

“What are you……..Himchaaaann !!” I ran to catch him as he ran away “I’m sorry I’m sorry Jinnie,,,,it was accident hahahahah I’m sorry” he ran away while he laughed because of kiss incident

“I really hate you so much you know, you......” I said

“I got your lips, it's been a long long long time Hahaha that’s my luck then” he winked and walked towards me “Come on, let’s go home” he took my hand but I pulled it away from him

“I won’t”

“Uw uw uw,,, You have to make breakfast for me before I go” he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me stronger with him as he laughed

“Why you always like to force people” I pouted as I followed him to the door “Wait, the album?” he left it on the floor so I back to get it and he waited me as I reached him, he lift his hand to take my hand, it’s been a habit for us, no feeling, just holding each other naturally.


“You sure don’t want to wait for us till back from Japan to help you arrange your apartment?” before back to the dorm, we went to my room first to put the album. I shook my head “No, I will do it by myself, beside Winnie will visit me so I have to clean this room faster” Himchan asked me to stay at their dorm until they back from Japan, but I decided to move faster to my own apartment. We went to the dorm which is only different from one floor to my room. As we entered the dorm, everyone is already wait for us.

“Where have you been till this morning, Himchan hurry up take a bath” Seokgu told him and he ran away upstairs.

“Rooftop, as usual” then I took my phone from my pocket to see a messages


From: Luhan

Have any schedule this morning?

Let’s breakfast, I will pick you up in 30 minutes


I take a deep breath as I reply his message. I walked to the kitchen to prepared a breakfast.

“What our menu this morning Jinnie?” asked Daehyun as he sat on the couch, looks like he was playing a game while waiting Himchan and the breakfast Im going to cook.

“French toast? French fries? Omelette? Pancake?”

“All of them is good” Yongguk said, he really loves European breakfast.

“If you say so, then okay” all of them shouted each other and laughed.




I walk to BAP dorm, I heard they were going to Japan this morning. It’s a little bit noisy when I saw the boys in the doors with a luggage, I decided to let them go first so I stop here and watched them from afar before visit Jinnie. Exactly eavesdropped them.

“So when I back home, noona is not stay here anymore?” Zelo said as he pouted beside Jinnie “Why so fast”

“You can always visited me Zelo, we lived near each other, neighbor if I could say” I heard Jinnie told him as she pats Zelo upper arms “Already bring your skateboard?” Then Zelo nodded as he pointed his luggage “How about books? You will face the exam when you back from Japan, you have to study there, take your time before sleep, in the car or even in the filming location” The way Jinnie told him is really like a mother to son.

“Ah I leave it in the table, wait me a moment” Zelo said as he entered the dorm again

“Aish, he will not study there when he have his skateboard” Youngjae said

“That’s why you have to remind him” Said Jinnie while she smoothed Yongguk shirt collar and Yongguk said “Thanks babe” .

“Here, drink it in the car, you didn’t sleep last night” Jinnie hand Himchan something

“Morning coffee, thanks Jin” Himchan said and take a sip

“Here” Zelo came out with the book in his hand, automatically Jinnie took the books and put into Zelo’s backpack. “You have to study even though only a little,okay” She added

“Yes noona, I will” He hugged tightly and added “I will miss noona too, Lets skype” Jinnie hugged him back and said “Okay, I will check if you read your books or not” She pinched the edge of Zelo’s nose

“Take care Jinnie, call me if something happen” Their manager kiss her head then I saw Himchan took his camera from his pocket “Wait wait let’s take some selca before go”

Himchan asked their manager to take the picture and I saw Daehyun and Youngjae exchanged look with each other “One two three” Jinnie got kissed from Daehyun and Youngjae from both side and she yelled at them “This two jerks!!” Yongguk only laughed, he hugged her before go.

“Call us if you need something” said himchan as he waved at her

I waited her to go inside first before knocking the door.




“It’s impossible if us take breakfast outside Luhan” when I prepared a breakfast for the boys, I cook more for him and it still warm. So I hand him a plate and let him decide what to eat.

“They must be really lucky” he said and take the French toast and fries to his plate

“Why you said so?” I asked him as I ate the fries, I’m not get my breakfast yet because waiting for him

“Not only because you made them a meals, you also taking care of them” he said like he knew everything

“How did you know that?” I asked him

“Actually I was eavesdropped you guys” He laughed

“Oh my God, why Luhan” I gave him a stare

“Hahaha Im sorry I was on my way here but saw you guys together so I won’t bother you and wait until they gone” he said honestly and still chuckled

“Ah,,,” I join to chuckled and said “It was because I care, and it just natural, I don’t even realized it, now that you mention”

“Jinnie, Im sorry about the night in coffee shop, I want to apologize in person” he said to me, his face turned serious and there’s a little bit apologize in his voice.

“It’s okay, I don’t really matter about it too much” I said as I told him the whole story, I trust him since the first, and telling him everything, sometimes made me a little bit comfort, he is the good listener.

“He throw the cake?” he shocked as I nodded “What’s on his mind?”

I shrugged my shoulder “I don’t know”

“But Jin, from the story that you said, it’s look like he saw you as a rival, he’s a senior, he shouldn’t be like that” Luhan said while we sat in the couch

I the television and said “He told me to be careful”

“Really?” then Luhan thought of something

“What? You want to tell me something?” He just shook his head

“It's supposed to be dangerous when a woman lived with 7 men, but it is where you are safe” He said as he walk to see the frames in the desk

“The safest place may be” I added

“When will you move to your own?” he said as he sat again on the couch

“After I clean it and arranging all the stuff” I said, just by imagined it made me sighed heavily

“I will help you then” he smiled.



We pushed the boxes to the edge of the room to get free room for furniture. actually the staff in this apartment already put the furniture in that place but i want some improvement to make my room looks pretty.

"I told you before you dont have to help me" I said to Luhan as he lifted the box to the storeroom, there are 3 room here but since the first i already decide to made the smallest room as a storeroom.

"I always help my mom in the house if we talked about packing or cleaning, I'm the only child in home you know, so it's okay then" He said as he sat in the couch while start to open another boxes.

"Where can I put this?" he asked after he took out a frame, it was the picture of me and Winnie when I was kindergarten "Oh you guys really cute together, let me guess which one is you, come here" said Luhan while he gave me sign to sit beside him. I let him thinking alone to guess the photo. There were 2 girls in it, one with long hair and the other is short hair.

"Is this you?" he pointed a girl with a short hair

"Oh very unfortunate, you get it wrong" I said and laughed

Luhan put his palm to his forehead then I told him "Since I was child I really took care of my long hair, while Winnie can't, when she noticed her friends with a new hair, she want to get it too, she really follow the trend time by time, a new stuff, new style, up until now and she really force me to do the same thing"

"She's kinda glamorous, right?" He asked me

"Yes, but that's made her aura came out, she looks beautiful in everything she wore, a guy likes that right?" I asked him while get up to put the frame in the cabinet beside the television and walked tot he kitchen

"Not at all, a guy prefer a woman with a natural look, at least for me" He said while took out another stuff and put it on the table

"You....." I asked worriedly "don't like her?" I throw my face away pretending clean up something

"I like her of course" he paused and added "As a friend, she's a good friend. Doesn't she have a boyfriend? a lot of man will falling to her in the first sight I guess"

"She date a man and broke up, date again broke up again,hhhmmm not for now, since she’s really busy with her job now, but she told me she have a crush" I said

"Her friend in hospital?" he asked but I only shook my head and told him "No"

"Then how about you?" He asked me while turned his position to look at me.

I laughed quietly and shook my head again "What do you want to drink?" I asked him

"You know what  I want" he said. I made him a cup of ice coffee and handed him as I sat beside him.

"I have 7 boyfriend who really stubborn and lovely cute at the same time"

 I made him let a laughter and he said "If it's like that, I want to be the next then" he smiled awkwardly

I glances at him and we laughed together. He looks a bit nervous, make him looks pure and handsome when he smiled like that.

"When I had boyfriend in high school, Yongguk and Himchan always made me broke up with him, they always tell me every reasons like ' he was a player, he already had a girlfriend, he was a loser, he was this and that' in their eyes there was no a good man for me, they said" I chuckled remembered that moment "Untill now, my job distract me with everything"

"Did the boys had a girlfriend?" he asked

"Nope, but they tried to asked a girl out, Youngjae, Daehyun even Zelo told me he likes a trainee from TS, this little kids"

I rested my head in the couch and closed my eyes, sleepy feeling attack me because I'm not sleep last night "How about you Luhan, when a girls heard your name they will screams and faint in the same time, I know how your popularity nowadays, you were a good man at all, isn't girls group these days so y and pretty? it must be easy for you to asked one of them out, how about my sister, did my Winnie doesn't pretty enough for you?" I feel a little bit of jealous how pretty they are, a lot of boy group likes them too beside their fans

"I like some girl, I ever worked with her before" he paused, I thought so hard who the girl that already have a collaboration stage with him, or duet or CF's or maybe she was from SM then he added "But I dont know if she had the same feelings" his voice make me open my eyes again and look at him "Why don't you ask her then? she will like you too I guess" I said to him

"I don't think so, I think she have a high standart for a boyfriend, If I saw her I just feeling happy, if I talked to her my tiredness disappear a bit, she's independent girl, smart, beautiful, a lot of people around her loved her, an ordinary girl but in my eyes she is extraordinary with everything she had" he let out a small laughed and take a more sip of his coffee.

I smiled at him "If she know you like her this much, she will be very happy you know,she must be an amazing girl" the way Luhan told me about her made me jealous even more, Luhan likes this girl with all of his heart,

"She just........" he paused "I don't know how to describe her and my feelings, the way she laughed, she talked, the way she touched me.........ahh Im sorry"

"No it's okay if you want to tell me everything, maybe I can help you with her someday

 it must be really lucky when I man can love a woman like Luhan did, it's a pure love. Unlike a man these days only look at girl by their appearances and wanted their body

"She's just awesome in every way she did, I'm happy if I saw her happy even though I'm not the reason of her happiness" He turned serious when he talked about her but then he  smiled sweetly and added "May be I look like high school guy, but this is how I look a girl"

"'s not like that, I really understand what do you mean" I told him as I pats his shoulder "It's beautiful"



My bell rang, I'm not even tell Winnie where's my room are, and no one know I was here beside BAP and Luhan.

"Wait, looks like I got another guest" I exchanged look with Luhan before walked to open the door.

There's nobody out there, I check from my monitor beside the door. When I open the door there was a box in the floor, I took the box as I walked inside and sat beside Luhan again.

"Another box? Didn't you said your boxes is already complete"

"Yes, I dont know wh............" I let the boxes fell down from my hand as I know what's inside. Speechless, I sat down and take a deep breath to calming down my nerves.

Luhan took the boxes and said "May be he got wrong address" It was voodoo doll with a lot of blood on it

"It was the doll that I will use for filming VIXX's music video, but It's only me, my staff and VIXX that knew about this" I walked to the kitchen as I heard my phone ring and got messages


From: Unknown

As sweet as the cake, right?


Luhan who noticed the change of my face took my phone to see the messages “You have terrorized, you should report this to the police” I only shook my head and Luhan didn’t asked anymore, he sighed and hugged me as I still shocked. I just gave cake to Park Jun Di yesterday, and he asked me to be careful before, will it be him?

I don’t know what was happen right now until I realized I was in Luhan embraces while he put his chin on my head and pats my back “Calm down Jinnie, calm down” He noticed my breathless and didn’t loosen his arms around my body, my hand start to hugged him back, wrapped my hands in his middle, I was scared by this terror but everything seems to be fine right now. I’m not alone, I feel safe with him.

“Let me know if you got something like this anymore, okay?” He cupped my shoulder. I nodded at him not wanting to see his eyes “Look at me Jinnie” he looking for my eyes by cupped my face. I looked at him in the eyes and I saw the worry inside then he hugged me again tightly “It’s okay now, it will be okay” He whispered as I took a deep breath and smell his scent, it calms me. For a moment we stayed like this until he got a call from Kris.

“Don’t open the door if you see no one out there, wait until I back, okay” He my back before go

“Luhan……” I called him and he turned around “Thank you” I said and he smiled before leave.

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chunjoe1004 #1
nice story!
Wow... I liked this.