
Unrequited love?

Sungyoung sits on a bench in the school garden. It feels peaceful, except for the fact that ‘Heeyoung’s’ fans are following her, place their eyes on her. She doesn’t know whether or not she should find Heeyoung right now, to make them not to think she is Heeyoung. But she quite curious, are they really Jaebum’s fans? She means, it’s just as if they’re as well her reflection’s bunch of admirers, not Jaebum’s.

“Sungyoungie!” she heard a familiar voice calling her name. “I’m sorry! It must be hard on you, to be assumed as me.” Heeyoung said, let out a good laugh. Her twin must be enjoying that little peace moment when nobody follows her, because they’re all here with Sungyoung, thinking she’s the one they usually stalk.

Sungyoung could see clearly the shocked face of her gemini’s stalker, to find two same person are standing next to each other, nonetheless. She chuckles. This will be a long day.

Heeyoung opens her already unlocked locker door to find so many letters in it. She doesn’t have to be wondered what is the thing inside those envelops. It must be Jaebum and the group’s fanletter, asking how come there are the two of her. The said person sighs, this remembers her of the first time all of student in the school know her as Jaebum’s sister.

The bell rang, and the two teen girls walk to their class in the first period, math. There are Gikwang, Dara, Suzy, Junhyung, Doojoon, and Taecyeon there. They wave their hands then Heeyoung and Sungyoung gladly reply the gesture. In just a minute, the math teacher came in. Everyone stands up together and bows in respect before the teacher, Mrs. Jung starts the lesson.

“Morning everybody.” She started. “Today, we have our new students. Han Sungyoung, could you stand up?” she asked, and when Sungyoung did, the class gasped, except for the seven who already knew before, of course. “Please introduce yourself.”

“I’m Han Sungyoung. Please take care of me.” Sungyoung bowed.

“Anyone want to asked question before I start our lesson?” Mrs. Jung asked. When everyone except Heeyoung and her friends raise their hands, the group laughs out loud. Mrs. Jung sighs.

“I presume your questions are the same, so I guess I’ll only pick one. You, Park Gahee.”

“Can I ask… why is that you have the exactly same face as Heeyoung?”

“I thought you could already see it, but I’m actually his twin sister.”


“No one else?” Mrs. Jung broke it, but then a student name Donghae raised his hand.

“How come you’re a Han and she’s a Park?”

“That’s a long story that unnecessarily needs to tell about. I’m sorry.” Sungyoung said and give him an apologized smile before she was heading back to sit. Mrs. Jung is about to start the math subject when the door being knocked.

“Sorry, Seonsaengnim, I’m late.” It was a guy’s voice, but not a single one of the student of math’s class could see him, because he gives sight of his face only for the teacher.

“That’s okay, come in and introduce yourself to the class.”

Heeyoung lost interest and turns her eyes onto the note book she has in her hand instead. She could look at his face later when he’s done introducing himself, she thought that.

“I’m Yang Yoseob, I’m a new student here from now on, please to meet you.” The guy bowed politely.

“N-No...” Heeyoung heard Sungyoung gasped. She brings her eyes to see her reflection’s startled face, gives the other her most confuse look.

“Chanhyuk Hyung? But, there’s… no way.” This time, it’s Taecyeon.

She furrowed her brows, turning to him. She almost asked what happened when she heard that ‘Chanhyuk’ name and saw the same shocked expression at Taecyeon’s eyes. She follows the eyes to see what it is so interesting in front of their class. It happens in a slow motion for Heeyoung. Her eyes got widen, though Heeyoung herself not knowing what’s wrong. All she could see after that is rain, and the sound of thunders echoing in her ear. It’s darkness.

She sees the red liquid on the road in front of her. Rain is pouring down rudely that night, letting the body of the teenage girl get soaked, and making her clothes weighted with waters. She could feel the frightening sensation, thus, she cries. She looks at a body, lying effortlessly in front of her, covered with blood. She screams loud, but it was past midnight, and she knows no one would hear her, no matter how hard she’s trying.

She wakes with a start, trying to catch the breath she is lacking. Her vision is somewhat blur from the traced of tears left. She closes her eyes, letting the tears run off with her painful memories in it. At some point, everything seems clearer.

“Heeyoung-ah?” she felt a reassuring big, warm, and gentle hand on her back when she heard that husky and deep voice, filled with concern. She doesn’t need to look at the person to know who it is, but she looks at him anyway. “Are you crying? Hey, oh God.” Taecyeon asked, knowing full well the girl before him still needed the support of his hand.

“I’m… fine. I’m not crying.” Heeyoung said, hoping for Taecyeon to just leave her alone, when she’s the one who knew the best Taecyeon is the person she needed the most at the moment. She buries her face on Taecyeon’s chest, forcefully pressing on it, and cling her hands on his uniform. The gesture betrays her words, she is not fine, and would never be fine.

Taecyeon frowns at the reply. Okay, that teary eyes are what she said is not crying. But Taecyeon decides against pointing that she’s an amazingly bad liar. She’s so obviously sobbing and he could easily guess what is happening. So this is the worst situation of her knowing who Chanhyuk is. It’s really unexpected, for all of them.

He sighs. Now he wishes it’s not him who was here at the first place. He’s never good at explaining things, especially with this kind of solemn and awkward topic. He decides not to said a words for now, and run his fingers to Heeyoung’s hair, her softly instead. She sobs harder from the embrace, sinking deeper, longing for protection.

“I remember.” Heeyoung whispered.


“I remember all of them.”

“I know.”

“The memories are flowing. I’m scared.” She shuffled into Taecyeon’s chest more. But she still makes sure Taecyeon would hear her.

“I understand, Sunghee-ah.” Taecyeon said, knowing she had fully regained her memories.

“I was the one who killed my big brother, I killed Chanhyuk…”

“Don’t say that. You didn’t do anything.”

“Yes I did! I killed him, Taecyeon! It was my fault that Chanhyuk was dead! He was protecting me, but then he was the one who got struck by the thunder! The blood… was everywhere!” Heeyoung jerked away from Taecyeon’s embrace, shouted.

Taecyeon lost his temper too. This girl’s way of thinking is far beyond sane right now. He sighs.

“Enough is enough!” he yelled by then, shutting up the berserk younger twin.

“Are you stupid or just plain idiot? You said he was protecting you is actually your fault?! Then you could just die from long time ago! If you were not here, he could still be alright even until now, right? Is that what you want?”

Taecyeon’s voice is echoing through the infirmary room. Dongwoon is there all that time, but he knows when he’s not wanted, so he keeps quiet. He knows about this, after all, he’s actually Sunghee’s uncle, not Heeyoung’s, just the teenager doesn’t know that.

The tall boy is angry. He certainly doesn’t like how this talk turns into. That’s what he was thankful for, that she lost her memories from the incident when her brother was being killed from protecting her. Even as Sunghee, she never remembered why her brother passed away. Her fear of thunder was the side effect of the harsh, unrevealed memory, until now, that cannot be denied.

Now that the Yang Yoseob person has the exact same face as Chanhyuk, Heeyoung’s memory of her brother’s dead is leaking out. He doesn’t know why Yoseob’s face… but that’s not what important right now.

“You don’t have to say it like that.” Heeyoung replied, anger and hatred, feeling of betrayed and hurts dancing in her light-brown eyes. But Taecyeon doesn’t taken aback of that expression.

“Oh, right? If I’m not supposed to say that, then how would your eyes opened? Is this world your little fairy tale land that everyone will gladly accept your way of thinking? Oh, how nice it sounds, isn’t it?” Taecyeon trailed off sarcastically.

“No one said they accept your way of thinking either.”

“At least Sungyoung knows how it is not your fault.”

“But if I was not so stubbornly running off my like that, he would never die!”

“He has already dead and that’s a fact you must facing! Who was it saying she has no intention dwelling with mourns when she has something better to do? Is this your something better? Blaming your damn self out?!”

“No it’s not!”

“So stop it! You think blaming yourself is your punishment? You think you get what you deserve, so you would feel better. Do you sincerely think Chanhyuk’s sacrifice is that insulting to your pride?!”

“But that was my sin for killing my brother with my own selfishness!”

“This is not a sin! If you want to know whose fault it was, then it would be Chanhyuk’s! He’s the idiot one for protecting you, while you’re being an ungrateful person as you are now. Maybe it’d really be better if he was not sacrificing his useful self that time.”

To that, Heeyoung doesn’t reply anything. She cries, buries her face in her palm, ashamed of facing the world.

Taecyeon closes his eyes and sighs once again. He pulls Heeyoung’s palms from her face, placing his hands on the younger twin-couple instead.

“Now, rather than saying, ‘I’m sorry that I killed you’, why not try saying ‘Thank you for saving me’?” Taecyeon’s tone changed. He finds it difficult to stay mad at the girl before him.

Sungyoung who secretly watches the scene, smiles. There’s no way Yoseob is Chanhyuk. That’s what she knows for now, and maybe she’ll let the case tossed aside for a while, then her sibling would rest her mind.

Sorry for ruin the happy moment in the previous chapter:( but I actually enjoyed writing this, so please keep supporting me! give subscribe and comments^^ oh and special thanks to @hellopanda23 for frequently share her(?) thoughts <3

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shinyshinee #1
wahh... such a good update. :P
The fluff! The fluff! I loved it. Lol. They're so cute! And actually, I think its cute hoTaecyeon confessed. He started out slowly then seemed to just ramble on. Aigoo! So cute!
hellopanda23 #3
ahhhh still. they were together and it was sweettttt
billiondollar #4
LOL if you want to sell it, sell it to me! :p<br />
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Well you could see where I was going in this new chapter, though, right?^^ and don't be discourage! I know you'd meet them eventually :D
hellopanda23 #5
PIKACHU ATTACK! i honestly love love pikachu to death ha ha ha. i have so many pikachu things its ludacris and my parents want me to sell it.. h aha h ha so lucky!!!!<br />
<br />
ahhh i see what you were going for in this chapter now..still ha h ha.. i guess you could say because the most "dramatic part" was over i wasn't sure where it was going but i guess it has to do with heeyoung and taecyeon...<br />
<br />
ahhhh i wish 2pm would come to my country. it seems really far-fetched though since i am in america. most likely they would go to the east coast where most kpop concerts are held, in New York... when i live on the west coast : (
hellopanda23 #6
PIKACHU ATTACK! i honestly love love pikachu to death ha ha ha. i have so many pikachu things its ludacris and my parents want me to sell it.. h aha h ha so lucky!!!!<br />
<br />
ahhh i see what you were going for in this chapter now..still ha h ha.. i guess you could say because the most "dramatic part" was over i wasn't sure where it was going but i guess it has to do with heeyoung and taecyeon...<br />
<br />
ahhhh i wish 2pm would come to my country. it seems really far-fetched though since i am in america. most likely they would go to the east coast where most kpop concerts are held, in New York... when i live on the west coast : (
billiondollar #7
Yeah well that's why this time i try to make a good friends' pairing between Heeyoung and Doojoon so that they'll be seemed as best friends... But really, everyone is just friends with everyone because they got Heeyoung in the middle of them who could actually bring them together(what am i blabbering about) and while we're at it, i'm the one who should be a better author:(<br />
<br />
anyway, it seems we have 5 years lol and i'm younger, you're the same as my big brother! and pikachu is just cute! you can't resist it:p<br />
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No you should not ashamed of any eye smiles! they're cute^^ and to my knowledge, 2pm has high five event before the Singapore hands up concert T_T i hope they'll come to your country!
hellopanda23 #8
aww they are buying gifts.. dude.. i love love love love PIKACHU! give me the pikachu watch right now. i have so many pikachu plushies.. despite being 20.. ha ha ha. i get something pikachu related.. last year i got pikachu plushe, before that a lanyard, and it goes on.. this year i am banking i got a pikachu backpack. i saw it.. come on the thing is yellow and bright..<br />
<br />
Anyways back to your story. i am officially on college break so i am goign to have to go back and reread your story again since its been a while. honestly you lost me after you know who died (stilllllll saddd_) but idk...after the twin thing i still understood..then just somewhere along the way i got lost to who was friends with who and where the story was going.<br />
<br />
But it may not be you..just me.. but yeah, I am going to try my best and be a better reader!<br />
<br />
AND at least you got a high five from one of the 2pm members right? ha ha ha chansung... awww too bad you didn't get one from taecyeon. i woould have wanted Junho, nichkhun, or wooyoungs.. i love all three of them...<br />
<br />
But junho.. ha ha ha i love his eye smile.. maybe because i have it too and always felt ashamed of i am proud of it!! ha ha ha
billiondollar #9
almost got one from taecyeon though but no luck *sigh* i got it from chansung <3 couldn't blame you, junho is so adorable!<br />
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anyway sorry for ruining the story into a really complicated one, but keep reading so you'd know how it'd end up kaay? :D
hellopanda23 #10
hmmmmmmmmmm......... because its so hard to gete over the fact that he is gone!!!!! : ( buts it is okay.. Did you get one from Taecyeon? I honestly would have wanted a high five from Junho but that is just me...<br />
<br />
Yeah for being back.. BOO FINALS> GOOD LUCK THOUGH : )<br />
AND ha ha ha... where is the story going to go? Like what now?