Letter #1

Maybe Dream's Do Go Further

(Has now been edited)



Four girls all ages between 19-22 finally achieved their dream and opened a high class resturant in the middle of Tokyo. Within the first year they had laready become a 4 start resturant well known around the whole of Japan.

It all started when Jade and Danielle started to cook in their home country of England. They had made many differnt dishes and had been asked to cook for various differnt resturants over their.

Jade had lived with her mom back in England. Her dad had only turned up 6 months before she left so they hadn't really gotten to know each other. She was a well known cook around her area, with all her family being a 'Cooke' (Family name). When she left school she had been offered  place to work under the great chef Peter Gorton, but declinded saying her family came first.

Danielle had lived on her own as she was the sort of person to be independant in everything she did. Before they all moved she worked in a well known cafe but didnt really like the job. Her ansestors had left quite alot of secret recipes to her. When she made them she made them to perfection.

Nikita had originally wanted to become a writer but had agreed to go with them as long as she could be the woman at the front desk. She loved looking at foreign men. She wasn't a or anything she just like to look. When she left England she still had a boyfriend but they grew apart, with them being on opposite sides of the world. Even in Japan she had men going after her but she never found the right one. 

Finally there was Yasmine. She was the youngest of the group but the loudest. She had also agreed to go with them to Japan. Being a great lover of music she had decided to become the resturants DJ. She was now well know all over Tokyo as DJ Yaz. She had held concerts all over Japan and even got a couple of good deals but she turned then down to stay with her friends.

Two years later their buisness was going so well that many celebraties had gone there.

''Order table 11'' shouted a warn-out Jade.

Haruka took the order and rushed to the door, stopped and breathed deeply before walking out into the resturant, a wide smile across her face as she took the food to the table.

Jade looked at the clock and sighed.

''Wow, only six hours left'' she said sarcastically to no-one in particular.

Danielle chuckled ''Yea it gets slower and slower everyday.'' she rang the bell and the next waiter Yuu came and took the next order. He came over red faced.

''Table six'' spoke Danielle, smiling widely at him.

He went off almost falling over his won feet. He reminded her if herself many years ago. Before she had the confidence she would always stutter, fall over and break things. But now she held her head high, while other people made mistakes.

Apart from Jade and Danielle ther were six other people in the kitchen. They had all been trained by the two girls but still had a long way to go. Along with those six there were 7 waitors/waitresses, 4 bar staff, 2 doormen (both buff and had a thing for Kita) and last but not least there was the man of the resturant. He was the one that helped them through the ups and downs. He was a distant relation to Jade. Somewhere down the line a member of her family had bred with the Japanese side and so she had Japanese blood in her. He had gone on a buisness trip not that long ago so wasn't around much.

Danielle was about to go and get the food from the fridge when she saw smoke coming from one of the pans.

''Ryuu, would you please be careful with that dish. Another mistake and your gone!' Ryuu went bright red and turned down the gas and made sure he didn't spoil it.

Jade went back to her area smiling to herself and got ready for the next order.

Yasmine (A.k.a DJ Yaz) was mixing up the beet, watching as many people came up to dance. She loved her job as her passion for music ruled over everything else. Another reason was she got to look at all the single men. (kekeke)

A fair haired man, with overly large glasses popped up next to her on the podium.

''Can we request songs?'' he asked with a teethy grin.

She smiled at him ''Yea of course''

''Can you play SNSD Genie?''

DJ Yaz smiled widely at him. ''Yea sure..... it's  the next song ok?''

''Arigatou.'' he bowed and walked back to him table. It seemed to be filled with his work colleages.

When the song he had requested came on he suddenyl got to the dance floor and stared to move along with the song. Yasmine had only seen the music video enough times to see that the man had got every single part right. She smiled at him and he blushed but carried on dancing. She loved this part of her job, seeing all the people around them happy.

At 12:00am it was finally time to close up. When their last customer had eventually left Kita, Yasmine, Danielle and Jade all went into the back office, closing the door behind them. The rest of the staff were left to clean up.

Kita plonked herself on the small, warnout sofa. ''God, I'm beat.'' she sighed closing her eyes.

Jade sat down at her desk and pulled the pile of mail towards her. Danielle pondered into the small kitchen that was just off from the room.

''Hey dont forget my cup of tea.'' shouted Jade, her head in the pile of paper.

''I know'' shouted Danielle back.

Yasmine sat at the desk she shared with Kita and started looking at the music charts to find the best songs to play the next day.

''OMG'' shouted Jade, standing up a look of shock across her face.

Kita stood and walked towards her. 'What?''

Jade couldn't answer, she just shoved the piece of paper into Kita's hand for her to read out.


        Dear Imperial Sake Lounge

              I have heard many good things about your restaurant from a wide number of people.

        After close observation from some of our team members we have thought long and hard about this. We would like to offer  your catering group the chance to come along on tour with us. You will require about 10 members of staff including yourselves.

      By offering you this we give you the choice to expand your name and your capabilities across the world. We are willing to answer you  your needs and we hope that you could join us in our tour.

     Please think this over fully and get back to us by August 13th 2011,

     We hope to hear from you soon,

          Best regards

              Lee Soo-Man

                       (Chairman of S.M.Entertainment)



Kita finished reading the letter to the others. She fell into the chair next to her, still holding the letter very tightly.

''Can we do it?'' came from a half happy, half confused Danielle.

''Omg'' was all Yasmine said.

Jade was still stunned so she couldn't talk.

After about 15mins Jade could finally talk again.

''Lets vote. All who want to go, raise their hands''

All of them shot their hands up.

''Well then it's agreed. We're going to be touring with S.M.Entertainment.''



I hope everyone likes this ff and gives me nice comments XD

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:D *laughs evily* Yah i thought this was funny!!! Obviously not :(
AriokaAbbix #2
... what the hell
*Pout* Not So Interesting :P Nah Kindding Haha Wrong Chicken Got Humped!
^_^ she's weird....... Lol
AriokaAbbix #5
she wrote me in yay :D i'm abbi aand i love Onew and Chicken :D
AWEEEEE!! Love You Appa~~ Hehe I Have A Kitten and The Pic Is Soooooo Cute >< ! so Many Inuendo's Here Haha !! Lol At Picture Of Heechul! No CLue What He Is Doing (Btw Poor Leeteuk! :'( awe ) Hehe Update Soon !
@ OI__33 << the pic isn't that bad, its cute :D x