Bonomana, Amigo! Let's go to school


A wonderful tale of school life with SHINee, Super Junior, and other minimal/main characters. I honestly can't think of anything else to say to describe it or make you want to read it but....just read it.


Rated H for language.


Straight to the point: It's a story about two chicks and their horrid yet comical experiences with SHINee in highschool. Junior year baby!!!  Shinee dudes are popular cause well its freakin Shinee... have you seen them? The two chicks are popular for being trouble makers and kinda off the wall but its cool cause they're nice.

Du Jin-ah: friendly, sorta chubby, has a goofy smile and tends to randomly fall asleep, best friends with Yang Na Moon

Yang Na Moon: total B.A ( bad arse. gotta watch my language or it"ll be rated H) outgoing, doesn't do it if she doesn't want to unless somethin cute and cuddly is involved, tends to randomly burts into song and dance (Let her watch High School Musical. Never again ._.)

Key- same too effin gorgeous for his own good diva, tends to take pictures on his cellphone and therefore gathers embarassing pics of poeple bribing them to do whatever he wants.... He Knows.

Minho- same quiet, handsome y hunk-a-man candy that he normally is but more shall we say protective? Yes we shall. Tends to pat people's head when he's satisfied with them and squeeze their shoulder when he's not.

Onew- same glorious, clumsy, chicken loving leader rich with the "Onew Condition". Him and Jin Ah get along well because she find it funny wh ile everyone else sighs and just shakes their heads. Tends to stare at people.

Taemin- manly yet cute, strong yet innocent, likes strong people and mostly hangs out with Minhoa nd Key. Has a tendency to create word searches and make people solve them ( its so fun you gotta try it.)

Jonghyun- Teaser/Bully/ Prankster but can take it a bit too far at times though he's mostly just pokin fun. Flirtatious, too effin popular with the ladies and makes life hard for the other guys with his love of skinship. It makes Jin- ah nervous and Na Moon disgusted/pissed so they banter a lot.

Kay I'm done blabbering. Onto the story!!! oh ps. random suju members will appear and disappear then reapper when you're not looking so pay attention and you might just see someone you like/love. XD


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congratss ^^~
COngratss ^^~
milkytwilight_ #7