3rd Period- Dramatic Economics

Bonomana, Amigo! Let's go to school

Na Moon sat at her desk alone, head down and arms folded. One might actually think she was sleeping peacefully if it weren't for her shaking shoulders and the soft sobs that escaped from .

Why..... why did things have to turn out this way? It was so much better before... why can't it be like old times? Why did things have to change?! WHY?!

She began to cry harder. She couldn't help it. Whenever she thought of the way things had been and how much they changed....it brought such an aching pain to her heart that her eyes overflowed with tears.  She was alone.....forever alone in her misery.

"Omo?"  went a  voice from behind her. Na Moon turned around and gazed through tears into the eyes of a beautiful man. He tilted his head and smiled down at her.

"Omo, my pretty little kitten, why are you crying?" he asked wiping a tear from her face. His hands were warm against her cold, tear stained face.

"Teacher..." she choked,"It's gone.... it's all gone!" she cried bending over sobbing.

The beautiful man frowned and bent down to see Na Moon's face. "Oh... my poor kitten... what is it? What's gone?" He gently took her hand from her sobbing face and squeezed it tight. "You can tell teacher... its alright." Na Moon looked at him still sobbing and bit her lip. 

"Go on my kitten, tell Teacher Heenim what's wrong." He smiled at her, true sincerity and concern filled his glossy brown eyes.

"It's my...." Na Moon began sniffling.

Teacher Heenim nodded, stil holding her hand he gave it a supportive squeeze.

"My.... my... MY MAN ON MAAAANNN!!" she burst out. Her tears flowed like a babbling brook. "Oh teacher!!" she cried pulling his hand to her face sobbing.

"YAH!! WHAT IS THIS!?" The man stood up and yanked his hand away. "Aiiissh, jincha!! This kid..!" 

He stared at the girl flailed out over her desk dramatically, a small pool of tears covering the floor.

"I thought something was really wrong with you! My favorite student comes in all of a sudden, not swearing or threatining anyone, no singing, no dancing, but tears! Real tears! And over what?! Man on man. "

He crossed his arms and looked down at her displeased. Na Moon sat up wiping her eyes now that they'd stop flowing like a fountain.

"But Teacher, I didn't even get to finish reading that one! And Principal Kyu took it away..." she pouted.

Teacher Heenim rolled his eyes and smacked her with a roll of paper. "Yah, if you didn't want it taken away then why even bring it to school? It's your own damn fault for being stupid and getting caught." He strolled away to his desk and sat down texting.


Na Moon sniffled and rubbed her head. The rest of the class who had been watching with curiosity turned back to their own business, chatting and playing in their own little groups. Na Moon ran up to  front of the classroom and leaned her elbows on the side of Teacher Heenim's desk still pouting.

"Teacher can be so mean to me... You're not my favorite anymore..." she mumbled.

Teacher Heenim snickered. "Bull. I'm the best. I'm always your favorite and you know it."


Na Moon smirked. He really was. He was good at teaching and always gave them free time. Not to mention ridiculously gorgeous. Plus he wasn't all strict with the rules and things like swearing or texting since he did them too. All they had to do was shut up at the right times and he'd let them talk later.


"Yeah. And I'm your favorite student, "she said playing with a rubix cube he had on his desk.

Teacher Heenim nodded. "Nn.. you're one of 'em at least."

Na Moon smiled. "What are you doing?" she asked.

"Updating my twitter. One of my students just had a major break down and I, being the wonderful Teacher Heenim that I am, helped her over her chronic depression and see the light in life again." He smiled proudly and set his phone down on the desk. "How'd you get it taken up anyway? You've been careful ever since he caught you last time."


Na Moon's face scrunched up as she remembered her trip to the office. "That Ms. Myungsoo sent me."

"Ugh," said Heenim rolling his eyes,"She's not fired yet? Swear, she's either blackmailing the principal or blowing him."

Na Moon shrugged. "It wasn't completly her fault though. This douche of a douche bag named Kim Jonghyun got me and Jin-Ah in trouble and Principal Kyu ended up making her confess everything. In the end I had to give up my man on man." She sighed remembering how hard it was to hand over the book to Principal Kyu.



"WAAAAAAHHAAAAAAA ! WHYYY IS THIS WORLD SO CRUEL!?!" Na Moon yelled clutching her precious book. Hot tears rolled down her face as she glared at Principal Kyu. He had his arms crossed with a disintrested look on his face.

"Don't make a scene Yang Na Moon. Give it here and go to class." he said in a flat voice.

"No!!" she screeched at him and cowered behind Jin-Ah.

"Come on, hun... it's time to say goodbye." Jin-Ah said in calm voice. She took ahold of the book and stared in her friends eyes.

Na Moon searched those eyes. She searched for a sign, something that would let her know there's still a chance to live in peace with her precious man on man. Alas, she found none. " I...never got the chance to finish it..." Na Moon whispered.

Jin-Ah nodded apologetically and slowly slipped the book from her friend's tight grip. "Remember it....as it was. And not... for what it will become."

Jin-Ah turned and walked towards Principal Kyu with Na Moon clinging to her waist and sobbing in her shoulder while watching. She handed the book to Principal Kyu.

Principal Kyu looked at Jin-Ah with her serious sleepy face (if that was even possible) and Na Moon's pitiful depressed face.

All of this over a damn book he thought rolling his eyes. He took the book and ripped it in half. Na Moon gasped in horror. The two watched as the principal continued to rip the book to shreds then threw it in the trash.

"Class. Now." And with that he turned and walked back to his office.


Jin-Ah turned to Na Moon and clapped her hands against her cheeks. She pulled Na Moon's face to her's until their foreheads met and stared straight in her eyes. "You okay?"

Na Moon was too shocked to answer."It's....gone..." she mumbled lifelessly.

Jin-Ah pulled her head away and sighed. She walked a frozen Na Moon to her next class then gave her a tight hug. "Just.... try not to think about it too much." She gave her a sleepy smile and walked off.

 Na Moon walked in ignoring all people and sounds. Her body was numb and cold. She found her desk and sat down staring straight ahead. Suddenly the tears began to flow from her eyes.....



Teacher Heenim shook his head. "Can not believe you cried like that," he said picking his phone up and texting again "All those tears over a book. A damn book!" 

"He ripped it! Right in front of me!" Na Moon pouted.

"Whatever..." Heenim mumbled. "Hey."


"Go work on your project...." he ordered, still texting.

Na Moon frowned. "What project?"

Heenim looked up at her. "The one I was explaining to the class before you started bawling your eyes out."

"Oh," she murmured... Damn.... I cried that long?

"Go." he said texting once again.

"But I don't know what to do. I was mourning. I still am actually. Soooo how bout you not give me any work and we just let this whole thing go? Mkay?" Na Moon clapped her hands and smiled at him.

"Um, how bout no? I need your grades and so do you."

"But Teacher Heeeniiiimmm~!" she whined. She stood up tall and began to cheer, "Milky skin Teacher Heenim! We love you Teacher Heenim!" Na Moon did a little dance and smiled at her teacher happily while the other students joined in cheering and clapping.

Heenim laughed and clapped too. "Aaahh that was great. You really are my fave hahaha."

Na Moon chuckled "Hell yeah I am. Soooo no project?"

Heenim laughed picking up his phone. "Aahh...nope. Still got a project."

Damn it! Na Moon crashed on the floor and curled up in a ball. "Why you do this to me......" she mumbled.

Teacher Heenim looked down at the floor then back to his phone. "Get up, the floor is dirty."

"No!.... I don't know what to do...."

"GET UP! The floor is dirty damn it..."

Na Moon got up and crossed her arms. "Alright, alright keep your in their holster. Now what am I supposed to do for this project?"

Teacher Heenim didn't look up from his phone and continued texting nonchalantly. "You think I'm gonna explain all that crap over again? Puh-lease. I don't get paid nearly enough for that . You're in a group. Go tell your group members to explain it."

  Na Moon nodded. "Who are they?" 

"Minho and Taemin. Over there by the window."

Na Moon  looked and saw two tall boys sitting at a table covered with paper, books, and small empty bottles of milk. Na Moon looked at the boy sipping milk with wispy red hair.

Hmm... he looks friendly enough...smiling and .... the hell is he so damn chirpy about? ....I'll be honest though, he's cute as a baby made of puppies wrapped in kittens and roses.

She looked at the other boy with short black hair and large glaring eyes.

Damn.... who pissed in his coffee? .... He's still pretty hot though.

Just then the boy turned from staring out the window to stare at her. Na Moon stared back before putting the rubix cube back on Teacher Heenim's desk and walking over to the table.


GAAHH!!  MILKY SKIN , KIM HEECHUL! SARANG-HEY-YO KIM HEECHUL!!! <3 This is dedicated to a special friend of mine. Nicole Shawol, you better enjoy this effin chapter. remember, i modeled Na Moon after you so basically what happens to her happens to you ;P alright calm your , put em back in their holster. Next chap soon. but maybe not exactly today cause i stayed up and cranked this from the canumdrums of my mind and yeah now my hands are cramping >__< enjoy! SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT FOR ME BABE! ~ <3

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