei and only Fei. We are planning to have our wedding next week, if she is feeling better after today."


"What happened to Fei? Why is she not feeling well?"


"Is Fei pregnant?"


The questions came again and Chansung kept quiet until the reporters are quiet themselves.


"Yes, Fei is pregnant with my child. So marrying Hyuna is out of my plans. I hope that you guys would not disturb my wife. But I would like to invite all of you to our wedding. I will contact each of you to tell you the further details of the wedding. So, thank you all for coming here today."


Chansung stood up and bowed 90-degrees to the reporters and then he left the place. The reporters were starting to crowd around him as he left the place. His bodyguards shielded him from the media as he left. Chansung immediately went to the hospital to get Fei and they went back to his place. When they reached, Chansung had left the room that he had shared with Julyn open. And he brought her inside.


Chansung then told Fei to rest on the bed, but Fei wanted to know how the presss conference went. She sat down on the bed after Chansung promised to tell her everything if she sat down.


"Are you going to tell me everything now?"


"Alright, alright," he then chuckled. "I told the reporters that I am going to hold our wedding next week and I love you. Hyuna is just my friend."


"That's all? Are you sure you are telling me everything?", then I pouted.


"Hey, no pouting," he said as he pecked my pouting lips. "I told them you were pregnant."


"You what?! You can't tell them that! They will make the news about us bad!"


"I don't care about what they are going to say, I am marrying you and I'm being responsible for what I have done - to you." Chansung said and smirked.


Fei knew exactly what he meant by that and she playfully punched his chest. Chansung then grabbed Fei's wrists and kissed Fei, slowly laying Fei down on the bed. They were making out when suddenly Fei felt a kick. She winced and Chansung immediately pulled away.


"What's wrong? Did I hurt you? Or is something happening with the baby?" Chansung was panicking and he looked at her.


She paused her movements then smiled. Fei looked up at him, and smiled again. "Why are you smiling? Are you ok?"


"Yes, dear, I am ok. It is just that, he kicked." she said and pointed at her tummy.


"Awwww," Chansung cooed and placed his hand on Fei's tummy. "You scared me, Chansung Junior! But do it again!" Then Chansung lifted his hand and replaced with his ear. Fei laughed and felt for anothher kick. Minutes crept by and just when Chansung was about to lift his head, there was another kick.


"HE KICKED!" both said in unison.


Then Fei laughed and ruffled Chansung's hair. Chansung then got up and kissed Fei's forehead. Chansung then said, "Thank you for giving me this precious gift. I am so sorry that I almost lost you both. I am really sorry." Fei then tilted his chin up, and made him face her. Then Fei leaned in to kissed Chansung on the lips. "Don't worry, I don't blame you. I am happy to be having your child."


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1301 streak #1
I like this story. I'm a bit confused about the father at the wedding scene, is it Fei's (dead) father or Hyuna's father?
Hyuna is like one of the annoying rivals from a Chinese novel, she never gives up even when she knows she lost. Chansung was even more annoying with trusting Hyuna, their relationship is like the kind where you trust the person you know the longest rather than the person you just gotten to know.
Despite all that I like that you make Chansung and Fei end up with each other. Towards the last few chapters, I almost thought that they were going to really break up.
liviya #2
Chapter 45: I like it so much.
meemow123 #3
Chapter 45: Don't get me wrong tho ...
I LOVE THIS FANFIC AND I ALWAYS WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
truly satisfied reader
meemow123 #4
Chapter 45: You know what?
This fanfic is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hyuna is so mean, but she is good in the end yayayayayay! I hate characters who are mean. Julyun/Fei is always getting slapped. By Hyuna and Channie. Never by Khunnie though ... Yay. I actually started to read this coz my friends told me that Khun was a character in this fic. I'm a Khun shipper ... Hehe.
Also, doesn't Fei's dad die after his mum goes off with another guy? Of a heart attack? But somehow he was resurrected and came to Fei and Chan's wedding as a ghost ... Lol. And seriously, BOYS, they are always misunderstanding (except Khunnie) and yelling rude words and punching each other's faces and getting into fist fights and slapping (in Channie's case) poor Fei and almost killing his own baby *gasp!!* lol.

Chan is like ...
1. Oh hi fei i like hyuna
2. Soz hyuna i like fei as my fake wife
3. Soz fei i am going back to hyuna ...
4. Oops did you do this, fei?
5. Naughty fei i like hyuna!
6. Naughty hyuna did u hit fei?
7. I love you, fei!
8. I love you, hyuna! (not really)
9. Naughty hyuna!
10. Naughty fei!
11. Naughty nichkhun!
12. Naughty hyuna
13. Fei why did you lie to me ...
BSun05 #5
Chapter 45: So sweet ♡♡♡♡! REALLY LOVE THIS ♥
Thank you for write this history ♡
Chapter 46: Nice story authornim ♥♡♥
I ship these two so hard after this. hahaha! Great job!
great storyy