Revealing the incident

Unrequited love?


“You sure you want to go to school today? Your eyes are red and totally swollen.” My brother asked while sighing.

“Well how could I do? There are three tests today! I shouldn’t just leave it.”

I go to school anyway, I really couldn’t leave the tests. There’re math, science and p.e., and it’s all my favorite lessons.

“What’s with your eyes?” Doojoon asked when I met the quartet in the locker room.


“Morning Heeyoung-ah!” the familiar voice greeted me so cheerfully. But I can’t look at him in the eyes today, he’ll found out.

“Mornin’.” I replied while pretending to tidy up my locker. Taecyeon sighs, lifts up my chin with his hand and saw through my eyes.

“Don’t try to hide these eyes. It’s okay I won’t ask you something you wouldn’t answer.” He said patting my head while smiling and left the locker room.

“What’s up with you two? Nichkhun, the senior who hang around with Taecyeon also came to you yesterday right? And he mentioned something about Taecyeon when we were about to go.” Suzy asked.

“You wouldn’t believe me, they’re in the same circle as my brother. And they were coming to my house last weekend, that’s why Nichkhun also knows me. The other three in junior year know me too. I said to Nichkhun for not talking to me because I don’t want to have business with their fangirl. I’ve had enough with Minah that time.”

“What? You’ve encountered with her? What a pain.” Dara whispered to me whining about her. Well, she’s whispering so no one heard except the five of us.

“Wait, my question this morning still hasn’t answered yet. What’s with your eyes?” Doojoon asked again.

“Uhmmm well…”

“Couldn’t you learn from Taecyeon? Don’t ask questions she wouldn’t answer! Geez.” Junhyung said.

“It’s… it’s okay, just… not now okay? There’s still lesson, I’ll tell you guys later, why don’t we hang out together after school?”

“We could go to my place!” Junhyung exclaimed. And so, we go to his house. I explained what happened last night, about the accident, amnesia, my name, and Jaebum.

“So yeah, I ended up crying all night long in Jaebum’s arm. But it’s okay now. I’m just shocked, disappointed, confused. You know, when all that feelings mixed up together, what would happen?”

“We know. Sigh, you’re such a baby. Good thing you didn’t overwhelmed it. Just think positively, if that incident didn’t come, maybe we wouldn’t meet and be such good friends, right? Maybe you wouldn’t know Jaebum, or even Taecyeon and the others. Just be grateful that your current brother picked you up.” Dara said, patting my back.

I know I have these best friends who would hear everything I tell them, and I can lean my head on their shoulders. I’m glad to know where I am now.


“M’home! Jae-oppa! Where are you?”

“Ah, welcome home! Ey, Taecyeon asked me about your swollen eyes. It’s like the blame is on me you know.”

“Serves you right.” I stuck my tongue out and asked, “What did you tell him?”

“’Ask Heeyoungie yourself if you got b*lls.’?” Jaebum answered with that devilish-innocent smile of his. I’m amused and stifled a laugh. I make my own way to the kitchen to make a coffee, I feel like drinking it. And that’s when our eyes meet.

“Heeyoung-ah.” He said.

“I thought you said you wouldn’t ask something I won’t answer? Just say then you don’t have the guts to do so.” I said, teasing him a little. It’s amusing to see how he reacted. His head twitched and he widens his eyes. He quickly shouted at me,

“It’s not like that!!”

I laugh at the thought of him being so childish and all. He’s always so composed, well not really, he is childish but not this way, so I kinda happy that he shows this unknown side in front of me.

“What are you laughing at? Aren’t you angry?!” he asked, with a blushed face. I laugh again. “Aish.” He turned his head to hide that blushing. I’ve been watching you, you know, Taecyeon. Even just a single movement from you that you show to me, I’m incredibly happy.

“Why are you blushing Ok Taecyeon? I didn’t even do something you could blush at.”



“You were laughing.” He said, covering his face. He’s just so cute. And that made me laugh again.

“I was not angry, I pretended to. Since you are…” cute.

“I’m what?”

“No, nothing, forget it. And let’s head back to the topic. You want to know right? I found that I’m not Jaebum’s real sister, he was randomly picking me in the road when I was little and last night he irritates me by saying so. I was all worked up, and yeah, I ended up crying for the rest of night.” I said just to gain a slap in the head from Jaebum who is standing behind me.

“She’s lying, she just wants to pick up on you, sorry. But the part she’s not my real sister is right.” He said

“The part you were randomly picking me is also right.” I added.

“Wha – really?”

“I know you’d surprised. I’m not her real brother, yes. She lost her memories six years ago.” Jaebum said, and with that, he explained what happened.

“Jeongmal?! Then if that’s true… Heeyoung-ah, you are…”

“I’m what?”

“No, it’s nothing.”

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shinyshinee #1
wahh... such a good update. :P
The fluff! The fluff! I loved it. Lol. They're so cute! And actually, I think its cute hoTaecyeon confessed. He started out slowly then seemed to just ramble on. Aigoo! So cute!
hellopanda23 #3
ahhhh still. they were together and it was sweettttt
billiondollar #4
LOL if you want to sell it, sell it to me! :p<br />
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Well you could see where I was going in this new chapter, though, right?^^ and don't be discourage! I know you'd meet them eventually :D
hellopanda23 #5
PIKACHU ATTACK! i honestly love love pikachu to death ha ha ha. i have so many pikachu things its ludacris and my parents want me to sell it.. h aha h ha so lucky!!!!<br />
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ahhh i see what you were going for in this chapter now..still ha h ha.. i guess you could say because the most "dramatic part" was over i wasn't sure where it was going but i guess it has to do with heeyoung and taecyeon...<br />
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ahhhh i wish 2pm would come to my country. it seems really far-fetched though since i am in america. most likely they would go to the east coast where most kpop concerts are held, in New York... when i live on the west coast : (
hellopanda23 #6
PIKACHU ATTACK! i honestly love love pikachu to death ha ha ha. i have so many pikachu things its ludacris and my parents want me to sell it.. h aha h ha so lucky!!!!<br />
<br />
ahhh i see what you were going for in this chapter now..still ha h ha.. i guess you could say because the most "dramatic part" was over i wasn't sure where it was going but i guess it has to do with heeyoung and taecyeon...<br />
<br />
ahhhh i wish 2pm would come to my country. it seems really far-fetched though since i am in america. most likely they would go to the east coast where most kpop concerts are held, in New York... when i live on the west coast : (
billiondollar #7
Yeah well that's why this time i try to make a good friends' pairing between Heeyoung and Doojoon so that they'll be seemed as best friends... But really, everyone is just friends with everyone because they got Heeyoung in the middle of them who could actually bring them together(what am i blabbering about) and while we're at it, i'm the one who should be a better author:(<br />
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anyway, it seems we have 5 years lol and i'm younger, you're the same as my big brother! and pikachu is just cute! you can't resist it:p<br />
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No you should not ashamed of any eye smiles! they're cute^^ and to my knowledge, 2pm has high five event before the Singapore hands up concert T_T i hope they'll come to your country!
hellopanda23 #8
aww they are buying gifts.. dude.. i love love love love PIKACHU! give me the pikachu watch right now. i have so many pikachu plushies.. despite being 20.. ha ha ha. i get something pikachu related.. last year i got pikachu plushe, before that a lanyard, and it goes on.. this year i am banking i got a pikachu backpack. i saw it.. come on the thing is yellow and bright..<br />
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Anyways back to your story. i am officially on college break so i am goign to have to go back and reread your story again since its been a while. honestly you lost me after you know who died (stilllllll saddd_) but idk...after the twin thing i still understood..then just somewhere along the way i got lost to who was friends with who and where the story was going.<br />
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But it may not be you..just me.. but yeah, I am going to try my best and be a better reader!<br />
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AND at least you got a high five from one of the 2pm members right? ha ha ha chansung... awww too bad you didn't get one from taecyeon. i woould have wanted Junho, nichkhun, or wooyoungs.. i love all three of them...<br />
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But junho.. ha ha ha i love his eye smile.. maybe because i have it too and always felt ashamed of i am proud of it!! ha ha ha
billiondollar #9
almost got one from taecyeon though but no luck *sigh* i got it from chansung <3 couldn't blame you, junho is so adorable!<br />
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anyway sorry for ruining the story into a really complicated one, but keep reading so you'd know how it'd end up kaay? :D
hellopanda23 #10
hmmmmmmmmmm......... because its so hard to gete over the fact that he is gone!!!!! : ( buts it is okay.. Did you get one from Taecyeon? I honestly would have wanted a high five from Junho but that is just me...<br />
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Yeah for being back.. BOO FINALS> GOOD LUCK THOUGH : )<br />
AND ha ha ha... where is the story going to go? Like what now?