Meeting the idols

Maybe Dream's Do Go Further

(Sorry for deleting the other girls but couldn't seem to write that part.)


Danielle and Kita had made it to the hotel half an hour before they were meant to meet the others.

‘’Drink?’’ asked Kita walking to the bar.

Danielle shrugged following after her.  Kita ordered double vodka and Danielle ordered an apple martini. They sat at the bar waiting for Jade and Yasmine to arrive.

‘’But Heechul, Leeteuk said to meet you in your room. It seemed kind of urgent.’’

Danielle spun, fell off her chair and managed to spill her drink over herself. ‘’ she muttered as Kita roared with laughter.

‘Omg are you ok?’ came a voice behind her, his Japanese sounded funny.

She looked up and over her shoulder. There stood looking at her with a grin was Lee Heechul.

She clumsily got up, ‘Yea I’m good.’

Heechul smiled at her and nodded, before he left.

Danielle got up, brushed herself of and plopped back down on the chair.

‘’Kita stop laughing’’ she was upset, but shocked that the person she fell in front of was Heechul. ‘’It wasn’t funny. Oh god now there is no way I can see him again.’’

Her head fell into her hands.

‘’Oh look Jade and Yasmine are here.....along with some other people.’’

Danielle suddenly looked up and gasped. Jade and Yasmine had come in with five guys, two of which were holding hands.

‘’Oh my god, they’ve been here less than five minutes and they’ve already found SHINee’’

They spotted the girls and waved. Once at the bar Jade stood next to Danielle- one of the guys seemed to be pretty close when he stood by her. Yasmine sat in the chair next to Kita looking at the menu.

Jade piped up. ‘’Hey guys. As you probably know this is Shinee.’’

A shy Danielle looked up and nodded. Kita smiled warmly at them and took a sip at her drink.

‘’Well as we are all here, we should be getting to the conference hall.

The girls paid for their drinks and followed the guys out of the bar and down a long hall.

Once at a big door Jonghyun opened it up and the girls gasped. The room was full of different people, including Super Junior, SNSD, BoA and other S.M.Entertainment’s idols.

‘Ahh their here.’’ came from a man, sat on the back row. He stood and walked to the girls holding out his hand. ‘Hi I’m Min-jun Super Junior’s manager. I’m afraid to that Lee Soo-man couldn’t make it, so he asked me to look after you instead. I see you’ve met SHINee. We shall get you to meet the others now.’’

They went around the room meeting all the other idols. Danielle squealed when she met Leeteuk (Super Junior) and Jaejoong (TVXQ). Nikita had to pull her away from them as she was getting a little too excited and was scaring them. Yasmine had found her bias from TVXQ and was currently taking to him about music and her DJing, he seemed generally interested which pleased her. Jade was at her element, she had seen Kyuhyun and Sungmin together. She loved the Kyumin couple and was happy to see they weren’t embarrassed. Jonghyun had found Jade and started to talk to her about random things. Nikita had found out that Siwon was interested in the same stuff as her and they got talking. By the end Sungmin, Ryeowook, Jessica and Yuri had joined in their conversation.

They spent the rest of the evening together talking and getting to know each other.

‘’Well I’m tired so I think I’ll be going to bed.’’ Danielle stood next to a now friendly Leeteuk, staying slightly.

‘’Me too.’’ Replied Jade, who was sat on the floor next to a dozy Jonghyun on one side and Changmin on the other. She liked talking to them but at that moment she wasn’t registering anything she was saying.

‘’Off to bed everyone and we will go through the schedule and room’s tomorrow’’

Everyone went to bed; Danielle got a kiss on the cheek from Leeteuk, causing her to blush. Jade was walked to her and Danielle’s room by Jonghyun. He informed her that his room was just down the hall and if she needed anything then she just had to ask. Kita and Yasmine just got goodbyes. They were all glad that they got on well with everyone.

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:D *laughs evily* Yah i thought this was funny!!! Obviously not :(
AriokaAbbix #2
... what the hell
*Pout* Not So Interesting :P Nah Kindding Haha Wrong Chicken Got Humped!
^_^ she's weird....... Lol
AriokaAbbix #5
she wrote me in yay :D i'm abbi aand i love Onew and Chicken :D
AWEEEEE!! Love You Appa~~ Hehe I Have A Kitten and The Pic Is Soooooo Cute >< ! so Many Inuendo's Here Haha !! Lol At Picture Of Heechul! No CLue What He Is Doing (Btw Poor Leeteuk! :'( awe ) Hehe Update Soon !
@ OI__33 << the pic isn't that bad, its cute :D x