Millionaires Lover ♥♥♥



His here! OMG! His here, what am I gonna do?

I can’t think right! I have been inside the rest room for almost 30 minutes already. Then I realize something

GD - if you need anything just call me ok? 

That’s right! I should have call him. I took my phone and dial his number.But no one is picking his phone.

Come on! Answer it.

Again i have tried to dial his number for like 4 or 5 times but i got same answer. NO ONE IS PICKING UP THE PHONE

Soon Kyu - dara’shi??/ are you ok?

DARA - ahh!! Yes! Yes! I am.

She has been knocking the door, and asking me if I’m ok. I really don’t know why am i acting this way? What was the reason again that I agree to all of this? When he had told me that he is CHEMIN .


GD - Lee Minho and Chemin is one.

Dara - what? What are you talking about? 

Gd - yes! I found out awhile ago, he came to me and he told me that he is Chemin. 

Dara - but! Why would he do that? Why will he come to you? Instead of coming to me?

I don’t know what to say! Is that really the question that I should ask?

Gd - I and him, have some sort of things that is not settle.

Dara - what?? Are you saying that you are going to use me against him?

GD - not really, it could be the another way around as well.

SILENCE ...... ..... . . .. .. . . . .. 

GD - I have found out something about you.

Dara - yes! that’s right! What ever you found out was all right. now what?! Are you going to pity me for it? Well I tell you I don’t need it. I can handle myself.

Gd - no! You can’t! As what I said awhile ago, [i’m not asking for you permission. We need each other, so lets work hand and hand.

Dara - I don’t need you.

Gd - you need me. you want to get him and let him pay for what he did, didn’t you? 

DARA -  .......................................



Dara - after my parents die, I have no one to run with, I have no one to lend on. I have no one beside me, all I thought I got that time was him. I looked for him, that night when my father was murder he and his mom was taken by those people who murder my father. Every day! At that very young age of  mine, I have witness a lot, and everything was taken away from me that night. I tried to looked for him, thanks for Bom’s father, he has a connections. I can still remember the face of one of those man who murder my father, then there was a time I saw him again after that night, I was about to approach him, when I heard something.

Yes! I know, you have successfully murder him, do yo wan’t me to say congratulation job well done?

Dara - what is he talking about?

No! I will still look for her, I will get her, no matter what!, her father is already dead.

Dara - what? Get who? Is he ............................?  No, no, no, wait What is he talking about?

MAN  - Young master! We need to go now.

I looked at the man, then I was Stiffed like death, for what I saw, I can’t be wrong, this man, this man is the same man who pull the trigger that killed my father. But why is he calling him young master? Don’t tell me? Oh my god!!!

I close my mouth using my hand to prevent any sound that may come out from me, because of crying. I can’t believe everything. 

Don’t tell me what to do................... .................

Then before it’s to late, i run as fast as I can. I was not even able to hear what was he about to say, I was so afraid that they might caught me.

So his the one, but why? Why did he do that? How can he do that in such a young age. I can’t believe all of this. I was crying the whole time that I was running.



I was looking for Dara, I think I have check all the possible place that she will stay, at times like this, but still I haven’t seen her. I have tried to call her as well but all I get is a busy tone. I went again to her class room when some one called me.

Soon kyu - ahh!!! Park bom’shi??

Bom - ehhh????

Soon Kyu - are you some how looking for Dara?

Bom - ahhhh!!!! Yes! Have you seen her?

Soon kyu - yes! I have, I’m actually with her.

Bom - ohhh!!! You’re Soon kyu right?

Soon kyu - ah! Yes! We’re from same high school

Bom - ahh yehh!! I can still remember you.... By the way where is she?

Soon kyu - ahh!!! She is in the rest room, I don’t know why! Bit she has been acting so weird...

Bom - huh?? What do you mean.

Soon kyu - let just go and check it your self..

We are on our way to dara, when I heard my phone ringing.


Have you found her?

Yes! I think so.

Good! The show is about to start, and you guys needs to be here, before it start.

I got it.




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greiyz_14 #1
Chapter 45: Beautiful story like this authornim needs more updates please...
Chapter 45: Thanks for the updates.. ❤
april_21 #3
Chapter 45: Thanks for update..
greiyz_14 #4
Chapter 45: Tnx for the update authornim I CNT wait for more exciting chapter more please
april_21 #5
Chapter 43: Thanks for your update ....
More update please....
bernie20 #6
Welcome back...thank u for updating...
abya01 #7
Chapter 41: the ending will be minho end up with kiko? or minho is dara's real brother? hehehe
chelzjj #8
Chapter 41: Cant wait for the ending ;)
tokki9 #9
Chapter 41: the ending is ok as long as gd and dara will end up together.
bernie20 #10
Chapter 41: Oh I can't wait authornim...pls update soon...