#19 The Truth

Forgotten love

I waited at the rooftop of our company for her. She arrived, with that haughtiness aura floating around her, she still hasn't change huh, even after 2 years? "What do you want?", she asked with a tinge of annoyance. "Chansung and I are together, in love." I decided to tell her in the face, as it was no longer a secret. I am Julyn and I am with Chansung, whether she likes it or not. She looked at me and smirked. "Excuse me?" she gave me that look and scoffed. I stared back at her.

"I said, I am Chansung's girlfriend and fiancee." and I received a slap from her. "I am going to marry him, it is an arrangement between our parents." "Well, i dont care, we have publicly announced our engagement. So whether arranged or not, you are not going to get him." She stared at me and said, "Wait, you never dared to talk to me like this before, who are you?" I was back facing her and I spun around. I smirked and said, "You really wanna know? How about you explain that kiss two years ago? That kiss that caused me to be involved in an accident?" Hyuna's eyes widened as she muttered, "Julyn?"

"Damn right you are." "But how?" "God was kind enough to let me regain my memories." Hyuna gathered her senses and haughtines, and said, "But still, , we are arranged to be married. So even if you publicly annunced your engagement, you are just a show wife." "Then explain why you kissed him? And the car accident?" She smirked at me, "That was to make you disappear from his life, so I can have him. You dont deserve his love! He loves me before he even met you! You seduced him away from me. You !"

I couldnt take it anymore and I gave her a slap. She held her cheek and stared hard at me. I taunted her with my eyes and she raised her hand. Before she could reach my cheek, I grabbed hold of her wrist.

"Is that all you can do? Give me a slap?" and I gave her a push. She tumbled backwards and fell over the short edge. She held onto the edge as I walked towards her. "Help me... Help-" and she saw my foot inches away from her hand. "You deserved this." and i brought my foot downwards. "No..." she whimpered and a voice rang out behind me.

"FEI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Chansung screamed out. I spun around immediately and he ran forward to help Hyuna up. He held onto Hyuna as she was weak in the knees. She smirked at me when Chansung wasn't looking. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" "I-" "She is your sister! How could you?" "She was way over..." "But seeing her over the edge, you should help her up, not trying to step on her hand!" "But..." "No buts. I never knew you were such a person. I really misjudged you. Hyuna, let's go."

Hyuna then pretended to feel faint and she was caught by Chansung. He scooped her up and she smirked at me when she was in his arms. I stood facing the edge of the rooftop. He walked past me, stood next to me, facing the other direction and said coldly, "I regret knowing you.". I froze as I heard the door opened and slammed. I fell to the ground and just let my tears fall. I was so heartbroken. If only he knew, if only he knew that the car accident was planned by that . If only he knew...


I dried my tears and dragged myself home. He was sitting at the kitchen counter as I passed by him. I sneaked a look at him and he didnt even bother to look at me. I dragged myself upstairs and opened the door to our room. There, on the bed, was Hyuna. The bed where we slept, the bed where we had our first time. She just laid there. On the floor were my clothes. They were tossed onto the floor and some were torn, some ripped, and some cut up. There were only some that were still in good condition. I stared at Hyuna in anger.

"Get off my bed." "Your bed? You mean mine?" Then I went forward to pull her up. She gave me a push and I fell. She stood up and walked towards me. I quickly stood up and she flashed me that smile that made all the guys fall in love with her. I pushed her away from me and she stumbled, hitting the table. She got angered and walked towards me angrily and I slipped on silk and fell backwards. I hit my head against the closet and fell in pain.

I stood up and walked towards Hyuna when we heard someone opening the door. Hyuna realised that Chansung was coming and she pretended to fall on the floor, like I pushed her. That was what Chansung thought when he opened the door and saw Hyuna on the floor, and me cowering over her. "FEI!" he screamed as he ran towards Fei. He then carried Hyuna to another room, leaving me alone, not speaking a word to me. I felt a dizzy spell after he left with her and fell sitting on the floor.

I touched my forehead and hurt. I looked at my hand and saw blood. Why does this happen to me? She was the bad person and was made the good one in Chansung's eyes. I was the bad one who always bullied Hyuna, just because she is the younger stepsister of mine. I felt very dizzy and fainted on the floor.

The next time I woke up was at my own place and MinHo was cowering over me. He helped me up and I saw all my luggage in my room. It wasn't a lot since many of my clothes were destroyed by Hyuna. I asked MinHo what happened.

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1301 streak #1
I like this story. I'm a bit confused about the father at the wedding scene, is it Fei's (dead) father or Hyuna's father?
Hyuna is like one of the annoying rivals from a Chinese novel, she never gives up even when she knows she lost. Chansung was even more annoying with trusting Hyuna, their relationship is like the kind where you trust the person you know the longest rather than the person you just gotten to know.
Despite all that I like that you make Chansung and Fei end up with each other. Towards the last few chapters, I almost thought that they were going to really break up.
liviya #2
Chapter 45: I like it so much.
meemow123 #3
Chapter 45: Don't get me wrong tho ...
I LOVE THIS FANFIC AND I ALWAYS WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
truly satisfied reader
meemow123 #4
Chapter 45: You know what?
This fanfic is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hyuna is so mean, but she is good in the end yayayayayay! I hate characters who are mean. Julyun/Fei is always getting slapped. By Hyuna and Channie. Never by Khunnie though ... Yay. I actually started to read this coz my friends told me that Khun was a character in this fic. I'm a Khun shipper ... Hehe.
Also, doesn't Fei's dad die after his mum goes off with another guy? Of a heart attack? But somehow he was resurrected and came to Fei and Chan's wedding as a ghost ... Lol. And seriously, BOYS, they are always misunderstanding (except Khunnie) and yelling rude words and punching each other's faces and getting into fist fights and slapping (in Channie's case) poor Fei and almost killing his own baby *gasp!!* lol.

Chan is like ...
1. Oh hi fei i like hyuna
2. Soz hyuna i like fei as my fake wife
3. Soz fei i am going back to hyuna ...
4. Oops did you do this, fei?
5. Naughty fei i like hyuna!
6. Naughty hyuna did u hit fei?
7. I love you, fei!
8. I love you, hyuna! (not really)
9. Naughty hyuna!
10. Naughty fei!
11. Naughty nichkhun!
12. Naughty hyuna
13. Fei why did you lie to me ...
BSun05 #5
Chapter 45: So sweet ♡♡♡♡! REALLY LOVE THIS ♥
Thank you for write this history ♡
Chapter 46: Nice story authornim ♥♡♥
I ship these two so hard after this. hahaha! Great job!
great storyy