Beach Vacation Twist

The Love Game

Ji Yeon calls up Kang Dae, Sung Min, Tae Hyun, Mi Young and Jin Kyong for a meeting at her house to tell them about her plan. Once everyone arrived she explains everything to them and started her plan.


(Ji Yeon)        (calling Hwa Young) Hello?

(Hwa Young)        Ji Yeon?

(Ji Yeon)        (talks in a frantic and panicking tone)Hwa Young! Hwa Young! You have to come now it’s an emergency! Quickly, quickly I’m at Sea Shell beach! Hurry! (hangs up)

(Hwa Young)        Ji Yeon? Ji Yeon, what’s wrong? Ahhh! She hanged up. Sea Shell beach?

After receiving Ji Yeon’s call she quickly hops into her car and drives to Sea Shell Beach as fast as possible. After 2 hours of driving, she reaches her destination and hurriedly finds Ji Yeon.

(Hwa Young)        Ji Yeon! What’s wrong? Are you ok? Did someone get hurt? What happened?!

(Ji Yeon)        I thought you’ll be late.

(Hwa Young)        Late? Why are you so calm, and late for what?

(Ji Yeon)        For the sun set.

(Hwa Young)        You called me to come here just for the sun set. Did you know how worried I was?

(Ji Yeon)        Didn’t Aunty (The Queen) tell you?

(Hwa Young)        Tell me what?

(Ji Yeon)        We’re on a vacation.

(Hwa Young)        A vacation? What about school? And I didn’t bring anything.

(Ji Yeon)        No need to worry about school, Aunty already sorted it all out. And I asked Eun Jung to pack for you already, your clothes are in your room. Let’s go I’ll take you.

(Hwa Young)        You had this all planned out. I knew there was something suspicious going on.

Ji Yeon escorts Hwa Young to her room and leaves her to get some rest.

(Ji Yeon)        Hwa Young, we’re having a little celebration tonight, on the beach don’t forget.

(Hwa Young)        Umm… go now.

Ji Yeon leaves and Hwa Young goes into her room to find something which shocked her.

(Hwa Young)        KWANG HO (who was lying on the bed)! How did you get into my room? And how did you get here?

(Kwang Ho)        If the wife is on a vacaution how do you except the husband to be sitting at home. Of course I’ll be here. And for your information, this is my room as well.

(Hwa Young)        We’re not in the castle anymore, you don’t need to stay in the same room as me.

(Kwang Ho)        You want me to go sleep in another room. What do you think the others beside Ji Yeon will think if a husband and a wife sleeps in separate rooms?

(Hwa Young)        Then you can sleep on the floor tonight. I’m going to change.

(Kwang Ho)        (whispers to self) Tuh, probably scared of me.

Time flew by and it was already night. Hwa Young completed her hair and make-up then gets dressed for the celebration. She comes out of the bathroom and finds Ji Yeon in her room sitting on the couch. Surprisingly, she discovers that Ji Yeon was wearing more make-up than usually, and was wearing her favourite perfume.

(Hwa Young)        Wow, my friend is pretty today. Where’s Kwang Ho?

(Ji Yeon)        He left first. Hwa Young, guess….. dsfhfdhfdsfisdgsjfddfbvfrnvkdhfsidfhsdfsf….

(Hwa Young)        What did you say?

(Ji Yeon)        edifhihfihvsfsdsnchsiwidifwfdsfsdgdssdfhthtrger grvtefet4trwevrtcfesdfggdxeif…

(Hwa Young)        Huh?

(Ji Yeon)        Kang Dae asked me out….


(Ji Yeon)        Relax man, you’re excited as if he asked you out. He-he bought me this necklace.  And he asked me when we arrived here, you were probably still on your way here. I said yes.

(Hwa Young)        Of course I am, who wouldn’t be happy when their best friend was asked out by one of the finest guy in school. *SIGHS* You must be happy with your relationship…

(Ji Yeon)        Why? Aren’t you happy with yours?

(Hwa Young)        I don’t know… I don’t know how I feel about Kwang Ho, we argue all the time and he always finds a way to tease me.  I don’t know if I married him because it’s my duty to or if I have feelings for him.

(Ji Yeon)        Do you love him?

(Hwa Young)        I don’t know, but whenever he teases me, I don’t get angry for long and whenever he teases me it makes him smile, and when I see that smile, it makes me happy. But when I saw him with Hae Won, my heart felt like there were pins in them, poking it until there was no more place to be poked. And both of us know that there was rumours in school before I married Kwang Ho about him and Hae Won dating…*SIGHS* the person in his heart is Hae Won not me. And in the end…it’s just a game.

(Ji Yeon)        There there my friend, I’m sure that one day, the truth will come out and we will live happily ever after with the person we love. But for now, let’s go party and have fun.  (Ji Yeon pulls Hwa Young hands and starts walking, heading to the party) Wow, my friends really pretty today.

Arriving at the party, they saw everyone already seated down and started eating. Kwang Ho was standing up, holding a glass of wine in his hands, thus turned around after hearing Ji Yeon and Hwa Young’s voices. Kwang Ho froze after seeing Hwa Young, his hands went soft, his eyes were on her and he didn’t blink at all.

(Kang Dae)        Kwang Ho? Kwang Ho? KWANG HO?

(Kwang Ho)        What? I’m right here you don’t need to scream.

(Kang Dae)        I called you 2 times already.

(Kwang Ho)        What?

(Ji Yeon)        Can’t takes your eyes of Hwa Young can you?

(Kwang Ho)        Of course, she’s my wife.

Ji Yeon walks towards Kang Dae and sits down next to him. Kwang Ho goes over to Hwa Young and puts his hand around her waist then sits her down next to him and Ji Yeon. They sat and talked until all eight of them were at the table. Eight of them watch the sun as it sets into the horizon. The night time came as they began their celebration. The waiters and waitress was about to serve the first meal when suddenly, there was an interruption. Out of the dark, Won Shik appears with his sister Hae Won. Everyone stands up to greet them.

(Won Shik)        Oh, hi everyone! What a coincidence, we came to the same island, maybe it is fate for us to meet.

(Ji Yeon)        (mumbling) Fate or disaster. (Hwa Young nudges her)

(Hwa Young)        Err, did you have dinner yet? If you don’t mind you we’ll like you to join us.

(Hae Won)        Oppa we didn’t have dinner yet, let’s have dinner with them.

(Won Shik)        If you guys don’t mind, then…ok.

Hae Won walks towards Kwang Ho and pushes Hwa Young away. Hwa Young stumbles backward, but was caught by Ji Yeon.

(Hae Won)       Oppa Kwang Ho, if you don’t mind then I’ll like to sit next to you. (turns around towards Hwa Young) Unnie, I didn’t see you there, you don’t mind if I sit here right?

Hwa Young just nods her head. Ji Yeon was just about to say something to Hae Won when Hwa Young stopped her, knowing what she will say. Everyone was seated and Won Shik sat next to Hwa Young. The foods came out with lobsters, crabs, abalones, oysters, prawns, squid and many other seafood. Won Shik gets every one of each and puts it onto Hwa Young’s plate. While Hae Won feeds Kwang Ho rather than putting the food onto his plates. Kwang Ho uses this as an opportunity to try and make Hwa Young jealous. After all the meals were served, all ten of them chatted about their life. Hwa Young stands up.

(Ji Yeon)        Hwa Young where are you going?

(Hwa Young)        I wanna go get some air. Don’t worry, you stay here, I know you want to come to.

(Won Shik)        Ji Yeon don’t worry, I’ll follow her.

Won Shik and Hwa Young walk along the shore in peace, bare footed. The sounds of the tides coming in plays a music in their ear, the soft, wet sand tickles their feet with every step they take, the sounds of seagulls echo in the dark.

(Won Shik)        Hwa Young, are you alright? You seem really quite.

(Hwa Young)        I’m fine, I am just worried about school work and all that. *SIGHS* Won Shik, do you still remember, when we were little, whenever it was holidays, our parents will always bring us here. We will always have lots of fun…me, you, my sisters, and…and Kwang Ho and his brothers.

(Won Shik)        Yes, of course I do your highness.

(Hwa Young)        You always like to tease me by saying that.

(Won Shik)       Ok I’ll stop. Remember when all the Princess and you were having a sand castle competition?

(Hwa Young)        Yes, I remember the sand castle I made was really big and was decorated with shells. And I remember that at that time because I wanted my sand castle to be the prettiest, I would go and steal Kyung Soon’s shells. Then in the end, I ended up winning but then Kwang Ho pushed me and I fell face down into the sad.

(Won Shik giggles)

They continue talking about the past as they walk further and further away from the celebration tent. As they kept walking, suddenly Hwa Young steps on something, then was unable to walk any further. Won Shik checks her feet and discovers it covered in blood. He takes this opportunity to make Kwang Ho jealous. Quickly he puts Hwa Young’s hand over his shoulders then lifts her up and carries her with his hands. He hurries back to the tent to alert the others about it. When he arrives back to the tent, everybody’s mood change from an excited expression into a shock and surprise expression. Kwang Ho especially, opens his eyes widely and clutches his hand tightly as if he was about to punch someone in the face.

(Mi Young)       Won Shik what happened to Hwa Young?

(Won Shik)        I don’t know, I think she stepped on glass or a sharp shell.

(Ji Yeon)        Hwa Young are you alright? Kang Dae go call the doctor.

(Kwang Ho)        (in a deep tone) Won Shik, I think you should let her down now. I can carry her, anyways she’s my wife.

(Won Shik)        But she can’t stand right now.

(Kwang Ho)        (in a deeper tone)But I don’t it is appropriate for another guy to carry my wife.

(Ji Yeon)        Kwang Ho stop it, I don’t like Won Shik carrying Hwa Young as well but she’s injured right now. Just relax. If you’re not going to help, then stand aside.

(Tae Hyun)        Ji Yeon is right Kwang Ho.

(Hae Won)        Kwang Ho, just stand aside with me, my oppa can handle all this, you don’t need to worry about Hwa Young unnie.

Kwang Ho stands aside with Hae Won holding onto his arm. Anger starts to build up inside Kwang Ho as he sees Won Shik trying to patch up Hwa Young’s cut.

(Won Shik)        It is nothing much, Hwa young just stepped on some sharp sea shells. Lucky it didn’t go inside her skin, so you’ll be able to walk again in a couple of days.

(Hwa Young)        Thank you.

(Hae Won)        See Kwang Ho, I told you my Oppa can handle all this. Umm, Kwang Ho Oppa I want to go get some ice cream can you please come with me?

(Kwang Ho)        Errr…but Hae Won,  I have to stay and look after Hwa Young.

(Hae Won gives a sign to Won Shik)

(Won Shik)        It’s ok Kwang Ho, you can go with Hae Won. I’ll look after Hwa Young.

(Kwang Ho)        But-

(Hae Won)        Let’s go Kwang Ho, Let’s go. (pulling Kwang Ho out the door)

After Kwang Ho and Hae Won left the room…

(Hwa Young)        Won Shik Oppa you can go and rest, I’ll be okay, I’m just gonna rest so there’s no need to guard me. And plus, I have a husband now, it is not suitable for me to stay in a room with a guy other than my husband.

(Won Shik)        Yes, I understand how you feel, I must go now your majesty.

Hae Won walks happily, with a big smile on her face to the ice cream shop with her arms linked with Kwang Ho’s arm. Hae Won talks about the activity that she wants to do with Kwang Ho while at the beach, but on the other side, Kwang Ho was thinking deeply about Won Shik and Hwa Young it the same room together alone. After a 3 minute walk, they finally arrive at the shop.

(Hae Won)        Kwang Ho, what flavour do you want? (Kwang Ho staring into thin air) Kwang Ho? Kwang Ho? Kwang HO?!

(Kwang Ho)         HUH? Y-yes?

(Hae Won)        What flavours do you want?

(Kwang Ho)         I’m fine, I don’t want any.

Hae Won orders her ice cream and they both leave the store. When they get to the pool Hae Won stops Kwang Ho.

(Hae Won)        Kwang Ho, can we stay here for a moment?

(Kwang Ho)        Huh? Oh, yer of course we can.

(Hae Won)        Kwang Ho, you must be suffering a lot.

(Kwang Ho)        Huh? What do you mean?

(Hae Won)        You and Hwa Young living together? I mean you don’t even like her and you’re living with her. It must be really tough, right?

(Kwang Ho)        Err, yer-yer.

(Hae Won)        You’ll probably fall for her one day. Hwa Young unnie is pretty, smart and she’s a princess. You’ll forget about me soon.

(Kwang Ho)        Hae Won, don’t worry, this is all a game, once she divorces with me everything is going to go back to normal.

Kwang Ho pulls Hae Won so she is facing him. He gently puts his palm on her delicate cheeks and kisses her softly on her cheeks. At the same time Ji Yeon and Kang Dae walk pass and sees the scene. They quickly go back to their dorm, unsure what to do. Ji Yeon hesitates in her mind, whether she should tell Hwa Young about it.

(Kang Dae)        Should we tell Hwa Young about it?

(Ji Yeon)        No, Hwa Young has a lot to think about already. And I don’t want her to know these things.

(Kang Dae)         Then, what are you going to do?

(Ji Yeon)        Don’t you think that it’s weird, Won Shik and Hae Won goes on a vacation when we go on a vacation? And it is even weirder that they come to the same island that we came to? I think this wasn’t a coincidence. I have another plan.

(Kang Dae)        My girlfriends always have a plan. I’m starting to get scare, what if I do something wrong…

(Ji Yeon)        If you do, do something wrong, next time you’ll find yourself in the graveyard. (death stares)


Next morning…

Ji Yeon and Kang Dae wakes up Hwa Young and Kwang Ho before anyone else was awake. They quickly try and get them two on the boat, without anyone seeing them. But because Hwa Young was on crutches, things went slower as plan.

(Hwa Young)        Ji Yeon, Ji Yeon, slow down. Where are we going anyway?

(Ji Yeon)        We’re going to an island near here?

(Kwang Ho)          Island? Only the four of us?

(Kang Dae)         Yer, I told the others already, we’ll be back in a day.

(Ji Yeon)        The food and all I’ve prepared already, it’s in the boat lets go.

Kwang Ho and Hwa Young get on the boat. Just as Ji Yeon was about to go on the boat, she wraps her arm around her tummy and starts whining.

(Ji Yeon)        Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

(Hwa Young)        Ji Yeon? Ji Yeon?! What’s wrong? Are you alright?

(Ji Yeon)        My-my stomach hurts, I don’t think I’m gonna be able to go. You go have and fun ok.

(Kang Dae)        I’m not gonna be able to go to, I have to stay and look after Ji Yeon. You two go and have fun ok.

(Hwa Young)        No! I don’t want to go with… I just don’t want to go, if we go, we go together.

(Ji Yeon)        No, it’s ok, go and have fun. (Ji Yeon hits the boat) Captain! Start the boat.

The boat starts and both of them disappear in the clear blue sky.

(Kang Dae)        Wow! My girlfriend is a really good actor.

(Ji Yeon)        If I can’t do little things like this, I’m not Ji Yeon.


To be continue…

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izla122 #1
Chapter 35: OMG!!! Authornim please update soon!! I'm so curious right now. I think I couldn't sleep!!
Chapter 35: daebak!!! when will U update authornim??
cant wait the next chap^^ update soon please:)
CutieWay #3
great fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 35: Please please
I really cried after reading this
Luhan143 #5
Nice story :)
Chapter 35: I love this fic but please update soon > <
Chapter 35: Updateeee soon pleaseeeee
iheartJongSica #8
Chapter 35: Update soon~ its been a long time since u update ^_^ this is one of my fav story :)
seiyong #9
Chapter 35: please update... it's good... keep going...