Lunch Time (cont.): I'm broke as you.

Bonomana, Amigo! Let's go to school

Na Moon and Jin-Ah danced their way through the throng of students in the cafeteria to the lunch line.

"Hiiiigh hiiiiiigh, I'm so hiiiigh!" Jin-Ah sang reaching over a girl and grabbing two bowls of rice.

Na Moon jumped around a tall boy in line and grabbed two bowls of kimichi,"Hiiiigh hiiiigh, in the skyyyy!"

The two weaved in and out of the people grabbing various side dishes and stacking them on a tray. Once they got everything they wanted, they twirled to the front of the line and scanned their id's waiting on the cashier to give them the bill. 

"G-h-e-tt-o E-lec-t-r-o!" Na Moon cheered jumping as Jin-Ah got on the floor and attempted to breakdance but ending up crawling instead. The cashier shook her head at them then looked at the register.

"Your account's empty."

"Eh?" They said together looking back at the cashier.

"There's nothing left? Crap..." Na Moon checked her pockets and turned them inside out to reveal nothing  but lint.  "Yah, you got some change?" she asked turning to Jin-Ah.

Jin-Ah shook her head. "Broke as you, remember?"

"Yah, how can you still be broke and have a part time job?"

Jin-Ah just shrugged. "My mom puts it all away in a savings account."

She turned back to the cashier with a smile. "Ahjumma, can't you let us eat just this once? Please?"

Na Moon sighed and shook her head sadly. She knew what was coming next: The Dreadful Failegyo(fail aegyo) of Du Jin-Ah. She winced as Jin-Ah puffed up her cheeks and squinted her eyes trying to look cute.

The cashier looked Jin-Ah up and down before asking, " you need to go to the nurse?"

"No... ," Jin-Ah mumbled relaxing her face and stuffing her hands in her pockets. Why does it never work?.... "Soooo is that a yes?" she asked hopefully.

The cashier shook her head. "That's a no." She pried the tray from a very reluctant Na Moon's hands and put it back on the lunch line.

"No wait, my kimchi....damn it," she said kicking the floor,"I hate being broke." 

Before the lady came back Jin-Ah snagged two apples from the fruit basket by the register and stuffed them in her hoodie pocket.

"Come on, Moon, lets go."

They turned and walked away, Jin-Ah passing the apple to Na Moon with a wink.

"You crook," she smiled tussling her best friend's hair.

They walked through the cafeteria munching on the apples and sat at one of the tables outside.

"You know this isn't gonna be enough." Na Moon said crunching her apple to the core.

"Meh," JIn-Ah shrugged swallowing her apple core and all,"We can just sleep away the hunger. It's worked before."

She pulled her hood on and rested her chin on her knees, dozing off. Na Moon groaned and laid her head on the table. As if in immediate rebellion, her stomach growled loudly. The you doin ?! Feed me! FEEEEDD MEEEE! it gurgled. She punched it gently .

"Euuughhh... shut up."

The two were quietly napping for a while when people started buzzing around them and woke them up, well Na Moon at least, Jin-Ah just grumbled and pulled the strings on her hoodie tighter.

"Hmm? What are you guys doing here?" Na Moon asked rubbing her eyes. Minho and Key sat beside her while Jonghyun and Taemin sat next to Jin-Ah.

"Eating lunch," Minho answered dryly.

Na Moon rolled her eyes and laid her head back on the table."Yah, aren't you gonna eat anything?" Key asked poking her arm with his chopsticks.

"No money..." she mumbled.

"Noona, you can have some of my food!" Taemin chirped holding out a spoonful of rice.

Na Moon looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. "I won't have to do a wordsearch, will I?"

"Nooooo," he giggled,"Not unless you want to. I don't want you and Hyung running away from me again. Here, say aaahh." She eyed him suspiciously before nodding and letting him feed her the rice.

"Yaayy," he cheered clapping. "Noona eats so well." He grabbed some kimchi and continued to feed her.

"Hey, Sleepy Bear! Are you tryna starve yourself too?" Jonghyun asked jabbing Jin-Ah in the head with his chopsticks.

"Mnneehh!" she grumbled from under her hood slapping his hand away.

"Yah, eat something!" he kicked her seat lightly.

"I dun wanna! Lemme lone, I'm sleeping."

Jonghyun crossed his arms and pouted and then grinned cheekily, "I'll share with you," he offered picking up a piece of meat from his plate and hovering it around her face. Jin-Ah lifted her head and opened , eyes still closed.


Jonghyun laughed and pulled the meat away. "Is that anyway to ask for food? You should say Jonghyunnie-oppa! Feed me plea~se," He clasped his hands together and pushed up his nonexistant hooters while batting his eyelashes.

"Psht, this guy." Na Moon threw a napkin at him while Minho laughed at Jin-ah still sitting with open.

"Come on Hyung, just give her some."

"No," Jonghyun said stuffing the food in his own mouth, "Not until she asks me nicely."

Jin-Ah closed and rested her chin back on her knees.The others laughed while Jonghyun pouted.

"Basically, "Na Moon said,"That means you, I'd rather die in my sleep."

Jonghyun glared at her and stuck out his tongue while Minho pinched Jin-Ah's nose shut and poked , trying to get her to eat a dumpling.

Key tilted his head to the side and thought for a second. "Why don't you guys go ask the home ec teacher for some leftovers? Thats what we do when we don't have any food." 

"Oh! We can go there and ask Soomin-noona for leftovers, she has that class now," Taemin said standing up.

"Soomin? You know her?" Jin-Ah asked awake now and chewing on the dumpling Minho gave her.

"Un!" he nodded beaming proudly, "She's my twin."

"For reals?"Jin-Ah said tilting her head, "She's my retarded daughter. I knew your face looked familar."

Na Moon laughed and stood up patting a confused Taemin's shoulder, "Shut up Jin-Ah. Come on, lets go."

She pulled Taemin away and the two walked off. They stopped and turned around looking back at Jin-Ah still sitting at the table with her chin back on her knees.

"Noona, come on!" Taemin whined jumping up and down.

Jin-Ah looked at them and went back to sleep.

"Get your lazy up and lets go , I'm hungry!" Na Moon yelled, tapping her foot impatiently.

Minho shook Jin-Ah gently "Jin-Ah.... Du Jin-Ah."

"Wake up, damn it!" Jonhyun shouted yanking her hood off.

"OKAY!! I'M UP!"

She stood up and fixed her hair glaring at Key who was laughing and Jonghyun. He smiled back at her and waved.


"Shut up." She turned and followed Na Moon and Taemin back into the school with Key calling after them still laughing,"Hurry back~ hahaha."


The three students walked down the hallway to the home ec room, Jin-Ah still half asleep, Na Moon humming "do it, do it chu~"  while texting on her phone, and Taemin walking beside them akwardly swinging his arms.

"So! Jin-Ah-noona," he said looking down at the floor and glancing at Jin-Ah nervously, "Um..why did you say Soomin-noona was retarded daughter?"

Jin-Ah looked at him from the corner of her eye and laughed."Hahaha!"

Taemin blinked and smiled at her confused. "Eh?"

Jin-Ah nudged Na Moon in the arm. "Yah, where'd you find him? He's adorable."

"Hmm," Na Moon said not looking up from her phone,"Behind the dumpster. Ain't he cute?" Jin-Ah nodded and smiled at Taemin, still looking confused.

"Don't call me noona. Just call me Jin-Ah."

"Neh..." Taemin nodded smiling back.

"And I call her that because she is. Well, that's what she says anyways. Running around calling me umma and what not... "


Taemin scratched his head and laughed slowly. Jin-Ah smiled at him sleepily and leaned on Na Moon's shoulder.

"Jagiyyyaaa~ "

"Mm?" she murmured still texting.

"Are we there yet?"

Na Moon looked up. "We're close," she said putting her phone away. She led them round a corner to a room full of windows and opened the door quietly.


They peered inside and saw two rows of marble gray counters covered in various ingredients and cooking utensils. Tall,double decker ovens lined the back wall baking pies and cakes, filling the air with the sweet smell of apple and cinnamon. A small, brown haired man stood at the front of the classroom clearing away items from his demonstration table.

"Oh!" Jin-Ah said waking up fully. She ran inside smiling brightly and embraced the man in tight hug.


Woo!! update again! :D pretty boring i know but meh, bit of a filler. Still, who is this senpai guy and why in the world is Jin-Ah all huggy with him? Woooaahhh say wha?! Taemin has a twin sis. Soomin? She comes out more later in the story. And whered onew go? D: don't worry he comes out next chap as well. ALL SHALL BE REVEALED NEXT CHAP! AND NEXT CHAP.... won't be here for a while. I've been goofing off all summer and gotta finish this stupid book and a dialectical journal on it so ill be busy doing that and won't be on aff for a while. In the meantime enjoy some suju and their new mv.:) love it. Eh guess thats it. SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT FOR ME BABE~<3!!!!! p.s the song Jin-Ah and Na Moon are singing in the beginning is High High- G.D & T.O.P

The song Na Moon was humming is Chu-f(x)

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