Happy Mother's Day

The Love Game

Onew, Soojung, Myungsoo and Jessica all ate dinner together. "He really does look similar to Jonghyun" Jessica thought to herself. 

"If you were going to bring Myungsoo home, you could of let me know, so i can bring Luna to our house as well" Onew smiled, while mentioning her name.

"Who's Luna?" asked Jessica.

"My friend" exclaimed Onew.

"His girlfriend" added Soojung.

"My noona" continued Myungsoo. It was the first time ever Myungsoo ate a home cook meal. The food at the palace were nice, but they were made by the chefs. It was the first time ever Myungsoo ate a meal with a family. Soojung saw a different side of him today, he smiled and laughed a lot, not like the usually Myungsoo she knew at school. Jessica talked comfortably with the kids and Myungsoo. Somehow, she was comfortable with him and felt happy when everyone talked and laughed.

"These are really yummy, aunty" Myungsoo complimented. Soojung choked on her rice and giggled. 

"What did I say wrong?" he asked.

"I maded them" Soojung said, pointing to herself.

After dinner, Myungsoo and Soojung washed the dishes while Jessica and Onew watched tv.

"Are they dating?" Jessica asked Onew. 

"I don't know umma, but I know that she likes him" Onew replied in a low tone so the two of them won't over hear them. 

On the other hand....

"Is it only you Onew, and your umma that lives here?" Myungsoo asked as he washed the dishes.

"Yea plus granny, she's not our real grandma, but we lived with her ever since I was born. But since it's mother's day she went to visit her home town in Busam" explained Soojung, drying the dishes.

"What about your appa?"

"He- I actually don't know as well, I never saw him and don't know what he looks like" her voice drifted away. Myungsoo saw the similarities they both had. Soojung doesn't have a father and he doesn't have a mother. They finished washing the dishes and gathered around at thh louge room around the coffee table. Every year for mother's day, Soojung and Onew will say something special to Jessica.

"Umma, I'm really thankful that you raised me. I might have been a naughty kid, and sook a lot and I know that it was hard raising me. But from now on, I want to be the one that will be looking after you instead. I love you umma" Soojung said and made a heart shape with her hands then hugged her umma tightly. Next was Onew's turn.

"Umma, I'm really thankful that you have looked after me after all these years. If not for you, I'll probably won't even be alive at this moment. You are the person who give me a new life and I'm really thankful for it. I promise I will grow up to be a good child and take the responsabilty of the eldest child. I will look after Soojung and take care of you. I love you" Onew said and hugged his umma. Jessica hugged both Soojung and Onew as she tries to stop the tears from flowing down her face. Myungsoo sat there and smiled when he saw them hug. He thought about his mother and wanted to hug her just like how Onew and Soojung was hugging Jessica. 

"Myungsoo, do you want to say anything? Just think of me like your mother" Jessica smiled.

"Ummmmm, I had lots of fun today, and I'm thankful for the meal. If I have time, I'll come back here again, because I feel like this is my family. And I might not be your son right now, but I will be in the near future"  

"What is he talknig about?" Krystal thought. They all took photos and polaroids together after the talk was done. 

Soojung gave Myungsoo a polaroid of her with Jessica for memory.

"Keep it in your wallet. I'll be checking" Soojung ordered and glared at him. It was getting dark so Soojung walked Myungsoo home. He bowed to Jessica before leaving and gave Onew a brotherly hug. Myungsoo didn't actually want to leave, he wanted to stay there, but he couldn't. This year mother's day was the best mother's day ever in Jessica's life. She felt a really strange connection with Myungsoo, she just couldn't figure out what it was. 

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izla122 #1
Chapter 35: OMG!!! Authornim please update soon!! I'm so curious right now. I think I couldn't sleep!!
Chapter 35: daebak!!! when will U update authornim??
cant wait the next chap^^ update soon please:)
CutieWay #3
great fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 35: Please please
I really cried after reading this
Luhan143 #5
Nice story :)
Chapter 35: I love this fic but please update soon > <
Chapter 35: Updateeee soon pleaseeeee
iheartJongSica #8
Chapter 35: Update soon~ its been a long time since u update ^_^ this is one of my fav story :)
seiyong #9
Chapter 35: please update... it's good... keep going...