Another mouth to feed?

Maybe Dream's Do Go Further

1 ½ months later


Everyone had grown stronger in their relationships. They had formed un-breakable bonds between them. The only one that didn’t join in with everyone and had even moved rooms was Leeteuk. He had taken it badly when Heechul formally asked Danielle to be his girlfriend. Leeteuk had gone out and gotten really drunk, lucky Siwon and Kangin went after him and brought him back.

Everyone was very excited about this concert. They were going to perform a open concert in Washington Square Park.

At the hotel

Nikita, Siwon, Jade and Jonghyun were in the private hot tub, discussing their tour program and the next concert.

‘’but what happens when someone finds out about us? There could be big trouble for all of us’’ Jade was worried about the publicity they were getting.

‘’Don’t worry we’ll be fine. We’ve gone this far and no one’s found out. If we keep it like we are now we’ll be fine.

Jade and Danielle had been informed that their services wouldn’t be needed in the kitchen anymore and had been asked to stay on and help with the costumes or stage preparations.


‘’Ahh this is nice.’’ Kita said, relaxing into Siwon’s embrace.

‘’Yes, it’s nice in the quiet for a change.’’

‘’Yah you’re the noisiest out of all of us.’’

Jonghyun chocked on the grape he was eating.

Kita laughed, Jade blushed and Siwon looked confused.

‘’Eww not like that!!’’

They all laughed.

‘’Anyway.... I wonder where the others are?’’

‘’Danielle and Heechul went to watch a film, Donghae, Eunhyuk, Wookie, Sungmin and Kyuhyun went to the park. Don’t know about the others.’’

‘’Taemin mentioned something about ice cream and shopping.’’ Jonghyun piped in.

‘’Haha, that’s a big surprise.’’

‘’Well I’m getting out’’ Jade stood and got out of the hot tub. Jonghyun followed straight after.

‘’Siwon are you happy?’’

‘Hmm what?’’

She turned to look at him. ‘’Are you happy?’’

He smiled at her. ‘’Yes why?’’

She snuggled back into his chest. ‘’Oh I was just wondering’’

In the hotel

‘’Yah what’s all the noise?’’

Jade and Jonghyun, walked hand in hand to the lobby.

‘What the hell??’

Danielle was stood next to Heechul, a small ball of fluff in her arms.

‘‘What have you done now?’’

‘’Cute right? We saw some guy selling them on the street.’’

‘’You bought a cat?’’

Danielle nodded and looked down at the small thing.

‘’She’s called Ha-neul. It mean’s Sky.’’

They looked at the happy ‘parents’

‘’There is no way you can look after that and go on tour.’’

Heechul looked at Jade and smirked. ‘’We can, I have two cats at home and they’ve been with us before.’’

‘’Hmm ok, can I hold Ha-neul?’’

Danielle handed the kitten over to Jade. She took it in her arms and scratched behind its ear.


‘’No we are not having one.’’ Jonghyun laughed at his girlfriend cooing at the cat.

She handed the cat back.

‘Well we’re going up now. See you at dinner.’’ Danielle and Heechul took their new pet upstairs.

‘’I can’t believe they bought a cat.’’ Jonghyun said in disbelief as they walked up the stairs.

‘’Yea, hey do you think we’ll be allowed a dog?’’

Jade laughed. ‘Haha, I think that’s too big to take with us. Maybe a turtle?’’

‘’Turtle?’’ came a voice behind them.

Yesung, Wookie, Kangin and Shindong came up behind them.

‘’Hey guys, have fun?’’

‘’Yea we had a great time.’’ Shindong seemed happy.

‘’Oh by the way, to warn you, Danielle and Heechul have a furry friend.’’

‘’Bwhahaha, a furry friend. That sounds disgusting!!!’’

Jade smiled sarcastically at them. ‘’Haha funny, I mean they have a new pet.’’

Yesung looked excited as he sped past them up the stairs.

‘’well that should be fun....’ the guys walked past them ‘....see you at dinner.’’

Jade and Jonghyun walked to their room, talking about SHINee’s songs they would be singing the next day.







^^ Aww adorabe << Danielle and Heechuls cat Ha-neul (Sky)  


Sorry I haven't updated in a while, my laptop crashed.

Umma- Sorry you wern't in this chap much, but there will be a chap dedicated to you later in in the story. ^-^

 haha his facial expression makes me laugh


Oppa- hope you like this chap Oppa- Appa was worried I couldnt get it uploaded today but yay its a sucess ^-^

 bwhaha what the hell is he doing??


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:D *laughs evily* Yah i thought this was funny!!! Obviously not :(
AriokaAbbix #2
... what the hell
*Pout* Not So Interesting :P Nah Kindding Haha Wrong Chicken Got Humped!
^_^ she's weird....... Lol
AriokaAbbix #5
she wrote me in yay :D i'm abbi aand i love Onew and Chicken :D
AWEEEEE!! Love You Appa~~ Hehe I Have A Kitten and The Pic Is Soooooo Cute >< ! so Many Inuendo's Here Haha !! Lol At Picture Of Heechul! No CLue What He Is Doing (Btw Poor Leeteuk! :'( awe ) Hehe Update Soon !
@ OI__33 << the pic isn't that bad, its cute :D x