Snowy nights

Unrequited love?





Sunghee woke up with a start. She’s so excited today! She sat up, rubbing sleepiness off her eyes before turned to the other side of the bed where her twin was soundly sleeping. Careful, she shook the other’s shoulder up.

“Hmm.” Sungyoung mumbled through her sleep.

“Wake up, you sleepyhead.” The younger said in sarcastic tone.

“Shut up.”

“Come on, wake up!”

“Get out…”

Sunghee hissed, shaking her head at her gemini’s antic. “Wake up or I’ll bring some snow here and throw it at your sleeping face.”

Sungyoung groaned slightly and growled when she sat up so suddenly. She regretted the action later because her head felt so dizzy after. “What time is it?”

“5 a.m.”

The older twin’s eyes widened in disbelieve. “That’s it. I’m going to sleep. Again.” She pulled the cover up to her ear, and in a second the cover was being pulled down again.

“No you’re not.”

“What is it?! It’s a damn winter break and you’re trying to disturb me from my peaceful sleep?!” she asked in desperation. She really needed some sleep!

“Yeah, but today is not just a normal damn winter break! It’s a special one!”

“It’s so special because I have to wake up 5 a.m. in the morning.” Sungyoung rolled her eyes.

The younger imitated her gesture, “It’s Taecyeon’s birthday! Don’t tell me you forgot!” she exclaimed.

Sungyoung’s eyes widened in realization, as she turned her eyes to the calendar near their bedroom door. That’s right! She’s too sleepy to remember what day today was, though they had plan already. Yeah, they planned to wake the boy up with blow down a loud flute on the boy’s ear. They also prepared for his present and baked a cake yesterday. Pity that Taecyeon didn’t liked any kind of party, nor even a simple birthday greeting on his birthday. Why is that again?

“It’s sad that his big sister died on his birthday. But we should teach him how to get it over with!” Sunghee said, while changing clothes into something warmer.

 Sungyoung silently remembered the cause and follow Sunghee to change her clothes too. Yeah, it was before Taecyeon moved to their neighborhood. He moved there when he was 4. His sister was 5 years older than him, and she died in the exact same day as Taecyeon’s 4th birthday. She was still in such young, age though. Soon after she died, Taecyeon moved to the house next to theirs.

“Happy birthday Taecyeon!!” they shouted on his sleeping ears. His eyes shot opened with fearful lights dancing in it, and the twins’ cheerful face darkened.

“What the hell are you two doing?! Get out!”

“But… Taec we…” Sungyoung tried to reason out but,

“Get out I said!”

Heeyoung woke up with a start.

“Just a dream… how nostalgic.” She smirked sadly. It was a very long time ago. “But really…” Heeyoung mumbled, taking a little box on her drawer, “What am I going to do with this gift, Taecyeon?” she sighed.

Ever since that time in her dreams, they never brought up a topic about his birthday. Sure, Taecyeon just shrugged it off the day after he was mad at Heeyoung and Sungyoung, he acted like nothing happened. But, the two identical siblings never did that birthday thing ever again, afraid that they’ll make him even angrier. Though, behind Taecyeon’s harsh way of saying ‘get out’ that day, Heeyoung knew sadness was hidden.

Now, it’s already 27th December and she didn’t know how to give this present for the birthday boy. Last year, they didn’t celebrate it because Taecyeon was in the States. But this year, he’s very much available. She didn’t know whether Taecyeon still didn’t like the thought of his birthday or whether he got it over with now, either way, she had to make sure about it.

Well, she couldn’t know until she gained some information.

From: Heeyoung
To: Junsu, Nichkhun
Oppa, did you usually celebrate Taecyeon’s birthday? Today is his birthday, are you with him now?

From: Heeyoung
To: Wooyoung, Junho, Chansung
Dongsaengs, did you usually celebrate Taecyeon’s birthday with him? You know… today is his birthday right?

From: Junsu
To: Heeyoung
Hey, I’m with Nichkhun now, and no, we never celebrate it. We usually celebrate mine, Chansung’s, Wooyoung’s, and Khun’s. Junho’s was usually celebrated with mine because I’m on 15th January and he’s 25th, though. So it concludes we only never celebrate Taec’s or Jae hyung’s birthday. And hey, you only called me oppa if you want something, don’t you?-_-

From: Junho
To: Heeyoung Noona
No noona, we never celebrated his and Jaebum hyung’s birthday. Chansung is with me too, just so you know.

From: Wooyoung
To: Noona
He said it once he kinda didn’t like the thought of his birthday, because we knew it was his privacy, we never asked him about it and never celebrate it. We even agreed not to give a simple birthday greetings. But… I think Jaebum hyung always spent the day with him. I don’t know what they’re doing, though.

Okay, so basically, they never celebrate Taecyeon’s and Jaebum’s birthday, well Jaebum always celebrated his birthday with Heeyoung, so that’s make sense. And according to Wooyoung’s words, Taecyeon said it to them he didn’t like birthdays, so he hasn’t gotten it over with.

But… I think Jaebum hyung always spent the day with him.


Heeyoung closed her eyes, thinking deeply. Come to think of it, Jaebum was never home in this time of year. He always said it was Christmas Eve, and he was dating with a pretty lady.

“Christmas Eve my , stupid Jaebum. Chistmas Eve was on 24th, not 27th. Even a newborn baby knows that.”

She shot her eyes open when realization rushed to her body, and slowly turned her face to look at the nightstand next to her bed. She carefully opened the drawer and pulled out a letter. Jaebum’s letter.

“Maybe it’s time.” She muttered.

‘Yo! You maybe think I’ll write, ‘when you read this letter, I already far away…’ blah, blah, blah. That’s too dramatic and lame for a great person like me! Lol sorry, I’m so random ain’t I? Anyway, I won’t say sorry for hiding my illness as a secret, but I’d like to say thank you. Thank you for always be there. I hope the boys are always with you, protecting you while I’m away. I know I could always trust them, so I introduced them to you a year ago.

‘And Heeyoungie, you remember, right? Park Heeyoung is my gift, so don’t take it away, ‘kay baby girl? :) don’t forget to lock the door if mom and dad didn’t come home, don’t skip meal as much as possible too, I know you dislike eating, make a lot of friends, have some good sleeps, take care of our little Flynn, and *think about me sometimes, think about me a lot is okay too, it’s not a crime if you’re thinking about me a lot, right?

‘p.s.: sorry it’s a little trashy, you know I at writing, and Heeyoungie, you probably know this already but… Taecyeon, it’s okay for you to spend 27th with him, he’s still a bit dislike the idea but he’ll get over with it eventually, and you know where to find him. Lastly, if you want to know everything, you know where my drawer is.

‘With love, Jaebum.’

“You know, Jaebum? You’re unbelievable. You’re so obnoxious even in the letter. You even break the sad mood I was in when I was about to open your letter with your first sentence, you stupid brother.” She scowled, but couldn’t help to plaster a small curve on her lips.

You know where to find him.

“But thanks, nonetheless.” She quickly but carefully putted the letter back in her drawer. The middle length haired girl jumped out of her bed. Putting her coat and scarf on, she ran towards the front door while texting Doojoon not to give his present for Taecyeon today. “Flynn, take care of home while I’m gone!” the younger twin said before she left.

It had yet started to snow, but the chill winter air was almost freezing Taecyeon to death. He sat on the bald ground next to a grave, Jaebum’s grave. He never liked the idea of having birthdays because of his sister’s death, yes. He still didn’t like the idea until now, yes. But somehow, spending it every year with Jaebum after he moved to Seoul was never considered as a bad thing for him.

Jaebum would come to his house alone, bringing dried mangoes, their favorite snack, and asked him to hang out together, just the two of them. He would agree, and they’d walking around the town, playing, fooling around, laughing, chatting, anything. They’d come home late at night, and Jaebum always insist on dropping Taecyeon home, despite how hard Taecyeon refused.

And he’d say an almost inaudible happy birthday before waving and go home.

“I know you would be here.” A very familiar voice drove him back from his thought to the real world. He looked up and found a beautiful autumn, yellowish-brown, color in that eyes.

“And how could you know?”


A snort.

“Don’t laugh.”

“I’m not laughing.”

“You did.”

“Did not.”

“Stupid argument.”

“Agree. How could you know again?”


A snicker.

“Don’t laugh, Taecyeon.” The girl scowled, feeling a blush crept to her face. Soon after, it was silence. A comfortable silence. Heeyoung took out a flower from inside her pocket, revealing white daisy on her tiny hand. She putted it in front of the Jaebum’s grave and glued her hands together in a prayer.

“Why are you here, Heeyoungie?”

“Drop by.”


“Am not. Let’s take a walk.” The girl said, didn’t wait Taecyeon to respond when she already pulled his hand. Just when she was about to pull away, Taecyeon didn’t let go of her hand.

“Stay like this for a while.” He said. Heeyoung knew how much the birthday boy needed pillar support right now, so she did as he said, despite how loud her heartbeats were.

They went to some stores, chatting, eating, go to a game center, just simply had fun. They now sat on a bench in a park near their house. Night had fallen before they knew it, and they felt a bit kind of tired.

“Thanks.” The tall boy said.

“No need.”

“No, really, thanks.”

“Well, if you insist, then you’re welcome.” It was silence before the girl opened again. “I know you don’t like it, but today, I also know what Jaebum always did in this time of year, so I kind of figured where to find you.” She took the small blue box from her coat’s pocket and showed it in front of Taecyeon’s eyes. “And… like it or not, happy birthday, anyway.”

Taecyeon sighed, and he smiled, although Heeyoung couldn’t see it because she had her eyes on the sky. “That’s why I said thank you, Heeyoungie.”

“Eh? Really? I thought you hate birthdays.” She turned to face him.

“Yeah, and I’m sorry for yelling at you and Sungyoung like that back then. Maybe I should chill up a little.”

“Not a little, Taecyeon, but a lot.” She teased.

“What is this thing anyway? It’s small.”

The girl turned around from embarrassment, and said, “A new pendant for your necklace. Don’t get the wrong idea.”

Taecyeon confused at the girl’s sentence but understand nonetheless after he opened the present. It was a simple, plain, silver ring, with his name engraved on the inside part of the ring. He chuckled and patted Heeyoung’s head gently, “Thank you. Maybe I’d like the thought of birthdays if someone was proposing me in this time of year.” He joked.

“Shut up! I said don’t get the wrong idea, stupid.”

“Hey, you have no sense of humor! Come on Heeyoungie don’t sulk, it’s not cute at all. Hey look! It’s snowing!” he exclaimed.

“Ah, that’s right!”



“You know, Heeyoungie?”


“I’m about to give you the same new thing for your necklace.”

Heeyoung’s face turned to the tall guy in full speed, eyes widened.

“I like you for a while, now. No, it wasn’t right. From the time in our childhood, then you lost your memories, even when you reappeared as Heeyoung and until now you’ve learned the truth, I’ve loved you all along. It’s like, my life seems to revolve around you, don’t you think? I fell for you as Sunghee, fell over again as Heeyoung, and even now when I know both of you are the same person, I fell over again.”

Silence filled in between them, before Taecyeon spoke again, “I never have the guts to say it to you, convinced by myself you wouldn’t have the same feeling. But I can’t take it anymore, I guess, because now you find me confessing. Sound cliché, huh?" He smirked mockingly, directing it to himself. "Anyway… would you like to be my… um… girlfriend?” he asked, pulling the identical ring, with Heeyoung's name engraved for their differences, out from his pocket

Awkward. Heeyoung thought.

“You… are not lying?” she finally spoken up after a brief moment. She couldn’t look at Taecyeon in the eyes but she had to.

“Am not.”



“It must be a dream, then.”

“And why is that? I said I’m not lying.”

“Because you said you’re not lying, it must be a dream.”


“Because you loved me back!” the girl exclaimed exasperated, but covered in realization, stupid!

“Eh?” Taecyeon asked, blinking confusedly.

“You heard me.”

“No lies?”

“No lies.”

“Thank, God.” Taecyeon gently pulled the girl before him in a warm embrace, and she returned it shyly. They stay like that for a while, surrounded by the snowy scenery, before ended the day by Taecyeon’s walking Heeyoung home safe and soundly.

“Happy birthday again.” The girl whispered before she entered her house.



*Yes your thinking is right! It's Nichkhun's words for Victoria in their last episode of WGM :D Aaanyway this chapter is so cheesy isn't it.___. it kinda how Taecyeon confessed, that's my opinion, though, so please give your opinion too!

And happy birthday for our beloved Taecyeon! <3 /It's one day late again T_T/

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shinyshinee #1
wahh... such a good update. :P
The fluff! The fluff! I loved it. Lol. They're so cute! And actually, I think its cute hoTaecyeon confessed. He started out slowly then seemed to just ramble on. Aigoo! So cute!
hellopanda23 #3
ahhhh still. they were together and it was sweettttt
billiondollar #4
LOL if you want to sell it, sell it to me! :p<br />
<br />
Well you could see where I was going in this new chapter, though, right?^^ and don't be discourage! I know you'd meet them eventually :D
hellopanda23 #5
PIKACHU ATTACK! i honestly love love pikachu to death ha ha ha. i have so many pikachu things its ludacris and my parents want me to sell it.. h aha h ha so lucky!!!!<br />
<br />
ahhh i see what you were going for in this chapter now..still ha h ha.. i guess you could say because the most "dramatic part" was over i wasn't sure where it was going but i guess it has to do with heeyoung and taecyeon...<br />
<br />
ahhhh i wish 2pm would come to my country. it seems really far-fetched though since i am in america. most likely they would go to the east coast where most kpop concerts are held, in New York... when i live on the west coast : (
hellopanda23 #6
PIKACHU ATTACK! i honestly love love pikachu to death ha ha ha. i have so many pikachu things its ludacris and my parents want me to sell it.. h aha h ha so lucky!!!!<br />
<br />
ahhh i see what you were going for in this chapter now..still ha h ha.. i guess you could say because the most "dramatic part" was over i wasn't sure where it was going but i guess it has to do with heeyoung and taecyeon...<br />
<br />
ahhhh i wish 2pm would come to my country. it seems really far-fetched though since i am in america. most likely they would go to the east coast where most kpop concerts are held, in New York... when i live on the west coast : (
billiondollar #7
Yeah well that's why this time i try to make a good friends' pairing between Heeyoung and Doojoon so that they'll be seemed as best friends... But really, everyone is just friends with everyone because they got Heeyoung in the middle of them who could actually bring them together(what am i blabbering about) and while we're at it, i'm the one who should be a better author:(<br />
<br />
anyway, it seems we have 5 years lol and i'm younger, you're the same as my big brother! and pikachu is just cute! you can't resist it:p<br />
<br />
No you should not ashamed of any eye smiles! they're cute^^ and to my knowledge, 2pm has high five event before the Singapore hands up concert T_T i hope they'll come to your country!
hellopanda23 #8
aww they are buying gifts.. dude.. i love love love love PIKACHU! give me the pikachu watch right now. i have so many pikachu plushies.. despite being 20.. ha ha ha. i get something pikachu related.. last year i got pikachu plushe, before that a lanyard, and it goes on.. this year i am banking i got a pikachu backpack. i saw it.. come on the thing is yellow and bright..<br />
<br />
Anyways back to your story. i am officially on college break so i am goign to have to go back and reread your story again since its been a while. honestly you lost me after you know who died (stilllllll saddd_) but idk...after the twin thing i still understood..then just somewhere along the way i got lost to who was friends with who and where the story was going.<br />
<br />
But it may not be you..just me.. but yeah, I am going to try my best and be a better reader!<br />
<br />
AND at least you got a high five from one of the 2pm members right? ha ha ha chansung... awww too bad you didn't get one from taecyeon. i woould have wanted Junho, nichkhun, or wooyoungs.. i love all three of them...<br />
<br />
But junho.. ha ha ha i love his eye smile.. maybe because i have it too and always felt ashamed of i am proud of it!! ha ha ha
billiondollar #9
almost got one from taecyeon though but no luck *sigh* i got it from chansung <3 couldn't blame you, junho is so adorable!<br />
<br />
anyway sorry for ruining the story into a really complicated one, but keep reading so you'd know how it'd end up kaay? :D
hellopanda23 #10
hmmmmmmmmmm......... because its so hard to gete over the fact that he is gone!!!!! : ( buts it is okay.. Did you get one from Taecyeon? I honestly would have wanted a high five from Junho but that is just me...<br />
<br />
Yeah for being back.. BOO FINALS> GOOD LUCK THOUGH : )<br />
AND ha ha ha... where is the story going to go? Like what now?