Miracle in December


“Don’t forget to bring me some Japanese snacks, okay?” Jinnie talked with Jongup on the phone “Ha ha ha, I trust your taste Jongup” Jongup called her to tell her they will be home tomorrow “Hm hm, see you”

“Jinnie, you get a guess, he was from CUBE and now he’s waiting out there” Her assistant told her

“Let him in, then” Jinnie was in her workspace right now, checked all of her schedule and arrange the meeting with some agencies

“Diretor Jin” A tall man, around 30 years old entered her room

“Ah,,BTOB manager right? I told you to only call me by my name” She pointed at the chair in front of her table “What can I help?”

“We know we just canceled our contract with you, I’m really sorry” He said sincerely

“Yap, I know that, it’s okay because it was something usual happen in this industry right?” She smell something odd by his tone

“Hmm,,, we,,,hmm our company going to make a new contract with you for our BTOB, that’s why I came here, I bring all the let………..” She cut him

“Didn’t you said you going to work with another composer?” Jinnie asked him all of the sudden to the point

“I’m really sorry for some technical mistakes at the time” He looked down

“Why all of the sudden? May I know the reason?”

She waited BTOB’s manager to answer her but he looked confused to arranged the words. Looks like he can’t tell the truth. “It’s okay, you can tell me everything, I’ll be okay”

“Our music video director, you know the man that I introduced to you last time, he asked he will only work with us if the composer is you, he want you back….oh I’m sorry”

“Want me back? What does that mean?”

“He was the one that will reject the contract if we worked with you back then and now he changed his mind. Director, I’m really sorry, forgive me” with a deep breath she said “You can leave the contract here, I will think about it”

He stood up and bowed at Jinnie “No no, you don’t need to be like this, really. Uhm, can I get the addres of his offce?”

Jinnie tried so hard to calm down her anger. What does he want after he kick me out from my contract? She said to herself. She drove her car to Jun Di's office with the contract beside her. She parked her car in front of the office and headed to met his father.

"Is the director there right now?" She asked someone at the lobby with pointing upstairs

"Director on his way, you can wait in the waiting room in front of his room" She replied


She already waiting for him in the waiting room with the contract in her hand, impatiently he knocked his foot to the floor. Inside of her there is a little nervous, but she is a professional, she will do it properly as the director, not as the daughter. She heard a few foot steps come in, with took a deep breath she stood up and looked at an old man that already looked at her "Can you leave us" He said with his deep voice and his assitant nodded before gone.

She smiled, she remember everything that Luhan told to her. Stay to be yourself.

"Morning Sir, I'm sorry I came all of the sudden without even made a promise with you" Jinnie took a deep breath again and took a few steps ahead "I will give it back to you, I'm sorry I can't take the contract, thank you to give the trust to me but once again I'm really sorry, Sir" She give the contract to him, and he took it. She bowed to him before go but his deep voice made her stopped in front og the lift "Jinnie" he said without even turning back. Now both of them showed their own back.

She didn’t reply and just waited for him to continue "Why didn’t you accept this?” He asked with a half whispered. He noticed the blue wound at her cheek, near of her lips, his heart sunk in pain. That was the mark of the slap he gave to her.

“Why should I? Another composer would need it” she said that calmly

“Jinnie” His voice started to turned sad “Do I look like I my own spit?”

“I didn’t said that, and I don’t want you to do that, that’s why I can’t take the contract Sir. I have my own reason” She tried to hold every emotion inside her. She doesn’t want to cry anymore, she just too tired.

“The desire not to be outdone by someone was control me until I hurt my own daughter, I made her struggle because of me, I broke her name and her carrier, I even hurt her by my own hand” He stopped because of hold his trembled voice “I do apologize” He turned around and bowed properly, heard his footsteps, Jinnie turned around as well and got shocked by his bowed.

“You don’t need to do that, Sir” She said calmly and when Jun Di stood up again, she saw a slightly of tears on his eyes. He cried. Her father was cried.

“Jinnie, I’m sorry” He said again

“Just forget it Sir, we could act like it never happen before” She said coldly and it made him sobbed even more in silent because of his daughter words

“I’m your father, Jinnie” he said whispered, his shoulder was trembled because of the sob “Your mother never let me know about you and your sister, I’m sorry for not looking up for you, Jinnie please forgive me”

“No, I have no father, Sir. You was wrong. May be you got the wrong person.”

“Jinnie, I know that everything that I’ve done to you was already made you like this. Please Jinnie, I will do everything to make you forgive me” He begged while cried in front of her daughter

“Don’t cry, is not gonna change everything”

“I know all of this was my fault, I know. I am a bad person, I can’t be a good senior or even your father after everything I did to you. I’m failed. You can hate me, you have the right to mad at me” He wiped his tears with his hand and walked closer “I wish by the time you can forgive me, and be a nice girl to me like before. I hope you will back as my daughter with your sister. Even it sounds impossible. It doesn’t matter if you are not going to see me as your father, but I really wish for you to forgive me, please Jinnie”

“I don’t want to talk about this, Sir. I wish you to just forget everything” She walked away

 “Jinnie wait. At least, do it for your best friends, I know they loved you and really want you, a lot. Be professional Jin, for them”

“Do not mind about my personal life, Sir. That’s my business. If you have nothing to say anymore, I will leave.” She turned around to the lift, she left without even looking at him, not even once.

Jun Di sat in his chair, he cried over and over again in his workspace. He took out the picture of her ex wife. The some picture like Jinnie had. He rubbed the wife in the picture “I’m sorry, I hurt our daughter.”

Jinnie cried while drove her car back to her office. She sobbed so hard in the car. How can she hold it, she saw her own father cried in front of her begged for her to forgive him. She was become the coldhearted, she saw his father inside of her right now.

In the office, she got a few of contract again from other agencies that already canceled with her before. But still, she rejected all of them.

“Why you did this Jinnie?” Her assistant asked her out of the blue when everything he saw only nodded from Jinnie “You don’t even check each of them, at least read it all first”

“No, I don’t want it Haru, they didn’t because they want, it was someone asked their agencies to have me back, after they canceled now they want me? No I can’t. I will only accept when they really want by their self because they trust me, not because someone else ask them” Said Jinnie while massage her head, she got headache after cried so hard in the car for 3 hours.

“But there is your best friends group here, didn’t you said you really want to work with them?”

Now that her assistant mention about the boys, Jinnie headed to back at her apartment, the boys will back in a few hours, she promised to cook the lunch for them. She cooked a lot of food since she knew her 7 boys have their different favorite food. After cooked, she wrote in a paper before leave for meeting.

‘Warm them again in the microwave, I’ll be back soon’



After finished the meeting with some idols at music station. She went downstairs to the coffee shop in the lobby. She thought about what her father said earlier, do it for my best friend? Did he even know who my best friends? She asked herself while waiting her latte. She open up one of her files about the offer that TS entertainment offered to her, it was BAP. She even know that they want to work with her, but something inside her heart made her insecure, she don’t know what it was.

“Sorry make you waiting for so long” Luhan open his masker from his face, but Jinnie replied him with shook her head and smiled.

“No, I just finished some meeting, how’s the rehearsal?” Jinnie took out some box and hand to him

“I was nervous until my voice cracked at the first rehearsal” He chuckled “and what is this?”

“Congratulations for your comeback stage, I listen to the song very well it’s really a nice song” It was the cupcakes she brought for Luhan as his comeback cake “The music video tho, EXO going to show their another charms in ballad song, right?”

“Really? Yeah the song is very good” They talking about Luhan comeback song with EXO vocal line, Miracle in December “As you can see, we turned mature for the music video”

“It was really miracle for me too, knowing who was my father” She said softly

“Of course Jin, it still miracle even though the way you know it is not the good one, but still, it’s a miracle”

“Hm, you right. I’m sorry for bothering your rehearsal” She took out something from her bag “I’m going to give it back to you. Thank you so much Luhan, I’m not getting cold because of this, and I’m sorry I was drunk that night, I might be rude at you” She scoffed shyly and looked down

“You can keep it” He hand me back the jacket he use to cover me in the rooftop when I was drunk

“It was from your fan, they might be sad if you didn’t wear it anymore”

“No, I bought it myself and I want you to keep it, it’s for you” Jinnie shocked when she heard that, it’s not about the jacket was not a new one, but this is was Luhan’s, it was his, and now that he give to Jinnie. She touched.

No, she was really happy.

“Are you sure?”

He nodded while he took a sip of Jinnie latte that just came. Luhan want Jinnie to have something that belongs to him. He wanna she remember that this jacket was his. “I’m sorry, I’m thirsty and Hmmm I just know the latte here is good” He lifted up the glass

Jinnie let out a little chuckled that made the two of them laughed “Thank you, Luhan”

Luhan answered a called from his phone “Yes…. okay I’ll be back in 5 minutes”

“Your manager is calling right? You should go, they waiting for you” Jinnie said as she and Luhan stood up

“You met him today?” Luhan asked and Jinnie only nodded

“Jinnie, can I say something?” Luhan noticed something from her eyes, with nodded from Jinnie he added “Fire can’t win if they fight with fire, they will only become a bigger fire, same thing if you fight the coldhearted with cold too, it will be a mess, fight him with your warm heart” He grabbed her shoulder

She smiled, not because of the touch, but because she realized Luhan always noticed everything that happen to her and he always give her a good advice. She nodded again.

“He still your father, everybody can make a mistakes, be the miracle in December for him, like you did to me” He smiled before go.

What does he mean ‘did to me’? did he prefer to the miracle? Me? As the miracle?




Jinnie entered the password of her apartment, when she open the door she found that the boys, all of them including Seokgu already there. Daehyun Youngjae and Zelo was eating with Seoukgu in the dining table they waved to her while chewed the food that Jinnie cooked before. Jongup and Yongguk was lie in the couch, their just finished the lunch and now rested their body in the couch while watched the television,

She stayed still in front of the door, preventing them to see her face "How's the concert boys?"

Himchan just came from nowhere, looks like he just brushed his teeth in the bathroom. He walked to her, from smiled his face turned serious “What’s going on with your face?”

Jinnie stayed still, he doesnt want they to know, but Yongguk already walked to her.

"Who did this to you?" Yongguk touched her cheek softly, the blue still hang on there even though the swollen started to gone

"Is this Jun Di? Jinnie answer me !!!" Himchan said while grabbed her elbow, she grimace in pain because Himchan just grabbed the wound, the other boys stopped their activites after noticed what happen.

"Himchan it's hurt " After Jinnie winced, Himchan rolled the clothes in her arms, he found the big wound there, the wound still swollen because it was the big wound. He ruffled his hair in anger while Yongguk scoffed and grabbed her shoulder "Are you okay? Is there any wound again?"

Jinnie shook her head "I'm fine right now, nope, only as you can see, the wound will recover very soon, Winnie told me"

"Now answer me, is this because of that old man !" Himchan said, because Jinnie didnt answer Himchan take that as an answer. He cupped her shoulder "Jinnie, listen to me, it was a violence, we have......" But Jinnie cut him off because she knew that Himchan want to report this to the police

"No ! We can't !"

She shook her head " He is my dad"

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chunjoe1004 #1
nice story!
Wow... I liked this.