Night before the tour begins

Maybe Dream's Do Go Further

The next morning was a good morning. Not all of S.M.Entertainment had breakfast but the girls had breakfast with Jonghyun, Key, Leeteuk, Heechul, Siwon, Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Jaejoong, Yunho and BoA.

It took another 2 hours before everyone was ready for the meeting.

‘’Welcome everyone. We are pleased to welcome the lovely girls from Imperial Sake Lounge, Tokyo. Now I know for a fact how well these girls cook. Danielle and Jade are some of the best chefs in Japan and we are excited that they agreed to come on tour with us. We have decided to let the girl’s room with a group of their choice, this is so the girls feel like part of the group. We have also decided that they can room with the boys, but the boys are to behave themselves and if anything is reported then they will get punished. So if the girls could come up here, they will pick the groups they want to go with. Super Junior have been split into two groups as they get into trouble all together.’’

The girls stood and walked to the front of the room. They all stood next to each other, smirking.

‘Danielle you first.’ She thought for a minute, before she saw Leeteuk and Heechul looking at her. She went bright red and nodded to herself.

‘I would like to go with Leeteuk’s group.’ She blushed deeply.

‘Ok you will be with Leeteuk, Heechul, Yesung, Kangin and Shindong. Jade your next.’

Jade didn’t need time to think she immediately said ‘SHINee’. Taemin, Minho, Onew and Key all laughed at Jonghyun, his face has gone red.

‘That’s Jade sorted. Yasmine next.’

Yasmine pondered to herself and spoke clearly. ‘It was a hard choice but I choose TVXQ.’ She smiled towards them, they smiled back.

‘Very well and Nikita is next.’

‘I choose the other half of Super Junior.’ SNSD and BoA looked at the girl’s, they couldn’t believe that they had all chosen boy groups to stay with.

‘Well now that’s all sorted time to go through the schedule.’

It took them all about 2 hours to finish going through everything as the girls we’re shocked that they would be touring to 18 different countries and even more because they went to different towns in those countries.

While most of the idols went to their rooms or the restaurant, the girls and some of the guys went through the food menus. They had to decide on the different foods they would prepare. Even Yasmine and Kita helped to decide.

It was almost 5:00pm and the girls had to go and meet their staff.

‘We will be back a little later, we need to check in the others and split them up into groups and into a plan for rooms.’

Jade and Danielle went to the entrance to meet them as Kita and Yasmine continued to talk to the guys.

‘Kita, how good are they at cooking?’ Jonghyun asked.

Kita chuckled. ‘They are amazing, they have had reviews all over the world and well known celebrities have dined at our restaurant. They can cook anything.’ She smiled at his gapping expression.

30 mins later

Jade and Danielle came back into the room, laughing at each other.

‘What happened?’

‘Danielle bumped into Heechul-oppa again. They fell on each other, she knocked the air out of him.’ Jade started to giggle uncontrollably.

Danielle slapped Jade ‘JADE-HYUNG’

The others stopped laughing and started at the mad woman. ‘Um what did you call her?’

‘It’s a joke that we have. She’s always felt that I’m more like a male than female. After the 1st 3 months I just ignored it.’

Jonghyun looked at Jade then at Danielle. He was confused.

Before he could ask what they meant Min-jun came into the room.

‘Guys you might want to sleep early tonight, we have to leave pretty early tomorrow.’

‘Ok Hyung’

‘Come on.’ Heechul took Danielle’s hand and pulled her out if the room, the door shutting behind them.

‘Um ok.’ Jade looked after them confused, but she ignored it and stood. She went to walk out the door, but stopped when she felt a warm sensation on her hand. She looked down to see another hand holding her’s. She looked up to see who it was, she as shocked to see Jonghyun looking at her.

‘Let’s go’ was all he said as he pulled her out the room after Danielle and Heechul.

Nikita and Yasmine laughed and chuckled all the way to their room about Danielle and Jade’s close feelings with the guys. This tour was going to be fun.

Jade’s POV

I was shocked that Jonghyun had taken my hand and taken me to my room. He stopped outside and turned to look at me. ‘I hope we have fun over the duration of the tour. We have already become good friends and I hope we can look after each other.’

Before I could answer he kissed my cheek. He kissed it! It was warm and comforting. He pulled away and walked away, blushing to himself.

I went into the room to find Danielle sat on the bed, staring into space.

Danielle’s POV

Heechul had pulled me all the way to my room and stopped. He looked at me and waited a minute before speaking.

‘Do you like Leeteuk?’

I was taken aback. Why was he asking this? ‘Um yea like a friend. I’ve only known him for what a day. Why are you asking?’

Heechul had a large smile planted across his face. ‘No worries. Sleep well.’ He walked away from me down the hall. I stood watching him until he turned the corner.

‘well that was weird’ she spoke to herself  while opening the door.



KEKE <3 him ^-^




Just for my bezzie <3 ^^


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:D *laughs evily* Yah i thought this was funny!!! Obviously not :(
AriokaAbbix #2
... what the hell
*Pout* Not So Interesting :P Nah Kindding Haha Wrong Chicken Got Humped!
^_^ she's weird....... Lol
AriokaAbbix #5
she wrote me in yay :D i'm abbi aand i love Onew and Chicken :D
AWEEEEE!! Love You Appa~~ Hehe I Have A Kitten and The Pic Is Soooooo Cute >< ! so Many Inuendo's Here Haha !! Lol At Picture Of Heechul! No CLue What He Is Doing (Btw Poor Leeteuk! :'( awe ) Hehe Update Soon !
@ OI__33 << the pic isn't that bad, its cute :D x