

“I saw him in the cemetery few days ago” I said while pedaling my bike towards the apartment. It’s 04.00 am now, Luhan asked me to cycling together this early morning. After Winnie confessed about her feeling to Luhan, I didn’t met him, I tried to ignored him with any reason like I had meeting until midnight, but he came to knocking my room a hour ago and asked me to go with him.

“You talked to him?”

“Yes, he pushed me away” I chuckled as I reduced my speed because we almost arrived.

“Why don’t you tell me, Jin” He weren’t asked me, he just said to blame me because didn’t told him

“I just want to be alone at the time, I’m sorry. But you know what, he put the flower he brought into my mom’s grave that’s what I don’t get ”. I stopped as I walked my bike into back door of this apartment, Luhan walked beside me, he left his bike at the parking area.

“Really, if he is your uncle, why he put a lot of attention to your mom?” Luhan asked while press the lift button “remember when you told me about your mother’s account in bank?” I nodded then he added “In your mom accounts there always a money that you received every months up until now?” He asked

“Yes, but if my dad is already died, why the money was kept filling the account until now, or he might be asked his assistant before died to still send the money to her account, I just don’t know why, I don’t get it, all of this” I said and waiting the lift to arrived at the floor where I live.

“You better focus with VIXX comeback, next week is the filming right?” He asked while rubbed slowly my back

“You right” I smiled at him, feeling his touch that never failed calmed me. We walked to my apartment and found Zelo inside, reading his books. They already back last mid night. I walked towards him and sit beside him, he hugged me from beside and grinned widely.

“Why are you here this morning Zelo?” he bowed at Luhan before answer my question “I have exam this morning, dorm was too noisy to study” He said and continue to read but I took his book and give him a look, I know he was lied “Hihihi, noona….dont be mad promise” I nodded and he told the truth “Himchan hyung asked me to come here after he found you weren’t in home, he looking for you at your office too”

“Okay, now study because it’s only left less than 3 hours before your exam” I give back his book and take a look to Luhan who shooked his head and Laughed quietly.

“Noona, will you ride me to school? Seokgu hyung already went to office when we arrived”

“mh hm, now study” I pointed at his book, but then I saw him lying down on the couch “But I’m sleepy, how could I finishing exam when I sleepy, let me sleep a hour then”

“How could you answer the questions while you didn’t study then?” I shouted at him slowly from my bedroom and walked to him

“I already study when I was in Japan” He yawned and closed his face with the book

“This kid” I shook my head at him, Luhan watched me and said “Sehun was like that too before he graduated, let him sleep now, he must be really tired, beside he have a friend who's going to help him later”

“That’s right hyung” Zelo said make me glances at Luhan because he was on Zelo’s side

I walked to the kitchen to prepare a breakfast. “he have to eat a lot so he can pass the exam well” I told Luhan as he reached me in the kitchen “Let me help you then, I’m hungry” He chuckled and start to help me


“Zelo, are you finished? Hurry up eat your breakfast” I shouted from the kitchen then Zelo coming out from my room with his hair still half wet after take a bath “Noona is this your earrings? Its pretty, can I have one piece for me, please” He begged after found my earrings in my bedroom

“Oh my God Zelo, come here I will dry your hair first, you are going to be late dont you know” I pulled his hand to my bedroom and got my hairdryer to dry his hair made Luhan laughed from the kitchen

“Your noona was scary right?” Luhan asked him from the door, Zelo nodded “Yes, so much she already like my mom, cooking breakfast, forced me to study, ride me to school hihi, but I love her” Zelo said still grinned, he was really cute when he smiled like that, I really want to have a younger brother since I was kid, now I got it.

“You are so cute when smiling like that Zelo” I told him “Your hair like a cotton candy I want to eat it” He pushed his head to me make Luhan and me let a chuckled

“You really love her that much?” Luhan asked him again as I finished to dry his hair “Sooooo much, thank you noona, Im hungry now” He pats his tummy

“You eat your breakfast in the car okay, you’ll be late it’s almost 07.00” I told him as I took my key. Luhan then hold my hands “Can I coming with you to ride him to school?” I sighed heavily and nodded

Luhan was driving the car, I sat beside him while Zelo sat in the back eating his breakfast, I showed Luhan the way to Zelo’s school “You little kid, leave your skateboard here” I told him pointing at his skateboard

“Noona why” He whined

“You are going to exam, not playing, you can get it back after school, now put it here” I saw from the mirror he was pouted and mumbled something. Luhan stopped the car in front of the school “Good luck for your exam Zelo” He smiled at him to support him

“Come here” I said as he come forward a bit then I give him a peck on his cheek “I will cook your favorite food for lunch, come visit me and I’ll give your skateboard back, okay” Then he back to my Zelo again after upset because can’t bring his skate he smile widely and said “Okay call, I like it” he waved at me before entered the gate.

“He really do everything you asked ” Luhan said while driving me home again. Zelo was a nice kid, he is good and not easy to mad at the people he loved, but once we talking about complain, he is the one who will said something too honestly that can hurt people, not because his words was rude, but it just too honest sometimes.


When I entered my room, Yongguk Himchan and Jongup already there, Yongguk was lying on the couch with Jongup sat beside him watched the tv and Himchan made himself a coffee, they greeted Luhan after Luhan joining them in the couch. Himchan take a sip of his coffee and said “What is this, Jinnie?” he asked me, his voice was serious made the rest looking at us in the kitchen, he hold a box with a bloody voodoo doll inside,I forgot to throw it away no wonder he found that in the kitchen
“It was sent by someone” Luhan stood up and told him, he walked closer.

“Luhan, don’t” I said but Luhan decided to tell him everything “I think they should know for your safe, Jin. He bought a cake for Jun Di director, but he threw the cake away and the night someone sent that doll here, after that she got messages that told her the gift was as sweet as the cake” Luhan explained made Yongguk and Jongup stood up.

Himchan cupped my shoulder and pushed me to the wall as he yelled at me “Why don’t you tell me!!  Why don’t you tell us !!! How if something happen to you !!” He cupped my shoulder tightly and shook my body till I felt the pain “But I’m still okay Himchan,,,,,, let go it hurts” I said while grimace “Now you still okay but what if he do more than this !!” Still yelled at me.

Luhan came closer but Yongguk hold him “Himchan stop ! You hurt her” Yongguk said. But it didn’t make him loosen his grip, it was me that didn’t fight him back that made him let go of me, usually I will fight or yelled at him back, but now all of my mind replaying the moment Jun Di pushed me away and all of this problems poured together, made me have no strength. Luhan who noticed the situation and knowing his position is not the same with them let Jongup took me away from Himchan “Come on Jinnie” Himchan already gone, let his anger out there while Yongguk ran after him.

“Calm down Jinnie, he didn’t mean to hurt you” Jongup said while make me sit in the couch and give me a water. “I know that” I said “I’m sorry Luhan, you better go” he come to rubbed my hand first “It’s okay, let me know if you need something” I nodded. He exchange his looks with Jongup that nodded at him before go.



“You were too much to her Himchan, she hurt because of you” Yongguk yelled at his bestfriend when they arrived to their dorm.

“I was scared if something bad happen to her !!” Himchan yelled back

“But you saw she was okay, we both know Luhan will stay beside her !!” Yongguk now was in his anger, he really mad at Himchan because he hurt Jinnie “Not like that if you want to treat her, it’s hurt her, she was in pain don’t you see, I don’t want to see her like that, she didn’t even fight you back because she was scared, you punk !!!”

“Why !!! Did you Love her !!!” Himchan asked

“Yes, I love her but I never forced her or made her in pain like you did !!” Yongguk was telling Himchan the truth

Himchan look at his bestfriend shocked because of his confessed “Unlike you? I never want to see her sad, I never made her mad and I never leave her, if you wanna know I will still be happy for her even though Im not the reason !!!” Himchan stay still, he don’t believed what he just heard from his bestfriend



Zelo was in the dining table with jongup and daehyun, the lunch aura was really good because daehyun made a joke like he always did “Jongup, open your eyes while eating or the food will not come to your mouth” said daehyun made we laughed “Huh?” Jongup asked blankly made we let out a big laughter “If the food didn’t come to my mouth, I will ask Zelo to feed me” we kept silent a moment because of his lame joke and started to laughed again. “You better shut up I almost choked because of your joke” Daehyun said and Jongup hand him a water with his blank face, then someone entered my apartment, I stood up and said “Wait here”

“Jinnie……..” It was Himchan “I’m really sorry” He said softly “I was too much because I really worry” I walked to him and hugged him, I pats his back softly. I know he didn’t mean to hurt me.

“It’s okay” I sighed heavily “Just forget it” he let me from the hugged and said while touch my shoulder softly “It must be really hurt, right? Im so sorry” It still hurt a bit but the pain will disappear tomorrow “Himchan, come on, if we talked about this, it will never end, this time just forget it, please. I’ll be okay” I told him. We always be like this, after fight we will forgive each other in the same day and act like nothing happen. We never getting mad more than a day, except when I broke with him, it took a weeks for us to to talked each other again. "I won't to hurt you again" he said regret as he pulled me into his embrace and I saw the boys was peeked from the kitchen and pretending to chokes,  when Himchan look at them, they were back to the food.




It was the day of Idolstars Championship, they asked me to come to see they playing a soccer. I met a lot of Idols that ever worked with me there, one by one they started to know I have a close relationship with BAP since they walked with me and asking this and that when we passing each other. I sat to the egde of the soccer field with Daehyun and Himchan. Zelo Youngjae and Yongguk will play right now. I didn’t noticed someone until he waved at me, it was Luhan, he come closer to greet me and the boys.

“Noona, my team will against Luhan hyung team, who will you support then?” He asked while gave me a look like a child didn’t get their toys

“I will support both of the team” I said and the other started to whined like “eeeyyyy”

“I will support you the most Zelo” He give me high five before ran to the fields

Then I saw VIXX entered and come closer to the front seat, they greeted me and BAP while take a seat beside us. “You are going to play after this?” I asked Leo who sat beside N and Hongbin.

“Yes” He smiled widely, it’s nice to make Leo talked, so I will asked another questions “You will played against who's team?” He looked around for a moment that answers “2AM senior, yes but they will collaborate with juniors and I still don’t know who is that”

“Since you were a soccer player back then, you’ll win I guess” I nodded at him and his smile got even wide “Ah thank you, I will worked hard then” he said. N, the leader give me thumbs up because I success made Leo talked a lot.

“You didn’t even support us like that before” Himchan complaining beside me

“Ah Himchan don’t be jealous like that, she already support you all this time, now it’s out turn” Himchan only laughed and shook his head because of N’ joke

“Only for this time uh” He said to N and both of them high five while laughed between me. Luhan made a goal and everyone was claps for him, he take a look on me and smiled, Himchan who noticed that pokes me and I said “Why, Luhan is also my friend” the game was over with the same score, so they got penalty kick to decided the winner. It made me nervous, I was on BAP side while I want Luhan team won too. But unfortunately, the keeper in Luhan’s team, was from tatsy twin, didn’t catched the ball properly, while the another team is did it better. So Zelo’s team is the winner. They will against the team that won in the second match. Between VIXX or 2PM’ teams.

Indeed Leo, in the first game he already scored but after that he was got kicked by another team, made him got some injury. I thought it will be okay, but I heard from Ken that he was rushed to the hospital.




“Doctor, there were injury patients in the emergency room, he looks like soccer player” The nurse said to the Doctor, then walked to the emergency room. There were 3 man inside, two was wearing the same clothes and the other wear a casual clothes, they look at the doctor shockingly didn’t believed what they just saw.

“Ah, this is the risk if you play soccer too much” She said and then she added “I’m doctor Winnie, so tell me how did you get injury?”

“I was stumbling because one of my friends accidentally kicked my legs, it’s over here” Leo pointed at his legs and added “And I didn’t play too much” He rolled his eyes to her

“But still, what makes you like this? It’s soccer right? Haa,,,this boy” Winnie look at the other two “You have any injury before,” She asked him

“Ah manager you tell her, she’s asking too much, my legs is hurt that’s it” He whispered slowly to his manager, got annoyed by Winnie. Not even taking a glance at her.

“How can I cure you if you didn’t tell me the history of your disease” She almost yelled at him

“She really look like her, but she was too noisy unlike her” Leo mumbled something that could be heard by Winnie. She rolled her eyes to him, this patient is not cooperative, he even didn’t talked much, his face is showed her that he doesn’t like her.

“Oh you know my sister then?” Winnie asked while put the cast on his legs after cleaning the wound and checking there was no cracked bone inside it.

“We work with her now, for our coming back” The manager told her

“Ah, she told me, VIXX?” 

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chunjoe1004 #1
nice story!
Wow... I liked this.