1st Menu and a new friend

Maybe Dream's Do Go Further

The rest of the journey was filled with happiness and laughter. Kita had woken to find Siwon still asleep now holding her hand. She smiled at him and pulled out her IPod, careful not to wake him. She didn’t even let go of his hand, well until he woke suddenly shouting about hell and that Lucifer was going to attack, and with him being an ‘angel’ sent from god he had to protect everyone. Kita and Shindong had to control him, and explain that it wouldn’t happen and everyone was safe. He calmed down but grabbed Kita’s hand again, explaining to her that it somehow comforted him. She thought he was corny but didn’t protest.

Yasmine had fallen asleep alongside the whole of TVXQ. Max Changmin was the last to fall asleep but before he did so he snapped a picture of Yunho and Yasmine asleep together. He chuckled and saved it on his phone, mentally reminding himself to show it to them when they all woke up.

Danielle and Heechul had started to talk to each other. Heechul apologized for his actions and Danielle forgave him, saying she didn’t really care. They spent the rest of the trip talking, laughing and even playing silly games that kept them amused.

Jade and Jonghyun were listening to music and talking quietly until Jade heard ‘Hello Hello’ playing from her pocket. She blushed as she took it out and pressed the button to read the message.

‘So you like SHINee then.’

She blushed and even deeper red, and nodded.

She read the message, it was from Kintarou.

From Kintarou

To Baby Sister (always called her that)

After your previous message I am now on my way to Sendai to meet with you. As it was such short notice I hope you don’t mind but I’m bringing my girlfriend along. Hope to see you soon and control those friends of yours.

   Love you big brother. Xxx

She read the message and was really happy that he was coming. She was the only one to get along with Kintarou and did love him like a big brother.

‘What’s got you so happy?’ Jonghyun asked.

‘My big brother is going to be touring with us too. He’s the 3rdboss of the company and had agreed to come too.’

Jonghyun’s face fell. Her brother, her brother was coming. This is going to get awkward.

Jade saw the change in him. ‘Don’t worry he’s not my real brother, we are related but so far down the line it doesn’t count. He’s always looked after me and the others. You’ll like him a lot.’

Jonghyun nodded. Few that’s good. He thought to himself.

Jade pulled her bag up to her seat and opened it. She pulled out her Ipad 2 and set the bag back down.

‘Woah.’ Jonghyun exclaimed, eyeing it up.

‘Keke, it’s a present from Kintarou, he told me to use it when I create new recipes and menus. I only just remembered that we haven’t thought of the 1stmeal for everyone, so I’m going to do it now.’

‘Need any help?’

‘Yea sure.’

They spent the rest of the trip, coming up with a menu that would suit all tastes. She sent the menu to Danielle and text her telling her to open it. After 10 minutes she got a reply saying it looked good and sorry she didn’t help.

After the long time of 5 ½ hours they finally made it to Sendai and onto the hotel.

They all got off the bus and stretched their limbs.

‘Jade.....JADE’ she turned to see her brother running towards her, a young woman watching after him. He pulled her into a giant hug, spinning her around.

‘Can’t..... can’t.... breathe.’ He put her down and grabbed her shoulders. They smiled warmly at each other.

‘How was the trip?’

‘It was good. Had a good friend keeping me company.’ She smiled towards Jonghyun who smiled back and continued the conversation he was having with Kyuhyun.

The young girl walked towards them.

‘Oh I would like to introduce Jishu, Jishu this is my baby sister I was telling you about.’

‘Nice to meet you.’

‘Hi Jade.’

Min-jun got out from the other bus, that had just pulled up and stood outside the hotel. ‘Attention everyone. Well we made it to our 1stdestination. We should get checked in, ready and in the conference room by 3 o’clock.’

He got off the step and walked into the building followed by everyone else. A large group of men came out and started to collect the luggage.

‘Hey wait.’ Called Jade, she took a long silver box from the man and bowed thanking him.

Danielle, Kita and Yasmine all rolled their eyes.

‘What’s that?’ asked her brother.

‘It’s my most prized possession. My set of knives you bought me.’

He laughed but everyone within a 3 meter radius moved away. Jade laughed.

‘Don’t worry there for cooking.’

They all went into the hotel and checked in.



This is the knife set but imagine it in a long silver box XD





 ( A friend on mine was very thoughful to me and I have now introduced her into my ff..... thank you Jinsubunny XD)

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:D *laughs evily* Yah i thought this was funny!!! Obviously not :(
AriokaAbbix #2
... what the hell
*Pout* Not So Interesting :P Nah Kindding Haha Wrong Chicken Got Humped!
^_^ she's weird....... Lol
AriokaAbbix #5
she wrote me in yay :D i'm abbi aand i love Onew and Chicken :D
AWEEEEE!! Love You Appa~~ Hehe I Have A Kitten and The Pic Is Soooooo Cute >< ! so Many Inuendo's Here Haha !! Lol At Picture Of Heechul! No CLue What He Is Doing (Btw Poor Leeteuk! :'( awe ) Hehe Update Soon !
@ OI__33 << the pic isn't that bad, its cute :D x