5th Period: Who wears short shorts~?

Bonomana, Amigo! Let's go to school

Jin-ah walked to her next class in the school gymnasium with slow, tired steps. There hadn't been enough "nap times" or "Jin-Ah breaks" to refuel her limited supply of energy so this next period was going to be a  full on snooze fest. The problem was Coach Youngwoon wasn't as appreciative of sleep as she was and had a tendency to express this with yells of "YAH DU JIN-AH! YOU WANNA DIE!? STAND ON THE WALL!" or "RUN TILL YOU CAN'T SLEEP!". Yells like that usually did nothing but give Jin-Ah a headache and make her even more tired.

Upon entering the gym, she saw Na Moon pacing angrily back and forth in front of Onew and Soomin sitting on the bleachers.

"Hey, just... try to calm down." Onew said with a slight smile.

"Nn! I'm sure Jin-Ah's fine," Soomin added cheerefully. Their kind efforts to calm her were only repaid  with Na Moon's enraged proclamations.

"NO, HIM! That bastard is gonna pay for hurting my Jin-Ah.... " she stopped pacing and rubbed her hands together menacingly. "Oh yes, heh heh.... he will pay.....Muwahahahaha~"

""Tsk, tsk, tsk." Jin-Ah said shaking her head and wagging a finger, "Now Yang Na Moon, what have I told you about swearing and plotting like a pirate?"

Moon looked at Jin-Ah and gasped. "Jagiya!" She rushed over and spun her around. "Are you okay? How's your ? Did it hurt? It looked like it hurt. That dirty little punk, I'll make him pay. I'LL MAKE HIM PERMPH-"

Jin-Ah covered before she could go off on a rant again. She took a seat next to Soomin and dragged Na Moon down beside her. "I'm fine. It only hurt like the first few minutes."

Soomin and Onew looked at each other with nervous glances. Since they left early, they had no idea what happened afterwards.

"What exactly did Jonghyun do?" Onew asked cautiously.

Soomin looked at Jin-Ah and fumbled with her hands,"Na Moon said it was somthing pretty bad..." 

"It was," she declared dryly. "That hideous little gremlin defecated the sanctity of my poor Du Jin-Ah's arena with his dino-shrimp like body."

Soomin's eyes went wide and Onew  sprang up alarmed. "Defecated?! "

"Your arena!?!"

Their faces looked terrified and Jin-Ah could only imagine what was running through their creative little heads.

"He smacked my bum," she said with nonchalant yawn.

"Oh." The other two breathed a sigh of relief. Onew sat back down but jumped up again and pointed at Na Moon accusingly. "Why'd you make it sound so bad? I thought he had done something terrible to her."

"He did!" Moon protested  clutching to Jin-Ah's feet at she laid out on the bleachers and placed her hooded head in Soomin's lap.

"It wasn't that bad...it's more like a compliment when you think about it," Soomin chirped patting Jin-Ah's head. "I've recieved those types of compliments before..."

Onew nodded in agreement then stopped and stared at Soomin,"Those type of compliments?"

Soomin looked back up at him and nodded with a proud smile then shook her head in a little panick once she saw the way robust boy was looking back at her. 

"From who?" he asked, boring a hole through her very soul.

"AAHHH WHATEVER!!" Na Moon interrupted waving her hand,"Jonghyun's gonna pay and that's that."

Jin-Ah wiggled her feet in Na Moon's hands and mumbled, "Why are you always tryna get even with somebody?"

With a smile as devious as a chesire, Moon switched Jin-Ah's shoes onto their opposite foot and answered,"Because I naughty, naughty."

The shrill shriek of a whistle echoed throughout the gymnasium as the formidable Coach Youngwoon walked out from his office  and out onto the court., clipboard in hand and chest puffed out. 

"Line up!" He ordered in a deep, macho voice. The other students who had been spread out along the gym hurried and sat down on the bleachers. 

"Alright, alright, shut up while I take roll." He began to call names and check them off his list.

"Kim Hyunsoo?"


"Go Jyunrim?"

"Here Coach."

"Park Neunie?"

There was a silent pause"....."

"Park Neunie??" he asked again.

Still no answer.


A girl who had been talking with her friend in the back stood and bowed repeatdely."Yes sir! Sorry sir! Um.. here!"

Coach Youngwoon gave her a dismissal nod and went back to his list while Jin-Ah chuckled in her sleep. How the hell do  you shut up while saying here?

The Coach continued," Saranaga Yuki?"

"Ahuh ahuh," Na Moon coughed. A few of the kids giggled but stopped when Yuki stood up from her spot in the back of the room and stomped her foot, causing the bleachers to shake. 

"Present and accounted for," she said crisply, smiling at the teacher before glaring back at the other students.

Jin-Ah fussed in her sleep and rolled over from Soomin's lap to Na Moon's. "Why'd she have to go and be all different," she mumbled, "Is it too freakin hard to say here?"

Moon snickered while playing with the strings of her resting friend's hoodie."Heh, does she make you uncomfortable?" Jin-Ah nodded.

"Lee Donghae?" Youngwoon called out.

Again no answer. He looked up and around then made a mark on his list. "That idiot's late again..."

 A lanky, timid looking boy with a black beanie and thick rimmed glasses approached the teacher and spoke in a meek voice, "Umm... C-c-coach Youngwoon..?" 


"C-c-coach?" he tried again.

Youngwoon looked from his clipboard with an annoyed face down at the student and sighed. It was bad enough having 27 bratty little teenagers to keep tabs on but it was even worse when one of the them was a spineless little possum with no other talent but playing dead and taking hits.

"What, Jiyong?"

"Um... um.. I uh.. I was wondering if uh..."

Youngwoon stared at the boy with a thinning patience. "Damn it, what is it, Jiyoung?" he asked again a bit more forcefully.

"Um um," the boy stammered. He began to sweat and fiddle with his hands.

Youngwoon cleared his throat loudly and went back to looking at his clipboard. "Come back and ask me later after you've grown a set, mkay son?"

Jiyong twisted his mouth and tilted his head in confusion but nodded anyway. He shuffled over to a spot behind Na Moon who watched him walk past and chuckled. 

Che.... what a nerd.

She looked back at him as he sat with his head down staring at the floor and fumbling fingers between his legs.

Ooh, but a cute one.

He peeked up at her through his thick specs and blushed like a cranberry when she winked back at him.

"Lee Hyukjae?" 




Coach Youngwoon's eye twitched as he made another mark on his list and looked out at the class of students before him. Its always the same freakin bastards that wanna show up late for class.

"Aish... forget it. Yah, you guys. Go get changed." Damn hooligans, he thought walking back to his office.

"Come on Jin-Ah," Na Moon said standing up slinging one of Jin-Ah's arms around her shoulder while Soomin grabbed the other. 

"Hmm?" Jin-Ah said slowly waking from her slumber, "What, is it time already? I hadn't even started dreaming yet..."

"Teehee! Time to get nakey~. We'll be back later," Soomin said to Onew with a wink.

He made a muffled giggling sound then covered his face bashfully. "Ah don't tell me stuff like that... I don't wanna know~" he said in a high pitched cute voice.

Na Moon rolled her eyes and dragged Jin-Ah off to the locker room. When they got inside, she dropped Jin-Ah in front of one of the shower stalls while she took out her gym clothes and changed inside. It was always smart to have a friend stand guard while changing in the locker rooms. Some girls liked to do stupid things like steal each others clothes or take picutres of each other without being fully dressed and send them to people. Because of this Jin-Ah, Soomin, and Na Moon made sure at least one of them was watching out and guarding the others while they changed.

"So what should we do to get back at Jonghyun?" Moon called from inside the stall. 

"I dun NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA," Jin-Ah answered stretching.

"Why do you have to get back? Cant you just like, smack his and call it even?" Soomin asked stripping from her collared top and changing to her white t-shirt. Soomin was the only one in the group who wasn't shy or discreet when it came to changing in front of others. This of course didn't mean Na Moon and Jin-Ah weren't embarassed.

"OH MY GOSH! GO CHANGE IN THE FREAKIN STALLS!" Jin-Ah yelled covering her eyes.

"Why?" Soomin slid off her skirt and sat next to Jin-Ah cuddling her with an amused look. "We're all girls here so it shouldn't matter, right?"

"Oh it matters," she said pushing Soomin off and switching places with Na Moon so she could change. Unlike Soomin, Na Moon's shirt was gray and her shorts were  blue short shorts

 Moon walked over to a nearby mirror and tied her hair in a bun. "I hate gym. Why can't we just have a chill period?"

Soomin laughed while putting on her blue shorts then ran and hugged her from behind. "Because you'd get a chubby tummy" she cooed.

"Ah shut up." Na Moon grunted shrugging her off. "Yo Jin-Ah, lets go." Jin-Ah came out the stall and followed the other two back to their spot on the bleachers where Onew was sitting waiting for them.

"Waaaahh~" he exclaimed when they walked up, "Our Soominnie looks so pretty, even in gym clothes!"

She giggled and slapped his arm lightly. "Ang~ why are you like this~?"

Na Moon stared at them weirdly, "The hell you only complimenting Soomin for?" she asked suspiciously sitting down with Jin-ah, who more or less collapsed down in an elegant fashion," What, do we look ugly in our gym clothes?" 

Onew looked at Na Moon scowling at him in her gray shirt and blue short shorts then at Jin-Ah drooling on her own arm in her white Dumbo t-shirt and blue basketball shorts. After a long pause he finally answered. "No..... It's just that Soomin looks the prettiest," he said turning back to her with a greasy smile. Once again she giggled and once again, Na Moon rolled her eyes. 

in weirdos...

"Whatever, I know I look good. Jin-Ah on the other hand..." she flicked the sleeping girl's long shorts with dissapproval."Why don't you just wear regular shorts? Need more room for your junk to breathe?

Jin-Ah didn't exactly answer but responded with a low chortle of sorts and a slight nudge to Na Moon's thigh.

"Tch. paaabbooo~" 

Right then two playful and jovial looking boys entered the gym with  hoops and hollups of noise and all sorts of  tom foolery. One had dark reddish hair and large white teeth that accented his charming gummy smile perfectly while the other had brown whispy hair like that of a prince and a smile sweet like an angel's. Both were well built and muscular. Men by age but children by mindset.

"Yah Eunhyukkie! Give it back!" the brown haired boy shouted chasing after the other who held a striped cap in his hand.

"ANI!!" the boy yelled back. They two laughed and chased each other around the gym until Coach Youngwoon came out of his office and caught them by the back of their shirts.


The boy with the gorgeous red hair looked up at him grinning,"Nooooo, you're just early."

A vein on Youngwoon's temple, started to bulge and he could literally feel his blood pressure rising. Why he ever decided being a teacher to a bunch of highschool brats would be a good idea never made sense to him.

"Don't be a smart , Hyukjae."

"Eunhyukkie can't be a smart , Coach," the brown haired boy chimed in, waving his arms struggling to get out of the teacher's grasp. He looked up at him and grinned just like his mischevious little friend,"He's too stupid."

"Yah, I'm not stupid! I'm smarter than you."

"No you're not."

"Are too"

"Am not"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"



Youngwoon took a breathe and surpressed the urge to bash the heads of the two boys who were yelling and kicking at each other in his hands. Remeber what Dr. Yesung said.... count to 10 when the you feel the need to hurt someone... 1.....2....3.....4....

"Damn, look at that vein," Na Moon whispered. 

"It's the size of Jeju Island!" Onew whispered back.

"ENOUGH," Youngwoon said releasing his hold on the two boys and shoving them forward. "Hyukjae you are stupid. Face it. It's your God given.... destiny, curse, whatever. Shut up and change. Now. And wipe that smirk off your face Donghae, you're just as dumb as he is....maybe even dumber" he trailed off and walked to a set of double doors on the far side of the gym labeled 'Equipment Room'.

"Aiiisshh," Eunhyuk grumbled walking towards the locker room. He stopped when he saw the 4 friends sitting on the bleachers and rushed over followed by Donghae. "Oh! Yaaahhhaha, look who it is!"

Onew and Soomin bowed and smiled at the two older boys . "Hey hyungs, whats up?" Onew asked.

"Nothing, just chillin. Feel like I'm killin~" Eunhyuk said russling  his hair and nudging Soomin.

"You guys didn't skip today?"  Donghae asked kneeling beside Na Moon and poking Jin-Ah's face.

"Nah, I wanted to but Jin-Ah was slow so we couldn't make a clean getaway," Na Moon answered. She shook Jin-Ah slightly,"Yah, dongsaeng-ah, wake up. Oppas are here, say hi."

Jin-Ah cracked open an eye and looked up at a Donghae's sunshiney face looking back at her and waving. "Duuu Jinnnn-Ah~! Annyeong~ are you happy to see oppa?" he prodded her tummy.

"Deh..... Annyeonghayseo....Sunbaenim," Jin-Ah mumbled nodding her head groggily."And I'm not your dongsaeng, pabo. We're the same age."

"Ah shut it, I'm older by like 3 weeks," Moon grumbled flicking JIn-Ah's head

"Waaaeee? Oppa. Call me oppa," He mumbled poking her more. 

The others laughed as Jin-Ah smacked his hand away and rolled over on her side.

"Hyung, I don't think she wants to play right now," Onew said stifling a laugh. Donghae looked so dissappointed, as if someone told him there'd be no ice cream or ramen for the rest of the year.

"Nn, Umma's very tired today, oppa" Soomin giggled leaning on Onew's arm.

"It's cause she doesn't like you," Eunhyuk said slapping him on the back. He kneeled next to Jin-Ah's sleeping body ,"Duuuu Jin-Ah! Your favorite oppa's here!" He reached around and pinched her cheek

Jin-Ah  rolled over and looked at him. Her eyes had deep, dark bags under them and her jaw was clenched tight. The word 'irritated was written all over her face and the voice was laden thick with a tone of vexation. " Annyeonghayseo, sunbaenim." she said sharply.

Moon threw her head back and laughed heartily. "HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAA! Yeah, she totally likes you better, sunbae."

The elder frowned down in dissappointment. "Bwoh ya...... I'm your favorite..." he pouted, "Yah, greet me happily," He started poking her along with Donghae when another shrill whistle from Coach Youngwoon jolted them to attention.

"GO. CHANGE. OR YOUR IS RUNNING LAPS TILL YOU DIE!" Coach howled, adding a very close and possibly fatal dodgeball shot directly between Eunhyuk and Donghae's heads.

"Yes sir!" the two yelled simaltaenously while scrambling to their feet and running to the locker rooms. Coach Youngwoon was not to be tested. Not when there were dodgeballs around. Especially when there were dodgeballs around.


FINALLY DFAWFHRASHFAWHFOAIHFAL HATED WRITING THIS UUGGGHHH -drops- Took forever to think of how I wanna write this and it ending up being crap. Not funny enough if you ask me. But there is one thing i'm happy with. EUNHAE!! <3333333333333333333333333333 FINALLY MADE AN APPEARANCE OHOHOHOOO AND KANG MOTHER FREAKIN IN!! IS IN DA HOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSEE! hooray ^^ I literally look like Jin-Ah right now XD so brain dead. If you're wondering why I havent updated in like what a week? Two weeks? Blame it on school. For 1, killing my brain cells with confusing projects/homework and 2, wasting my creativity on crap like murals and what not. My creativity is like a fountain. sometimes it flows wonderfully, but ocassionaly, these little bastards called WRITERS BLOCK like to muddle around and eff up the flo. Anyways yeah, don't expect too many updates.On this story at least. I'm starting a few others and would LOOOOVEE IF YOU GUYS READ THEM <3 One's with Woohyun and Sunggyu of Infinite and the other is gonna be completly Suju Cracktackiness unless i decide to throw in a few random kpopers. Once my teachers get the idea that I DO have a life in their heads I'll update more. I'm so tempted to spam you with eunhae and kangin pics but I won't cause I'm too tired, hungry, I still need to shower, and haaahhhhhhhh im tired! Plus my il authors comment section is way too effin long. I'll try to update later, k? Mkay. SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT FOR ME BAAAAAAAAAAAAABBEE<3~!!

Some bonus Kangin pics cuz..... well CAUSE HES FREAKIN AWESOME!!!

Look at that smile.... so adorable <3


He was so thin during twins!! :O What evs, he still smexy chubby. And for him chubby= beefy to me :P Him and them low cut v neck shirts....>.> makes me expect to see some sort of "cleavage" every time.


Here's a pic of what Eunhyuk looks like. I love his platinum hair now, but my God, he was just straight up beautiful with red hair. I miss it.





-passes out from spazzing too much when im already tired-


And now for my second OTL, Donghae:


BWAHAHAHAHAAHA NAAHH JK JK.. He's still cute tho aint he? ~(^.^)~ I love how Suju membs can totally cross dress and still hot...tho im sure thats photoshopped. Anywho, this is how he really looks:



Sigh... Oh Fishy..... My sweet, greasy Fishy.... how you make my heart beat..... I bet your looks awesome in those pants. And you are SO WRONG for unleashin the guns on me when im unprepared!!! Love it though. Only you can make me happy like you do <3 MMMMMWAH! SARANGHYEO~!! Alright I'm done. too effin tired to fangirl to my maximum capabilty.  I LEAVE JOO WID AN EUNHAE PICZ! ENJOY!! >:{D

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