
Maybe Dream's Do Go Further

After the concert Jade, Kita, Danielle and Yasmine went back to the hotel to wait for the guys. 

"So Kita what happened after?" they were all dying to know what happened after the 'kiss'. They had gone of for about an hour. 

"Oh well when we found a quiet place, we talked about us."

"Yea talked! What really happened?"

Kita sighed. "We really did talk. He asked me questions about my family and then what was happening between us."

They let it blow over and when they reached the hotel they went to the bat. While they waited they ordered sone drinks. 


"Vodka and Coke"


"Vodka, straight"

They had just started their drinks when everyone came back. Many of them had their arms filled with presents.  But what surprised then was the fact Jonghyun had a black eye. 

"Omg, Jongie what happened?"

"Jongie?" questioned Kita. 

Jade ran over to Jonghyun standing in front of him. She raised her hand to his face and gently touched the purple mark. He winced slightly at the touch. 

"Sorry" she removed her hand and instead hugged him. She would of pushed them both over if it wasn't for Minho standing behind Jonghyun.

 "be careful" he joked holding them up. 

Jade pulled away and went into over drive.  "Who did this? Where is that fcker? We need steak!!" 

"Steak??" a couple of people questioned.

 "Oh god she's been watching Harry Potter again" laughed Danielle.   

"No I have not, steak brings out the bruise. Everyone knows that"

Jonghyun grabbed her waving arms and held them close to him.   

"Jade calm down. 1st it was a over excited fan that elbowed me on the face. It's my fault for being so short. "

"There is nothing wrong with being short" shouted Danielle. 

"2nd there is no way I'm putting steak on my face. The bruise will go away with love and cream. So calm down. " He kissed her nose and pulled her into a hug. 

"Well we should be getting to bed. We've got an early start." Heechul walked up to Danielle, kissed her and pulled her towards the stairs. 

"Heechul what about your gifts?" 

"Oh trash them. I have all I need right here." he looked down at Danielle and smiled, causing her to blush. 

"Cheesy weirdo" 

Shindong, Kangin and Yesung all followed laughing at Heechul's words. 

"Bed time" squeaked Taemin, hugging Minho. 

"Guess that's our Que. Night everyone."  Jade hugged her big brother ad allowed Jonghyun to pull her away muttering something about the bruise and he needed help to apply cream. 

Yasmine who was sat quietly at the bar motioned for Yunho and the rest to follow and they also went up to bed. 

Siwon walked over to Kita and wrapped his arms around her, leaning in for a kiss. He pulled away when someone behind them cleared their throat. 

"We're tired, can we go now?" moaned Eunhyuk. 

"You lot could of gone up without us!" Siwon retorted back. 

"no we couldn't. You have the key."

"oh" he checked his pockets and found the key. 

"Ok. Let's go." Kita grabbed his hand and gently pulled him. 

"Egar are we?"

"Oh shut up" Siwon smiled and they all went to bed. The others followed not long after. 

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:D *laughs evily* Yah i thought this was funny!!! Obviously not :(
AriokaAbbix #2
... what the hell
*Pout* Not So Interesting :P Nah Kindding Haha Wrong Chicken Got Humped!
^_^ she's weird....... Lol
AriokaAbbix #5
she wrote me in yay :D i'm abbi aand i love Onew and Chicken :D
AWEEEEE!! Love You Appa~~ Hehe I Have A Kitten and The Pic Is Soooooo Cute >< ! so Many Inuendo's Here Haha !! Lol At Picture Of Heechul! No CLue What He Is Doing (Btw Poor Leeteuk! :'( awe ) Hehe Update Soon !
@ OI__33 << the pic isn't that bad, its cute :D x