The Talking Book

The Charmed One
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Baekhyun's P.O.V

Baekhyun sat the following day in his bed with Bacon in his lap, just petting the little puppy as he remembered yesterday. Chanyeol were in the kitchen, insisting to cook for them today again, but Baekhyun had tried his best to convince the giant that it's his turn to cook, but he failed.


Bacon were at least happy, he got more time with his owner and beloved Baekhyun that he had missed the whole yesterday. Baekhyun just smiled at the puppy white trying to think about him and not the shadows that had tried to kill him, nor the voices and the weird mirror on the wall in that secret chamber.



“Do you think I'm crazy? Maybe insane?”
“What are you talking about?”



Baekhyun looked up at Chanyeol who came in with some food while smiling, at least Chanyeol thinks Baekhyun isn't insane or crazy, but Baekhyun isn't that sure about it himself.



“Nothing, I just talked for myself.”
“Still thinking about that room uh?”
“Yeah, but I'm just silly, don't listen on what I say.”
“No, please tell me, what did happen in there?”
“Nothing, I just found books and got scared, that's it.”



Baekhyun hates to lie right in Chanyeol's face, but he had to, what else should he say? That he watched his grandparents get murdered by a demon that tried to kill him too? Yeah, he will probably begun to wonder what's wrong with Baekhyun.


The boys ate their food under silence as Bacon were laying on Baekhyun's pillows, sleeping. The puppy has never been interested in food like other dogs, but if Baekhyun give him something, he gets over enjoyed. But he never begging or whimper to get food, if it isn't his own food thought.


Baekhyun out is plate away as he stared at Chanyeol who smiled at Baekhyun before he crawled over to him like a cat and just hugged him, Chanyeol can be so weird sometimes. Baekhyun just laughed at the tall boy as he kissed Baekhyun's neck and just laughed back.



“You're so weird, do you know that?”
“I know, but that's who I am.”
“Haha, okay, I will.”



Chanyeol just smiled and sat there with Baekhyun in his arms, just enjoying to have the boy close, it was then when Baekhyun remember what he had promised himself before he had found that chamber.



“Hey Chanyeol, we need to talk about something.”
“What is it? You suddenly sounded so serious.”
“Well, I don't know how to say this, but I think it's... it's the best if we break up.”



Baekhyun felt how the woods just slipped out from his mouth as the pain from his heart took over his body, he could tell that Chanyeol felt the same pain by the way he hugged Baekhyun tighter.



“I-I think we shouldn't...”
“I heard what you said, but why? I mean, what have I done wrong?”



Chanyeol let go of Baekhyun to sit in front of him instead, to face him. Baekhyun felt how he wanted to cry as Chanyeol grabbed his hands and tried to get Baekhyun to look at him.



“Why? Don't you love me?”
“I-I love you, b-but you know why.”
“No I don't, I'm pretty shocked that you said this now...”
“I don't want you to feel bad, I think that we just should be friends...”
“Is it because I'm a vampire and you a human? Baekhyun, I thought we talked about this...”
“We can't pretend that everything going to be okay, because I know that when I'm old, you will leave me. And I'm going to get older and you too, but not on the same way. I-I think we...”
“I have also thought about this for a while, but I'm scared to ask you again. But you bought this topic up again, I guess that we most try to solve this problem. And I have a option.”
“What is it?”



Baekhyun stared at Chanyeol as he stared back at Baekhyun with serious eyes.



“I can turn you to a vampire, in that way none of us will get old in that way, and I know that you love me and you know I love you. And I know that our love will hold, we won't split up like you fear. But, I can't fore you.”



Baekhyun nodded a little as Chanyeol hugged the crying boy, this is sure a hard problem to solve, and none of them knows what is right or wrong in this situation.



“It's okay, I understand what you mean and I think that if we just continue to live like this, we will be okay. We will find a way, I promise you.”
“But what if...”
“Baekhyun, we will find a way, okay? Maybe the solution will come to us?”



Baekhyun nodded a little as he hugged Chanyeol back, he hates to try to tell Chanyeol that they will someday get separated because of this, that Chanyeol will live forever and Baekhyun won't. If he know doesn't turn into a vampire...



“Maybe you're solution is the best?”
“Uh? What?”
“That I... That you should turn me to a vampire... But I'm scared.”



Chanyeol blinked at Baekhyun as he pulled out form the hug and stared down at the boy who wanted to cry again. Baekhyun doesn't understand why he looks so weird at him right now, like he was sick or something.



“Baekhyun, I don't want to sound mean or bossy, but I think that you should turn into a vampire. Trust me, it will help you a lot.”



Baekhyun nodded a little as Chanyeol kissed him on the forehead and smile calmly at him.



“Lets not think about that now, not more for today...”



Chanyeol got interrupt by his phone as he picked it up and sighed, someone was seeking him? Baekhyun just smiled and let Chanyeol get out from the room before answering. Bacon took the chance to steal Chanyeol's place and laid down in Baekhyun's lap, the cute puppy made Baekhyun smile even more.



“Hi little Bacon, how you feeling?”



The puppy just whimpered to an answer as he rested his head against Baekhyun's thighs, Baekhyun just giggle at he puppy as Chanyeol entered the room with a not so satisfied expression.



“Listen, I kind of have to go, the others needs me.”
“It's okay, I understand. But I have Bacon until you come back...”
“I kind of can't come back until tomorrow, by lunch. So, I really have to go but I will see you tomorrow, okay?”



Baekhyun kissed Chanyeol before he hurried out and waved cutely before he literally rushed out. What had happened? Baekhyun bet that Kris threatened him with not letting him see Baekhyun for a whole week if he didn't come home right away. Baekhyun just shook his head as he played a little with a tired Bacon.






Baekhyun sat in front of the bookshelf as he looked throw it once again, he wasn't looking for the book that he just had to pull to open the secret passage, no he was looking for his old piano book. Baekhyun loves to look throw his bookshelf's, he often founds memories and other fun stuff to read.


Baekhyun accidentally laid his hand on the book that was the lever to the secret room, he did hesitate a little before he looked around, should he go down and take another look? Maybe he had dreamed everything and the room doesn't really exist?


Baekhyun heard Bacon behind him and he looked at he puppy who walked over and sat his pawns on Baekhyun's hand, helping him to pull down the book that opened the bookshelf. The puppy hurried to hide behind Baekhyun as the bookshelf moved, it's pretty cool that they have something like this in their house.

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Chapter 24: Aahhh I absolutely loved this story!!!!
Chapter 22: Holly Molly I'm shookktt
Chapter 21: Wha wha what is it?!?!?
Chapter 20: My heart's a mess rn
Chapter 19: Holyyy is baek a vampire now?!?!?!!!
Chapter 18: Noooo
Chapter 17: Omggg
Chapter 15: Sooo flufffyyyy I'm melting
Chapter 14: Aww
Chapter 12: Uggghh I hate that fate keeper