That Night

The Love Game

Before I begin I just wanted to tell you tht if the words are in bold then it means that the character is speaking in their mind, but if its in italics, then it shows the action that their doing.



Hwa Young and Kwang Ho walk into the room and finds parents from both side smiling and talking to each other about a particular topic. Kwang Ho holds onto Hwa Young’s waist even tighter when he sees them and sits down. But then he realizes that in the parents smile, there were bits of stress.

(Hwa Young & Kwang Ho)        Hello father and mother.

(Hwa Young)        Is there something wrong? Why did you call for us?

(The Queen)        Nothing darling. We were just so happy about how popular you two have become after the marriage.

(Mrs Lee)        And because of your popularity, you have been invited to the grand opening of the Seoul’s new theatre.

(The King)        I heard that only famous people are invited.

(Mr Lee)        Your friends are going as well, all six of them.

(Kwang Ho)        Us? Father, when is it?

(Mr Lee)        Tonight.

(Hwa Young)        TONIGHT! But-but it’s so quick.

(maid comes in)

(Maid)        Your Majesties, the hairdresser and makeup artist is here. The suit and dress for Prince and Princess has also arrived.

(The Queen)         Kwang Ho and Hwa Young, you two should go and get ready now.

They both leave and went too got ready. As soon as they were separated, the hairdresser and makeup artist got to work.  While the hairdresser was doing Kwang Ho’s hair, he sits there wondering what Hwa Young will look like. Not knowing the result, he starts to form ideas on how to .


Kwang Ho waits downstairs walking round in circles, thinking deeply about his plan. Hearing footsteps behind him, Kwang Ho turns around and could not believe his eyes. Kwang Ho stares intensely at Hwa Young as she walks down the stairs without taking his eyes of her.  Hwa Young walks down the stairs, with light steps just like a Princess. With her long elegant silver dress which was up to her toe, Hwa Young was so pretty Kwang Ho almost forgot that this was only a game. He quickly come to his senses and quickly looks in a different direction. Once she was where he was, they linked arm and started to act. Both of them were escorted into the car and were off to the party. Seeing how beautiful Hwa Young was, Kwang Ho mind went blank. Suddenly, Kwang Ho starts talking.

(Kwang Ho)        (in a calm voice)You’re really pretty today.

(Hwa Young)         (shocked) What? ...

(Kwang Ho)        I said you’re really pretty today.

(Hwa Young gets shy and was about to say the same thing when…)

(Kwang Ho)        (laughs) Not, you think I’ll ever look to you as pretty. (lying)

(Hwa Young)        You! (SIGHS)

The rest of the trip was in silence, because both of them were nervous since it was there first time going out in public together. Time flew by and they finally arrived at the Seoul Grand Theatre. The first thing they saw when they got out of the car was Mi Young, Ji Yeon, Jin Kyong, Kang Dae, Sang Min and Tae Hyun.

(Ji Yeon)        What took you guys so long? We’ve been waiting.

(Hwa Young)        There were so many traffic today.

(Mi Young)        Let’s go, people are waiting for us.

All eight of them walk in, lead by Kwang Ho and Hwa Young followed by everyone else in couples. The moment they step in, news reporters gather around them and before long, people were more interested in the two newly couple rather than the Seoul Grand Theatre Opening. The rest of them went to sit at the table while Kwang Ho and Hwa Young greet all the other elders. After greeting lots of them they finally had time to sit down. The celebration began with people acting out a play. Hwa Young tries to sit as far away as possible from Kwang Ho so she moves closer and closer to Ji Yeon.

(Kwang Ho)        (whispers to Hwa Young) Oi! Move closer to me, I’m not gonna bite you. If the reporters find out why we aren’t like husband and wives, it’s you who loses the game.

When she hears about losing the game, Hwa Young quickly moves closer to him. Once the play was over, famous singers started singing and people began dancing. The first song that was song was a slow song.

(Ji Yeon)        Kwang Ho, why don’t you take Hwa Young to dance? Go, go.

Kwang Ho escorts Hwa Young to the dance floor, and starts dancing. Since news reporters were around, he puts his hand around her waist and pulls her closer to him.

(Hwa Young)        (whispers in Kwang Ho’s ear) You don’t need to hold me that tight. Have you already fallen for me?

(Kwang Ho)        In your dreams, I’m not gonna lose this game, just don’t fall for me first.

The song ended and they both walked to the table, but before Hwa Young could sit down, Won Shik appeared and ask for a dance.  Trying to get Kwang Ho jealous she agrees to the dance.  Sitting down on the table and watching them dance, Kwang Ho was full of jealousy. Not knowing what his feelings were, he fiddles around on his seat, not able to sit still.

(Hwa Young)        How’s Hae Won? She must be a big girl by now.

(Won Shik)        She’s good, how’s Uncle and Aunty?

(Hwa Young)         There still the same. Won Shik…umm…about tomorrow, I’m kind of busy, so I can’t go meet you there. Sorry.

(Won Shik)         It’s alright, it’s getting stuffy in here, do you want to go get some fresh air?

(Hwa Young)        (looks over to where Kwang Ho was sitting) Sure.

While Kwang Ho wasn’t looking they walked out to get some fresh air. Kwang Ho turned around to find them two nowhere in sight.

(Kwang Ho)        (in panic and worry) Ji Yeon, Kang Dae! Where’s Hwa Young?

(Ji Yeon)        She probably went to the bathroom.

(Kwang Ho)        The where’s Won Shik, don’t tell me he went to the bathroom with her.

(Kang Dae)      Relax Kwang Ho, you seem to worry about her a lot.

(Kwang Ho)        (tries to act normal) Oh, I’m not worried, I was just afraid that the reporters might see some things…. Let’s go find them.

On the other side while they were finding Hwa Young and Won Shik, two of them were enjoying the fresh air.

(Won Shik)        Hwa Young… have you ever regretted marrying Kwang Ho?

(Hwa Young)        (hesitates), I haven’t. Kwang Ho is a nice guy.

(Won Shik)        I thought you two didn’t get along?

(Hwa Young)        That was before, Kwang Ho is actually a really good person. Why do you ask these questions?

(Won Shik)        Nothing, as a brother, I want to know. I am like your brother right?

(Hwa Young)        (smiles) Of course.

Won Shik hugs Hwa Young, and keeping him just like a brother she hugs him back. Not knowing the consequences that were coming. As they were walking back, half way both of them met Kwang Ho. Not saying a word, he grabs Hwa Young’s arm and walks back into the party.

(Hwa Young)       Ow! Kwang Ho, what has gotten into you? Ow! Let me go, you’re hurting me.

(Kwang Ho)        (holding Hwa Young’s wrist) What were you doing out there?

(Hwa Young)        I was getting fresh air, do I have to tell to everything I do.

(Kwang Ho)        (the words slip out of his mouth) Did you know how worried I was!

(Hwa Young)        What?... So you do worry about me. (giggles)

Kwang Ho walks straight to his seat knowing what he has said. Hwa Young giggles as she follows him into her seat.

(Host)        And now Ladies and Gentlemen, we would like Princess Hwa Young, Ji Yeon, Mi Young and Jin Kyong to come up and sing us the song that was written by Hwa Young herself.

(everyone claps)

(Hwa Young)        Hi everyone, I’m Hwa Young and I just wanted to inform you that this song isn’t really complete, so it’s not that long. Enjoy.

(Hwa Young)       “It's hard to give my reasons for someone to understand
                              That I had kept this heart to wait for you

                             Although it is meaningless, I only ask to be happy in the time of meeting you
                            Closing my eyes so I can see your face every time

(Ji Yeon)             I'm like a fool that love him just one-sided only
                            I do not have the rights, just considering it therefore I am strikes to keep away

                            I am mocked, persecuted without mercy
                           No matter how long I will wait,

(Mi Young)        To be able to get close to you, I'm asking just this much
                           I entrust my love having faith full filling up my heart

                          Every day I still secretly dream off......I am careless I'm unaware
They had hurt me all over my heart

(All 3 of them)  He vowed to never change his heart
                          Tears are falling my
heart is not weary
                          I'll wait for the day that we can walk together

                          Sharing happiness and sufferings solvingproblems
                          I am hurt losing tears, I am not afraid”


They take their bow and went back to their table. Not long after that, it was time for them to go, so everyone separated in their own directions. The trip back home was a complete silence. Hwa Young was so tired she slowly fell asleep. Seeing her like that, Kwang Ho moves closer to her, and carefully rests her on his shoulders with his hand around her waist, trying not to wake her up. He carefully lifts her up and carries her into the room when they arrived at the castle.



To be continued…


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izla122 #1
Chapter 35: OMG!!! Authornim please update soon!! I'm so curious right now. I think I couldn't sleep!!
Chapter 35: daebak!!! when will U update authornim??
cant wait the next chap^^ update soon please:)
CutieWay #3
great fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 35: Please please
I really cried after reading this
Luhan143 #5
Nice story :)
Chapter 35: I love this fic but please update soon > <
Chapter 35: Updateeee soon pleaseeeee
iheartJongSica #8
Chapter 35: Update soon~ its been a long time since u update ^_^ this is one of my fav story :)
seiyong #9
Chapter 35: please update... it's good... keep going...