
Maybe Dream's Do Go Further

(This chapter's speech is all English!)


It was the day of the concert and they guys were all at the stage practicing and getting ready. The girls were all sat in a cafe near the park, discussing their time so far.

'How's the cat?'

Danielle's face lit up and she blabbered on and on for about 10 minutes about what Ha-neul had been doing and what her and Heechul had tought her.

''Nikita have you seen the rumors about Siwon?'

Nikita looked up from her laptop and nodded, sadness in her eyes.

There had been rumors about him being gay and that he had been seen with a 'man' in public.

However, everyone knew it was infact Kita dressed up to hide her identy.

'He got a call from his Umma yesturday. She had a full blown argment on how being gay disrespects god and such. I haven't seen him since that happened. I feel so guilty.' She bowed her had and a tear ran down her cheek.

'Yah, don't worry about it. He should of known that would happen, and as we found out he's never been in a serious relationship before' said Danielle, matter-of-factly.

Kita pondered over it. She knew what they were saying was true but she still felt guilty.

Yasmine was texting on her phone.

'Yunho again?' asked Jade, taking a sip of her tea.

Yasmine blushed and nodded.

'He's taking a break.' she smiled at them.

'Hey fancy suprising the guys?' asked Danielle.She seemed to be having withdrawl syndrome from being away from Heechul.

Jade looked excited, so excited she spilt her tea all over her leg. She jumped up from the shock and hit her head on the beem above her.

'ITAI!!' she clutched her head and sat back down, scowling at her friends.

'Lets go then.' said Kita as she stood, took her tray to the stand.

The rest stood and walked to the door.


Jade told the others to go on ahead and she would catch up to them. She answered her phone.

'Hi Mom'

Jade suddenly went white. 'WHAT!!'

Kita, Danielle and Yasmine stood outside the grounds fence waiting for Jade.

'Where is she?'

Danielle's phone suddenly started to vibrate. She took her phone out and read the text.


 'Sorry guys, I have to go back to England. My Sister has fallen ill and she doesn't have much time left.

     PS.... Tell Jonghyun I love him and I'm sorry'


Danielle finished reading the text just as Jonghyun came out followed by Siwon, Heechul and Yesung.

'Where's Jade?' asked Jonghyun, looking around for her.

Danielle looked at Kita.

'She's gone.'



(Sorry I haven't updated in a while.. My laptop died :( so my friend kindly let me borrow hers.....please comment or subscribe)

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:D *laughs evily* Yah i thought this was funny!!! Obviously not :(
AriokaAbbix #2
... what the hell
*Pout* Not So Interesting :P Nah Kindding Haha Wrong Chicken Got Humped!
^_^ she's weird....... Lol
AriokaAbbix #5
she wrote me in yay :D i'm abbi aand i love Onew and Chicken :D
AWEEEEE!! Love You Appa~~ Hehe I Have A Kitten and The Pic Is Soooooo Cute >< ! so Many Inuendo's Here Haha !! Lol At Picture Of Heechul! No CLue What He Is Doing (Btw Poor Leeteuk! :'( awe ) Hehe Update Soon !
@ OI__33 << the pic isn't that bad, its cute :D x