Sleeping Arangements

Maybe Dream's Do Go Further

Once they had all checked in they made their way to their assigned rooms. The company had booked out the top 4 floors, which meant that they had the most expensive rooms.

‘Jade’s group you have the deluxe twin room. Danielle’s group had the executive suite. Kita’s group you have the Royal Suite and Yasmine’s group has the deluxe double room. Now all the rest has to choose their rooms, and who they will be sharing with.’

They made their way to the rooms, excited to be in the grand SENDAI KOKUSAI HOTEL.

Jade’s POV

We made our way to the top floor and to the door of our room.

‘Onew you have the key.’ Onew stepped forward and opened the door.

‘Wow’ was all that came from my mouth. The other’s laughed.

‘Never been in a hotel before?’

I had been to a couple of hotels but nothing on this scale. ‘Yea I have but nothing as grand as this.’

They walked into the room to see their luggage already there.

‘Which bed do you want?’ asked Taemin, holding Minho’s hand.

‘Uh I don’t mind taking the couch.’ I went to the couch and sat down. ‘It’s comfy enough.’

‘No you get a bed; one of us can take the couch. Taemin, Minho and Key will all share a bed like they normally do, I’ll take the couch and Jonghyun what will you do?’

Jonghyun was in lala land and didn’t hear Onew speaking to him.

‘Hmm what?’

‘Where will you sleep?’

‘Oh anywhere’s fine with me.’

Onew sighed. ‘The floor then. Now that’s settled, Jade don’t you have to inspect the kitchen?’

I stood quickly, checking my phone for the time. ‘Yea, I should be back around 4 o’clock.’

Jonghyun looked at me, almost pleading. ‘Can I come?’

‘No Pabo you have a meeting, and I don’t want you getting in trouble. Don’t worry I’ll be back soon.’ I picked up my bag, the room key and left, leaving SHINee to get sorted.


Kita’s POV

I walked into the elevator along with Siwon and the other’s and waited till we reached our level. We had one of the biggest rooms that were easy to tell but when we got to the door, my eyes bulged out of my head. If the door was this fancy then I couldn’t imagine the room.

‘This room is huge.’ I said as Wookie opened the door.

‘Yea this is pretty grand for Sm to book for us.’

We walked into the room and I sat down on the closest bed looking around.

Sungmin came over to us, Kyuhyun just behind him. ‘Who’s sleeping where? I want to sleep with Kyuhyun and Kita...’ he got a filthy look. ‘Hey not like that, I don’t trust you lot. Obviously Eunhyuk and Donghae will be sharing.’

I looked at them. ‘But I snore pretty loudly.’

Sungmin laughed at her. ‘Don’t worry, we’ve found that in our dorm we need earplugs so it doesn’t matter. Wookie what about you?’

‘I’ll sleep with Eunhyuk and Donghae, they aren’t too much trouble.’

‘I’ll sleep on the couch.’ Said Siwon making a face towards Sungmin. I wondered what was wrong but didn’t want to ask him there. He walked over to his suitcase and pulled it back to the couch with him.

‘Ok then, I’ll be going to find the others now.’

‘Bye Kita’ they all said.

I waved bye to them and exited the room. She heard erted giggling as soon as she locked the door.

‘Hey I am still here.’ Moaned Siwon in protest,I giggled. ‘Glad I got out of there in time’



Danielle’s PoV

We had finally made it to our room. It took longer than necessary as Heechul had decided to go the wrong way and we ended up near the restaurant not the rooms.

‘Ah hear we are.’ Sighed Leeteuk, pulling out the key and opening the room.

‘Wow the room is amazing, and big.’

‘Yea it’s the biggest we’ve ever had.’ Said Shindong behind me, he ran into the room, tripped over a suitcase and flew onto the bed closest to us.

‘Shindong....are you ok?’

He flipped over and smiled widely. ‘Yep I’m fine. Kind of hungry though.’ He gave us his puppy eyed look.

‘I’ll be going down to the kitchen in a while; I’ll get Jade to make you something.’

‘Yay, Kamsamnida. See that’s what friends should be like, not ‘Stop eating’ or ‘You should get it yourself’ it hurts my feelings. But Danielle is kind and thoughtful and is my new best friend.’ He got off the bed and pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

Both Leeteuk and Heechul ran towards us and tried to pry Shindong off me.

When they had finally managed to get him off me I chuckled and kissed Shindong on the cheek, causing him to blush. ‘Thank you Shindong.’

Leeteuk and Heechul looked at each other.

Yesungspoke up now. ‘Who’s sleeping where? There is no way in hell I’m sharing with Heechul. Shindong, Kangin and me should share a bed. Leeteuk, Danielle should take the other and Heechul should take the couch.

‘Hello no.’ Protested Heechul. ‘I’m not leaving Leeteuk to share with Danielle; I will also share with them to stop any ‘funny business’.

Kangin laughed. ‘Ha-ha funny business, coming from you that’s a joke.’

‘Oh shut up.’

‘Hey guys stop arguing, I’ll sleep on the couch. I don’t mind.’

Both Heechul and Leeteuk shouted ‘No’ at the same time.

'Guys stop, I have to go now. Please behave yourselves.’

I stood from the chair and walked to the door.

‘Don’t forget the food.’ Shindong said from behind me.

‘I won’t.’ I smiled to them as I left the room.

‘Tonight’s going to be wonderful.’ She said sarcastically.


Yasmine’s POV


I followed the guys up to our room, looking around me as we went.

‘Hey how long have you Dj’d?’ Yasmine jumped at the sudden voice and looked to see Junsu looking at her.

‘Uh around four years. I’ve always had a passion for music and look the opportunity to pursue it further.’

‘Oh cool’ he smiled at her and they continued to walk until Changmin stopped.

‘Here we are.’ Yunho pulled out the key and swiped it. First tome it didn’t work, so he swiped it again. ‘Ah there we go.’

The door opened and they all walked in.      

‘Finally’ I said and collapsed into one of the beds. I felt the pressure in the bed change suddenly and opened my eyes and saw Yunho laid down next to me.

‘Hi’ I said to him.


‘So I guess you guys have that bed, me, Changmin, and Jaejoong can have the other bed and Junsu you don’t mind the couch do you?’ said Yoochun, I sat up along with Yunho

‘Nope.’ he seemed happy to have the couch. ‘Weird boy.’

‘So what has everyone got planned?’ I asked.

‘We have a meeting in 10 minutes.’ Replied Jaejoong. ‘Don’t you have to meet the girls like..... now?’

‘Oh ’ I jumped up, grabbed my bag and rushed out the door, bumping into Kita.

‘Hey you on your way to the kitchen?’


‘Oh thank god, thought I was going to be late. Jade gets scary if we’re late.’

I shut the door and we walked down to the elevator.


Back to normal


The girls all made it to the kitchen and found the manager of the hotel there, along with Min-jun and Kintarou.

Jade smiled at her brother but turned to the manager of the hotel. ‘We are so happy that we could use your kitchen while we stay here.’

‘No problem, we’ve heard many things about your restaurant and we anticipate the food you will be making.’

He opened the door and they all gasped. They thought their own kitchen was big but this had to be three times the size of theirs.

‘Wow’ came from Danielle.

Kita and Yasmine didn’t say anything, just stood there completely shocked.

‘I guess you like it then, I shall leave you to settle in. Your employees’ are over there.’ He pointed to a corner of the room and there were the other five, looking around the kitchen. They looked really excited.

‘Arigatou.’ Jade bowed and walked through the door, pulling her chefs uniform. She took it everywhere along with her knives.

Danielle pulled hers out to and they went to get changed. Kita and Yasmine stood with Kintarou to wait for orders as they didn’t have the uniform.




^ The actual hotel XD


Sorry for the long wait ^^ hope you guys like this chap <<



@PaboSaranghae keke the next chap should be good for you ^-^

@OI__33 < Siwon gets jelous in the next chap keke look forward to it









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:D *laughs evily* Yah i thought this was funny!!! Obviously not :(
AriokaAbbix #2
... what the hell
*Pout* Not So Interesting :P Nah Kindding Haha Wrong Chicken Got Humped!
^_^ she's weird....... Lol
AriokaAbbix #5
she wrote me in yay :D i'm abbi aand i love Onew and Chicken :D
AWEEEEE!! Love You Appa~~ Hehe I Have A Kitten and The Pic Is Soooooo Cute >< ! so Many Inuendo's Here Haha !! Lol At Picture Of Heechul! No CLue What He Is Doing (Btw Poor Leeteuk! :'( awe ) Hehe Update Soon !
@ OI__33 << the pic isn't that bad, its cute :D x