Sweet Dreams prt 1

Maybe Dream's Do Go Further

Working in the kitchen for four hours straight really took everything out of the restaurant staff, especially when they had to make for more than 60 people.

Many of the Super Junior members had come to see how everything was going. Shindong had even taken it upon himself to try every dish they had made. Commenting now and then and giving his opinion of what should be improved upon.

Kangin had finally pulled him away when he had got too much. He told him to wait and pulled him out of the room.

Even Jonghyun and Onew had come down. Jonghyun helped with the food while Onew searched for his beloved chicken.

Once all the food was ready Kita and Yasmine took the food out to the tables.

‘Wow this is amazing!’

‘Looks good’


‘Wow you really lived to up expectations. Let’s eat.’ Min-Jun dug into the food and motioned for everyone else to join.

Every piece of food was finished. Mainly thanks to Onew and Shindong, but everyone ate quite a bit.

‘Now the first concert is tomorrow so everyone needs to sleep tonight and no playing pranks.’ Min-jun looked towards Kyuhyun.

‘It’s not always me’ groaned Kyu.

‘I know but it’s nearly always you. Now bed!’ he turned to the girls. ‘Kamsamnida girls for the lovely food.’ With that he left, leaving everyone alone.

‘Come on, I wanna sleep.’ Yawned Siwon.

Everyone left for the night, buzzing about the concert the next day.

Kita POV

I was sat on the large sofa watching the others play fight and argue over anything they could think of.

‘But Minnie look’s cute in the bunny outfit. Why can’t he wear it tomorrow?’ argued Kyu. He and Sungmin we’re obvious a couple but denied it when asked.

‘Yes he does but we are not letting him go out like that.’ Siwon argued back.

Eunhyuk, Donghae, Wookie and I were all watching them in amusement.

Wookie had enough and spoke his opinion. ‘I agree with Siwon, we don’t need that kind of publicity and even though it might be fan service we can’t afford it to happen on our 1stshow.’

‘Anyway it’s time we slept. Kita you can change in the bathroom if you like, while we change here.’’

I nodded my head and got my pj’s from my suitcase. I walked into the bathroom shutting the door behind me.

I changed into my pj’s and waited a while before heading back out into the other room. I laughed at the sight before me.

Sungmin was in an all-in-one pink set of pyjamas, he had bunny ears and a large fluffy white tail.

‘Awe cute’

Kyuhyun had normal pyjamas on, with a sleep mask on his head.

Donghae and Eunhyuk had couples pj’s on, both the same design but Eunhyuk’s was blue and Donghae’s was pink.

Ryeowook was wearing sweatpants and a overly large top that could even belong to Kangin or Shindong.

Siwon’s appearance made my heart skip a beat. He was wearing normal pyjama bottoms, but was wearing a tight fitting vest, that showed off his muscles.

‘Ya stop staring, its making me feel uncomfortable.’ Siwon turned around and wandered to the bed.

‘Well then stop prancing around half .’

Donghae pulled Eunhyuk onto the bed with him, pulling the cover’s over them. Wookie sighed and climbed into the other side of the bed. Kyuhyun and Sungmin went to the other bed and snuggled down. I was about to join them when I was suddenly pulled down onto something hard.

I turned my head slightly and gasped, what had pulled me was Siwon and now I was lying across his perfectly sculpted chest.

‘Don’t move.’ That was all he said, it made my heart fluttered. I was actually lying here on Siwon’s chest.

That’s how we fell asleep.

Jade’s POV

Onew was prancing around the halls as we walked up to the room. Taemin and Minho we’re whispering to each other then giggling. Key kept looking at his reflection in the little hand held mirror he had. Jonghyun was walking quietly next to me, looking towards the floor.

We reached the room not five minutes later and as soon as we got in, Minho and Taemin went to change. Key walked over to the mini bar and pulled out a bottle of water. Jonghyun sat on the bed, while Onew kept talking to himself about his ‘beloved’ chicken. I sat cross legged on the floor and pulled my suitcase towards me. I opened it and began searching for my pyjamas, before I found them my little picture book fell out.

I reached out for it but someone had beaten me to it. I looked up and saw Jonghyun watching me, his hand outstretched. I nodded to him and he opened it.

‘Is this your Halmoni?’

I nodded, as he continued to look through the book. I sat next to him answering him whenever he asked a question.

‘Awe she looks like you.’ I jumped and saw Taemin looking over our shoulder.

I chuckled. ‘Yea she does, she died when I was seven. She was my best friend.’ I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

‘How about me being your best friend?’ Jonghyun pulled me into a hug, I was embarrassed but I cried into his shoulder. Anything about my Halmoni was a touchy subject.

‘Come on’ Jonghyun pulled me up, shoved some clothes into my arms and pushed me towards the bathroom. ‘Get changed.’

I shuffled towards into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I looked down towards the clothes he had given me and saw that they weren’t mine. They looked too big for me, I then realised he must of given me some of his. I changed, washed my face and brushed my teeth before walking back out to the room. Minho, Taemin and Key were already in the bed closest to the door, Onew was on the sofa hugging his giant stuff squeaky chicken (if that thing goes off during the night it gets flushed). Jonghyun was stood by the window, looking out to the view.

I walked over to him, after dumping my clothes by my suitcase. I stood next to him, watching the lights in the streets below me.

‘Are you ok now?’

‘Yea thank you for just now, and these?’

‘Oh that’s ok. And about the clothes, I didn’t want to go through your suitcase so I just grabbed some of mine. Nice to see they fit.’

I laughed and went back to watching the lights.

I was suddenly pulled away from the window and onto the bed. Someone was cuddling into me. I looked up to see Jonghyun looking down at me. Without thinking I snuggled closer into his chest, his arms tightening around me.

I muffled a ‘Thank you’ all I got was a long deep sigh and a nod of the head for a reply.

We fell asleep not long after throwing a pillow at Onew as he sounded like he was having a wet dream about chicken.





Keke^^^^ for one of my close friends XD



^-^ omo I love this pic keke


Thank you for reading..... there will be a part two to this chap for Danielle and Yasmine.  Look forward to Danielle's part (embarassing ;))


Hope to get some more subscribers :S

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:D *laughs evily* Yah i thought this was funny!!! Obviously not :(
AriokaAbbix #2
... what the hell
*Pout* Not So Interesting :P Nah Kindding Haha Wrong Chicken Got Humped!
^_^ she's weird....... Lol
AriokaAbbix #5
she wrote me in yay :D i'm abbi aand i love Onew and Chicken :D
AWEEEEE!! Love You Appa~~ Hehe I Have A Kitten and The Pic Is Soooooo Cute >< ! so Many Inuendo's Here Haha !! Lol At Picture Of Heechul! No CLue What He Is Doing (Btw Poor Leeteuk! :'( awe ) Hehe Update Soon !
@ OI__33 << the pic isn't that bad, its cute :D x