Heechul's Embarassment!!!

Maybe Dream's Do Go Further

'Heechul, you look fine!!' Danielle was sat on her bed, watching Heechul panick about what he was going to wear. They were going to see Danielle's parents and her step-dad didnt take to foreign people too much..

'Your family will hate me!!' he groaned as he fell backwards onto the bed, pulling a pillow over his head.

'No they won't, they might....might find you a little weird!'

'Weird.... y?'

'Well that's hard to explain... let's just go.' She got up and pulled Heechul with her...


'Jade can we borrow your car?'

'Yea sure. Say hi to your mom for me...'

Danielle suddenly had a thought... 'Hey how bout you and Jjong come with us? Heechul's worried...'

Jade nodded and went to get her stuff... they then all cramed into her car and we're on the way to Danielle's house..


At her house- English is in blue text ^_^


'Danielle?' a woman came to the front door and stood there shocked..

'Danielle!!' she grabbed Danielle into a hug.

She pulled away and her mom looked at the others 'Hey Jade'

'Everyone this is my mom Julie.... Mum this is Jade's boyfriend Jonghyun' Jjong bowed.. 'And this is..... um this is.... my boyfriend..' she whispered the last part...

'WAIT WHAT!!' a voice shouted through the house, apparently her whisper wasn't quiet enough... a man came rushing to Julie's side and he was beeming... well that was until he saw the people with her..

'Your her boyfriend?' He looked at Jonghyun at first...

'No...I am..' Apparently he thought Jonghyun was her boyfriend, but with the little english Heechul know's he could make it out...

'Danny stop it!!' Danielle and Julie both said at the same time!

'Let's get inside the house...' Julie turned and pushed Danny into the house. Danielle and the other's followed, Jade closed the door behind her.

'Wow Julie this hasn't changed a bit!'

'Yeah, we didn't want to change it too much..'

They all sat down on the sofa and there was silence. Heechul figited in his seat and Danielle grabbed his hand, trying to calm him down...

'Say something!'



Heechul looked at her...then at her mum 'You are so gorgeous!!'

Everyone looked at him, shocked!! 'WHAT DID YOU SAY?' Heechul cowered, not knowing what to say!

'Danny, please be nice... His english isn't too good...'

Danny sat back down and continued to stare at Heechul..


They continued to talk, Danny staring at Heechul... Julie got to know Jonghyun... and they all talked about what the girls had been doing!

Well it was a perfect conversation until Danny joined in... 'You best not give us yellow granchildren!!'

'What the hell!!! We would not have yellow babbies!!'

'Yes you would!!'

.....there was silence... Danielle felt really sorry for Heechul, he had no idea what Danny was saying and he kept sitting there saying 'Yes' over and over.

'Well I think we should go...' Jade stood, with Jonghyun and Heechul.... Danielle continued to sit there...


Danielle stood not saying anything... She walked up to her mom and said goodbye, she waved at Danny and walked out of the house. Jade said goodbye and they all left... 

They got into the car...

'Heechul, I'm so sorry about them!'

'Don't worry about it.... I couldn't understand what he was saying anyway...'

'Yes.... but..'

'Danielle stop worrying about it!!'

Danielle shut up and Heechul hugged her to him.

Jonghyun just looked at Jade and she knew that he understood everything... 'Sorry' she mouthed to him.

He grabbed her hand and squeazed it...  she knew that he understood....

'Well this'll be a story to tell the kids...' Jade joked...

'Shut up...' Danielle said.... but they started laughing not long after.....



A crap chap from me..... sowwey :(

but pictures ^_^


For Oppa ^^_^^







For my Umma even though she wasnt in this chap :) ^_^



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:D *laughs evily* Yah i thought this was funny!!! Obviously not :(
AriokaAbbix #2
... what the hell
*Pout* Not So Interesting :P Nah Kindding Haha Wrong Chicken Got Humped!
^_^ she's weird....... Lol
AriokaAbbix #5
she wrote me in yay :D i'm abbi aand i love Onew and Chicken :D
AWEEEEE!! Love You Appa~~ Hehe I Have A Kitten and The Pic Is Soooooo Cute >< ! so Many Inuendo's Here Haha !! Lol At Picture Of Heechul! No CLue What He Is Doing (Btw Poor Leeteuk! :'( awe ) Hehe Update Soon !
@ OI__33 << the pic isn't that bad, its cute :D x